987 resultados para STIFFLY-STABLE METHODS


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Background: High-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been used for MR imaging-based structural stress analysis of atherosclerotic plaques. The biomechanical stress profile of stable plaques has been observed to differ from that of unstable plaques; however, the role that structural stresses play in determining plaque vulnerability remains speculative. Methods: A total of 61 patients with previous history of symptomatic carotid artery disease underwent carotid plaque MR imaging. Plaque components of the index artery such as fibrous tissue, lipid content and plaque haemorrhage (PH) were delineated and used for finite element analysis-based maximum structural stress (M-C Stress) quantification. These patients were followed up for 2 years. The clinical end point was occurrence of an ischaemic cerebrovascular event. The association of the time to the clinical end point with plaque morphology and M-C Stress was analysed. Results: During a median follow-up duration of 514 days, 20% of patients (n=12) experienced an ischaemic event in the territory of the index carotid artery. Cox regression analysis indicated that M-C Stress (hazard ratio (HR): 12.98 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.32-26.67, pZ0.02), fibrous cap (FC) disruption (HR: 7.39 (95% CI: 1.61e33.82), p Z 0.009) and PH (HR: 5.85 (95% CI: 1.27e26.77), p Z 0.02) are associated with the development of subsequent cerebrovascular events. Plaques associated with future events had higher M-C Stress than those which had remained asymptomatic (median (interquartile range, IQR): 330 kPa (229e494) vs. 254 kPa (166-290), p Z0.04). Conclusions: High biomechanical structural stresses, in addition to FC rupture and PH, are associated with subsequent cerebrovascular events.


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We consider rank regression for clustered data analysis and investigate the induced smoothing method for obtaining the asymptotic covariance matrices of the parameter estimators. We prove that the induced estimating functions are asymptotically unbiased and the resulting estimators are strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. The induced smoothing approach provides an effective way for obtaining asymptotic covariance matrices for between- and within-cluster estimators and for a combined estimator to take account of within-cluster correlations. We also carry out extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of different estimators. The proposed methodology is substantially Much faster in computation and more stable in numerical results than the existing methods. We apply the proposed methodology to a dataset from a randomized clinical trial.


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In analysis of longitudinal data, the variance matrix of the parameter estimates is usually estimated by the 'sandwich' method, in which the variance for each subject is estimated by its residual products. We propose smooth bootstrap methods by perturbing the estimating functions to obtain 'bootstrapped' realizations of the parameter estimates for statistical inference. Our extensive simulation studies indicate that the variance estimators by our proposed methods can not only correct the bias of the sandwich estimator but also improve the confidence interval coverage. We applied the proposed method to a data set from a clinical trial of antibiotics for leprosy.


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The feasibility of different modern analytical techniques for the mass spectrometric detection of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in human urine was examined in order to enhance the prevalent analytics and to find reasonable strategies for effective sports drug testing. A comparative study of the sensitivity and specificity between gas chromatography (GC) combined with low (LRMS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) in screening of AAS was carried out with four metabolites of methandienone. Measurements were done in selected ion monitoring mode with HRMS using a mass resolution of 5000. With HRMS the detection limits were considerably lower than with LRMS, enabling detection of steroids at low 0.2-0.5 ng/ml levels. However, also with HRMS, the biological background hampered the detection of some steroids. The applicability of liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) was studied with metabolites of fluoxymesterone, 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, stanozolol and danazol. Factors affecting the extraction process were studied and a novel LPME method with in-fiber silylation was developed and validated for GC/MS analysis of the danazol metabolite. The method allowed precise, selective and sensitive analysis of the metabolite and enabled simultaneous filtration, extraction, enrichment and derivatization of the analyte from urine without any other steps in sample preparation. Liquid chromatographic/tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) methods utilizing electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) were developed and applied for detection of oxandrolone and metabolites of stanozolol and 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone in urine. All methods exhibited high sensitivity and specificity. ESI showed, however, the best applicability, and a LC/ESI-MS/MS method for routine screening of nine 17-alkyl-substituted AAS was thus developed enabling fast and precise measurement of all analytes with detection limits below 2 ng/ml. The potential of chemometrics to resolve complex GC/MS data was demonstrated with samples prepared for AAS screening. Acquired full scan spectral data (m/z 40-700) were processed by the OSCAR algorithm (Optimization by Stepwise Constraints of Alternating Regression). The deconvolution process was able to dig out from a GC/MS run more than the double number of components as compared with the number of visible chromatographic peaks. Severely overlapping components, as well as components hidden in the chromatographic background could be isolated successfully. All studied techniques proved to be useful analytical tools to improve detection of AAS in urine. Superiority of different procedures is, however, compound-dependent and different techniques complement each other.


