842 resultados para Sima, Guang, 1019-1086.


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El informe a la UNESCO de la Comisión Internacional sobre la educación para el siglo XXI, presidida por Jacques Delors, establece entre sus principios cuatro pilares o aprendizajes fundamentales en torno a los cuales debe estructurarse la educación: ‘Aprender a conocer’, ‘Aprender a hacer’, ‘Aprender a ser’ y ‘Aprender a vivir juntos’. Estos pilares determinan lo que la educación debe procurar que se aprenda; sin embargo, se hace necesario identificar estrategias que definan cómo hacerlo. Nos hemos centrado en el pilar ‘Aprender a vivir juntos’, en lo que éste significa, y en los limitados avances de la educación en este ámbito, con la intención de hacer una propuesta metodológica que favorezca su desarrollo. Afirmamos que este aprendizaje está fuertemente marcado por las experiencias de convivencia que tiene el educando en el medio escolar, como una práctica que va más allá de teorías y discursos. El ambiente de las instituciones educativas —como un elemento de sus culturas— frecuentemente favorece relaciones interpersonales hostiles que el/la estudiante asume e interioriza como una práctica común para relacionarse con los demás. El ‘aprender a vivir juntos’ requiere un cambio en las configuraciones culturales particulares de los centros educativos, de manera que éstos se conviertan en espacios en los que las relaciones interpersonales sean más acordes con las propuestas de educación para la convivencia. Analizaremos aquí esos componentes de las culturas escolares que se deben revisar en un proceso de cambio, puesto que —de acuerdo a nuestros propios criterios y a la investigación realizada— no han contribuido a generar un entorno propicio para aprender a convivir. Nos hemos acercado al caso de la Unidad Educativa ‘América Latina’ de la ciudad de Quito, a su cultura institucional que pretende desarrollar en sus educandos actitudes y comportamientos para una convivencia democrática.


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El presente trabajo pretende enfocarse en la gestión de Crédito y Cobranzas de la empresa AGA S.A., la misma que según el organigrama estructural forma parte del área financiera. Considerando que el 96% de las ventas totales de la compañía son efectuadas a crédito, el porcentaje de contribución de éstas en los resultados de la compañía se da en la misma proporción, razón por la cual se hace indispensable una administración adecuada y recaudación oportuna de estos recursos en poder de terceros, así como también alcanzar niveles óptimos de productividad y calidad que reflejen un incremento en la rentabilidad. Esta es la razón de ser del presente documento, en el cual, a través de técnicas y herramientas adecuadas descritas en los capítulos 1 y 2 se pretende identificar todas aquellas actividades que no aportan valor agregado para la organización, tareas manuales muy operativas e innecesarias que estén ocasionando cuellos de botella; así como también se proyecta realizar una simulación de la situación luego de implantar las mejoras, lo cual se puede visualizar en los capítulos 3 y 4. Finalmente, se entregará a la organización una propuesta de alternativas a implantarse para mejorar el proceso de crédito y cobranzas tanto en tiempos como en calidad.


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A novel statistic for local wave amplitude of the 500-hPa geopotential height field is introduced. The statistic uses a Hilbert transform to define a longitudinal wave envelope and dynamical latitude weighting to define the latitudes of interest. Here it is used to detect the existence, or otherwise, of multimodality in its distribution function. The empirical distribution function for the 1960-2000 period is close to a Weibull distribution with shape parameters between 2 and 3. There is substantial interdecadal variability but no apparent local multimodality or bimodality. The zonally averaged wave amplitude, akin to the more usual wave amplitude index, is close to being normally distributed. This is consistent with the central limit theorem, which applies to the construction of the wave amplitude index. For the period 1960-70 it is found that there is apparent bimodality in this index. However, the different amplitudes are realized at different longitudes, so there is no bimodality at any single longitude. As a corollary, it is found that many commonly used statistics to detect multimodality in atmospheric fields potentially satisfy the assumptions underlying the central limit theorem and therefore can only show approximately normal distributions. The author concludes that these techniques may therefore be suboptimal to detect any multimodality.


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The no response test is a new scheme in inverse problems for partial differential equations which was recently proposed in [D. R. Luke and R. Potthast, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 63 (2003), pp. 1292–1312] in the framework of inverse acoustic scattering problems. The main idea of the scheme is to construct special probing waves which are small on some test domain. Then the response for these waves is constructed. If the response is small, the unknown object is assumed to be a subset of the test domain. The response is constructed from one, several, or many particular solutions of the problem under consideration. In this paper, we investigate the convergence of the no response test for the reconstruction information about inclusions D from the Cauchy values of solutions to the Helmholtz equation on an outer surface $\partial\Omega$ with $\overline{D} \subset \Omega$. We show that the one‐wave no response test provides a criterion to test the analytic extensibility of a field. In particular, we investigate the construction of approximations for the set of singular points $N(u)$ of the total fields u from one given pair of Cauchy data. Thus, the no response test solves a particular version of the classical Cauchy problem. Also, if an infinite number of fields is given, we prove that a multifield version of the no response test reconstructs the unknown inclusion D. This is the first convergence analysis which could be achieved for the no response test.


