1000 resultados para Savolainen, Raimo: Sivistyksen voimalla : J. V. Snellmanin elämä
Vastine Risto Ikosen artikkeliin 'Kasvatusta vai sosialisaatiota?' (Aikuiskasvatus 1/2000)
Puheenvuoro kuului osana Kansanvalistusseuran Mitä on sivistys? -seminaariin 3.2.1999
The superantigen (SAg) expressed by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been shown to play an essential role in the course of the viral life cycle. In the present study, we describe a V beta 4-specific SAg encoded by a new exogenous MMTV carried by the SIM mouse strain. This is the first report of a viral or bacterial SAg reacting with mouse V beta 4+ T cells. Injection of MMTV(SIM) into adult BALB/c mice leads to a rapid and strong stimulation of V beta 4+ CD4+ T cells, followed by a slow deletion of these cells. Neonatal exposure to the virus also leads to a progressive deletion of V beta 4+ T cells. In contrast to other strong MMTV SAg, this new SAg requires the presence of major histocompatibility complex class II I-E molecules to be presented efficiently to T cells. Sequence analysis revealed a new predicted amino acid sequence in the C-terminal polymorphic region of this SAg. Furthermore, sequence comparisons to the most closely related SAg with different V beta specificities hint at the specific residues involved in the interaction with the T cell receptor.