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Natural products constitute an important source of new drugs. The bioavailability of the drugs depends on their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. To achieve good bioavailability, the drug must be soluble in water, stable in the gastrointestinal tract and palatable. Binding proteins may improve the solubility of drug compounds, masking unwanted properties, such as bad taste, bitterness or toxicity, transporting or protecting these compounds during processing and storage. The focus of this thesis was to study the interactions, including ligand binding and the effect of pH and temperature, of bovine and reindeer β-lactoglobulin (βLG) with such compounds as retinoids, phenolic compounds as well as with compounds from plant extracts, and to investigate the transport properties of the βLG-ligand complex. To examine the binding interactions of different ligands to βLG, new methods were developed. The fluorescence binding method for the evaluation of ligand binding to βLG was miniaturized from a quartz cell to a 96-well plate. A method of ultrafiltration sampling combined with high-performance liquid chromatography was developed to assess the binding of compounds from extracts. The interactions of phenolic compounds or retinoids and βLG were investigated using the 96-well plate method. The majority of flavones, flavonols, flavanones and isoflavones and all of the retinoids included were shown to bind to bovine and reindeer βLG. Phenolic compounds, contrary to retinol, were not released at acidic pH. Those results suggest that βLG may have more binding sites, probably also on the surface of βLG. An extract from Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kunze (black tea), Urtica dioica L. (nettle) and Piper nigrum (black pepper) were used to evaluate whether βLG could bind compounds from plant extracts. Piperine from P. nigrum was found to bind tightly and rutin from U. dioica weakly to βLG. No components from C. sinensis bound to βLG in our experiment. The uptake and membrane permeation of bovine and reindeer βLG, free and bound with retinol, palmitic acid and cholesterol, were investigated using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Both bovine and reindeer βLG were able to cross the Caco-2 cell membrane. Free and βLG-bound retinol and palmitic acid were transported equally, whereas cholesterol could not cross the Caco-2 cell monolayer free or bound to βLG. Our results showed that βLG can bind different natural product compounds, but cannot enhance transport of retinol, palmitic acid or cholesterol through Caco-2 cells. Despite this, βLG, as a water-soluble binding protein, may improve the solubility of natural compounds, possibly protecting them from early degradation and transporting some of them through the stomach. Furthermore, it may decrease their bad or bitter taste during oral administration of drugs or in food preparations. βLG can also enhance or decrease the health benefits of herbal teas and food preparations by binding compounds from extracts.


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Miniaturized analytical devices, such as heated nebulizer (HN) microchips studied in this work, are of increasing interest owing to benefits like faster operation, better performance, and lower cost relative to conventional systems. HN microchips are microfabricated devices that vaporize liquid and mix it with gas. They are used with low liquid flow rates, typically a few µL/min, and have previously been utilized as ion sources for mass spectrometry (MS). Conventional ion sources are seldom feasible at such low flow rates. In this work HN chips were developed further and new applications were introduced. First, a new method for thermal and fluidic characterization of the HN microchips was developed and used to study the chips. Thermal behavior of the chips was also studied by temperature measurements and infrared imaging. An HN chip was applied to the analysis of crude oil – an extremely complex sample – by microchip atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) high resolution mass spectrometry. With the chip, the sample flow rate could be reduced significantly without loss of performance and with greatly reduced contamination of the MS instrument. Thanks to its suitability to high temperature, microchip APPI provided efficient vaporization of nonvolatile compounds in crude oil. The first microchip version of sonic spray ionization (SSI) was presented. Ionization was achieved by applying only high (sonic) speed nebulizer gas to an HN microchip. SSI significantly broadens the range of analytes ionizable with the HN chips, from small stable molecules to labile biomolecules. The analytical performance of the microchip SSI source was confirmed to be acceptable. The HN microchips were also used to connect gas chromatography (GC) and capillary liquid chromatography (LC) to MS, using APPI for ionization. Microchip APPI allows efficient ionization of both polar and nonpolar compounds whereas with the most popular electrospray ionization (ESI) only polar and ionic molecules are ionized efficiently. The combination of GC with MS showed that, with HN microchips, GCs can easily be used with MS instruments designed for LC-MS. The presented analytical methods showed good performance. The first integrated LC–HN microchip was developed and presented. In a single microdevice, there were structures for a packed LC column and a heated nebulizer. Nonpolar and polar analytes were efficiently ionized by APPI. Ionization of nonpolar and polar analytes is not possible with previously presented chips for LC–MS since they rely on ESI. Preliminary quantitative performance of the new chip was evaluated and the chip was also demonstrated with optical detection. A new ambient ionization technique for mass spectrometry, desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization (DAPPI), was presented. The DAPPI technique is based on an HN microchip providing desorption of analytes from a surface. Photons from a photoionization lamp ionize the analytes via gas-phase chemical reactions, and the ions are directed into an MS. Rapid analysis of pharmaceuticals from tablets was successfully demonstrated as an application of DAPPI.


