911 resultados para Solar PV energy
A database containing the global and diffuse components of the surface solar hourly irradiation measured from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010 at eight stations of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority is presented. For three of these sites (Cairo, Aswan, and El-Farafra), the direct component is also available. In addition, a series of meteorological variables including surface pressure, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction is provided at the same hourly resolution at all stations. The details of the experimental sites and instruments used for the acquisition are given. Special attention is paid to the quality of the data and the procedure applied to flag suspicious or erroneous measurements is described in details. Between 88 and 99% of the daytime measurements are validated by this quality control. Except at Barrani where the number is lower (13500), between 20000 and 29000 measurements of global and diffuse hourly irradiation are available at all sites for the 7-year period. Similarly, from 9000 to 13000 measurements of direct hourly irradiation values are provided for the three sites where this component is measured. With its high temporal resolution this consistent irradiation and meteorological database constitutes a reliable source to estimate the potential of solar energy in Egypt. It is also adapted to the study of high-frequency atmospheric processes such as the impact of aerosols on atmospheric radiative transfer. In the next future, it is planned to complete regularly the present 2004-2010 database.
Measurements of solar radiation over and under sea ice have been performed on various stations in the Arctic Ocean during the Polarstern cruise PS92 (TRANSSIZ) between 19 May and 30 June 2015. All radiation measurements have been performed with Ramses spectral radiometers (Trios, Rastede, Germany). All data are given in full spectral resolution interpolated to 1.0 nm, and integrated over the entire wavelength range (broadband, total: 320 to 950 nm). Two sensors were mounted on a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and one radiometer was installed on the sea ice for surface reference measurements (solar irradiance). On the ROV, one irradiance sensor (cos-collector) for energy budget calculations and one radiance sensor (9° opening angle) to obtain high resolution spatial variability were installed. Along with the radiation measurements, ROV positions were obtained from acoustic USBL-positioning and all parameters of vehicle depth, distance to the ice and attitude recorded. All times are given in UTC.
The observed changes in physical properties of sea ice such as decreased thickness and increased melt pond cover severely impact the energy budget of Arctic sea ice. Increased light transmission leads to increased deposition of solar energy in the upper ocean and thus plays a crucial role for amount and timing of sea-ice-melt and under-ice primary production. Recent developments in underwater technology provide new opportunities to study light transmission below the largely inaccessible underside of sea ice. We measured spectral under-ice radiance and irradiance using the new Nereid Under-Ice (NUI) underwater robotic vehicle, during a cruise of the R/V Polarstern to 83°N 6°W in the Arctic Ocean in July 2014. NUI is a next generation hybrid remotely operated vehicle (H-ROV) designed for both remotely piloted and autonomous surveys underneath land-fast and moving sea ice. Here we present results from one of the first comprehensive scientific dives of NUI employing its interdisciplinary sensor suite. We combine under-ice optical measurements with three dimensional under-ice topography (multibeam sonar) and aerial images of the surface conditions. We investigate the influence of spatially varying ice-thickness and surface properties on the spatial variability of light transmittance during summer. Our results show that surface properties such as melt ponds dominate the spatial distribution of the under-ice light field on small scales (<1000 m**2), while sea ice-thickness is the most important predictor for light transmission on larger scales. In addition, we propose the use of an algorithm to obtain histograms of light transmission from distributions of sea ice thickness and surface albedo.
Despite continuous efforts to improve the coverage, the access to electricity remains insufficient in many developing countries, particularly in geographically challenged locations, due mostly to the high cost of grid extension. To rigorously investigate the effectiveness of solar products as an alternative in remote areas, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in river islands of northern Bangladesh where no grid-based electricity is available. We found that solar lanterns significantly increased home study hours among schooled children, especially in the night and before exams. School attendance rate also initially increases due to the provision of solar lamps, although such effects fade away over time. The increased study time and initial school attendance rate, however, did not improve children's exam results. We also found marginal improvements on health-related indicators, such as eye redness and irritation, but negligible impacts on respiratory indicators. Households that received solar lanterns substituted the traditional lighting sources with modern technology, leading to a significant decrease in annual biomass fuel consumptions, particularly kerosene. Finally, treated households showed a greater self-reported willingness to purchase solar products compared with the control group.
A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.
In this paper, a numerical study is made of simple bi-periodic binary diffraction gratings for solar cell applications. The gratings consist of hexagonal arrays of elliptical towers and wells etched directly into the solar cell substrate. The gratings are applied to two distinct solar cell technologies: a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell (QD-IBSC) and a crystalline silicon solar cell (SSC). In each case, the expected photocurrent increase due to the presence of the grating is calculated assuming AM1.5D illumination. For each technology, the grating period, well/tower depth and well/tower radii are optimised to maximise the photocurrent. The optimum parameters are presented. Results are presented for QD-IBSCs with a range of quantum dot layers and for SSCs with a range of thicknesses. For the QD-IBSC, it is found that the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that calculated for an ideally Lambertian scatterer for cells with less than 70 quantum dot layers. In a QD-IBSC with 50 quantum dot layers equipped with the optimum grating, the weak intermediate band to conduction band transition absorbs roughly half the photons in the corresponding sub-range of the AM1.5D spectrum. For the SSC, it is found that the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that calculated for an ideally Lambertian scatterer for cells with thicknesses of 10 ?m or greater. A 20um thick SSC equipped with the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that of a 200um thick SSC equipped with a planar back reflector.
