999 resultados para SFAS 131


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Although the Giemsa-stained thick blood smear (GTS) remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of malaria, molecular methods are more sensitive and specific to detect parasites and can be used at reference centers to evaluate the performance of microscopy. The description of the Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale ssrRNA gene sequences allowed the development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that had been used to differentiate the four species. The objective of this study was to determine Plasmodium species through PCR in 190 positive smears from patients in order to verify the quality of diagnosis at SUCEN's Malaria Laboratory. Considering only the 131 positive results in both techniques, GTS detected 4.6% of mixed and 3.1% of P. malariae infections whereas PCR identified 19.1% and 13.8%, respectively.


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Presented at 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015, pp 122-131. Hong Kong, China.


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O autor descreve de forma mais detalhada a abordagem nutricional das dislipidemias e da hipertensão arterial. Quanto à primeira questão, aspectos como o papel dos ácidos gordos, a relação entre o colesterol alimentar e o colesterol plasmático, o papel dos vegetais, frutos e do amido e as indicações para a utilização de suplementos vitamínicos são referidos. Quanto à segunda, aspectos como a redução do excesso de peso e do sal, a utilização de suplementos de potássio, cálcio e magnésio, os macronutrientes, a cafeína, o álcool e o papel da actividade física são expostos.


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Objectivo: estudar determinantes cardiovasculares condicionantes do tempo de ventilação, mortalidade e gravidade de doença em doentes admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos para ventilação mecânica por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica. Desenho e local: Estudo prospectivo, com duração de 30 meses numa unidade de cuidados intensivos médico-cirúrgica com 14 camas.Material e métodos: Estudados 59 doentes com idade média de 74,7 +/- 9,7 anos, tempo médio de ventilação de 10,8 +/- 12,6 dias, APACHE II médio de 23 +/- 8,3. Avaliaram-se parâmetros ecocardiográficos (dimensões das cavidades, débito cardíaco, estudo Doppler do fluxo transvalvular mitral, estudo da veia cava inferior) e electrocardiográficos(presença de ritmo sinusal ou fibrilhação auricular) nas primeiras 24 horas de internamento na Unidade e parâmetros gasimétricos à saída. Resultados: Um tempo de ventilação mais prolongado associou-se à presença de fibrilhação auricular (p=0,027), à presença conjunta de fibrilhação auricular e uma veia cava inferior dilatada (> 20mm p=0,004) e com níveis séricos de bicarbonato> 35mEq/l na gasimetria obtida à saída (p=0,04). Verificaram-se 12 óbitos. A mortalidade associou-se à presença de dilatação do ventrículo direito (p=0,03) e a uma relação entre o ventrículo direito e o esquerdo> 0,6 (p=0,04). Conclusão: Nos doentes submetidos a ventilação mecânica por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica, a presença de fibrilhação auricular indica a possibilidade de um período de ventilação mais prolongado, em especial se houver concomitantemente uma veia cava inferior com diâmetro> 20mm. Nestes doentes, a presença de dilatação das cavidades direitas pode indicar uma probabilidade mais elevada de mortalidade.


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This study reports on the occurrence of enteroparasites based on data from an ethnographic study of food handlers in the city of Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil. Fecal material from 343 food handlers of both sexes, between 14 and 75 years of age, was analyzed using Lutz, modified Ritchie and Ziehl-Neelsen techniques. Ethnographic relationships were investigated by means of specific questionnaires. Positive fecal samples were found for 131 (38.2%) handlers. Endolimax nana (67.9%) was the predominant species, followed by Entamoeba coli (35.9%), Blastocystis hominis (28.2%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (10.1%) and Giardia duodenalis (8.4%). Protozoan infections were more common than helminth infections (p = 0.00). The positive results for some parasites were associated with the male sex, professional category, and the performance of other activities (p < 0.05). The high overall occurrence of enteroparasites found indicates improper hygiene and sanitation conditions. Effective educational measures should be implemented to prevent the transfer of pathogenic organisms to food via handling.


