998 resultados para Sarpi, Paolo , 1552-1623
Introduction Pediatric intensive care patient represent a population athigh risk for drug-related problems. Our objective is to describe drugrelated problems and intervention of four decentralized pharmacists inpediatric and cardiac intensive care unit.Materials & Methods Multicentric, descriptive and prospectivestudy over a six-month period (August 1st 2009-January 31st 2010).Drug-related problems and clinical interventions were compiled infour pediatric centers using a tool developed by the Socie´te´ Franc¸aisede Pharmacie Clinique. Data concerning patients, drugs, intervention,documentation, approval (if needed), and estimated impact werecompiled. The four pharmacists participating were from Belgium (B),France (F), Quebec (Q) and Switzerland (S).Results A total of 996 interventions were collected: 129 (13%) in B,238 (24%) in F, 278 (28%) in Q and 351 (35%) in S. These interventionstargeted 269 patients (median 22 month-old, 52% male): 69(26%) in B, 88 (33%) in F, 56 (21%) in Q and in S. These data werecollected during 28 non consecutive days in the clinical unit in B, 59days in F, 42 days in Q and 63 days in S. The main drug-relatedproblems were inappropriate administration technique (293, 29%),untreated indication (254, 25%) and supra therapeutic dosage (106,11%). The pharmacist's interventions concerned mainly administrationmode optimization (223, 22%), dose adjustment (200, 20%) andtherapeutic monitoring (164, 16%). The three major drug classesleading to interventions were anti-infectives for systemic use (233,23%) and alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (218, 22%). Interventionsconcerned mainly residents and all clinical staff (209, 21%).Among the 879 (88%) interventions requiring a physician's approval,731 (83%) were accepted. Interventions were considered as having amoderate (51%) or major (17%) clinical impact. Among the interventionsprovided, 10% were considered to have an economicalpositive impact. Differences and similarities between countries willbe presented at the poster session.Discussion & Conclusion Decentralized pharmacist at patient bedsideis a pre-requisite for pharmaceutical care. There are limitedstudies comparing the activity of clinical pharmacists betweencountries. This descriptive study illustrates the ability of clinicalpharmacist to identify and solve drug-related problems in pediatricintensive care unit in four different francophone countries.
Métodos de representação espacial para o cálculo do fator topográfico (LS) da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo Revisada (RUSLE) têm sido utilizados para estimar a erosão do solo e a produção de sedimentos em bacias hidrográficas. Esses procedimentos baseiam-se nas equações tradicionalmente empregadas para determinação do fator LS e em informações que caracterizam a forma das vertentes derivadas do modelo numérico de elevação (MNE). Neste estudo foram analisados dois métodos de representação espacial utilizados no cálculo do fator LS em modelos matemáticos de erosão e produção de sedimentos em bacias hidrográficas. A análise foi realizada em quatro bacias rurais de relevo movimentado. Os valores de LS obtidos pelos métodos de representação espacial foram comparados entre si e com valores de LS determinados pelo método tradicional com levantamento em campo. Resultados mostraram que os valores de LS gerados pelos métodos de representação espacial apresentam diferenças significativas entre si, sendo dependentes do procedimento de cálculo e do método utilizado para determinar a direção de fluxo no MNE. Também foi verificado que os valores numéricos do fator LS determinados pelos métodos de representação espacial apresentam diferenças em relação àqueles estimados pelo método tradicional.
We investigated the association between diet and head and neck cancer (HNC) risk using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. The INHANCE pooled data included 22 case-control studies with 14,520 cases and 22,737 controls. Center-specific quartiles among the controls were used for food groups, and frequencies per week were used for single food items. A dietary pattern score combining high fruit and vegetable intake and low red meat intake was created. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the dietary items on the risk of HNC were estimated with a two-stage random-effects logistic regression model. An inverse association was observed for higher-frequency intake of fruit (4th vs. 1st quartile OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.43-0.62, p (trend) < 0.01) and vegetables (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.49-0.90, p (trend) = 0.01). Intake of red meat (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.13-1.74, p p (trend) < 0.01) was positively associated with HNC risk. Higher dietary pattern scores, reflecting high fruit/vegetable and low red meat intake, were associated with reduced HNC risk (per score increment OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.84-0.97).
Artikkelissa kommentoidaan tässä numerossa olevaa Leena Kurjen kirjoitusta Freireen viittaavien kohtien osalta
Alteplase has been shown to be effective in preventing central venous access clotting in patients on hemodialysis. Because of a high phosphorus content in its excipient, it can inadvertently contaminate blood samples, leading the physician in care of the patient to erroneously increase dialysis time or change diet in order to control the pseudo-hyperphosphatemia.
