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This investigation looks critically at conventional magnetic lenses in the light of present-day technology with the aim of advancing electron microscopy in its broadest sense. By optimising the cooling arrangements and heat transfer characteristics of lens windings it was possible to increase substantially the current density in the winding, and achieve a large reduction in the size of conventional magnetic electron lenses. Following investigations into the properties of solenoidal lenses, a new type of lens with only one pole-piece was developed. The focal properties of such lenses, which differ considerably from those.of conventional lenses, have been derived from a combination of mathematical models and experimentally measured axial flux density distributions. These properties can be profitably discussed with reference to "half-lenses". Miniature conventional twin pole-piece lenses and the proposed radial field single pole-piece lenses have been designed and constructed and both types of lenses have been evaluated by constructing miniature electron optical columns. A miniature experimental transmission electron microscope (TEM), a miniature scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a scanning transmission microscope (STEM) have been built. A single pole-piece miniature one million volt projector lens of only lOcm diameter and weighing 2.lkg was designed, built and tested at 1 million volts in a commercial electron microscope. iii. Preliminary experiments indicate that in single pole lenses it is possible to extract secondary electrons from the specimen in spite of the presence of the magnetic field of the probe-forming lens. This may well be relevant for the SEM in which it is desirable to examine a large specimen at a moderately good resolution.


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In weak argillaceous rocks the unweathered strength may be barely sufficient to meet civil engineering reguirements and any reductjon due to weathering will be critical. This study investigates the weathering of the Lower Lias clays with particular reference to their petrography and engineering properties. Investigations revealed the Midland Basin of deposition to contain reasonable thicknesses of clay, relatively uniform in nature with a well developed weathered zone, From the available exposures, the weathering zone of the Blockley Clay pit was selected and sampled for laboratory investigations of; Structure, Mineralogy and Chemistry and Engineering Properties. The nature and orientation of the fissures in the unweathered clay were analysed. A close relationship was found to exist between the major joint set and the ground surface, with stress release due to excavation being almost negligible. Thin sections of the clay, examined for structural data, suggested that there exist layers or areas that have been disturbed as a result of density differences. Shear planes were found in both the unweathered and weathered clay, in the latter case often associated with remoulding of the material. A direct measure of remoulding was obtained from the birefringence ratio. The fabric was examined in closer detail using the scanning electron microscope. Mineralogy, as revealed by X-ray and optical techniques indicated illite as the dominant clay mineral, with kaolinite subsidiary; quartz, calcite, pyrite, chlorite/vermiculite are present as accessory minerals. Weathering changes this relationship, calcite and pyrite being removed early in the process, with illite being degraded. The cementing action of calcite and iron oxides was investigated however, this was shown to be negligible. Quantitative measurements of both fixed (with minerals) and free (oxide coatings) iron were obtained by atomic absorption, with the Fe 3+/ Fe2+ ratio obtained by Mossbauer spectroscopy, Evidence indicates that free iron oxide coatings only become important as a result of weathering with the maximum concentration in the very highly weathered material. Engineering index properties and shear strength values were taken throughout the profile, Relationships between moisture content and strength, liquid limit and iron (Fe) were obtained and a correlation between the weathering zomes and the shear strength/depth curve has been established.


