998 resultados para Sarti, Raffaella: Europe at home
BACKGROUND: As part of EUROCAT's surveillance of congenital anomalies in Europe, a statistical monitoring system has been developed to detect recent clusters or long-term (10 year) time trends. The purpose of this article is to describe the system for the identification and investigation of 10-year time trends, conceived as a "screening" tool ultimately leading to the identification of trends which may be due to changing teratogenic factors.METHODS: The EUROCAT database consists of all cases of congenital anomalies including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestational age, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Monitoring of 10-year trends is performed for each registry for each of 96 non-independent EUROCAT congenital anomaly subgroups, while Pan-Europe analysis combines data from all registries. The monitoring results are reviewed, prioritized according to a prioritization strategy, and communicated to registries for investigation. Twenty-one registries covering over 4 million births, from 1999 to 2008, were included in monitoring in 2010.CONCLUSIONS: Significant increasing trends were detected for abdominal wall anomalies, gastroschisis, hypospadias, Trisomy 18 and renal dysplasia in the Pan-Europe analysis while 68 increasing trends were identified in individual registries. A decreasing trend was detected in over one-third of anomaly subgroups in the Pan-Europe analysis, and 16.9% of individual registry tests. Registry preliminary investigations indicated that many trends are due to changes in data quality, ascertainment, screening, or diagnostic methods. Some trends are inevitably chance phenomena related to multiple testing, while others seem to represent real and continuing change needing further investigation and response by regional/national public health authorities.
Ten microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the COII mitochondrial gene were used to investigate genetic differentiation in B. terrestris, a bumble bee of interest for its high-value crop pollination. The analysis included eight populations from the European continent, five from Mediterranean islands (six subspecies altogether) and one from Tenerife (initially described as a colour form of B. terrestris but recently considered as a separate species, B. canariensis). Eight of the 10 microsatellite loci displayed high levels of polymorphism in most populations. In B. terrestris populations, the total number of alleles detected per polymorphic locus ranged from 3 to 16, with observed allelic diversity from 3.8 +/- 0.5 to 6.5 +/- 1.4 and average calculated heterozygosities from 0.41 +/- 0.09 to 0.65 +/- 0.07. B. canariensis showed a significantly lower average calculated heterozygosity (0.12 +/- 0.08) and observed allelic diversity (1.5 +/- 0.04) as compared to both continental and island populations of B. terrestris. No significant differentiation was found among populations of B. terrestris from the European continent. In contrast, island populations were all significantly and most of them strongly differentiated from continental populations. B. terrestris mitochondrial DNA is characterized by a low nucleotide diversity: 0.18% +/- 0.07%, 0.20% +/- 0.04% and 0.27% +/- 0.04% for the continental populations, the island populations and all populations together, respectively. The only haplotype found in the Tenerife population differs by a single nucleotide substitution from the most common continental haplotype of B. terrestris. This situation, identical to that of Tyrrhenian islands populations and quite different from that of B. lucorum (15 substitutions between terrestris and lucorum mtDNA) casts doubts on the species status of B. canariensis. The large genetic distance between the Tenerife and B. terrestris populations estimated from microsatellite data result, most probably, from a severe bottleneck in the Canary island population. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data call for the protection of the island populations of B. terrestris against importation of bumble bees of foreign origin which are used as crop pollinators.
Report on the Iowa Veterans Home and the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs for the year ended June 30, 2008
The first breeding records of the Bee-eater in canton de Vaud was recorded in a temporarily disused gravel-pit in the Venoge valley (W Switzerland). In 1996 the reproduction of a single pair failed after the eclosion of the chicks during a long period of uninterrupted rain. In 1997, probably the same pair returned and raised 3 fledglings. In 1998, 4 pairs bred raising 20 feldglings. The site is particularly rich with insects and birds: 12 bird species of the red data list breed in the site and surrounding area. However, it is threatened by state project: the gravel-pit is planned to be filled in the coming years. Its future management in relation to the preservation of the Bee-eater and the other bird species on the red data list is presented and discussed.
