980 resultados para Solar Aspect Angle
Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
La presente investigación se realizó en sistemas agroforestales con Café Coffea arábiga L.)en el Municipio de Masatepe, Nicaragua, determinando el índice de área foliar, radiación solar no interceptada por especies forestales y concentración de magnesio en hojas de Café. Para determinar índice de área foliar se utilizó una metodología no destructiva y una destructiva; la medición no destructiva se basó en la técnica de fotografías hemisféricas para lo cual se utilizó una cámara Nikon Coolpix 4500 que permitió tomar fotografías de cuatro árboles de Samanea saman, Inga laurina, Simarouba glauca, Tabebuia rosea respectivamente. Porcada árbol se tomaron cuatro imágenes sobre lados opuestos del tronco (Norte, Sur, Este y Oeste), para el análisis de fotografías hemisféricas se empleó el software Gap Light Analyzer. Para contrastar la medición de índice de área foliar por método no destructivo (fotografías hemisféricas) se empleó un método destructivo basado en la recolección de 300 hojas, se tomó el peso húmedo del total de hojas de cada uno de los árboles en estudio. Del total de hojas de cada árbol se pesaron separadamente tres muestras; utilizando el planímetro LI-3000 se calculó en cada caso el área de la hoja. Una vez obtenida el área foliar de la hoja, las muestras se secaron en horno a 65° C, durante 72 h y promediadas para obtener biomasa del follaje. Dividiendo el área foliar de las muestras entre su peso seco se obtuvo el área foliar específica, posteriormente el promedio de área foliar específica de las muestras multiplicado por el peso seco total de hojas permitió calcular el área foliar del árbol. Finalmente, se obtuvo el índice de área foliar dividiendo área foliar entre el área de suelo asignada . La medición de la cantidad de radiación incidente sobre el follaje de las plantas de Café se realizó en la réplica II en CENECOOP en dos puntos de muestreo; el criterio de selección de los sitios se basó en la combinación de árboles ubicados diagonalmente y en la uniformidad de distancia entre las especies para la combinación T. rosea + S. glaucae I. laurina + S. saman. En esta réplica se realizaron análisis del contenido de magnesio en hojas de Café en las subparcelas 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 y 12 más dos muestras testigos en las subparcelas 13 y 14 a pleno sol. El índice de área foliar promedio para especies tropicales estimado por el método destructivo fue de 2,52 y por el método no destructivo fue de 0,85; debido a estas diferencias es necesario aplicar un factor de corrección o calibración al método no destructivo para validar ambos resultados. En la combinación I. laurina + S. saman se detectó un mayor paso de radiación solar al cafetal (29911,11lux) posiblemente debido a las características morfológicas del dosel. La concentración de magnesio más alta es de 2% la cual se encontró en las hojas de Café de la combinación T. rosea + S. glauca en nivel de insumo orgánico moderado.
La obtención del producto final del rubro café conlleva una serie de procesos, entre ellos está el beneficiado (húmedo y seco). El beneficiado seco es un proceso para reducir la humedad los frutos del cafeto de su estado café pergamino mojado obtenido del beneficiado húmedo, este se realiza en patio exponiendo los granos húmedos durante varios días a los rayos directos del sol, sobre una superficie de cemento o madera. Exponiendo el café a los efectos negativos del ambiente, reduciendo la calidad, elevando los costos, mayor uso de mano de obra y corriendo riesgos constantes de contaminación y a castigos impuestos por la acopiadora en el pesaje por merma de humedad. Como una propuesta a estos riesgos se evaluó el efecto del presecador solar tipo domo en el presecado de granos de café orgánico (Coffea arabica L.), en fincas de pequeños productores de las cooperativas San Isidro R.L Boaco y PROCOSER Nueva Segovia. En el ciclo 2010-2011. Se realizó en dos fases: primera, correspondió a una investigación no experimental donde se utilizo una encuesta semi-estructurada para determinar las características de los productores (datos del productor, datos de la finca, área de café, altura de la finca, variedades de café presentes y actividades que realizan en el beneficiado húmedo). Calidad de corte y prueba de rendimiento de las diferentes localidades seleccionadas. En la segunda, se estableció un experimento unifactorial, al comparar la tecnología (pre secador tipo domo). Las variables a evaluadas fueron: área y altura de la finca, variedades de café, actividades del beneficiado húmedo, temperatura, humedad relativa, peso del grano y rendimientos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que hubo diferencias en algunas actividades del proceso de beneficiado húmedo entre los productores de los departamentos. La pérdida de humedad en el grano de café fue mayor en el volumen de 11.36 kg/m2 en ambas localidades igualmente la pérdida del peso del grano, los menores costos variables y mayores beneficios netos se los obtuvo el tratamiento de 22.72 kg / m2 fuera del presecador tradicional en el departamento de Boaco mientras que en el departamento de Nueva Segovia fue el de 11.36 kg/m2 dentro del presecador solar tipo domo.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVI - Saúde Pública, Sanitarismo.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.