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The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.


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Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external constant axial-vector field is considered. The close similarity of the operator-product expansion with and without an external field is shown to arise from the chiral invariance of gauge interactions in perturbation theory. Several sum rules corresponding to various invariants both for the nucleon and the hyperons are derived. The analysis of the sum rules is carried out by two independent methods, one called the ratio method and the other called the continuum method, paying special attention to the nondiagonal transitions induced by the external field between the ground state and excited states. Up to operators of dimension six, two new external-field-induced vacuum expectation values enter the calculations. Previous work determining these expectation values from PCAC (partial conservation of axial-vector current) are utilized. Our determination from the sum rules of the nucleon axial-vector renormalization constant GA, as well as the Cabibbo coupling constants in the SU3-symmetric limit (ms=0), is in reasonable accord with the experimental values. Uncertainties in the analysis are pointed out. The case of broken flavor SU3 symmetry is also considered. While in the ratio method, the results are stable for variation of the fiducial interval of the Borel mass parameter over which the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the sum rules are matched, in the continuum method the results are less stable. Another set of sum rules determines the value of the linear combination 7F-5D to be ≊0, or D/(F+D)≊(7/12). .AE


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Conformational preferences of thiocarbonohydrazide (H2NNHCSNHNH2) in its basic and N,N′-diprotonated forms are examined by calculating the barrier to internal rotation around the C---N bonds, using the theoretical LCAO—MO (ab initio and semiempirical CNDO and EHT) methods. The calculated and experimental results are compared with each other and also with values for N,N′-dimethylthiourea which is isoelectronic with thiocarbonohydrazide. The suitability of these methods for studying rotational isomerism seems suspect when lone pair interactions are present.


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One difficulty in summarising biological survivorship data is that the hazard rates are often neither constant nor increasing with time or decreasing with time in the entire life span. The promising Weibull model does not work here. The paper demonstrates how bath tub shaped quadratic models may be used in such a case. Further, sometimes due to a paucity of data actual lifetimes are not as certainable. It is shown how a concept from queuing theory namely first in first out (FIFO) can be profitably used here. Another nonstandard situation considered is one in which lifespan of the individual entity is too long compared to duration of the experiment. This situation is dealt with, by using ancilliary information. In each case the methodology is illustrated with numerical examples.


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The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) relates space-mean density and flow. Since the MFD represents the area-wide network traffic performance, studies on perimeter control strategies and network-wide traffic state estimation utilising the MFD concept have been reported. Most previous works have utilised data from fixed sensors, such as inductive loops, to estimate the MFD, which can cause biased estimation in urban networks due to queue spillovers at intersections. To overcome the limitation, recent literature reports the use of trajectory data obtained from probe vehicles. However, these studies have been conducted using simulated datasets; limited works have discussed the limitations of real datasets and their impact on the variable estimation. This study compares two methods for estimating traffic state variables of signalised arterial sections: a method based on cumulative vehicle counts (CUPRITE), and one based on vehicles’ trajectory from taxi Global Positioning System (GPS) log. The comparisons reveal some characteristics of taxi trajectory data available in Brisbane, Australia. The current trajectory data have limitations in quantity (i.e., the penetration rate), due to which the traffic state variables tend to be underestimated. Nevertheless, the trajectory-based method successfully captures the features of traffic states, which suggests that the trajectories from taxis can be a good estimator for the network-wide traffic states.