978 resultados para Sociedades comerciais - Grã-Bretanha
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Over the past few years, the area of planted forests has expanded considerably in Brazil, reaching a level of 6.3 million hectares, which represents approximately 0.7% of the country, mainly with some species of the Eucalyptus genus. However, due to the global concern with biological invasions by exotic species, risk assessment is necessary to evaluate the potential of Eucalyptus species escaping cultivated stands and invading surrounding native ecosystems. Seedlings by natural regeneration from Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla, pure and hybrids between the two species were evaluated, by assessing natural regeneration of Eucalyptus in 18 sites located in Brazilian states with plantation forest tradition (Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Espírito Santo). Sample plots were installed in the planted stands, along forest roads and in a nearby pasture or native vegetation.,at different distances from the Eucalyptus stands. Regeneration of Eucalyptus was not recorded in 90% of the plots installed outside the eucalipt stands. However, seedlings of eucalypts were observed in 29% of the plots within the commercial stands (mean density of 37 seedlings per hectare) and 40% of the plots located along forest roads (157 seedlings per hectare on average), but no adult plants by natural regeneration were found. The seedlings of eucalypt species studied rarely were found beyond the limits of the cultivated areas. In the planted stands or along forest roads, eucalypts can germinate, but the seedlings apparently do not establish. So the potential for invasion by seeds produced in commercial plantations of Eucalyptus is low.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
We know that the Earth goes through natural cycles that influence its climate and the development of their societies. In recent decades, climate changes and nature began to call world attention to the unbridled exploitation that was carried by the current economic system, causing unrest among scientific, social, political and economic world. The theory that man causes a warming in global temperatures by the release of greenhouse gases made the headlines of major newspapers in the world. From there, it was only a matter of time before environmental concerns became ownership of capital by its excessive appropriation. The fear of nuclear threat by the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left in fanfare the world, which together with the devastating impact of the exploitation of man and nature gave birth to the Environmental Revolution, a way of trying to change the development patterns of the time and behavior of the population. However, based on the historical form of capitalist domination, this was another measure that was apossada the economic system being transformed into economic value and political exchange. The origin of the conventions, meetings, conferences, parliaments set up to discuss environmental issues, eventually became forums of political and economic talks focused on environmental governance, valuing an asset that is public and everyone. Environmental and climate issue now has a value, thus turning the agenda on the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for its political and economic regulation in the form of global agreement. Given the need for understanding the climate issue, was born the Conference of the Parties (COPs), a regulatory body for climate negotiations, surrounded interests, complexities, conflicts and disagreements between the parties countries, which becomes clear when we analyze their agreements...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
We know that the Earth goes through natural cycles that influence its climate and the development of their societies. In recent decades, climate changes and nature began to call world attention to the unbridled exploitation that was carried by the current economic system, causing unrest among scientific, social, political and economic world. The theory that man causes a warming in global temperatures by the release of greenhouse gases made the headlines of major newspapers in the world. From there, it was only a matter of time before environmental concerns became ownership of capital by its excessive appropriation. The fear of nuclear threat by the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left in fanfare the world, which together with the devastating impact of the exploitation of man and nature gave birth to the Environmental Revolution, a way of trying to change the development patterns of the time and behavior of the population. However, based on the historical form of capitalist domination, this was another measure that was apossada the economic system being transformed into economic value and political exchange. The origin of the conventions, meetings, conferences, parliaments set up to discuss environmental issues, eventually became forums of political and economic talks focused on environmental governance, valuing an asset that is public and everyone. Environmental and climate issue now has a value, thus turning the agenda on the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for its political and economic regulation in the form of global agreement. Given the need for understanding the climate issue, was born the Conference of the Parties (COPs), a regulatory body for climate negotiations, surrounded interests, complexities, conflicts and disagreements between the parties countries, which becomes clear when we analyze their agreements...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A energia é o item mais dispendioso na formulação de rações para poedeiras. A inclusão energética em níveis elevados resulta, além de gastos excessivos, no aumento da mortalidade e na redução do desempenho das aves. Via de regra, os manuais das linhagens e as recomendações propostas por tabelas desenvolvidas por instituições de pesquisa, não atendem em sua totalidade a demanda real das granjas produtoras de ovos. Desta forma, medidas que visem adequar as condições de criação às exigências nutricionais das poedeiras são almejadas a todo instante, resultando na aproximação entre a formulação das dietas e as exigências das poedeiras.
När det gäller utövandet av våld är gruppen män kraftigt överrepresenterade. Mäns utövande av våld är ett samhällsproblem som i allra högsta grad är relevant för socialt arbete. Uppsatsens syfte var att få en ökad kunskap om relationen mellan manlighet och våld samt mäns tankar om manlighet och våld. Förutom en genomgång av tidigare forskning genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med fem män om deras tankar kring manlighet och våld. Ett strategiskt urval användes i syfte att få fram informanter som uppvisade stor variationsbredd. Studiens resultat pekade på att det finns många olika sätt att se på och att göra manlighet. Ett rimligt antagande är även att synen på manlighet har betydelse för mäns utövande av våld på så sätt att en syn på manlighet som präglas av styrka, dominans och kontroll kan främja mäns utövande av våld. Det finns även forskning som tyder på att våld i vissa situationer kan användas av mäns som en resurs att göra manlighet. När det gäller relationen mellan manlighet och våld ansåg informanterna att det inte var manligt att utöva våld men kopplar samtidigt ihop manlighet med fysiskt styrka och kroppslig prestation samt utövandet av legitimt våld, exempelvis inom idrott. Avslutningsvis diskuteras betydelsen och konsekvenserna av hur vi inom socialt arbete ser på manlighet och våld.
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