The data of velocity and magnetic fields in the solar photosphere (5324 angstrom) and the chromosphere (4861 angstrom) clearly show the features of tangential discontinuity of velocity in the chromosphere. The velocity fields in and near the solar active region named No. 88029 by the Huairou Station have been analyzed in detail. A lot of magnetohydrodynamic discontinuous surfaces, especially the tangential discontinuities, are shown from the observations. The calculations of the thickness of discontinuous layer and the evolution time of instability agree with the observational results. The variations of the flow field will directly influence the evolutions and changes of the active region as the magnetic field are coupled closely with the plasma motion.
SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL SCIENCESThe solar-terrestrial sciences study how the solar energy, momentum and mass transfer through the interplanetary space, the earth magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere, and their influence on earth environment. The solar-terrestrial sciences are also called, sometimes, the solar-terrestrial physics, solar-terrestrial relations, solar-terrestrial
In the present paper, an isolated axisymmetric flux tube is discussed for slender magnetic configuration. The magnetostatic model and the stratified atmospheric model are applied, respectively, to the regions inside and outside the flux tube. The problem is described mathematically by the nonlinear partial differential equations under the nonlinear boundary condition at the free boundary of flux tube. According to the approximation of a small expansive angle, the solutions of series expressions are obtained formally. The model of polytropic plasma is discussed in detail especially. The results show the distributions of thermodynamic quantities and magnetic field extending from the high β region to the low β region, and the flux tube may be either divergent or convergent according to the pressure difference outside and inside the flux tube.
In this paper we discuss coupling processes between a magnetic field and an unsteady plasma motion, and analyze the features of energy storage and conversions in active region. It is pointed out that the static force-free field is insufficient for a discussion of storage processes, and also the pure unsteady plasma rotation is not a perfect approach. In order to analyze the energy storage, we must consider the addition of poloidal plasma motion. The paper shows that because the unsteady poloidal flow is added and coupling occurs between the magnetic field and both the toroidal and the poloidal plasma flows, an unsteady process is maintained which changes the force-free factor with time. Hence, the energy in the lower levels can be transferred to the upper levels, and a considerable energy can be stored in the active region. Finally, another storage process is given which is due to the pure poloidal flow. The article shows that even if there is no twisted magnetic line of force, the energy in the lower levels may still be transferred to the upper levels and stored there.
In this paper, a complete set of MHD equations have been solved by numerical calculations in an attempt to study the dynamical evolutionary processes of the initial equilibrium configuration and to discuss the energy storage mechanism of the solar atmosphere by shearing the magnetic field. The initial equilibrium configuration with an arch bipolar potential field obtained from the numerical solution is similar to the configuration in the vicinity of typical solar flare before its eruption. From the magnetic induction equation in the set of MHD equations and dealing with the non-linear coupling effects between the flow field and magnetic field, the quantitative relationship has been derived for their dynamical evolution. Results show that plasma shear motion at the bottom of the solar atmosphere causes the magnetic field to shear; meanwhile the magnetic field energy is stored in local regions. With the increase of time the local magnetic energy increases and it may reach an order of 4×10^25 J during a day. Thus the local storage of magnetic energy is large enough to trigger a big solar flare and can be considered as the energy source of solar flares. The energy storage mechanism by shearing the magnetic field can well explain the slow changes in solar active regions.
In this paper we explore techniques to identify sources of electric current systems and their channels of flow in solar active regions. Measured photospheric vector magnetic fields (VMF) together with high-resolution white-light and H filtergrams provide the data base to derive the current systems in the photosphere and chromosphere. Simple mathematical constructions of fields and currents are also adopted to understand these data. As an example, the techniques are then applied to infer current systems in AR 2372 in early April 1980. The main results are: (i) In unipolar sunspots the current density may reach values of 103 CGSE, and the Lorentz force on it can accelerate the Evershed flow, (ii) Spots exhibiting significant spiral pattrn in the penumbral filaments are the sources of vertical major currents at the photospheric surface, (iii) Magnetic neutral lines where the transverse field was strongly sheared were channels along which strong current system flows, (iv) The inferred current systems produced oppositely-flowing currents in the area of the delta configuration that was the site of flaring in AR 2372.
The influence of the momentum addition, which may be associated with the average or fluctuation transverse component of the magnetic field or others, on the acceleration the solar wind or stellar wind is studied in a local streamtube. The results show that the larger the momentum addition the stronger the acceleration of the wind. For example, if the typical transverse magnetic field is about 0.1 of the longitudinal field, the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU may be increased by 40%. The coronal hole may be considered as a streamtube, the presence of a high stream from the coronal hole may be explained by the existence of an average or fluctuation transverse magnetic field in the streamtube. A similar conclusion may be applied to the polar region, where the velocity of the solar wind will be larger than elsewhere as if there is a transverse component of magnetic field, as well as to the stellar wind. The influence of other parameters on the acceleration of the solar wind is also discussed. From the viewpoint of the solar wind mechanism, the present paper shows that the momentum addition in the subsonic flow region can increase the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU.
in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.