991 resultados para Solà-Morales, Manuel de, 1939-2012
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad y patología animal
This work of thesis involves various aspects of crystal engineering. Chapter 1 focuses on crystals containing crown ether complexes. Aspects such as the possibility of preparing these materials by non-solution methods, i.e. by direct reaction of the solid components, thermal behavior and also isomorphism and interconversion between hydrates are taken into account. In chapter 2 a study is presented aimed to understanding the relationship between hydrogen bonding capability and shape of the building blocks chosen to construct crystals. The focus is on the control exerted by shape on the organization of sandwich cations such as cobalticinium, decamethylcobalticinium and bisbenzenchromium(I) and on the aggregation of monoanions all containing carboxylic and carboxylate groups, into 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D networks. Reactions conducted in multi-component molecular assemblies or co-crystals have been recognized as a way to control reactivity in the solid state. The [2+2] photodimerization of olefins is a successful demonstration of how templated solid state synthesis can efficiently synthesize unique materials with remarkable stereoselectivity and under environment-friendly conditions. A demonstration of this synthetic strategy is given in chapter 3. The combination of various types of intermolecular linkages, leading to formation of high order aggregation and crystalline materials or to a random aggregation resulting in an amorphous precipitate, may not go to completeness. In such rare cases an aggregation process intermediate between crystalline and amorphous materials is observed, resulting in the formation of a gel, i.e. a viscoelastic solid-like or liquid-like material. In chapter 4 design of new Low Molecular Weight Gelators is presented. Aspects such as the relationships between molecular structure, crystal packing and gelation properties and the application of this kind of gels as a medium for crystal growth of organic molecules, such as APIs, are also discussed.
Dans l’histoire des civilisations, le contexte de guerre a très généralement placé les femmes en marge des actions de guerre. Au propre comme au figuré, elles y apparaissent le plus souvent protégées, écartées des fronts, qui semblent conséquemment être la seule affaire des hommes du fait de l’usage généralisé de la violence. C’est logiquement l’idée répandue qu’on s’en fait des occidentales établies en colonies africaines, surtout qu’entre 1914 et 1918, notamment au Cameroun, territoire colonial allemand disputé avec la France et l’Angleterre, les coloniales allemandes ont été prioritairement surprotégées1. Pourtant, il n’en a pas toujours été ainsi de toutes les crises majeures vécues sur ce territoire colonial. La période française apparaît plus intéressante en ceci que l’exclusion des blanches du front y a été peu évidente. La spécificité du Cameroun entre intérêts français et allemands, et la guerre fratricide qui mettent en opposition idéologique les Français entre eux, sont autant de raisons qui convoquent une attitude particulière des administrateurs coloniaux du Cameroun pour la défense du territoire. Entre 1939 et 1945 en effet, ils mettent à contribution la gente féminine dans la plupart de leurs stratégies adoptées pour la protection des acquis français outre-mer. De fait, au milieu des démonstrations de force essentiellement viriles vécues alors, il faut parfois compter sur une catégorie de femmes qui t battent parallèlement en brèche les stéréotypes liés au sexe, pour pénétrer un cercle fermé et jouer un rôle plus ou moins déterminant dans la défense de ce territoire français outre-mer. Face aux velléités de sujétion nazie qu’elles récusent, quelques coloniales surtout françaises se frottent exceptionnellement aux protagonistes du moment pour clairement s’affirmer comme de valeureuses résistantes de l’intégrité territoriale française. Qui étaient ces résistantes à l’ordre nazi au Cameroun ? Pourquoi et comment s’intègrent-elles dans le mouvement de résistance local ? A quel titre et de quelle manière ? Quels rôles y jouent-elles entre 1939 et 1945 ? Des questions pertinentes qu’il serait loisible d’analyser en profondeur afin de mettre en lumière la véritable participation féminine pour la vie et à la survie de la France en colonie, notamment au Cameroun. (Cameroun 1939 - 1945, Femmes, activisme français, résistance)
Allergist/clinical immunologist maintenance of certification and training program reaccreditation are mandatory in some countries. The World Allergy Organization conducted surveys in 2009 and 2011 to assess where such programs were available and to promote the establishment of such programs on a global level. This was done with the presumption that after such an "inventory," World Allergy Organization could offer guidance to its Member Societies on the promotion of such programs to assure the highest standards of practice in the field of allergy and clinical immunology. This review draws on the experience of countries where successful programs are in place and makes recommendations for those wishing to implement such programs for the specialty.
Organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites are widely studied and applied in broad areas because of their ability to combine the flexibility, low density of the organic materials with the hardness, strength, thermal stability, good optical and electronic properties of the inorganic materials. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) due to its excellent elasticity, transparency, and biocompatibility has been extensively employed as the organic host matrix for nanocomposites. For the inorganic component, titanium dioxide and barium titanate are broadly explored as they possess outstanding physical, optical and electronic properties. In our experiment, PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-BaTiO3 hybrid nanocomposites were fabricated based on in-situ sol-gel technique. By changing the amount of metal precursors, transparent and homogeneous PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-BaTiO3 hybrid films with various compositions were obtained. Two structural models of these two types of hybrids were stated and verified by the results of characterization. The structures of the hybrid films were examined by a conjunction of FTIR and FTRaman. The morphologies of the cross-sectional areas of the films were characterized by FESEM. An Ellipsometer and an automatic capacitance meter were utilized to evaluate the refractive index and dielectric constant of these composites respectively. A simultaneous DSC/TGA instrument was applied to measure the thermal properties. For PDMS-TiO2 hybrids, the higher the ratio of titanium precursor added, the higher the refractive index and the dielectric constant of the composites are. The highest values achieved of refractive index and dielectric constant were 1.74 and 15.5 respectively for sample PDMS-TiO2 (1-6). However, when the ratio of titanium precursor to PDMS was as high as 20 to 1, phase separation occurred as evidenced by SEM images, refractive index and dielectric constant decreased. For PDMS-BaTiO3 hybrids, with the increase of barium and titanium precursors in the system, the refractive index and dielectric constant of the composites increased. The highest value was attained in sample PDMS-BaTiO3 (1-6) with a refractive index of 1.6 and a dielectric constant of 12.2. However, phase separation appeared in SEM images for sample PDMS-BaTiO3 (1-8), the refractive index and dielectric constant reduced to lower values. Different compositions of PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-BaTiO3 hybrid films were annealed at 60 °C and 100 °C, the influences on the refractive index, dielectric constant, and thermal properties were investigated.
This contribution tries to explain why Jews were persecuted earlier or more fiercely in territories annexed by a state during World War II than in the mainland of that state. The case-studies covered are Nazi Germany, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the USSR. It is argued that internationally, similar policies of incorporation, especially the replacement of existing elites and the process of bringing in new settlers, worked against the Jews. Aside from focusing on governmental policies, the contribution also sketches the manner in which individual actions by state functionaries (who did not merely implement state policies) and by non-state actors had adverse effects on the Jewish population, impacting their survival chances. Finally, the article places the persecution of Jews in annexed areas in the context of the concerted violence conducted, at the same time, against other ethnically defined, religious, and social groups.
BACKGROUND Transmitted HIV-1 drug-resistance mutations(TDR) are transmitted from treatment-failing or treatment-naïve patients. Although prevalence of drug-resistance in treatment-failing patients has declined in developed countries, TDR prevalence has not. Mechanisms causing this paradox are poorly explored. METHODS We included recently-infected, treatment-naïve patients with genotypic-resistance-tests performed ≤1year post-infection and <2013. Potential risk factors for TDR were analyzed using logistic regression. Association of TDR prevalences with population viral load(PVL) from treatment-patients during 1997-2011 was estimated with Poisson regression for all TDR and individually for most frequent resistance-mutations against each drug class(M184V/L90M/K103N). RESULTS We included 2421 recently-infected, treatment-naïve patients and 5399 treatment-failing patients. TDR prevalence fluctuated considerably over time. Two opposing developments could explain these fluctuations: generally continuous increases in TDR(Odds Ratio[OR]=1.13,p=0.010), punctuated by sharp decreases when new drug-classes were introduced. Overall, TDR prevalence increased with decreasing PVL(Rate Ratio[RR]=0.91/1000Log10-PVL,p=0.033). Additionally, we observed that the transmitted high-fitness-cost mutation M184V was positively associated with PVL of treatment-failing patients carrying M184V(RR=1.50/100Log10-PVL,p<0.001). Such association was absent and negative for K103N(RR-K103N=1.00/100Log10-PVL,p=0.99) and L90M(RR-L90M=0.75/100Log10-PVL,p=0.022), respectively. CONCLUSIONS Transmission of antiretroviral drug-resistance is temporarily reduced by the introduction of new drug classes and driven by treatment-failing and treatment-naïve patients. These findings suggest a continuous need for new drugs, early detection/treatment of HIV-1-infection.