977 resultados para Schetter, Willy. Römische Epos
Palaeoecological studies in the "Alpe d'Essertse" area have provided much information about Vegetation changes and timberline fluctuations during the Holocene In this study we repeated previous biostratigraphic investigations using plant macrofossils to improve their temporal and taxonomie resolution and to test their reliability. By analyzing 0.5-cm layers of a lake sediment we reached a temporal resolution of 44 years, and we were able to reconstruct Vegetation changes in the surrounding area at species level. The sedimentary record analyzed extends from the Late-Glacial to the late Holocene Alpine grasslands (12'000-11'000 cal. BP) were afforested by Larix decidua, Juniperus nana, and Pinus cembra (11'000-9'600 cal. B.P). Stable subalpine larch-stone pine-forests (9'600^4'900 cal. BP) were followed by shrublands and meadows as a consequence of the climatically and anthropogenically induced destruction of forest Vegetation (4'900-2'600 cal. BP). Changes in the abundance of P. cembra and L. decidua needles as well as changes of the other taxa were consistent with those found in previous studies from the same lake. Our results demonstrate that plant-macrofossil records can be reproduced spatially and temporally on separate cores with independent 14C chronologies.
Dating lake sediments by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C analysis of terrestrial plant macrofossils overcomes one of the main problems associated with dating bulk sediment samples, i.e., the presence of old organic matter. Even so, many AMS dates from arctic and boreal sites appear to misrepresent the age of the sediment. To understand the nature of these apparent dating anomalies better, we conducted a series of 14C dating experiments using samples from Alaskan and Siberian lake-sediment cores. First, to test whether our analytical procedures introduced a sample-mass bias, we obtained 14C dates for different-sized pieces of single woody macrofossils. In these sample-mass experiments, statistically equivalent ages were found for samples as small as 0.05 mg C. Secondly, to assess whether macrofossil type influenced dating results, we conducted sample-type experiments in which 14C dates were obtained for different macrofossil types sieved from the same depth in the sediment. We dated materials from multiple levels in sediment cores from Upper Capsule Lake (North Slope, northern Alaska) and Grizzly Lake (Copper River Basin, southern Alaska) and from single depths in other records from northern Alaska. In several of the experiments there were significant discrepancies between dates for different plant tissues, and in most cases wood and charcoal were older than other macrofossil types, usually by several hundred years. This pattern suggests that 14C dates for woody macrofossils may misrepresent the age of the sediment by centuries, perhaps because of their longer terrestrial residence time and the potential in-built age of longlived plants. This study identifies why some 14C dates appear to be inconsistent with the overall age-depth trend of a lake-sediment record, and it may guide the selection of 14C samples in future studies.
Beim Bau des neuen AlpTransit Lötschberg Basistunnels wurden unter murgangartig verschwemmten Ablagerungen der alten Bergsturzmasse des Kandertals Stillwasserablagerungen mit zahlreichen organischen Resten und Torflagen gefunden. Die 14C-datierten Resultate der Pollen, Makrorest-, Holz- und Holzkohleanalysen ermöglichten eine Rekonstruktion der lokalen bis regionalen Umweltgeschichte. Ein Gewässer, vermutlich ein kleiner See, begann beim Tellenfeld in Frutigen um 8800 kal. Jahre v. Chr. zu verlanden. In der näheren Umgebung wuchs von 8800 v. Chr. bis 8000 v. Chr. ein Föhrenwald (Pinus silvestris), der reichlich mit Hasel (Corylus avellana) und anderen wärmeliebenden Gehölzen (Ulmen, Linden, Eichen; Ulmus, Tilia, Quercus) und Birken (Betula) durchsetzt war. Diese für die Nordalpen sehr frühe Bedeutung der Hasel ist durch 14C-datierte Corylus-Nussfragmente (9310±50 14C BP, 8722–8337 v. Chr.) belegt. Nach 8500 v. Chr. drängte die Hasel die Waldföhre allmählich zurück. Auf Grund der paläoökologischen Resultate muss angenommen werden, dass die Wälder um 7600 v. Chr. durch ein katastrophales Ereignis stark gestört wurden. Als Reaktion darauf kam es zu einer starken Zunahme der Waldbrände und es breiteten sich zuerst Farne und Gräser sowie wenig später Waldföhren aus. Das Gewässer wurde um 7100 v. Chr. durch verschwemmtes Bergsturzmaterial zerstört. Der geomorphologische Befund deutet darauf hin, dass diese Ereignisse in engem Zusammenhang mit dem Hauptbergsturz im Kandertal stehen, der aussergewöhnliche Ausmasse hatte (ca. 800 Millionen m3). Die Zerstörung der lokalen ökosysteme als Folge des Bergsturzes um 7600–7100 v. Chr. fiel in ein frühes holozänes Wärme- und Sonneneinstrahlungsmaximum, in dem es, wie vorgängige Untersuchungen in den Alpen und in anderen Gebirgen belegen, zu überdurchschnittlich vielen Hanginstabilitäten kam.
