805 resultados para Saulnier-Blache, M. A. -- Correspondance


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Présentation du numro de La Revue des sciences humaines no 317: Robert Pinget. Inédits (textes réunis par Clothilde Roullier et Patrick Suter). L’œuvre de Robert Pinget s’est étoffée depuis quelques années de nombreux inédits, dont La Fissure, publiée en 2009 par Clothilde Roullier dans la collection «Le mtier à tisser», dirigée par Patrick Suter chez MtisPresses. Ce numro de la RSH revient sur ces inédits à travers un dossier critique (contributions de C. Roullier, J. Kaempfer, M. Mgevand & P. Suter), tout en en proposant d’autres : Le Couloir, adapté à partir de 3 manuscrits de Pinget par L. Koechlin ; la correspondance Pinget – Robbe-Grillet, ainsi que de nombreux documents inédits).


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L’œuvre de Robert Pinget s’est étoffée depuis quelques années de nombreux inédits, dont La Fissure, publiée en 2009 par Clothilde Roullier dans la collection «Le mtier à tisser», dirigée par Patrick Suter chez MtisPresses. Ce numro de la RSH revient sur ces inédits à travers un dossier critique (contributions de C. Roullier, J. Kaempfer, M. Mgevand & P. Suter), tout en en proposant d’autres : Le Couloir, adapté à partir de 3 manuscrits de Pinget par L. Koechlin ; la correspondance Pinget – Robbe-Grillet, ainsi que de nombreux documents inédits).


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Si les hommes bénéficient d’emblée de mythes (Pygmalion, Orphée) qui légitiment et motivent leur créativité, il faut attendre Corinne (1807) de Mme Stal et Consuelo (1842) de George Sand pour que le mythe de la femme créatrice trouve enfin, dans la littérature européenne, à se concrétiser et à se développer sous la forme de Künstlerromane féminins. Corinne la poétesse et Consuelo la cantatrice sont devenues des exemples littéraires non seulement pour les femmes victoriennes, comme le montre par exemple le livre de Linda Lewis intitulé Germaine de Stal, George Sand and the Victorian Woman Artist, mais également pour les femmes polonaises issues des classes favorisées - qui lisaient d’ailleurs couramment en français. En effet, mme si elles ont été officiellement décriées par la critique conservatrice polonaise pour leur « immoralité », George Sand et Mme de Stal ont été lues, bien lues et mme beaucoup lues par leurs contemporaines polonaises - comme le témoigne la correspondance de ces dernières, dans laquelle elles ont moins de peine à se livrer. Le thème de la femme artiste déchirée entre la carrière publique et la vie privée, tel qu’il est représenté dans Corinne et dans Consuelo, a en particulier attiré toute leur attention et suscité chez les femmes écrivains le désir d’apporter de nouvelles manières de résoudre ce conflit. Dans cet article, le Künstlerinroman polonais Książka Pamiątek (Livre des souvenirs, 1846) de Narcyza Żmichowska fait l’objet d’une analyse comparative détaillée avec les deux Künstlerinromane français dont par ailleurs il se réclame.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 located in the southern South China Sea (SCS) were investigated to evaluate the relationship between faunal composition patterns and paleoceanographic changes during the last 6 million years (late Miocene to Holocene). We used multivariate statistics (correspondence analysis) to analyze carbon-flux-related changes in assemblage composition of benthic foraminifers. Additional proxies for carbon flux and deep-water ventilation include delta13C records of epifaunal Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and infaunal Uvigerina peregrina var. dirupta and Melonis pompilioides, benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFARs), diversity indices, and relative abundances of indicator species. We observe three significant benthic faunal changes in the southern South China Sea during the last 6 million years. Strong fluctuations in BFAR and relative abundance of productivity indicator species between glacial and interglacial stages after the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR) at approximately 0.9 Ma, indicating stronger seasonal carbon flux fluctuations, are accompanied by the extinction of such species as Stilostomella spp. Increases in carbon flux indicator species are coupled with an overall decrease in benthic foraminifer diversity around 3.0 Ma in the late Pliocene. This may indicate increasing carbon flux in a period of productivity maximum caused by enhanced offshore upwelling from intensified winter monsoon wind strength.


