924 resultados para Solar radiation and micro pollutants


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The environmental conditions of Kainji Lake from 1971/72 to date appear to have stabilized to a large extent, judging from the similarity of physico-chemical parameters investigated in this study over the period. Solar radiation (as reflected in variation in temperature) and pH have remained largely constant over the years, while conductivity (index of nutrient enrichment), though significantly higher in 1995/96, could be described as sporadic and needs further monitoring to ascertain its trend in the lake. While water transparency and dissolved oxygen were higher in 1971/72 compared to the other years, these increases cannot be said to be overwhelming. The lower transparency in 1995/96 was due to the exceptional flood of that year and may have also accounted for the poorer dissolved oxygen concentration compared to the other years due to its impact on photosynthesis. There is no evidence from this study to indicate that primary productivity has increased over the years. Consequently, the observed increase in fish yield by the KLFPP from CAS, which is corroborated by estimates from the MEI, cannot be supported on the basis of improved photosynthetic production. The phenomenal high levels of conductivity recorded during certain periods in 1995 (600 mu mhos cm super(-1)) are hitherto unknown in the lake and may indicate a trend towards nutrient enrichment. However, it is premature at this stage to conclude on its long-term impact on primary production and consequently, on fish yield. Secondly, the notion of overfishing in the 80s (Ita, 1993), may need to be further examined as low or dwindling catches could be due to a number of factors among which are the level of fishing effort, the type and efficiency of gears and the intensity of sampling. It would appear that with the intervention of KLFPP, the better management of the lake's fisheries would increase the current level of catch. It also needs to be examined how much of the clupeid fisheries, which is now known to account for a substantial proportion of the total fish yield in Kainji Lake, was included in the sampling of the 80s. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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The sun has the potential to power the Earth's total energy needs, but electricity from solar power still constitutes an extremely small fraction of our power generation because of its high cost relative to traditional energy sources. Therefore, the cost of solar must be reduced to realize a more sustainable future. This can be achieved by significantly increasing the efficiency of modules that convert solar radiation to electricity. In this thesis, we consider several strategies to improve the device and photonic design of solar modules to achieve record, ultrahigh (> 50%) solar module efficiencies. First, we investigate the potential of a new passivation treatment, trioctylphosphine sulfide, to increase the performance of small GaAs solar cells for cheaper and more durable modules. We show that small cells (mm2), which currently have a significant efficiency decrease (~ 5%) compared to larger cells (cm2) because small cells have a higher fraction of recombination-active surface from the sidewalls, can achieve significantly higher efficiencies with effective passivation of the sidewalls. We experimentally validate the passivation qualities of treatment by trioctylphosphine sulfide (TOP:S) through four independent studies and show that this facile treatment can enable efficient small devices. Then, we discuss our efforts toward the design and prototyping of a spectrum-splitting module that employs optical elements to divide the incident spectrum into different color bands, which allows for higher efficiencies than traditional methods. We present a design, the polyhedral specular reflector, that has the potential for > 50% module efficiencies even with realistic losses from combined optics, cell, and electrical models. Prototyping efforts of one of these designs using glass concentrators yields an optical module whose combined spectrum-splitting and concentration should correspond to a record module efficiency of 42%. Finally, we consider how the manipulation of radiatively emitted photons from subcells in multijunction architectures can be used to achieve even higher efficiencies than previously thought, inspiring both optimization of incident and radiatively emitted photons for future high efficiency designs. In this thesis work, we explore novel device and photonic designs that represent a significant departure from current solar cell manufacturing techniques and ultimately show the potential for much higher solar cell efficiencies.


