708 resultados para SATURABLE ABSORBER


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We investigate the mobility of nonlinear localized modes in a generalized discrete Ginzburg-Landau-type model, describing a one-dimensional waveguide array in an active Kerr medium with intrinsic, saturable gain and damping. It is shown that exponentially localized, traveling discrete dissipative breather-solitons may exist as stable attractors supported only by intrinsic properties of the medium, i.e., in the absence of any external field or symmetry-breaking perturbations. Through an interplay by the gain and damping effects, the moving soliton may overcome the Peierls-Nabarro barrier, present in the corresponding conservative system, by self-induced time-periodic oscillations of its power (norm) and energy (Hamiltonian), yielding exponential decays to zero with different rates in the forward and backward directions. In certain parameter windows, bistability appears between fast modes with small oscillations and slower, large-oscillation modes. The velocities and the oscillation periods are typically related by lattice commensurability and exhibit period-doubling bifurcations to chaotically "walking" modes under parameter variations. If the model is augmented by intersite Kerr nonlinearity, thereby reducing the Peierls-Nabarro barrier of the conservative system, the existence regime for moving solitons increases considerably, and a richer scenario appears including Hopf bifurcations to incommensurately moving solutions and phase-locking intervals. Stable moving breathers also survive in the presence of weak disorder. © 2014 American Physical Society.


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This study is to theoretically investigate shockwave and microbubble formation due to laser absorption by microparticles and nanoparticles. The initial motivation for this research was to understand the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for laser damage to the retina, as well as the predict threshold levels for damage for laser pulses with of progressively shorter durations. The strongest absorbers in the retina are micron size melanosomes, and their absorption of laser light causes them to accrue very high energy density. I theoretically investigate how this absorbed energy is transferred to the surrounding medium. For a wide range of conditions I calculate shockwave generation and bubble growth as a function of the three parameters; fluence, pulse duration and pulse shape. In order to develop a rigorous physical treatment, the governing equations for the behavior of an absorber and for the surrounding medium are derived. Shockwave theory is investigated and the conclusion is that a shock pressure explanation is likely to be the underlying physical cause of retinal damage at threshold fluences for sub-nanosecond pulses. The same effects are also expected for non-biological micro and nano absorbers. ^


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Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the major absorber of sunlight in most natural waters and a critical component of carbon cycling in aquatic systems. The combined effect of light absorbance properties and related photo-production of reactive species are essential in determining the reactivity of DOM. Optical properties and in particular excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy combined with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) have been used increasingly to track sources and fate of DOM. Here we describe studies conducted in water from two estuarine systems in the Florida Everglades, with a salinity gradient of 2 to 37 and dissolved organic carbon concentrations from 19.3 to 5.74 mg C L−1, aimed at assessing how the quantity and quality of DOM is coupled to the formation rates and steady-state concentrations of reactive species including singlet oxygen, hydroxyl radical, and the triplet excited state of DOM. These species were related to optical properties and PARAFAC components of the DOM. The formation rate and steady-state concentration of the carbonate radical was calculated in all samples. The data suggests that formation rates, particularly for singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals, are strongly coupled to the abundance of terrestrial humic-like substances. A decrease in singlet oxygen, hydroxyl radical, and carbonate radical formation rates and steady-state concentration along the estuarine salinity gradient was observed as the relative concentration of terrestrial humic-like DOM decreased due to mixing with microbial humic-like and protein-like DOM components, while the formation rate of triplet excited-state DOM did not change. Fluorescent DOM was also found to be more tightly coupled to reactive species generation than chromophoric DOM.