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The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera and sediment type and depositional environment in the Arabian Sea is discussed. The benthic foraminiferal fauna were sampled in nineteen Recent surface sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. The water depths for the box core samples varies from 440 to 4040 m. A total of 103 species and six species-complexes were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and six different sediment/depositional environment types could be distinguished. Analysis of the benthic foraminiferal fauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment/depositional environment types.


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En el archivo del Quaid’Orsay de París he podido consultar la correspondencia que entre 1907 y 1909 mantuvieron el embajador francés en Madrid y su ministro de Asuntos Exteriores. Aunque existe bibliografía sobre los acontecimientos que condujeron a la campaa de 1909, la documentación de las cajas 88-95 (Affaires duRif) de la Correspondance politique et militaire posee una doble virtud: detalla esos acontecimientos y contribuye a esclarecer varios temas polémicos, razón por la que preparo un trabajo basado en esa correspondencia. Esta nota de investigación adelanta algunas de sus conclusiones. La he dividido en dos partes. En la primera, relato los sucesos que originaron la guerra y en la segunda utilizo la documentación para tratar dos temas controvertidos: el problema de las minas como desencadenante de la contienda y el papel que Alfonso XIII jugó en ella. La limitación de espacio que exige una nota de investigación me ha obligado a “comprimir” la primera parte y por la misma razón no he incluido notas a pie de página citando los documentos de donde proviene la información.


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A synthetic study has been made to identify main tectono-sedimentary and geodynamic events in central-western Tethys. For this, an interdisciplinary analysis has been performed on successions belonging to tectonic units derived from Betic-Maghrebian-southern Apennine “Flysch basin” domain. The stratigraphic records of the internal, external, and mixed successions deposited in lateral basins of different chains show very similar characters, especially regarding: (a) lithostratigraphy and ages; (b) kind and provenance of supplies (immature and supermature petrofacies from internal and external margins, respectively); (c) presence of “mixed successions” (composed of alternating internal and external petrofacies) attesting to clear palaeogeographic relationships between opposite depositional systems; and (d) timing of the deformation. In addition, specific lithofacies reveal correspondence with similar sedimentary events, such as: (1) very thick silicoclastic supply concentrated in restricted time ranges indicating the main deformational phases in the margin/basin systems; (2) levels rich in black-shales, glauconian, siliceous-producers, and volcaniclastic intercalations, widespread in the studied successions and linked to particular events at the Tethyan scale (anoxic periods, starvation-upwelling, acid-intermediate penecontemporaneous volcanic activity, respectively). Tectonic influence has also been recorded by means of unconformities and tectofacies (such as turbidites, slumps, or olisthostromes, etc.), being correlated with the main deformational phases. Similar stratigraphic and tectonic events have also been found in the Calvana unit of Val Marecchia nappe (Ligurides, northern Apennine). Correlations of stratigraphic and tectonic events support the proposal of an evolutionary geodynamic model involving the presence of a Mesomediterranean microplate” in intermediate position during Africa-Europe convergence. The closure of central-western Tethys occasioned the Betic-Maghrebian-southern Apennine oceanic branch deformation and the birth of perimediterranean chains during middle-late Miocene.


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Surveillance studies has been somewhat inattentive to the perspective of the surveilled subject. It is the functioning of the surveillance apparatus, not the relatively inconsequential subject, which has tended to frame the focus of surveillance inquiries; leaving understandings of surveilled subjects’ experiences relatively limited. This research addresses this gap in the literature, exploring ways in which surveillance studies might understand the surveilled subject with greater consistency. Participants (N=47) shared their encounters with and perceptions of surveillance in a specific (Pearson International Airport) and general (everyday life) context through semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that surveilled subjects’ encounters can be understood with some consistency – characterized by consistent criteria across subjects and contexts, and through a consistent theoretical framework across subjects in a specific context. However, consistency should not be confused with uniformity; encounters with surveillance must also be recognized for the extent to which they are nuanced and situated. For example, as this study also highlights, participants’ perceptions of encounters with surveillance at Pearson International Airport were differentially distributed in relation to identity characteristics (particularly minority status).