872 resultados para Simulación modular
Electrolytic capacitors are extensively used in power converters but they are bulky, unreliable, and have short lifetimes. This paper proposes a new capacitor-free high step-up dc-dc converter design for renewable energy applications such as photovoltaics (PVs) and fuel cells. The primary side of the converter includes three interleaved inductors, three main switches, and an active clamp circuit. As a result, the input current ripple is greatly reduced, eliminating the necessity for an input capacitor. In addition, zero voltage switching (ZVS) is achieved during switching transitions for all active switches, so that switching losses can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, a three-phase modular structure and six pulse rectifiers are employed to reduce the output voltage ripple. Since magnetic energy stored in the leakage inductance is recovered, the reverse-recovery issue of the diodes is effectively solved. The proposed converter is justified by simulation and experimental tests on a 1-kW prototype.
This research investigates a new structural system utilising modular construction. Five-sided boxes are cast on-site and stacked together to form a building. An analytical model was created of a typical building in each of two different analysis programs utilising the finite element method (Robot Millennium and ETABS). The pros and cons of both Robot Millennium and ETABS are listed at several key stages in the development of an analytical model utilising this structural system. Robot Millennium was initially utilised but created an analytical model too large to be successfully run. The computation requirements were too large for conventional computers. Therefore Robot Millennium was abandoned in favour of ETABS, whose more simplistic algorithms and assumptions permitted running this large computation model. Tips are provided as well as pitfalls signalled throughout the process of modelling such complex buildings of this type. ^ The building under high seismic loading required a new horizontal shear mechanism. This dissertation has proposed to create a secondary floor that ties to the modular box through the use of gunwales, and roughened surfaces with epoxy coatings. In addition, vertical connections necessitated a new type of shear wall. These shear walls consisted of waffled external walls tied through both reinforcement and a secondary concrete pour. ^ This structural system has generated a new building which was found to be very rigid compared to a conventional structure. The proposed modular building exhibited a period of 1.27 seconds, which is about one-fifth of a conventional building. The maximum lateral drift occurs under seismic loading with a magnitude of 6.14 inches which is one-quarter of a conventional building's drift. The deflected shape and pattern of the interstorey drifts are consistent with those of a coupled shear wall building. In conclusion, the computer analysis indicate that this new structure exceeds current code requirements for both hurricane winds and high seismic loads, and concomitantly provides a shortened construction time with reduced funding. ^
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of corrosion and fretting in 48 retrieved titanium-6aluminum-4vanadium and/or cobalt-chromium-molybdenum modular total hip prosthesis with respect to alloy material microstructure and design parameters. The results revealed vastly different performance results for the wide array of microstructures examined. Severe corrosion/fretting was seen in 100% of as-cast, 24% of low carbon wrought, 9% of high carbon wrought and 5% of solution heat treated cobalt-chrome. Severe corrosion/fretting was observed in 60% of Ti-6Al-4V components. Design features which allow for fluid entry and stagnation, amplification of contact pressure and/or increased micromotion were also shown to play a role. 75% of prosthesis with high femoral head-trunnion offset exhibited poor performance compared to 15% with a low offset. Large femoral heads (>32mm) did not exhibit poor corrosion or fretting. Implantation time was not sufficient to cause poor performance; 54% of prosthesis with greater than 10 years in-vivo demonstrated none or mild corrosion/fretting.
Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema para simular misiones de rescate usando equipos de robots donde cada robot tiene sus propios objetivos y debe coordinarse con el resto de sus compañeros para realizar con existo la misión de rescate en escenarios dinámicos. El escenario se caracteriza por contener: - Agentes Robot: son las entidades del sistema encargado de tareas relacionadas con el rescate, como por ejemplo, explorar el terreno o rescatar a una víctima. Se organizan de forma jerárquica, esto es, hay un jefe encargado de asignar tareas a los demás robots, que serán subordinados. - Víctimas: son los objetivos a rescatar en la misión. Tienen una identificación, una localización y una esperanza de vida. -Obstáculos: delimitan una zona por la que el robot no puede pasar. Simulan la existencia de paredes, rocas, árboles…, es decir, cualquier tipo de estructura existente en un escenario real. - Zona segura: marca un punto del mapa adonde los robots moverán a las víctimas en el rescate. Representa lo que en un rescate real sería un campamento u hospital. El sistema permite: - Crear y gestionar escenarios de simulación - Definir equipos de robots con diferentes miembros, diferentes objetivos y comportamientos. - Definir modelos organizativos en los equipos y estrategias de coordinación. - Realizar los objetivos individuales y de grupo para salvar a las víctimas llevándolas al sitio seguro esquivando los obstáculos. - Realizar experimentos de simulación: probar distintas configuraciones de equipo con un número variable de robots, varias víctimas en lugares diferentes y escenarios independientes. Se ha partido del proyecto ROSACE(Robots et Systèmes AutoCommunicants Embarqués / Robots y sistemas embebidos autocomunicantes), que está construido sobre la herramienta ICARO, que es una Infraestructura Ligera de Componentes Software Java basada en Agentes y Recursos y Organizaciones para el desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas. El punto de partida ya implementaba una versión preliminar del proyecto capaz de organizar objetivos entre los robots y que consigan ir a la localización objetivo. El presente proyecto utiliza el patrón arquitectónico de ROSACE y parte de su infraestructura pero desarrolla un sistema original con nuevas herramientas para definir y gestionar escenarios, disponer de un modelo más realista del comportamiento de los robots y controlar el proceso de simulación para incluir posibles fallos de los robots y para el estudio individual y colectivo de los miembros de los equipos.