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The Cu-Mo system is a composite used in the electrical industry as material for electrical contact and resistance welding electrode as well as the heat sink and microwave absorber in microelectronic devices. The use of this material in such applications is due to the excellent properties of thermal and electrical conductivity and the possibility of adjustment of its coefficient of thermal expansion to meet those of materials used as substrates in the semiconductor micoreletrônic industry. Powder metallurgy through the processes of milling, pressing shaping and sintering is a viable technique for consolidation of such material. However, the mutual insolubility of both phases and the low wettability of liquid Cu on Mo impede its densification. However, the mutual insolubility of both phases and the low wettability of liquid Cu on Mo impede its densification. The mechanical alloying is a technique for preparation of powders used to produce nanocrystalline composite powder with amorphous phase or extended solid solution, which increases the sinterability immiscible systems such as the Mo-Cu. This paper investigates the influence of ammonium heptamolybdate (HMA) and the mechanical alloying in the preparation of a composite powder HMA-20% Cu and the effect of this preparation on densification and structure of MoCu composite produced. HMA and Cu powders in the proportion of 20% by weight of Cu were prepared by the techniques of mechanical mixing and mechanical alloying in a planetary mill. These were milled for 50 hours. To observe the evolution of the characteristics of the particles, powder samples were taken after 2, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 hours of milling. Cylindrical samples 5 to 8 mm in diameter and 3 to 4 mm thickness were obtained by pressing at 200 MPa to the mixed powders so as to ground. These samples were sintered at 1200 ° C for 60 minutes under an atmosphere of H2. To determine the effect of heating rate on the structure of the material during the decomposition and reduction of HMA, rates of 2, 5 and 10 ° C / min were used .. The post and the structures of the sintered samples were characterized by SEM and EDS. The density of the green and sintered bodies was measured using the geometric method (weight / volume). Vickers microhardness with a load of 1 N for 15 s were performed on sintered structures. The density of the sintered structures 10 ° C / min. reached 99% of theoretical density, how the density of sintered structures to 2 ° C / min. reached only 90% of the theoretical density


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The direct drive point absorber is a robust and efficient system for wave energy harvesting, where the linear generator represents the most complex part of the system. Therefore, its design and optimization are crucial tasks. The tubular shape of a linear generator’s magnetic circuit offers better permanent magnet flux encapsulation and reduction in radial forces on the translator due to its symmetry. A double stator topology can improve the power density of the linear tubular machine. Common designs employ a set of aligned stators on each side of a translator with radially magnetized permanent magnets. Such designs require doubling the amount of permanent magnet material and lead to an increase in the cogging force. The design presented in this thesis utilizes a translator with buried axially magnetized magnets and axially shifted positioning of the two stators such that no additional magnetic material, compared to single side machine, is required. In addition to the conservation of magnetic material, a significant improvement in the cogging force occurs in the two phase topology, while the double sided three phase system produces more power at the cost of a small increase in the cogging force. The analytical and the FEM models of the generator are described and their results compared to the experimental results. In general, the experimental results compare favourably with theoretical predictions. However, the experimentally observed permanent magnet flux leakage in the double sided machine is larger than predicted theoretically, which can be justified by the limitations in the prototype fabrication and resulting deviations from the theoretical analysis.


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Esta memoria se basa en la hipótesis del papel fundamental que el sistema microbiano asociado al sistema radical de las plantas tiene sobre el metabolismo vegetal y las consiguientes aplicaciones de los productos derivados del mismo. El sistema rizosférico microbiano, el microbioma rizosférico cumple un papel fundamental para que la planta consiga mejorar sus capacidades de adaptación a un ambiente cambiante. En el capítulo 2 se exponen de manera enlazadas hipótesis sucesivas que pretenden evidenciar el potencial de aplicación de las bacterias asociadas a la planta y los distintos enfoques de aplicación biotecnológicos. En primer lugar, se plantea el uso de la rizosfera como fuente de microorganismos especialmente adaptados a la interacción del sistema planta/microorganismos. Un sistema en el que la presión selectiva definida por la planta condiciona el tipo de microorganismos, su diversidad y en definitiva la estructura de las comunidades microbianas que se desarrollan en este ecosistema. Sobre la hipótesis de la capacidad de selección de microorganismos por la planta, primero se busca una planta que aporte una serie de factores de presiónselección. La planta se elige en base a criterios filogenéticos y metabólicos (metabolismo secundario muy activo). Nicotiana glauca, es una Solanacea, de la misma familia que especies con gran interés alimentario, como el tomate, Solanum lycopersicum, la patata, Solanum tuberosum o el pimiento, Capsicum annum. Se selecciona esta planta como sujeto de muestreo rizosférico, en busca de un microbioma cultivable y con aplicaciones por sus aportaciones beneficiosas en la interacción. A continuación, sobre las casi mil cepas aisladas de la rizosfera, a lo largo de dos años, en tres suelos de características muy diferentes, se realiza un ensayo previo de actividades con potencial para incidir favorablemente sobre la salud de la planta. Las cepas se seleccionan sobre la base de un screening a gran escala en el que se intenta absorber la máxima variabilidad genética de los microorganismos que se desarrollan en el sistema rizosférico de Nicotiana glauca y pasan a estudiarse por su capacidad para inducir resistencia sistémica y efectos sobre el crecimiento en plantas de tomate, especie elegida como modelo de trabajo...