Wildfires are very rare in central Europe, which is probably why fire effects on vegetation have been neglected by most central European ecologists and palaeoecologists. Presently, reconstructions of fire history and fire ecology are almost absent. We analysed sediment cores from lakes on the Swiss Plateau (Lobsigensee and Soppensee) for pollen and charcoal to investigate the relationship between vegetation and fire. Microscopic charcoal evidence suggests increasing regional fire frequencies during the Neolithic (7350-4150 cal. BP, 5400-2200 BC) and the subsequent prehistoric epochs at Lobsigensee, whereas at Soppensee burnings remained rather rare until modern times. Neolithic peaks of charcoal at 6200 and 5500 cal. BP (4250 and 3550 BC) coincided with declines of pollen of fire-sensitive taxa at both sites (e.g., Ulmus, Tilia, Hedera, Fagus), suggesting synchronous vegetational responses to fire at regional scales. However, correlation analysis between charcoal and pollen for the period 6600-4400 cal. BP (4650-2650 BC) revealed no significant link between fire and vegetation at Soppensee, whereas at Lobsigensee increases of Corylus and decreases of Fagus were related to fire events. Fire impact on vegetation increased during the subsequent epochs at both sites. Correlation analyses of charcoal and pollen data for the period 4250-1150 cal. BP (2300 BC -AD 800) suggest that fires were intentionally set to disrupt forests and to provide open areas for arable and pastoral farming (e.g., significant positive correlations between charcoal and Cerealia, Plantago lanceolata, Asteroideae). These results are compared with southern European records (Lago di Origlio, Lago di Muzzano), which are situated in particularly fire-prone environments. After the Mesolithic period (I1 200-7350 cal. BP, 9250-5400 BC), charcoal influx was higher by an order of magnitude in the south, suggesting more frequent fires. Neolithic fires caused similar though more pronounced responses of vegetation in the south (e.g., expansions of Corylus). Post-Neolithic land-use practices involving (controlled) burning culminated in both regions at about 2550 cal. BP (c. 600 BC). However, fire-caused disappearances of entire forest communities were confined to the southern sites. Such differences in fire effects among the sites are explained by the dissimilar importance of fire as a result of different climatic conditions and cultural activities. Our results imply that the remaining (fire-sensitive) fragments of central European vegetation north of the Alps are especially endangered by increasing fire frequencies resulting from predicted climatic change.