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Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor is a rare, highly aggressive systemic neoplasm for which effective therapies have not yet been established. We describe a 73-year-old man with multiple nodules and patches emerging on the trunk and limbs. Lesional skin biopsy revealed a plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor with dense dermal infiltrate of tumor cells with blastoid features. No apparent systemic involvement was identified in the initial stage. The patient was treated with prednisone daily, with notorious improvement of the skin lesions, although no complete remission was obtained. During the six-month follow-up period, no disease progression was documented, but fatal systemic progression occurred after that period of time.


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Introdução: Este estudo teve como objectivo determinar os principais sintomas percepcionados pelos doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) numa coorte de doentes que participaram num grande ensaio clínico, que avaliou o tiotrópio e que decorreu em Portugal. População e métodos: A caracterização dos sintomas, no momento de avaliação basal dos doentes foi efectuada através do recurso a um questionário padronizado. Os doentes foram inquiridos quanto aos principais sintomas que tinham levado ao diagnóstico e também quanto ao sintoma actual mais problemático. Resultados: Os resultados foram obtidos de 298 doentes, maioritariamente masculinos (95%), que apresentavam, uma média (desvio padrão) de volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo basal de 1,1 (0,4) L (40,6 [13.3] % do valor preditivo), uma duração média da doença de 14,4 (10,1) anos e uma carga tabágica de 55,1 (25,3) unidades maço ano. A dispneia foi o sintoma mais frequentemente reportado, como tendo sido o sintoma que levou ao diagnóstico da doença (55,0% de doentes), seguindo-se-lhe a tosse (33,2%). A dispneia foi também o sintoma actual mais problemático (82,6%), seguindo-se-lhe também a tosse (8,4%). A presença de dispneia ou tosse foi independente da gravidade da DPOC. As comorbilidades mais frequentemente reportadas foram as doenças cardiovasculares (49% dos doentes), gastrointestinais (20%) e metabólicas (16%), principalmente a diabetes mellitus.


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Objective: To investigate the results of vaginal obliterate surgery in elderly women with pelvic organ prolapse. Design: observational retrospective study. Material and Methods: a total of 69 women with the diagnosis of pelvic prolapse were submitted to obliterative surgery in the urogynecology unit of a tertiary care hospital centre over the course of 8 years (2001 to 2008). The following data were collected from their clinical records: age, number of vaginal births, body mass index (BMI), hormone therapy, other existing diseases, type of prolapse and stage, anaesthetic risk score, duration of surgery, length of hospital stay, and short-term complications. Results: Of the 69 women studied, 31 were submitted to colpocleisis and the remaining 38 were managed by the LeFort technique. Mean age was 74.8 years with a standard deviation (sd) of 7.14 years. Average BMI was 26.2 (sd =3.76). Vaginal births were recorded in all patients. Only three patients were taking hormone therapy at the time of surgery. Sixty-three women were classified as having and anesthetic risk of II or III and 55 underwent local-regional anesthesia. Complications were reported in five cases, four of which in the first days after surgery. Nearly all were mild and resolved within the first 6 weeks. Conclusion: Complication rates appear to be low after obliterative surgery for pelvic organ prolapse in elderly women.


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SUMMARYThe dermatophytes, keratinophilic fungi, represent important microorganisms of the soil microbiota, where there are cosmopolitan species and others with restricted geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge about the presence of dermatophytes in soils of urban (empty lots, schools, slums, squares, beaches and homes) and rural areas and about the evolution of their prevalence in soils of varying pH in cities of the four mesoregions of Paraiba State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 31 cities of Paraiba State. Of 212 samples, 62% showed fungal growth, particularly those from the Mata Paraibana mesoregion (43.5%), which has a tropical climate, hot and humid. Soil pH varied from 4.65 to 9.06, with 71% of the growth of dermatophytes occurring at alkaline pH (7.02 - 9.06) (ρ = 0.000). Of 131 strains isolated, 57.3% were geophilic species, particularly Trichophyton terrestre(31.3%) and Mycrosporum gypseum(21.4%). M. nanum and T. ajelloi were isolated for the first time in Paraiba State. The zoophilic species identified were T. mentagrophytes var.mentagrophytes (31.3 %) and T. verrucosum (7.6 %), and T. tonsurans was isolated as an anthropophilic species. The soils of urban areas including empty lots, schools, slums and squares of cities in the mesoregions of Paraiba State were found to be the most suitable reservoirs for almost all dermatophytes; their growth may have been influenced by environmental factors, soils with residues of human and/or animal keratin and alkaline pH.