En el mundo de la simulación existen varios tipos de sistemas reales, entre los que se encuentran los sistemas de eventos discretos. Para poder simular estos sistemas se pueden utilizar, entre otras, herramientas basadas en el formalismo DEVS (Discrete EVents system Specification), como la utilizada en este proyecto: xDEVS. La simulación posee una importancia muy elevada en campos como la educación y la ciencia, y en ocasiones es necesario incluir datos del medio físico o sacar información al exterior del simulador. Por ello es necesario contar con herramientas que puedan realizar simulaciones utilizando sensores, actuadores, circuitos externos, etc., o lo que es lo mismo, que puedan realizar co-simulaciones entre software y hardware. De esta forma se puede facilitar el desarrollo de sistemas por medio de modelado y simulación, pudiendo extraer el hardware gradualmente y analizar los resultados en cada etapa. Este proyecto es de carácter incremental, y trata de extender la funcionalidad de la plataforma xDEVS para poder realizar co-simulaciones entre hardware y software sobre una Raspberry Pi. Para ello se van a utilizar circuitos lógicos como hardware externo y se enlazarán al simulador a través de ficheros de dispositivo, gestionados por módulos del kernel de Linux. Como caso de estudio se desarrolla la co-simulación entre hardware y software completa de un ascensor de siete plantas para mostrar el uso y funcionamiento en xDEVS, extrayendo los circuitos integrados de uno en uno.
1 OBJETIVOS Evaluar el impacto de las bajas temperaturas, la interacción entre P. fluorescens (Pf) y L. monocytogenes (Lm) en biofilms (BF) mixtos y la capacidad para persistir de Lm sobre (i) la capacidad de Lm para desarrollar BF; (ii) los parámetros estructurales de los BF formados; (iii) la respuesta de las células adheridas de Lm frente al tratamiento con quitosano; (iiii) y su capacidad para recuperarse tras el tratamiento, tanto a nivel de densidad celular como estructural. Además, se pretendió valorar el quitosano como agente de limpieza y desinfección de los BF en la industria alimentaria, profundizando en su impacto sobre la estructura. 2 METODOLOGÍA Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos se seleccionaron un total de 10 cepas de Lm (6 persistentes y 3 esporádicas aisladas por Ortiz y col. (2010) de una industria cárnica y la cepa Lm Scott A como referencia) y la cepa Pf ATCC 948TM para formar BF puros, de cada especie, y mixtos, de Pf y cada una de las cepas de Lm, iniciando los cultivos a un nivel de cada una de las bacterias de 104 UFC·ml-1. Para la formación de BF se empleó un sistema en batch, en el que cupones de vidrio desechables (22x22 mm) semisumergidos actuaron como soporte para la adhesión. Los BF se desarrollaron a 20°C (BF “templados”) y 4°C (BF “fríos”). Los tratamientos con quitosano al 1% (w/v) consistieron en la inmersión durante 1h. Para la recuperación, los cupones tratados se revitalizaron en medio fresco (Trytone Soya Broth, TSB) a 20°C/48h. La densidad celular adherida antes, después y durante la revitalización se determinó mediante siembra del BF residual recogido del cupón en medios generales, o selectivos en el caso de los BF mixtos. Para la determinación de la biomasa adherida mediante densitometría (λ=520-570 nm), los BF fueron teñidos con una solución al 1‰ de azul de coomassie. Para las observaciones de la estructura mediante microscopía confocal láser de barrido (CLSM) las muestras se tiñeron con diferentes fluorocromos, procesándose las imágenes obtenidas mediante el software Imaris 8.2. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se hizo con el software Statgraphics Centurion...