1 The Early Holocene sediment of a lake at tree line (Gouillé Rion, 2343 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Central Alps was sampled for plant macrofossils. Thin (0.5 cm) slices, representing time intervals of c. 50 years each from 11 800 to 7800 cal. year bp, were analysed and the data compared with independent palaeoclimatic proxies to study vegetational responses to environmental change. 2 Alpine plant communities (e.g. with Salix herbacea) were established at 11 600–11 500 cal. year bp, when oxygen-isotope records showed that temperatures increased by c. 3–4 °C within decades. Larix decidua trees reached the site at c. 11 350 cal. year bp, probably in response to further warming by 1–2 °C. Forests dominated by L. decidua persisted until 9600 cal. year bp, when Pinus cembra became more important. 3 The dominance of Larix decidua for two millennia is explained by dry summer conditions, and possibly low winter temperatures, which favoured it over the late-successional Pinus cembra. Environmental conditions were a result of variations in the earth's orbit, leading to a maximum of summer and a minimum of winter solar radiation. Other heliophilous and drought-adapted species, such as Dryas octopetala and Juniperus nana, could persist in the open L. decidua forests, but were out-competed when the shade-tolerant P. cembra expanded. 4 The relative importance of Larix decidua decreased during periods of diminished solar radiation at 11 100, 10 100 and 9400 cal. year bp. Stable concentrations of L. decidua indicate that these percentage oscillations were caused by temporary increases of Pinus cembra, Dryas octopetala and Juniperus nana that can be explained by increases in moisture and/or decreases in summer temperature. 5 The final collapse of Larix decidua at 8400 cal. year bp was possibly related to abrupt climatic cooling as a consequence of a large meltwater input to the North Atlantic. Similarly, the temporary exclusion of Pinus cembra from tree line at 10 600–10 200 cal. year bp may be related to slowing down of thermohaline circulation at 10 700–10 300 cal. year bp. 6 Our results show that tree line vegetation was in dynamic equilibrium with climate, even during periods of extraordinarily rapid climatic change. They also imply that forecasted global warming may trigger rapid upslope movements of the tree line of up to 800 m within a few decades or centuries at most, probably inducing large-scale displacements of plant species as well as irrecoverable biodiversity losses.
Willy Cohn
Willy Cohn
Willy Cohn
Der Ötzi ist kein Einzelfall. Immer mehr Hinterlassenschaften der Vorzeit kommen ans Tageslicht, seit die globale Erwärmung nach und nach die alpinen Gletscher zum Schmelzen bringt. Insbesondere am Schnidejoch im Berner Oberland sind Archäologen fündig geworden: Das Eis, das hier jahrtausendelang den Bergsattel bedeckte, ist mittlerweile bis auf einen kleinen Eisfleck geschmolzen und hat rund 900 Artefakte freigegeben. Darunter eine 6.800 Jahre alte Schüssel aus Ulmenholz, eine komplette Jägerausrüstung, römische Schuhnägel aus dem Mittelalter. Und das große Schmelzen geht weiter ...
o reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Upper Engadine, two continuous sediment cores from Lej da Champfèr and Lej da San Murezzan (Upper Engadine Valley, southeastern Switzerland) were analysed for pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal and kerogen. The chronologies of the cores are based on 38 radiocarbon dates. Pollen and macrofossil data suggest a rapid afforestation with Betula, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus cembra, and Larix decidua after the retreat of the glaciers from the lake catchments 11,000 cal years ago. This vegetation type persisted until ca. 7300 cal b.p. (5350 b.c.) when Picea replaced Pinus cembra. Pollen indicative of human impact suggests that in this high-mountain region of the central Alps strong anthropogenic activities began during the Early Bronze Age (3900 cal b.p., 1950 b.c.). Local human settlements led to vegetational changes, promoting the expansion of Larix decidua and Alnus viridis. In the case of Larix, continuing land use and especially grazing after fire led to the formation of Larix meadows. The expansion of Alnus viridis was directly induced by fire, as evidenced by time-series analysis. Subsequently, the process of forest conversion into open landscapes continued for millennia and reached its maximum at the end of the Middle Ages at around 500 cal b.p. (a.d. 1450).