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In domain of intelligent buildings, saving energy in buildings and increasing preferences of occupants are two important factors. These factors are the important keys for evaluating the performance of work environment. In recent years, many researchers combine these areas to create the system that can change from original to the modern work environment called intelligent work environment. Due to advance of agent technology, it has received increasing attention in the area of intelligent pervasive environments. In this paper, we review several issues in intelligent buildings, with respect to the implementation of control system for intelligent buildings via multi-agent systems. Furthermore, we present the MASBO (Multi-Agent System for Building cOntrol) that has been implemented for controlling the building facilities to reach the balancing between energy efficiency and occupant’s comfort. In addition to enhance the MASBO system, the collaboration through negotiation among agents is presented.


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New radiocarbon calibration curves, IntCal04 and Marine04, have been constructed and internationally ratified to replace the terrestrial and marine components of IntCal98. The new calibration data sets extend an additional 2000 yr, from 0-26 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal. BP = AD 1950), and provide much higher resolution, greater precision, and more detailed structure than IntCal98. For the Marine04 curve, dendrochronologically-dated tree-ring samples, converted with a box diffusion model to marine mixed-layer ages, cover the period from 0-10.5 call kyr BR Beyond 10.5 cal kyr BP, high-resolution marine data become available from foraminifera in varved sediments and U/Th-dated corals. The marine records are corrected with site-specific C-14 reservoir age information to provide a single global marine mixed-layer calibration from 10.5-26.0 cal kyr BR A substantial enhancement relative to IntCal98 is the introduction of a random walk model, which takes into account the uncertainty in both the calendar age and the C-14 age to calculate the underlying calibration curve (Buck and Blackwell, this issue). The marine data sets and calibration curve for marine samples from the surface mixed layer (Marine04) are discussed here. The tree-ring data sets, sources of uncertainty, and regional offsets are presented in detail in a companion paper by Reimer et al. (this issue).


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Laboratory dissolution experiments using the LL6 ordinary chondrite Bensour demonstrate that meteoritic minerals readily react with distilled water at low temperatures, liberating ions into solution and forming reaction products. Three experiments were performed, all for 68 days and at atmospheric fO(2) but using a range of water/rock ratios and different ternperatures. Experiments I and 2 were batch experiments and undertaken at room temperature, whereas in experiment 3, condensed boiling water was dripped onto meteorite subsamples within a Soxhlet extractor. Solutions from experiment 1 were chemically analyzed at the end of the experiment, whereas aliquots were extracted from experiments 2 and 3 for analysis at regular intervals. In all three experiments, a very significant proportion of the Na, Cl, and K within the Bensour subsamples entered solution, demonstrating that chlorapatite and feldspar were especially susceptible to dissolution. Concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe in solution were strongly affected by the precipitation of reaction products and Mg and Ca may also have been removed by sorption. Calculations predict saturation of experimental solutions with respect to Al hydroxides, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides, which would have frequently been accompanied by hydrous aluminosilicates. Some reaction products were identified and include silica, a Mg-rich silicate, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides. The implications of these results are that even very short periods of subaerial exposure of ordinary chondrites will lead to dissolution of primary minerals and crystallization of weathering products that are likely to include aluminosilicates and silicates, Mg-Ca carbonates, and sulfates in addition to the ubiquitous Fe oxides and (oxy)hydroxides.


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Discussion of the epigraphical exploits of the Danish scholar Henrik Ernst during the Thirty-Years war.


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The concept of “working” memory is traceable back to nineteenth century theorists (Baldwin, 1894; James 1890) but the term itself was not used until the mid-twentieth century (Miller, Galanter & Pribram, 1960). A variety of different explanatory constructs have since evolved which all make use of the working memory label (Miyake & Shah, 1999). This history is briefly reviewed and alternative formulations of working memory (as language-processor, executive attention, and global workspace) are considered as potential mechanisms for cognitive change within and between individuals and between species. A means, derived from the literature on human problem-solving (Newell & Simon, 1972), of tracing memory and computational demands across a single task is described and applied to two specific examples of tool-use by chimpanzees and early hominids. The examples show how specific proposals for necessary and/or sufficient computational and memory requirements can be more rigorously assessed on a task by task basis. General difficulties in connecting cognitive theories (arising from the observed capabilities of individuals deprived of material support) with archaeological data (primarily remnants of material culture) are discussed.


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