A main unsolved problem in the RNA world scenario for the origin of life is how a template-dependent RNA polymerase ribozyme emerged from short RNA oligomers generated by random polymerization of ribonucleotides (Joyce and Orgel 2006). Current estimates establish a minimum size about 165 nt long for such a ribozyme (Johnston et al. 2001), a length three to four times that of the longest RNA oligomers obtained by random polymerization on clay mineral surfaces (Huang and Ferris 2003, 2006). To overcome this gap, we have developed a stepwise model of ligation-based, modular evolution of RNA (Briones et al. 2009) whose main conceptual steps are summarized in Figure 1. This scenario has two main advantages with respect to previous hypotheses put forward for the origin of the RNA world: i) short RNA....
Although trapped ion technology is well-suited for quantum information science, scalability of the system remains one of the main challenges. One of the challenges associated with scaling the ion trap quantum computer is the ability to individually manipulate the increasing number of qubits. Using micro-mirrors fabricated with micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, laser beams are focused on individual ions in a linear chain and steer the focal point in two dimensions. Multiple single qubit gates are demonstrated on trapped 171Yb+ qubits and the gate performance is characterized using quantum state tomography. The system features negligible crosstalk to neighboring ions (< 3e-4), and switching speeds comparable to typical single qubit gate times (< 2 us). In a separate experiment, photons scattered from the 171Yb+ ion are coupled into an optical fiber with 63% efficiency using a high numerical aperture lens (0.6 NA). The coupled photons are directed to superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPD), which provide a higher detector efficiency (69%) compared to traditional photomultiplier tubes (35%). The total system photon collection efficiency is increased from 2.2% to 3.4%, which allows for fast state detection of the qubit. For a detection beam intensity of 11 mW/cm2, the average detection time is 23.7 us with 99.885(7)% detection fidelity. The technologies demonstrated in this thesis can be integrated to form a single quantum register with all of the necessary resources to perform local gates as well as high fidelity readout and provide a photon link to other systems.
Many sessile, suspension-feeding marine invertebrates mate by spermcasting: aquatic sperm are spawned and gathered by conspecific individuals to fertilize eggs that are generally retained during development. In two phylogenetically distant examples, a cheilostome bryozoan and an aplousobranch ascidian, the receipt of allosperm has previously been shown to alter sex allocation by triggering female investment in eggs and brooding. Here we report experiments demonstrating that two species of cyclostome bryozoan also show restrained female investment in the absence of mating opportunity. In Tubulipora plumosa, the production of female zooids and progeny is much reduced in reproductive isolation. In Filicrisia geniculata, development of distinctive female zooids (gonozooids) begins but halts in the absence of mating opportunity, and no completed gonozooids or progeny result. Reduced female investment in the absence of a mate thus occurs in at least two orders of Bryozoa, but significant differences in detail exist and the evolutionary history within the phylum of the mechanism(s) by which female investment is initiated might be complex. The broadening taxonomic spectrum of examples where female investment appears restrained until allosperm becomes available may signify a general adaptive strategy among outcrossing modular animals, analogous to similarly adaptive sex allocation typical of many flowering plants.
Many sessile, suspension-feeding marine invertebrates mate by spermcasting: aquatic sperm are spawned and gathered by conspecific individuals to fertilize eggs that are generally retained during development. In two phylogenetically distant examples, a cheilostome bryozoan and an aplousobranch ascidian, the receipt of allosperm has previously been shown to alter sex allocation by triggering female investment in eggs and brooding. Here we report experiments demonstrating that two species of cyclostome bryozoan also show restrained female investment in the absence of mating opportunity. In Tubulipora plumosa, the production of female zooids and progeny is much reduced in reproductive isolation. In Filicrisia geniculata, development of distinctive female zooids (gonozooids) begins but halts in the absence of mating opportunity, and no completed gonozooids or progeny result. Reduced female investment in the absence of a mate thus occurs in at least two orders of Bryozoa, but significant differences in detail exist and the evolutionary history within the phylum of the mechanism(s) by which female investment is initiated might be complex. The broadening taxonomic spectrum of examples where female investment appears restrained until allosperm becomes available may signify a general adaptive strategy among outcrossing modular animals, analogous to similarly adaptive sex allocation typical of many flowering plants.