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An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of poor curing simulating hot climatic conditions and remedies on the durability of steel in concrete. Three different curing environments were used i.e. (1) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 20°C, (2) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 50°C and (3) Air at 50°C at 30% relative humidity. The third curing condition corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity typical of Middle Eastern Countries. The nature of the hardened cement paste matrix, cured under the above conditions was studied by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry for measuring pore size distribution. The results were represented as total pore volume and initial pore entry diameter. The Scanning Electron Microscope was used to look at morphological changes during hydration, which were compared to the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results. X-ray defraction and Differential Thermal Analysis techniques were also employed for looking at any phase transformations. Polymer impregnation was used to reduce the porosity of the hardened cement pastes, especially in the case of the poorly cured samples. Carbonation rates of unimpregnated and impregnated cements were determined. Chloride diffusion studies were also undertaken to establish the effect of polymer impregnation and blending of the cements. Finally the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel bars was determined by the technique of Linear Polarisation. The steel was embedded in both untreated and polymer impregnated hardened cement pastes placed in either a solution containing NaCl or an environmental cabinet which provided carbonation at 40°C and 50% relative humidity.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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In this work, we investigate the impact of minute amounts of pure nitrogen addition into conventional methane/hydrogen mixtures on the growth characteristics of nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (MPCVD), under high power conditions. The NCD films were produced from a gas mixture of 4% CH4/H2 with two different concentrations of N2 additive and microwave power ranging from 3.0 kW to 4.0 kW, while keeping all the other operating parameters constant. The morphology, grain size, microstructure and texture of the resulting NCD films were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. N2 addition was found to be the main parameter responsible for the formation and for the key change in the growth characteristics of NCD films under the employed conditions. Growth rates ranging from 5.4 μm/h up to 9.6 μm/h were achieved for the NCD films, much higher than those usually reported in the literature. The enhancing factor of nitrogen addition on NCD growth rate was obtained by comparing with the growth rate of large-grained microcrystalline diamond films grown without nitrogen and discussed by comparing with that of single crystal diamond through theoretical work in the literature. This achievement on NCD growth rate makes the technology interesting for industrial applications where fast coating of large substrates is highly desirable.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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There is an urgent need for fast, non-destructive and quantitative two-dimensional dopant profiling of modern and future ultra large-scale semiconductor devices. The low voltage scanning electron microscope (LVSEM) has emerged to satisfy this need, in part, whereby it is possible to detect different secondary electron yield values (brightness in the SEM signal) from the p-type to the n-type doped regions as well as different brightness levels from the same dopant type. The mechanism that gives rise to such a secondary electron (SE) contrast effect is not fully understood, however. A review of the different models that have been proposed to explain this SE contrast is given. We report on new experiments that support the proposal that this contrast is due to the establishment of metal-to-semiconductor surface contacts. Further experiments showing the effect of instrument parameters including the electron dose, the scan speeds and the electron beam energy on the SE contrast are also reported. Preliminary results on the dependence of the SE contrast on the existence of a surface structure featuring metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) are also reported. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Self-standing diamond films were grown by DC Arcjet plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The feed gasses were Ar/H 2/CH 4, in which the flow ratio of CH 4 to H 2 (FCH4/FH2) was varied from 5% to 20%. Two distinct morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), i.e. the pineapple-like morphology and the cauliflower-like morphology. It was found that the morphologies of the as-grown films are strongly dependent on the flow ratio of CH 4 to H 2 in the feed gasses. High resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) survey results revealed that there were nanocrystalline grains within the pineapple-like films whilst there were ultrananocrystalline grains within cauliflower-like films. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results suggested that (110) crystalline plane was the dominant surface in the cauliflower-like films whilst (100) crystalline plane was the dominant surface in the pineapple-like films. Raman spectroscopy revealed that nanostructured carbon features could be observed in both types of films. Plasma diagnosis was carried out in order to understand the morphology dependent growth mechanism. It could be concluded that the film morphology was strongly influenced by the density of gas phases. The gradient of C2 radical was found to be different along the growth direction under the different growth conditions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Herein, we demonstrate a template-free and eco-friendly strategy to synthesize hierarchical Ag3PO4 microcrystals with sharp corners and edges via silver–ammine complex at room temperature. The as-synthesized hierarchical Ag3PO4 microcrystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV–vis DRS), BET surface area analyzer, and photoluminescence analysis (PL). Our results clearly indicated that the as-synthesized Ag3PO4 microcrystals possess a hierarchical structure with sharp corners and edges. More attractively, the adsorption ability and visible light photocatalytic activity of the as-synthesized hierarchical Ag3PO4 is much higher than that of conventional Ag3PO4.