La infancia extranjera se escolariza en Cataluña en un programa de cambio de lengua del hogar a la escuela. Las investigaciones afirman que este alumnado tarda un mínimo de seis años en equiparar sus habilidades lingüístico-cognitivas con sus pares autóctonos, no así las habilidades conversacionales, las cuales se adquieren antes de los dos años de residencia. Sin embargo, no existen estudios sobre los efectos de la escolarización en el parvulario del alumnado alófono, así como de su lengua familiar, en relación con la adquisición de la lengua escolar. El artículo es un estudio comparativo de la adquisición del catalán de 567 autóctonos y 434 alófonos, al final del parvulario, en 50 escuelas de Cataluña que escolarizan a alumnado de origen extranjero. Las lenguas del alumnado autóctono son el catalán, el castellano y el bilingüismo catalán-castellano y las lenguas del alumnado alófono son el árabe, el soninké y el castellano. Los factores utilizados más relevantes han sido el nivel socioprofesional y educativo de las familias, el tiempo de residencia y el momento de escolarización del alumnado, el porcentaje de alumnado catalanohablante y de alumnado alófono en el aula y el contexto sociolingüístico del centro escolar. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado autóctono sabe más catalán que el alumnado alófono, pero las diferencias desaparecen respecto a algunos factores, de los cuales los más relevantes son los relacionados con las características del alumnado de las aulas. La lengua familiar del alumnado alófono no incide en sus resultados
The water-frog L-E system, widespread in Western Europe, comprises the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae and the hybridogenetic edible frog P. esculentus, which originated from hybridization between pool frogs and marsh frogs (P. ridibundus). In P. esculentus, the lessonae (L) genome is eliminated during meiosis and has to be gained anew each generation from a P. lessonae partner, while the ridibundus (R') genome is transmitted clonally. It therefore accumulates deleterious mutations, so that R'R' offspring from P. esculentus x P. esculentus crosses are normally unviable. This system is now threatened by invasive P. ridibundus (RR) imported from Eastern Europe and the Balkans. We investigated the genetic interactions between invasive marsh frogs and native water frogs in a Swiss wetland area, and used genetic data collected in the field to validate several components of a recently postulated mechanism of species replacement. We identified neo-ridibundus individuals derived from crosses between invasive ridibundus and native esculentus, as well as newly arisen hybridogenetic esculentus lineages stemming from crosses between invasive ridibundus (RR) and native lessonae (LL). As their ridibundus genomes are likely to carry less deleterious mutations, such lineages are expected to produce viable ridibundus offspring, contributing to species replacement. However, such crosses with invasive ridibundus only occurred at a limited scale; moreover, RR x LL crosses did not induce any introgression from the ridibundus to the lessonae genome. We did not find any ridibundus stemming from crosses between ancient esculentus lineages. Despite several decades of presence on the site, introduced ridibundus individuals only represent 15% of sampled frogs, and their spatial distribution seems shaped by specific ecological requirements rather than history of colonization. We therefore expect the three taxa to coexist stably in this area.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an established imaging modality which provides often unique information on a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) training curriculum reflects the emerging role of CMR by recommending that all trainees obtain a minimum level of training in CMR and by defining criteria for subspecialty training in CMR. 1 The wider use of CMR requires the definition of standards for data acquisition, reporting, and training in CMR across Europe. At the same time, training and accreditation in all cardiac imaging methods should be harmonized and integrated to promote the training of cardiac imaging specialists. The recommendations presented in this document are intended to inform the discussion about standards for accreditation and certification in CMR in Europe and the discussion on integrated imaging training. At present, the recommendations in this position statement are not to be interpreted as guidelines. Until such guidelines are available and nationally ratified, physicians will be able to train and practice CMR according to current national regulations.
INTRODUCTION: In November 2009, the "3rd Summit on Osteoporosis-Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)" was held in Budapest, Hungary. The conference aimed to tackle issues regarding osteoporosis management in CEE identified during the second CEE summit in 2008 and to agree on approaches that allow most efficient and cost-effective diagnosis and therapy of osteoporosis in CEE countries in the future. DISCUSSION: The following topics were covered: past year experience from FRAX® implementation into local diagnostic algorithms; causes of secondary osteoporosis as a FRAX® risk factor; bone turnover markers to estimate bone loss, fracture risk, or monitor therapies; role of quantitative ultrasound in osteoporosis management; compliance and economical aspects of osteoporosis; and osteoporosis and genetics. Consensus and recommendations developed on these topics are summarised in the present progress report. CONCLUSION: Lectures on up-to-date data of topical interest, the distinct regional provenances of the participants, a special focus on practical aspects, intense mutual exchange of individual experiences, strong interest in cross-border cooperations, as well as the readiness to learn from each other considerably contributed to the establishment of these recommendations. The "4th Summit on Osteoporosis-CEE" held in Prague, Czech Republic, in December 2010 will reveal whether these recommendations prove of value when implemented in the clinical routine or whether further improvements are still required.