This review discusses the potential application of bacterial viruses (phage therapy) towards the eradication of antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). In this regard, several potential relationships between bacteria and their bacteriophages are considered. The most important aspect that must be addressed with respect to phage therapy of bacterial infections in the lungs of CF patients is in ensuring the continuity of treatment in light of the continual occurrence of resistant bacteria. This depends on the ability to rapidly select phages exhibiting an enhanced spectrum of lytic activity among several well-studied phage groups of proven safety. We propose a modular based approach, utilizing both mono-species and hetero-species phage mixtures. With an approach involving the visual recognition of characteristics exhibited by phages of well studied phage groups on lawns of the standard P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain, the simple and rapid enhancement of the lytic spectrum of cocktails is permitted, allowing the development of tailored preparations for patients capable of circumventing problems associated with phage resistant bacterial mutants.
The lack of flexibility in logistic systems currently on the market leads to the development of new innovative transportation systems. In order to find the optimal configuration of such a system depending on the current goal functions, for example minimization of transport times and maximization of the throughput, various mathematical methods of multi-criteria optimization are applicable. In this work, the concept of a complex transportation system is presented. Furthermore, the question of finding the optimal configuration of such a system through mathematical methods of optimization is considered.
La tesi nasce dalla volontà di agire sull’area della Darsena di Ravenna, strategica in quanto via d’acqua navigabile che congiunge il mare con il centro città ma dal potenziale ancora poco sfruttato. Il progetto è studiato per essere inserito come catalizzatore urbano, creando spazi di interazione attraverso elementi modulari galleggianti e riconfigurabili per adattarsi a programmi d’uso flessibili; tali elementi si aggregano formando un sistema che ristruttura lo spazio dell’attuale banchina, cambiandone la percezione da barriera a waterfront urbano. La necessità di ottenere una struttura con capacità di crescita e flessibilità programmatica sfocia in un approccio modulare seguendo il principio massima variazione/minimo numero di elementi i cui principi aggregativi si basano sulla tassellazione “Cairo”. Vengono studiate le possibilità di incorporare variazione ed eterogeneità all’interno del sistema senza comprometterne la modularità fino ad integrare percorsi multilivello. La definizione delle morfologie delle parti che compongono i moduli si basano sullo studio dei principi di galleggiamento, stabilità e yacht design: a partire dalla forma dello scafo adatta ai principi di tiling definiti in precedenza, tutte le parti che compongono le varie tipologie di modulo sono progettate cercando continuità e integrazione tettonica (geometrica, strutturale, funzionale e percettiva). Vengono proposte soluzioni integrate sia per le problematiche tipiche delle strutture galleggianti sia per l’inserimento di attività all’interno della soluzione architettonica. Vengono prototipati di una serie di moduli, scelti in modo da dimostrare i principi di ricombinazione, continuità, modularità e tiling.
Dada la importancia que hoy día presenta dentro del ámbito de la óptica, la implementación y conocimiento de dispositivos capaces tanto de generar aberraciones ópticas bien caracterizadas como de censarlas, se presenta a lo largo de este trabajo el desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica en MATLAB, que permita simular el funcionamiento tanto de un sensor de frente de onda de Hartamnn-Shack (HS), así como la simulación de dispositivos capaces de modificar frentes de onda como los SLM, adicionando algoritmos de propagación y cálculo de centroides -- Para ello, se implementarán en primer lugar máscaras de fase que generen frentes de onda aberrados a partir de la modulación en fase de moduladores espaciales de luz o SLM, tanto a través de funciones lente de primer orden en representación de las aberraciones constantes, como de fase cuadrática en representación de las aberraciones de bajo orden y adicionalmente como combinaciones lineales de polinomios de Zernike -- Todo lo anterior se simulará teniendo en cuenta las características técnicas de los SLM, como lo son el número de pixeles en x y en y, el tamaño de estos y la curva de calibración de los moduladores espaciales, tanto para una relación lineal como para una relación no lineal -- Posteriormente se simularán las dos propagaciones sufridas por los haces de luz desde el SLM hasta el CCD (dispositivo de carga acoplada), pasando a través de la matriz de multilentes del HS (MLA), a partir de la implementación de algoritmos de propagación de un solo paso, que nos permitirán observar sobre el plano del CDD el mapa de spots necesario para el censado de las superficies -- Continuaremos con la construcción de algoritmos para determinar los centroides de dicho mapa y sus respectivas coordenadas, seguiremos con la implementación de algoritmos de reconstrucción modal empleados por sensores de frente de onda de Hartmann-Shack, y finalmente compararemos el grado de error existente entre las superficies generadas y las superficies censadas a través del cálculo de su error cuadrático medio