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Recent theoretical investigations have demonstrated that the stability of mode-locked solution of multiple frequency channels depends on the degree of inhomogeneity in gain saturation. In this paper, these results are generalized to determine conditions on each of the system parameters necessary for both the stability and existence of mode-locked pulse solutions for an arbitrary number of frequency channels. In particular, we find that the parameters governing saturable intensity discrimination and gain inhomogeneity in the laser cavity also determine the position of bifurcations of solution types. These bifurcations are completely characterized in terms of these parameters. In addition to influencing the stability of mode-locked solutions, we determine a balance between cubic gain and quintic loss, which is necessary for existence of solutions as well. Furthermore, we determine the critical degree of inhomogeneous gain broadening required to support pulses in multiple frequency channels. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.


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We demonstrate the numerical model which allows investigation of gyroscopic effect in hybrid mode-locked bidirectional Erbium-doped fibre ring laser. The model is based on transport theory with accounting of dispersion, gain in EDFA and saturable absorption. The predictions of gyroscopic effect are also presented for the particular laser cavity.


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El trabajo explora la emergencia de temas y la constitución de problemas públicos que integran la agenda de la seguridad en Argentina en la etapa democrática a partir de procesos vinculados a la problematización pública de muertes violentas constituidas como casos conmocionantes. Con estos fines, el análisis integra la reconstrucción en el registro de la acción pública de casos conmocionantes con una revisión de trabajos que desde las ciencias sociales abordan dimensiones de la muerte violenta y problemas vinculados a la agenda nacional de la seguridad. Como punto de llegada del análisis destacamos la capacidad que en la actualidad manifiesta la inseguridad para absorber e integrar dimensiones en tanto problema que se constituye como un guion cultural privilegiado para la comprensión de la violencia, que sintetiza sentidos sociales circulantes sobre el riesgo y que sirve de plataforma para la demanda política de amplios sectores de la ciudadanía.


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Nuclear import of HIV-1 preintegration complexes (PICs) allows the virus to infect nondividing cells. Integrase (IN), the PIC-associated viral enzyme responsible for the integration of the viral genome into the host cell DNA, displays karyophilic properties and has been proposed to participate to the nuclear import of the PIC. Styrylquinolines (SQs) have been shown to block viral replication at nontoxic concentrations and to inhibit IN 3'-processing activity in vitro by competing with the DNA substrate binding. However, several lines of evidence suggested that SQs could have a postentry, preintegrative antiviral effect in infected cells. To gain new insights on the mechanism of their antiviral activity, SQs were assayed for their ability to affect nuclear import of HIV-1 IN and compared with the effect of a specific strand transfer inhibitor. Using an in vitro transport assay, we have previously shown that IN import is a saturable mechanism, thus showing that a limiting cellular factor is involved in this process. We now demonstrate that SQs specifically and efficiently inhibit in vitro nuclear import of IN without affecting other import pathways, whereas a specific strand transfer inhibitor does not affect IN import. These data suggest that SQs not only inhibit IN-DNA interaction but would also inhibit the interaction between IN and the cellular factor required for its nuclear import.


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The karyophilic properties of the human immunodeficiency virus, type I (HIV-1) pre-integration complex (PIC) allow the virus to infect non-dividing cells. To better understand the mechanisms responsible for nuclear translocation of the PIC, we investigated nuclear import of HIV-1 integrase (IN), a PIC-associated viral enzyme involved in the integration of the viral genome in the host cell DNA. Accumulation of HIV-1 IN into nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells does not result from passive diffusion but rather from an active transport that occurs through the nuclear pore complexes. HIV-1 IN is imported by a saturable mechanism, implying that a limiting cellular factor is responsible for this process. Although IN has been previously proposed to contain classical basic nuclear localization signals, we found that nuclear accumulation of IN does not involve karyopherins alpha, beta1, and beta2-mediated pathways. Neither the non-hydrolyzable GTP analog, guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), nor the GTP hydrolysis-deficient Ran mutant, RanQ69L, significantly affects nuclear import of IN, which depends instead on ATP hydrolysis. Therefore these results support the idea that IN import is not mediated by members of the karyopherin beta family. More generally, in vitro nuclear import of IN does not require addition of cytosolic factors, suggesting that cellular factor(s) involved in this active but atypical pathway process probably remain associated with the nuclear compartment or the nuclear pore complexes from permeabilized cells.