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Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional que simula o desempenho térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água com circulação forçada, adequado para uso em edificações. O programa trabalha realizando o balanço de massa e de energia no reservatório térmico a cada hora, tendo como valores de entrada dados do ano meteorológico típico da localidade selecionada e a vazão de água quente de consumo. Os componentes do sistema são o reservatório térmico de água quente com aquecedor auxiliar interno, o coletor solar e a bomba de circulação. A base de dados meteorológicos escolhida foi a do projeto SWERA, que contém arquivos no formato padrão TMY disponíveis na internet para um número considerável de cidades, incluindo diversas localidades brasileiras. Foi proposto um modelo de temperatura de água da rede de abastecimento relacionado com a temperatura do solo, dado disponível nos arquivos de entrada utilizados. O programa utilizou como referência para a validação dos modelos de cálculo resultados obtidos pelo programa comercial de simulação TRNSYS. Foram comparados resultados para os modelos de irradiação incidente em superfície inclinada, do coletor solar e do sistema completo. Para isto foram simulados sistemas localizados em quatro cidades distintas com climas diferentes. O tempo total usado nas simulações foi de um ano e os resultados das comparações dos valores resultantes foram considerados satisfatórios.


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O presente estudo propõe uma metodologia para dissolução de tecidos biológicos em sistema de micro-ondas com radiação focalizada e posterior análise elementar por espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICPMS). Foram determinados os elementos arsênio (As), cádmio (Cd), cobre (Cu), chumbo (Pb), níquel (Ni), vanádio (V) e zinco (Zn). A matriz nitro-peroxo-sulfúrica foi comparada com outra sem o ácido sulfúrico e apresentou melhor padrão de recuperação (acima de 90%) na quantificação dos elementos certificados no material de referência TORT-2. As interferências causadas pela presença do ácido sulfúrico na matriz digestora foram contornadas com o uso da célula de reação/colisão com gás hélio (He) e adição deste ácido na composição da curva de quantificação. O ganho analítico proporcionado pelo método de digestão em matriz sulfúrica, em sistema não pressurizado, baseia-se no incremento da temperatura reacional e na degradação completa da matéria orgânica. As digestões tradicionalmente realizadas para quantificação por ICPMS, compostas unicamente de ácido nítrico (HNO3) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), não apresentam a mesma eficiência na degradação da matéria orgânica em sistemas abertos. Por fim, este método foi aplicado satisfatoriamente em amostras de tecido hepático de peixe Mugil liza (tainha), comprovando sua eficiência em monitorar a bioacumulação, utilizando-se da sensibilidade da técnica multielementar de ICPMS


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Com cada vez mais intenso desenvolvimento urbano e industrial, atualmente um desafio fundamental é eliminar ou reduzir o impacto causado pelas emissões de poluentes para a atmosfera. No ano de 2012, o Rio de Janeiro sediou a Rio +20, a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável, onde representantes de todo o mundo participaram. Na época, entre outros assuntos foram discutidos a economia verde e o desenvolvimento sustentável. O O3 troposférico apresenta-se como uma variável extremamente importante devido ao seu forte impacto ambiental, e conhecer o comportamento dos parâmetros que afetam a qualidade do ar de uma região, é útil para prever cenários. A química das ciências atmosféricas e meteorologia são altamente não lineares e, assim, as previsões de parâmetros de qualidade do ar são difíceis de serem determinadas. A qualidade do ar depende de emissões, de meteorologia e topografia. Os dados observados foram o dióxido de nitrogênio (NO2), monóxido de nitrogênio (NO), óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx), monóxido de carbono (CO), ozônio (O3), velocidade escalar vento (VEV), radiação solar global (RSG), temperatura (TEM), umidade relativa (UR) e foram coletados através da estação móvel de monitoramento da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente (SMAC) do Rio de Janeiro em dois locais na área metropolitana, na Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-Rio) e na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) no ano de 2011 e 2012. Este estudo teve três objetivos: (1) analisar o comportamento das variáveis, utilizando o método de análise de componentes principais (PCA) de análise exploratória, (2) propor previsões de níveis de O3 a partir de poluentes primários e de fatores meteorológicos, comparando a eficácia dos métodos não lineares, como as redes neurais artificiais (ANN) e regressão por máquina de vetor de suporte (SVM-R), a partir de poluentes primários e de fatores meteorológicos e, finalmente, (3) realizar método de classificação de dados usando a classificação por máquina de vetor suporte (SVM-C). A técnica PCA mostrou que, para conjunto de dados da PUC as variáveis NO, NOx e VEV obtiveram um impacto maior sobre a concentração de O3 e o conjunto de dados da UERJ teve a TEM e a RSG como as variáveis mais importantes. Os resultados das técnicas de regressão não linear ANN e SVM obtidos foram muito próximos e aceitáveis para o conjunto de dados da UERJ apresentando coeficiente de determinação (R2) para a validação, 0,9122 e 0,9152 e Raiz Quadrada do Erro Médio Quadrático (RMECV) 7,66 e 7,85, respectivamente. Quanto aos conjuntos de dados PUC e PUC+UERJ, ambas as técnicas, obtiveram resultados menos satisfatórios. Para estes conjuntos de dados, a SVM mostrou resultados ligeiramente superiores, e PCA, SVM e ANN demonstraram sua robustez apresentando-se como ferramentas úteis para a compreensão, classificação e previsão de cenários da qualidade do ar