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Introduc¸ão: Até ao fim dos anos 80 defendia-se que qualquer nódulo testicular suspeito devia ser excisado com orquidectomia radical. No entanto, com o aumento do diagnóstico incidental de massas testiculares, a maior acuidade dos exames extemporâneos e a evidência das vantagens potenciais da orquidectomia parcial, questionou-se se seria necessário sacrificar, sempre, todo o testículo, mesmo na presenc¸a de um testículo contralateral normal. Caso clínico: Apresentamos o caso de um doente de 23 anos, com o diagnóstico de um nódulo testicular com 7,5 mm, não palpável, assintomático e marcadores tumorais negativos. Foi submetido a orquidectomia parcial guiada por ecografia e exame extemporâneo, no entanto, por suspeita anatomopatológica de provável tumor de células germinativas, optou-se pela totalizac¸ão da orquidectomia. O resultado histológico final foi de tumor de células de Leydig. Tendo em conta a elevada probabilidade de lesões testiculares não palpáveis e de pequenas dimensões serem benignas (até 80%), os efeitos da orquidectomia radical na espermatogénese, func¸ão endócrina e estética e que não devem ser ignorados, a orquidectomia parcial é um procedimento que, embora não seja um procedimento padrão, pode ser equacionado como primeira abordagem em casos selecionados e em centros de referência especializados.


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Introdução: A emergência de enterobacteriáceas produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro alargado (ESBL) nos últimos anos representa um problema de saúde pública, escasseando alternativas eficazes para o seu tratamento. Vários trabalhos internacionais têm demonstrado uma sensibilidade in vitro muito elevada destas bactérias à fosfomicina, havendo alguns que testaram a eficácia clínica do tratamento de cistites agudas não complicadas no subgrupo das Escherichia coli com resultados promissores. No Hospital Prof. Dr. Fernando Fonseca EPE (HFF) tem havido um aumento anual progressivo do isolamento destes patogéneos. Os autores pretenderam testar a sensibilidade das enterobacteriáceas produtoras de ESBL à fosfomicina no HFF e averiguar o eventual potencial terapêutico. Material e métodos: Estudo prospectivo, durante 6 meses, no qual foi testada a sensibilidade à fosfomicina das enterobacteriáceas produtoras de ESBL isoladas. Foi utilizado o equipamento VITEK 2® para identificação das estirpes. A susceptibilidade à fosfomicina foi determinada através do método de difusão de disco (Oxoid®). O tratamento estatístico foi realizado através do programa Microsoft Excel®. Resultados: Foram identificadas 150 enterobacteriáceas ESBL, das quais 52% corresponderam a Klebsiella pneumoniae e 44% a Escherichia coli. Cerca de 88% das Escherichia coli e 68% das Klebsiella pneumoniae apresentaram sensibilidade à fosfomicina. Conclusões: De acordo com os dados obtidos a nível internacional e no nosso hospital, os autores recomendam a utilização da fosfomicina para tratamento de cistites agudas não complicadas provocadas por Escherichia coli produtoras de ESBL, sugerindo, concomitantemente, a realização de trabalhos futuros de eficácia clínica para consubstanciar esta prática e recomendação.


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O Eritema induratum de Bazin é uma doença rara, considerada uma reacção de hipersensibilidade ao Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento de nódulos firmes, dolorosos, por vezes, ulcerados nos membros inferiores. Descrevemos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino, 83 anos de idade, com queixas de aproximadamente 3 meses de duração de tumefacção cervical direita indolor e de nódulos subcutâneos de superfície eritematosa envolvendo ambas as pernas.