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Az elektronikai iparban nélkülözhetetlen a termékek minőségellenőrzése. Az általam bemutatott berendezés, illetve a hozzá kapcsolódó vizsgálati módszer nagyban hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy egy eszköz vizsgálatát minél szélesebb területen és minél pontosabban meg lehessen valósítani. Az akusztikus mikroszkóp segítségével roncsolás nélkül betekintést nyerhetünk az alkatrészek belsejébe, képet készíthetünk az alkatrészt alkotó különböző anyagok találkozási határfelületéről, vagy megvizsgálhatjuk a minta egy belső tartományát. Két réteg közti delamináció, vagy a tokozó anyagban lévő légzárványok roncsolás mentesen az akusztikus mikroszkóp alkalmazása nélkül kimutathatatlanok lennének. Dolgozatomban bemutatok néhány fontosabb SAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscope – pásztázó akusztikus mikroszkóp) típust, és képalkotási módot. Néhány gyakori akusztikus lencsetípust is ismertetek, írok ezek előnyeiről, hátrányairól, összehasonlítom azokat egymással. Mivel az elektronikai technológiában való felhasználását részletezem, fontosnak tartom megemlíteni a leggyakoribb hibákat, és ezek detektálására szolgáló módszereket. Ezen kívül részletesen bemutatom, hogy hogyan lehet észrevenni a delaminációkat, hogyan kell az elkészült képet értelmezni. Részletes leírását adom az akusztikus mikroszkóppal történő vizsgálat teljes folyamatának, a minta helyes behelyezésétől, a fókusz állítás folyamatán és vizsgáló ablakok megfelelő megválasztásán keresztül egészen a laikusok által is értelmezhető kép elkészüléséig. A BME-ETT-n található SONIX HS-1000 típusú pásztázó akusztikus mikroszkóppal végeztem saját méréseimet. Bemutatom az általam is észlelt hibákat, az alkatrészhez kapcsolódó szerkezeti sajátosságokat. Egy rövid matematikai összefoglalón keresztül megpróbálom feltárni az analógiát az elektromágneses hullám ideális távvezetéken történő terjedése, és a hanghullám terjedése között. Kitérek arra, hogy ezen analógia milyen későbbi fejlesztéseket helyez kilátásba.


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Mechanistically and structurally chloroperoxidase (CPO) occupies a unique niche among heme containing enzymes. Chloroperoxidase catalyzes a broad range of reactions, such as oxidation of organic substrates, dismutation of hydrogen peroxide, and mono-oxygenation of organic molecules. To expand the synthetic utility of CPO and to appreciate the important interactions that lead to CPO’s exceptional properties, a site-directed mutagenesis study was undertaken. ^ Recombinant CPO and CPO mutants were heterologously expressed in Aspergillus niger. The overall protein structure was almost the same as that of wild type CPO, as determined by UV-vis, NMR and CD spectroscopies. Phenylalanine103, which was proposed to regulate substrate access to the active site by restricting the size of substrates and to control CPO’s enantioselectivity, was mutated to Ala. The ligand binding affinity and most importantly the catalytic activity of F103A was dramatically different from wild type CPO. The mutation essentially eliminated the chlorination and dismutation activities but enhanced, 4-10 fold, the epoxidation, peroxidation, and N-demethylation activities. As expected, the F103A mutant displayed dramatically improved epoxidation activity for larger, more branched styrene derivatives. Furthermore, F103A showed a distinctive enantioselectivity profile: losing enantioselectivity to styrene and cis-β-methylstyrene; having a different configuration preference on α-methylstyrene; showing higher enantioselectivites and conversion rates on larger, more branched substrates. Our results show that F103 acts as a switch box that controls the catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and product enantioselectivity of CPO. Given that no other mutant of CPO has displayed distinct properties, the results with F103A are dramatic. ^ The diverse catalytic activity of CPO has long been attributed to the presence of the proximal thiolate ligand. Surprisingly, a recent report on a C29H mutant suggested otherwise. A new CPO triple mutant C29H/C79H/C87H was prepared, in which all the cysteines were replaced by histidine to eliminate the possibility of cysteine coordinating to the heme. No active form protein was isolated, although, successful transformation and transcription was confirmed. The result suggests that Cys79 and Cys87 are critical to maintaining the structural scaffold of CPO. ^ In vitro biodegradation of nanotubes by CPO were examined by scanning electron microscope method, but little oxidation was observed. ^