PURPOSE: To assess how different diagnostic decision aids perform in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and harm. METHODS: Four diagnostic decision aids were compared, as applied to a simulated patient population: a findings-based algorithm following a linear or branched pathway, a serial threshold-based strategy, and a parallel threshold-based strategy. Headache in immune-compromised HIV patients in a developing country was used as an example. Diagnoses included cryptococcal meningitis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, tuberculous meningitis, bacterial meningitis, and malaria. Data were derived from literature and expert opinion. Diagnostic strategies' validity was assessed in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and harm related to mortality and morbidity. Sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulation were performed. RESULTS: The parallel threshold-based approach led to a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 65%. Sensitivities of the serial threshold-based approach and the branched and linear algorithms were 47%, 47%, and 74%, respectively, and the specificities were 85%, 95%, and 96%. The parallel threshold-based approach resulted in the least harm, with the serial threshold-based approach, the branched algorithm, and the linear algorithm being associated with 1.56-, 1.44-, and 1.17-times higher harm, respectively. Findings were corroborated by sensitivity and Monte Carlo analyses. CONCLUSION: A threshold-based diagnostic approach is designed to find the optimal trade-off that minimizes expected harm, enhancing sensitivity and lowering specificity when appropriate, as in the given example of a symptom pointing to several life-threatening diseases. Findings-based algorithms, in contrast, solely consider clinical observations. A parallel workup, as opposed to a serial workup, additionally allows for all potential diseases to be reviewed, further reducing false negatives. The parallel threshold-based approach might, however, not be as good in other disease settings.
We report on a series of 514 consecutive diagnoses of skeletal dysplasia made over an 8-year period at a tertiary hospital in Kerala, India. The most common diagnostic groups were dysostosis multiplex group (n = 73) followed by FGFR3 (n = 49) and osteogenesis imperfecta and decreased bone density group (n = 41). Molecular confirmation was obtained in 109 cases. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was obtained in close diagnostic collaboration with expert groups abroad through Internet communication for difficult cases. This has allowed for targeted biochemical and molecular studies leading to the correct identification of rare or novel conditions, which has not only helped affected families by allowing for improved genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis but also resulted in several scientific contributions. We conclude that (1) the spectrum of genetic bone disease in Kerala, India, is similar to that of other parts of the world, but recessive entities may be more frequent because of widespread consanguinity; (2) prenatal detection of skeletal dysplasias remains relatively rare because of limited access to expert prenatal ultrasound facilities; (3) because of the low accessibility to molecular tests, precise clinical-radiographic phenotyping remains the mainstay of diagnosis and counseling and of gatekeeping to efficient laboratory testing; (4) good phenotyping allows, a significant contribution to the recognition and characterization of novel entities. We suggest that the tight collaboration between a local reference center with dedicated personnel and expert diagnostic networks may be a proficient model to bring current diagnostics to developing countries. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Concerns have been raised about the use of topical retinoids since the publication of isolated cases of characteristic retinoid embryopathy, originally described after oral use. A collaborative study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services was carried out to evaluate the rate of congenital malformations following first-trimester topical retinoid exposure. A population of 235 exposed pregnant women was compared with 444 controls. No significant differences were observed between groups with regard to the rates of spontaneous abortion (odds ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.5 [0.8-2.7]), minor birth defects (1.3 [0.4-3.7]), and major birth defects (1.8 [0.6-5.4]). No child showed features of retinoid embryopathy. The rate of elective termination in the exposed group was increased 3-fold (3.4 [1.5-7.8]). In conclusion, these results do not suggest an increased risk of retinoid embryopathy. However, according to current knowledge, topical retinoids cannot be advised for use during pregnancy because their risk/benefit ratio remains questionable.
BACKGROUND: Alterations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been found in cancer patients, therefore informative mtDNA mutations could serve as biomarkers for the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The two hypervariable regions HVR1 and HVR2 in the D-Loop region were sequenced in ten paired tissue and plasma samples from breast cancer patients. RESULTS: MtDNA mutations were found in all patients' samples, suggesting a 100% detection rate. Examining germline mtDNA mutations, a total of 85 mutations in the D-loop region were found; 31 of these mutations were detected in both tissues and matched plasma samples, the other 54 germline mtDNA mutations were found only in the plasma samples. Regarding somatic mtDNA mutations, a total of 42 mutations in the D-loop region were found in breast cancer tissues. CONCLUSION: Somatic mtDNA mutations in the D-loop region were detected in breast cancer tissues but not in the matched plasma samples, suggesting that more sensitive methods will be needed for such detection to be of clinical utility.
Transparent conducting, aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films (ZnO:Al) were deposited by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. The RF power was varied from 60 to 350Wwhereas the substrate temperature was kept at 160 °C. The structural, electrical and optical properties of the as-deposited films were found to be influenced by the deposition power. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that all the films have a strong preferred orientation along the [001] direction. The crystallite size was varied from 14 to 36 nm, however no significant change was observed in the case of lattice constant. The optical band gap varied in the range 3.44-3.58 eV. The lowest resistivity of 1.2×10 -3Vcm was shown by the films deposited at 250 W. The mobility of the films was found to increase with the deposition power.
Transparent and conductive Zn-In-Sn-O (ZITO) amorphous thin films have been deposited at room temperature by the rf magnetron co-sputtering of ITO and ZnO targets. Co-sputtering gives the possibility to deposit multicomponent oxide thin films with different compositions by varying the power to one of the targets. In order to make ZITO films with different Zn content, a constant rf power of 50 W was used for the ITO target, where as the rf power to ZnO target was varied from 25 W to 150 W. The as deposited films showed an increase in Zn content ratio from 17 to 67 % as the power to ZnO target was increased from 25 to 150 W. The structural, electrical and optical properties of the as deposited films are reported. The films showed an average transmittance over 80% in the visible wavelength range. The electrical resistivity and optical band gap of the ZITO films were found to depend on the Zn content in the film. The ZITO films deposited at room temperature with lower Zn content ratios showed better optical transmission and electrical properties compared to ITO film.