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Bone as most of living tissues is able, during its entire lifetime, to adapt its internal microstructure and subsequently its associated mechanical properties to its specific mechanical and physiological environment in a process commonly known as bone remodelling. Bone is therefore continuously renewed and micro-damage, accumulated by fatigue or creep, is removed minimizing the risk of fracture. Nevertheless, bone is not always able to repair itself completely. Actually, if bone repairing function is slower than micro-damage accumulation, a type of bone fracture, usually known as "stress fracture", can finally evolve. In this paper, we propose a bone remodelling continuous model able to simulate micro-damage growth and repair in a coupled way and able therefore to predict the occurrence of "stress fractures". The biological bone remodelling process is modelled in terms of equations that describe the activity of basic multicellular units. The predicted results show a good correspondence with experimental and clinical data. For example, in disuse, bone porosity increases until an equilibrium situation is achieved. In overloading, bone porosity decreases unless the damage rate is so high that causes resorption or "stress fracture".


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BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) has progressed in the past years and become an element to be considered in city planning. BIPV has significant influence on microclimate in urban environments and the performance of BIPV is also affected by urban climate. The thermal model and electrical performance model of ventilated BIPV are combined to predict PV temperature and PV power output in Tianjin, China. Then, by using dynamic building energy model, the building cooling load for installing BIPV is calculated. A multi-layer model AUSSSM of urban canopy layer is used to assess the effect of BIPV on the Urban Heat Island (UHI). The simulation results show that in comparison with the conventional roof, the total building cooling load with ventilation PV roof may be decreased by 10%. The UHI effect after using BIPV relies on the surface absorptivity of original building. In this case, the daily total PV electricity output in urban areas may be reduced by 13% compared with the suburban areas due to UHI and solar radiation attenuation because of urban air pollution. The calculation results reveal that it is necessary to pay attention to and further analyze interactions between BIPV and microdimate in urban environments to decrease urban pollution, improve BIPV performance and reduce cooling load. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.