The intermediatebandsolarcell (IBSC) is a photovoltaic device with a theoretical conversion efficiency limit of 63.2%. In recent years many attempts have been made to fabricate an intermediateband material which behaves as the theory states. One characteristic feature of an IBSC is its luminescence spectrum. In this work the temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) spectra of InAs/GaAs QD-IBSCs together with their reference cell have been studied. It is shown that EL measurements provide more reliable information about the behaviour of the IB material inside the IBSC structure than PL measurements. At low temperatures, the EL spectra are consistent with the quasi-Fermi level splits described by the IBSC model, whereas at room temperature they are not. This result is in agreement with previously reported analysis of the quantum efficiency of the solarcells
The main objective of this paper is to review the state of the art of residential PV systems in Belgium by the analysis of the operational data of 993 installations. For that, three main questions are posed: how much energy do they produce? What level of performance is associated to their production? Which are the key parameters that most influence their quality? This work brings answers to these questions. A middling commercial PV system, optimally oriented, produces a mean annual energy of 892 kWh/kWp. As a whole, the orientation of PV generators causes energy productions to be some 6% inferior to optimally oriented PV systems. The mean performance ratio is 78% and the mean performance index is 85%. That is to say, the energy produced by a typical PV system in Belgium is 15% inferior to the energy produced by a very high quality PV system. Finally, on average, the real power of the PV modules falls 5% below its corresponding nominal power announced on the manufacturer's datasheet. Differences between real and nominal power of up to 16% have been detected.
The main objective of this paper is to review the state of the art of residential PV systems in France. This is done analyzing the operational data of 6868 installations. Three main questions are posed. How much energy do they produce? What level of performance is associated to their production? Which are the key parameters that most influence their quality? During the year 2010, the PV systems in France have produced a mean annual energy of 1163 kWh/kWp. As a whole, the orientation of PV generators causes energy productions to be some 7% inferior to optimally oriented PV systems. The mean Performance Ratio is 76% and the mean Performance Index is 85%. That is to say, the energy produced by a typical PV system in France is 15% inferior to the energy produced by a very high quality PV system. On average, the real power of the PV modules falls 4.9% below its corresponding nominal power announced on the manufacturer's datasheet. A brief analysis by PV modules technology has led to relevant observations about two technologies in particular. On the one hand, the PV systems equipped with heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) modules show performances higher than average. On the other hand, the systems equipped with the copper indium (di)selenide (CIS) modules show a real power that is 16% lower than their nominal value.
Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on silicon for photovoltaic applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for photovoltaic technology, unifying the low cost of silicon and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the performance of the bottom subcell of this dual-junction, namely, 1) the formation of the emitter as a result of the phosphorus diffusion that takes place during the prenucleation temperature ramp and during the growth of the III-V layers; 2) the degradation in surface morphology during diffusion; and 3) the quality needed for the passivation provided by the GaP layer on the emitter.
Founded by Antonio Luque in 1979 Personnel: Personnel: 6464 full full-time time staff (19 professors staff (19 professors, 44 PhD PhD researchers 28 PhD students 13 researchers, 28 PhD students, 13 administrative and maintenance staff), 19 “part time” (11 “external PhD students”, 8 master students) Objective: Objective: Contribute to the deployment of Photovoltaic Solar Electricity through R&D& Contribute to the deployment of Photovoltaic Solar Electricity through R&D&i
The power generated by large grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants depends greatly on the solar irradiance. This paper studies the effects of the solar irradiance variability analyzing experimental 1-s data collected throughout a year at six PV plants, totaling 18 MWp. Each PV plant was modeled as a first order filter function based on an analysis in the frequency domain of the irradiance data and the output power signals. An empiric expression which relates the filter parameters and the PV plant size has been proposed. This simple model has been successfully validated precisely determining the daily maximum output power fluctuation from incident irradiance measurements.
Nowadays, efficiency improvement of solar cells is one of the most important issues in photovoltaic systems and CdTe is one of the most promising thin film photovoltaic materials we can found. CdTe reported efficiencies in solar energy conversion have been as good as that found in polycrystalline Si thin film cell [1], besides CdTe can be easily produced at industrial scale.
The heterogeneous incoming heat flux in solar parabolic trough absorber tubes generates huge temperature difference in each pipe section. Helical internal fins can reduce this effect, homogenising the temperature profile and reducing thermal stress with the drawback of increasing pressure drop. Another effect is the decreasing of the outer surface temperature and thermal losses, improving the thermal efficiency of the collector. The application of internal finned tubes for the design of parabolic trough collectors is analysed with computational fluid dynamics tools. Our numerical approach has been qualified with the computational estimation of reported experimental data regarding phenomena involved in finned tube applications and solar irradiation of parabolic trough collector. The application of finned tubes to the design of parabolic trough collectors must take into account issues as the pressure losses, thermal losses and thermo-mechanical stress, and thermal fatigue. Our analysis shows an improvement potential in parabolic trough solar plants efficiency by the application of internal finned tubes.
Mechanical stability of EWT solar cells deteriorates when holes are created in the wafer. Nevertheless, the chemical etching after the hole generation process improves the mechanical strength by removing part of the damage produced in the drilling process. Several sets of wafers with alkaline baths of different duration have been prepared. The mechanical strength has been measured by the ring on ring bending test and the failure stresses have been obtained through a FE simulation of the test. This paper shows the comparison of these groups of wafers in order to obtain an optimum value of the decreased thickness produced by the chemical etching