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Harnessing solar energy to provide for the thermal needs of buildings is one of the most promising solutions to the global energy issue. Exploiting the additional surface area provided by the building’s façade can significantly increase the solar energy output. Developing a range of integrated and adaptable products that do not significantly affect the building’s aesthetics is vital to enabling the building integrated solar thermal market to expand and prosper. This work reviews and evaluates solar thermal facades in terms of the standard collector type, which they are based on, and their component make-up. Daily efficiency models are presented, based on a combination of the Hottel Whillier Bliss model and finite element simulation. Novel and market available solar thermal systems are also reviewed and evaluated using standard evaluation methods, based on experimentally determined parameters ISO 9806. Solar thermal collectors integrated directly into the facade benefit from the additional wall insulation at the back; displaying higher efficiencies then an identical collector offset from the facade. Unglazed solar thermal facades with high capacitance absorbers (e.g. concrete) experience a shift in peak maximum energy yield and display a lower sensitivity to ambient conditions than the traditional metallic based unglazed collectors. Glazed solar thermal facades, used for high temperature applications (domestic hot water), result in overheating of the building’s interior which can be reduced significantly through the inclusion of high quality wall insulation. For low temperature applications (preheating systems), the cheaper unglazed systems offer the most economic solution. The inclusion of brighter colour for the glazing and darker colour for the absorber shows the lowest efficiency reductions (<4%). Novel solar thermal façade solutions include solar collectors integrated into balcony rails, shading devices, louvers, windows or gutters.


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We analyze four extreme AGN transients to explore the possibility that they are caused by rare, high-amplitude microlensing events. These previously unknown type-I AGN are located in the redshift range 0.6-1.1 and show changes of > 1.5 magnitudes in the g-band on a timescale of ~years. Multi-epoch optical spectroscopy, from the William Herschel Telescope, shows clear differential variability in the broad line fluxes with respect to the continuum changes and also evolution in the line profiles. In two cases a simple point-source, point-lens microlensing model provides an excellent match to the long-term variability seen in these objects. For both models the parameter constraints are consistent with the microlensing being due to an intervening stellar mass object but as yet there is no confirmation of the presence of an intervening galaxy. The models predict a peak amplification of 10.3/13.5 and an Einstein timescale of 7.5/10.8 years respectively. In one case the data also allow constraints on the size of the CIII] emitting region, with some simplifying assumptions, to to be ~1.0-6.5 light-days and a lower limit on the size of the MgII emitting region to be > 9 light-days (half-light radii). This CIII] radius is perhaps surprisingly small. In the remaining two objects there is spectroscopic evidence for an intervening absorber but the extra structure seen in the lightcurves requires a more complex lensing scenario to adequately explain.


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Tellurite glasses are photonic materials of special interest to the branch of optoelectronic and communication, due to its important optical properties such as high refractive index, broad IR transmittance, low phonon energy etc. Tellurite glasses are solutions to the search of potential candidates for nonlinear optical devices. Low phonon energy makes it an efficient host for dopant ions like rare earths, allowing a better environment for radiative transitions. The dopant ions maintain majority of their individual properties in the glass matrix. Tellurites are less toxic than chalcogenides, more chemically and thermally stable which makes them a highly suitable fiber material for nonlinear applications in the midinfrared and they are of increased research interest in applications like laser, amplifier, sensor etc. Low melting point and glass transition temperature helps tellurite glass preparation easier than other glass families.In order to probe into the versatility of tellurite glasses in optoelectronic industry; we have synthesized and undertaken various optical studies on tellurite glasses. We have proved that the highly nonlinear tellurite glasses are suitable candidates in optical limiting, with comparatively lower optical limiting threshold. Tuning the optical properties of glasses is an important factor in the optoelectronic research. We have found that thermal poling is an efficient mechanism in tuning the optical properties of these materials. Another important nonlinear phenomenon found in zinc tellurite glasses is their ability to switch from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption in the presence of lanthanide ions. The proposed thesis to be submitted will have seven chapters.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08