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Acoustic radiation from a structure can be expressed in terms of modal radiation and modal coefficients. This paper investigates the contributions of these two modal properties to radiation excited by a point force. Sound radiation from two basic structures is considered: a baffled rectangular plate and a closed spherical shell. The plate behaviour is familiar, and governed by the relation between the natural frequency of a mode and its coincidence frequency. For a closed spherical shell, there are either zero or two critical frequencies, depending on the radius and thickness. When there are two the shell radiates well both above and below the two frequencies, and poorly in the frequency range between them. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Uptake and release of carbon in grassland ecosystems is very critical to the global carbon balance and carbon storage. In this study, the dynamics of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (FNEE) of two grassland ecosystems were observed continuously using the eddy covariance technique during the growing season of 2003. One is the alpine shrub on the Tibet Plateau, and the other is the sem-arid Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia of China. It was found that the FNEE of both ecosystems was significantly depressed under high solar radiation. Comprehensive analysis indicates that the depression of FNEE in the L. chinensis steppe was the results of decreased plant photosynthesis and increased ecosystem respiration (R-eco) under high temperature. Soil water stress in addition to the high atmospheric demand under the strong radiation was the primary factor limiting the stomatal conductance. In contrast, the depression of FNEE in the alpine shrub was closely related to the effects of temperature on both photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration, coupled with the reduction of plant photosynthesis due to partial stomatal closure under high temperature at mid-day. The R,c of the alpine shrub was sensitive to soil temperature during high turbulence (u* > 0.2 m s(-1)) but its FNEE decreased markedly when the temperature was higher than the optimal value of about 12 degrees C. Such low optimal temperature contrasted the optimal value (about 20 degrees C) for the steppe, and was likely due to the acclimation of most alpine plants to the long-term low temperature on the Tibet Plateau. We inferred that water stress was the primary factor causing depression of the FNEE in the semi-arid steppe ecosystem, while relative high temperature under strong solar radiation was the main reason for the decrease of FNEE in the alpine shrub. This study implies that different grassland ecosystems may respond differently to climate change in the future. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The extremely high level of solar radiation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau may induce photoinhibition and thus limit leaf carbon gain. To assess the effect of high light, we examined gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence for two species differing in light interception: the prostrate Saussurea superba and the erect-leaved Gentiana straminea. In controlled conditions with favorable water and temperature, neither species showed apparent photoinhibition in gas exchange measurements. In natural environment, however, their photosynthetic rate decreased remarkably at high light. Photosynthesis depression was aggravated under high leaf temperature or soil water stress. Relative stomatal limitation was much higher in S. superba than in G. straminea and it remarkably increased in the later species at midday when soil was dry. F-v/F-m as an indicator for photoinhibition was generally higher in S. superba than in the other species. F-v/F-m decreased significantly under high light at midday in both species, even when soil moisture was high. F-0 linearly elevated with the increment of leaf temperature in G. straminea, but remained almost constant in S. superba. Electron transport rate (ETR) increased with photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) in S. superba, but declined when PPFD was high than about 1000 mumol m(-2) s(-1) in G. straminea. Compared to favorable environment, the estimated daily leaf carbon gain at PPFD above 800 mumol m(-2) s(-1) was reduced by 32% in S. superba and by 17% in G. straminea when soil was moist, and by 43% and 53%, respectively, when soil was dry. Our results suggest that the high radiation induces photoinhibition and significantly limits photosynthetic carbon gain, and the limitation may further increase at higher temperature and in dry soil.


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Pryse, Sian; Dewis, K.L.; Middleton, H.R.; Balthazor, R.L., (2005) 'The dayside high-latitude trough under quiet geomagnetic conditions: Radio tomography and the CTIP model', Annales Geophysicae 23(4) pp.1199-1206 RAE2008


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BACKGROUND: Previous work has demonstrated the potential for peripheral blood (PB) gene expression profiling for the detection of disease or environmental exposures. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We have sought to determine the impact of several variables on the PB gene expression profile of an environmental exposure, ionizing radiation, and to determine the specificity of the PB signature of radiation versus other genotoxic stresses. Neither genotype differences nor the time of PB sampling caused any lessening of the accuracy of PB signatures to predict radiation exposure, but sex difference did influence the accuracy of the prediction of radiation exposure at the lowest level (50 cGy). A PB signature of sepsis was also generated and both the PB signature of radiation and the PB signature of sepsis were found to be 100% specific at distinguishing irradiated from septic animals. We also identified human PB signatures of radiation exposure and chemotherapy treatment which distinguished irradiated patients and chemotherapy-treated individuals within a heterogeneous population with accuracies of 90% and 81%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that PB gene expression profiles can be identified in mice and humans that are accurate in predicting medical conditions, are specific to each condition and remain highly accurate over time.