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The present study aimed at measuring seropositivities for infection by Ascaris suum and Toxocara canis using the excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens from Ascaris suum (AES) and Toxocara canis (TES) within an indigenous population. In addition, quantification of cytokine expressions in peripheral blood cells was determined. A total of 50 Warao indigenous were included; of which 43 were adults and seven children. In adults, 44.1% were seropositive for both parasites; whereas children had only seropositivity to one or the other helminth. For ascariosis, the percentage of AES seropositivity in adults and children was high; 23.3% and 57.1%, respectively. While that for toxocariosis, the percentage of TES seropositivity in adults and children was low; 9.3% and 14.3%, respectively. The percentage of seronegativity was comparable for AES and TES antigens in adults (27.9%) and children (28.6%). When positive sera were analyzed by Western blotting technique using AES antigens; three bands of 97.2, 193.6 and 200.2 kDas were mostly recognized. When the TES antigens were used, nine major bands were mostly identified; 47.4, 52.2, 84.9, 98.2, 119.1, 131.3, 175.6, 184.4 and 193.6 kDas. Stool examinations showed that Blastocystis hominis, Hymenolepis nana and Entamoeba coli were the most commonly observed intestinal parasites. Quantification of cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-4 expressions showed that there was only a significant increased expression of IL-4 in indigenous with TES seropositivity (p < 0.002). Ascaris and Toxocara seropositivity was prevalent among Warao indigenous.


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Introduction: The purpose of measuring the burden of disease involves aggregating morbidity and mortality components into a single indicator, the disability-adjusted life year (DALY), to measure how much and how people live and suffer the impact of a disease. Objective: To estimate the global burden of disease due to AIDS in a municipality of southern Brazil. Methods: An ecological study was conducted in 2009 to examine the incidence and AIDS-related deaths among the population residing in the city of Tubarao, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Data from the Mortality Information System in the National Health System was used to calculate the years of life lost (YLL) due to premature mortality. The calculation was based on the difference between a standardized life expectancy and age at death, with a discount rate of 3% per year. Data from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases were used to calculate the years lived with disability (YLD). The DALY was estimated by the sum of YLL and YLD. Indicator rates were estimated per 100,000 inhabitants, distributed by age and gender. Results: A total of 131 records were examined, and a 572.5 DALYs were estimated, which generated a rate of 593.1 DALYs/100,000 inhabitants. The rate among men amounted to 780.7 DALYs/100,000, whereas among women the rate was 417.1 DALYs/100,000. The most affected age groups were 30-44 years for men and 60-69 years for women. Conclusion: The burden of disease due to AIDS in the city of Tubarao was relatively high when considering the global trend. The mortality component accounted for more than 90% of the burden of disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Intensive image surveillance after endovascular aneurysm repair is generally recommended due to continued risk of complications. However, patients at lower risk may not benefit from this strategy. We evaluated the predictive value of the first postoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) characteristics for aneurysm-related adverse events as a means of patient selection for risk-adapted surveillance. METHODS: All patients treated with the Low-Permeability Excluder Endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore & Assoc, Flagstaff, Ariz) at a tertiary institution from 2004 to 2011 were included. First postoperative CTAs were analyzed for the presence of endoleaks, endograft kinking, distance from the lowermost renal artery to the start of the endograft, and for proximal and distal sealing length using center lumen line reconstructions. The primary end point was freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events. Multivariable Cox regression was used to test postoperative CTA characteristics as independent risk factors, which were subsequently used as selection criteria for low-risk and high-risk groups. Estimates for freedom from adverse events were obtained using Kaplan-Meier survival curves. RESULTS: Included were 131 patients. The median follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-6.1). During this period, 30 patients (23%) sustained aneurysm-related adverse events. Seal length <10 mm and presence of endoleak were significant risk factors for this end point. Patients were subsequently categorized as low-risk (proximal and distal seal length ≥10 mm and no endoleak, n = 62) or high-risk (seal length <10 mm or presence of endoleak, or both; n = 69). During follow-up, four low-risk patients (3%) and 26 high-risk patients (19%) sustained events (P < .001). Four secondary interventions were required in three low-risk patients, and 31 secondary interventions in 23 high-risk patients. Sac growth was observed in two low-risk patients and in 15 high-risk patients. The 5-year estimates for freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events were 98% for the low-risk group and 52% for the high-risk group. For each diagnosis, 81.7 image examinations were necessary in the low-risk group and 8.2 in the high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the first postoperative CTA provides important information for risk stratification after endovascular aneurysm repair when the Excluder endoprosthesis is used. In patients with adequate seal and no endoleaks, the risk of aneurysm-related adverse events was significantly reduced, resulting in a large number of unnecessary image examinations. Adjusting the imaging protocol beyond 30 days and up to 5 years, based on individual patients' risk, may result in a more efficient and rational postoperative surveillance.