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The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi was cultured under a broad range of carbonate chemistry conditions to distinguish the effects of individual carbonate system parameters on growth, primary production, and calcification. In the first experiment, alkalinity was kept constant and the fugacity of CO2(fCO2) varied from 2 to 600 Pa (1Pa ~ 10 µatm). In the second experiment, pH was kept constant (pHfree = 8) with fCO2 varying from 4 to 370 Pa. Results of the constant-alkalinity approach revealed physiological optima for growth, calcification, and organic carbon production at fCO2 values of ~20Pa, ~40 Pa, and ~80 Pa, respectively. Comparing this with the constant-pH approach showed that growth and organic carbon production increased similarly from low to intermediate CO2 levels but started to diverge towards higher CO2 levels. In the high CO2 range, growth rates and organic carbon production decreased steadily with declining pH at constant alkalinity while remaining consistently higher at constant pH. This suggests that growth and organic carbon production rates are directly related to CO2 at low (sub-saturating) concentrations, whereas towards higher CO2 levels they are adversely affected by the associated decrease in pH. A pH dependence at high fCO2 is also indicated for calcification rates, while the key carbonate system parameter determining calcification at low fCO2 remains unclear. These results imply that key metabolic processes in coccolithophores have their optima at different carbonate chemistry conditions and are influenced by different parameters of the carbonate system at both sides of the optimum.


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The formation of calcareous skeletons by marine planktonic organisms and their subsequent sinking to depth generates a continuous rain of calcium carbonate to the deep ocean and underlying sediments1. This is important in regulating marine carbon cycling and ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange2. The present rise in atmospheric CO2 levels3 causes significant changes in surface ocean pH and carbonate chemistry4. Such changes have been shown to slow down calcification in corals and coralline macroalgae5,6, but the majority of marine calcification occurs in planktonic organisms. Here we report reduced calcite production at increased CO2 concentrations in monospecific cultures of two dominant marine calcifying phytoplankton species, the coccolithophorids Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica . This was accompanied by an increased proportion of malformed coccoliths and incomplete coccospheres. Diminished calcification led to a reduction in the ratio of calcite precipitation to organic matter production. Similar results were obtained in incubations of natural plankton assemblages from the north Pacific ocean when exposed to experimentally elevated CO2 levels. We suggest that the progressive increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations may therefore slow down the production of calcium carbonate in the surface ocean. As the process of calcification releases CO2 to the atmosphere, the response observed here could potentially act as a negative feedback on atmospheric CO2 levels.


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Water and gas is a common by - product of the oil production process. Production may be compromised by the precipitation of inorganic salts in both the reservoir and producing well, through scale formation. This precipitation is likely the cause of the formation damage. High temperatures and h igh pressures (HTHP) may favor the precipitation of insoluble salts. The most common types of scale in oil fields are calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate, strontium and barium sulphate. New types of scale formation have attracted special attention such as zinc sulphide and lead. This precipitation may occur in the pores of reservoir rocks, in the production string and in equipment, causing obstructions and consequent production losses. In this study, the influence of well depth on incrustation compositio n was investigated to design removal treatments and assess the behavior of these deposits along the string, through the analysis of pressure and temperature. Scale residues were recovered from the inside of the production string of an oil and gas well duri ng the string removal operation. A total of 10 samples from different depths (15.4 m to 4061.5 m) were obtained. Initially a dissolution test was conducted in weak acid, similar to that used in removal operations with this type of scale formation. Majority composition was defined and confirmed by dissolution tests using X - Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), X - Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) techniques. Residues with distinct characteristics were observed in different proportion s, showing a tendency toward increased and/or decreased mass with depth. In the samples closest to the surface, typical sandstone residues were found, with calcium (45% Ca) as the metal of highest concentration. The obtained results indicate correlations o f the scale types studied with the depth and, consequently, with the thermodynamic conditions of pressure and temperature.