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At present the vast majority of Computer-Aided- Engineering (CAE) analysis calculations for microelectronic and microsystems technologies are undertaken using software tools that focus on single aspects of the physics taking place. For example, the design engineer may use one code to predict the airflow and thermal behavior of an electronic package, then another code to predict the stress in solder joints, and then yet another code to predict electromagnetic radiation throughout the system. The reason for this focus of mesh-based codes on separate parts of the governing physics is essentially due to the numerical technologies used to solve the partial differential equations, combined with the subsequent heritage structure in the software codes. Using different software tools, that each requires model build and meshing, leads to a large investment in time, and hence cost, to undertake each of the simulations. During the last ten years there has been significant developments in the modelling community around multi- physics analysis. These developments are being followed by many of the code vendors who are now providing multi-physics capabilities in their software tools. This paper illustrates current capabilities of multi-physics technology and highlights some of the future challenges


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Primary productivity and subsequent carbon cycling in the coastal zone have a significant impact on the global carbon budget. It is currently unclear how anthropogenic activity could alter these budgets but long term coastal time series of hydrological, biogeochemical and biological measurements represent a key means to better understand past drivers, and hence to predicting future seasonal and inter-annual variability in carbon fixation in coastal ecosystems. An 8-year time series of primary production from 2003 to 2010, estimated using a recently developed absorption-based algorithm, was used to determine the nature and extent of change in primary production at a coastal station (L4) in the Western English Channel (WEC). Analysis of the seasonal and inter-annual variability in production demonstrated that on average, nano- and pico-phytoplankton account for 48% of the total carbon fixation and micro-phytoplankton for 52%. A recent decline in the primary production of nano- and pico-phytoplankton from 2005 to 2010 was observed, corresponding with a decrease in winter nutrient concentrations and a decrease in the biomass of Phaeocystis sp. Micro-phytoplankton primary production (PPM) remained relatively constant over the time series and was enhanced in summer during periods of high precipitation. Increases in sea surface temperature, and decreases in wind speeds and salinity were associated with later spring maxima in PPM. Together these trends indicate that predicted increases in temperature and decrease in wind speeds in future would drive later spring production whilst predicted increases in precipitation would also continue these blooms throughout the summer at this site.


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Radiotherapy is an important treatment for patients suffering from high-grade malignant gliomas. Non-targeted (bystander) effects may influence these cells' response to radiation and the investigation of these effects may therefore provide new insights into mechanisms of radiosensitivity and responses to radiotherapy as well as define new targets for therapeutic approaches. Normal primary human astrocytes (NHA) and T98G glioma cells were irradiated with helium ions using the Gray Cancer Institute microbeam facility targeting individual cells. Irradiated NHA and T98G glioma cells generated signals that induced gammaH2AX foci in neighbouring non-targeted bystander cells up to 48 h after irradiation. gammaH2AX bystander foci were also observed in co-cultures targeting either NHA or T98G cells and in medium transfer experiments. Dimethyl sulphoxide, Filipin and anti-transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 could suppress gammaH2AX foci in bystander cells, confirming that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and membrane-mediated signals are involved in the bystander signalling pathways. Also, TGF-beta 1 induced gammaH2AX in an ROS-dependent manner similar to bystander foci. ROS and membrane signalling-dependent differences in bystander foci induction between T98G glioma cells and normal human astrocytes have been observed. Inhibition of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein and DNA-PK could not suppress the induction of bystander gammaH2AX foci whereas the mutation of ATM- and rad3-related (ATR) abrogated bystander foci induction. Furthermore, ATR-dependent bystander foci induction was restricted to S-phase cells. These observations may provide additional therapeutic targets for the exploitation of the bystander effect.