Charcoal analysis was conducted on sediment cores from three lakes to assess the relationship between the area and number of charcoal particles. Three charcoal-size parameters (maximum breadth, maximum length and area) were measured on sediment samples representing various vegetation types, including shrub tundra, boreal forest and temperate forest. These parameters and charcoal size-class distributions do not differ statistically between two sites where the same preparation technique (glycerine pollen slides) was used, but they differ for the same core when different techniques were applied. Results suggest that differences in charcoal size and size-class distribution are mainly caused by different preparation techniques and are not related to vegetation-type variation. At all three sites, the area and number concentrations of charcoal particles are highly correlated in standard pollen slides; 82–83% of the variability of the charcoal-area concentration can be explained by the particle-number concentration. Comparisons between predicted and measured area concentrations show that regression equations linking charcoal number and area concentrations can be used across sites as long as the same pollen-preparation technique is used. Thus it is concluded that it is unnecessary to measure charcoal areas in standard pollen slides – a time-consuming and tedious process.
Fire regimes have changed during the Holocene due to changes in climate, vegetation, and in human practices. Here, we hypothesise that changes in fire regime may have affected the global CO2 concentration in the atmosphere through the Holocene. Our data are based on quantitative reconstructions of biomass burning deduced from stratified charcoal records from Europe, and South-, Central- and North America, and Oceania to test the fire-carbon release hypothesis. In Europe the significant increase of fire activity is dated ≈6000 cal. yr ago. In north-eastern North America burning activity was greatest before 7500 years ago, very low between 7500–3000 years, and has been increasing since 3000 years ago. In tropical America, the pattern is more complex and apparently latitudinally zonal. Maximum burning occurred in the southern Amazon basin and in Central America during the middle Holocene, and during the last 2000 years in the northern Amazon basin. In Oceania, biomass burning has decreased since a maximum 5000 years ago. Biomass burning has broadly increased in the Northern and Southern hemispheres throughout the second half of the Holocene associated with changes in climate and human practices. Global fire indices parallel the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded in Antarctic ice cores. Future issues on carbon dynamics relatively to biomass burning are discussed to improve the quantitative reconstructions.
Fluctuations in the Δ14C curve and subsequent gaps of archaeological findings at 800–650 and 400–100 BC in western and central Europe may indicate major climate-driven land-abandonment phases. To address this hypothesis radiocarbon-dated sediments from four lakes in Switzerland were studied palynologically. Pollen analysis indicates contemporaneous phases of forest clearances and of intensified land-use at 1450–1250 BC, 650–450 BC, 50 BC–100 AD and around 700 AD. These land-use expansions coincided with periods of warm climate as recorded by the Alpine dendroclimatic and Greenland oxygen isotope records. Our results suggest that harvest yields would have increased synchronously over wide areas of central and southern Europe during periods of warm and dry climate. Combined interpretation of palaeoecological and archaeological findings suggests that higher food production led to increased human populations. Positive long-term trends in pollen values of Cerealia and Plantago lanceolata indicate that technical innovations during the Bronze and Iron Age (e.g. metal ploughs, scythes, hay production, fertilising methods) gradually increased agricultural productivity. The successful adoption of yield-increasing advances cannot be explained by climatic determinism alone. Combined with archaeological evidence, our results suggest that despite considerable cycles of spatial and demographic reorganisation (repeated land abandonments and expansions, as well as large-scale migrations and population decreases), human societies were able to shift to lower subsistence levels without dramatic ruptures in material culture. However, our data imply that human societies were not able to compensate rapidly for harvest failures when climate deteriorated. Agriculture in marginal areas was abandoned, and spontaneous reforestations took place on abandoned land south and north of the Alps. Only when the climate changed again to drier and warmer conditions did a new wide-spread phase of forest clearances and field extensions occur, allowing the reoccupation of previously abandoned areas. Spatial distribution of cereal cultivation and growth requirements of Cerealia species suggest that increases in precipitation were far more decisive in driving crop failures over central and southern Europe than temperature decreases.
Willy Cohn
von W. Staerk