685 resultados para S0 Galaxies


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Considering the way light is integral to photography I draw on its paradoxical nature at sub atomic levels that describe how, when observed it changes. Taking a biocentric approach ; ‘A radical new view of reality: Life creates time, space, and the cosmos itself The farther we peer into space, the more we realize that the nature of the universe cannot be understood fully by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.’ (Lanza, 2009), I aim to clarify how embodied photographic practice can be explored through improvisational and performative discourse.


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Cosmic X-ray background synthesis models (Gilli 2007) require a significant fraction of obscured AGN, some of which are expected to be heavily obscured (Compton-thick), but the number density of observationally found obscured sources is still an open issue (Vignali 2010, 2014). This thesis work takes advantage of recent NuSTAR data and is based on a multiwavelength research approach. Gruppioni et al. 2016 compared the AGN bolometric luminosity, for a sample of local 12 micron Seyfert galaxies, derived from the SED decomposition to the same quantity obtained by the 2-10 keV luminosity (IPAC-NED). A difference up to two orders of magnitude resulted between these quantities for some sources. Thus, the intrinsic X-ray luminosity obtained correcting for the obscuration may be underestimated. In this thesis we have tested this hypothesis by re-analysing the X-ray spectra of three of the sources (UGC05101, NGC1194 and NGC3079), for which observations from NuSTAR and Chandra and/or XMM-Newton were available. This is meant to extend our analysis to energies above 10 keV and thus estimate the AGN column density as reliable as possible. For spectral fitting we made use of both the commonly used XSPEC package and the two very recent MYtorus and BNtorus physical models. The available wide bandpass allowed us to achieve new and more solid insights into the X-ray spectral properties of these sources. The measured absorption column densities are highly suggestive of heavy obscuration. Once corrected the X-ray AGN luminosity for the obscuration estimated through our spectral analysis, we compared the L(X) values in the 2-10 keV band with those derived from the MIR band, by means of the relation by Gandhi, 2009. As expected, the values derived from this relation are in good agreement with those we measured, indicating that the column densities were underestimated in the previous literature works.


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The velocity function (VF) is a fundamental observable statistic of the galaxy population that is similar to the luminosity function in importance, but much more difficult to measure. In this work we present the first directly measured circular VF that is representative between 60 < v_circ < 320 km s^-1 for galaxies of all morphological types at a given rotation velocity. For the low-mass galaxy population (60 < v_circ < 170 km s^-1), we use the HI Parkes All Sky Survey VF. For the massive galaxy population (170 < v_circ < 320 km s^-1), we use stellar circular velocities from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA). In earlier work we obtained the measurements of circular velocity at the 80% light radius for 226 galaxies and demonstrated that the CALIFA sample can produce volume-corrected galaxy distribution functions. The CALIFA VF includes homogeneous velocity measurements of both late and early-type rotation-supported galaxies and has the crucial advantage of not missing gas-poor massive ellipticals that HI surveys are blind to. We show that both VFs can be combined in a seamless manner, as their ranges of validity overlap. The resulting observed VF is compared to VFs derived from cosmological simulations of the z = 0 galaxy population. We find that dark-matter-only simulations show a strong mismatch with the observed VF. Hydrodynamic simulations fare better, but still do not fully reproduce observations.


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Dust attenuation affects nearly all observational aspects of galaxy evolution, yet very little is known about the form of the dust-attenuation law in the distant universe. Here, we model the spectral energy distributions of galaxies at z ~ 1.5–3 from CANDELS with rest-frame UV to near-IR imaging under different assumptions about the dust law, and compare the amount of inferred attenuated light with the observed infrared (IR) luminosities. Some individual galaxies show strong Bayesian evidence in preference of one dust law over another, and this preference agrees with their observed location on the plane of infrared excess (IRX, L_TIR/L_UV) and UV slope (β). We generalize the shape of the dust law with an empirical model, A_ λ,σ =E(B-V)k_ λ (λ / λ v)^ σ where k_λ is the dust law of Calzetti et al., and show that there exists a correlation between the color excess E(B-V) and tilt δ with δ =(0.62±0.05)log(E(B-V))+(0.26±0.02). Galaxies with high color excess have a shallower, starburst-like law, and those with low color excess have a steeper, SMC-like law. Surprisingly, the galaxies in our sample show no correlation between the shape of the dust law and stellar mass, star formation rate, or β. The change in the dust law with color excess is consistent with a model where attenuation is caused by scattering, a mixed star–dust geometry, and/or trends with stellar population age, metallicity, and dust grain size. This rest-frame UV-to-near-IR method shows potential to constrain the dust law at even higher redshifts (z>3).


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We quantify the evolution of the stellar mass functions (SMFs) of star-forming and quiescent galaxies as a function of morphology from z ∼ 3 to the present. Our sample consists of ∼50 000 galaxies in the CANDELS fields (∼880 arcmin^2), which we divide into four main morphological types, i.e. pure bulge-dominated systems, pure spiral disc-dominated, intermediate two-component bulge+disc systems and irregular disturbed galaxies. At z ∼ 2, 80 per cent of the stellar mass density of star-forming galaxies is in irregular systems. However, by z ∼ 0.5, irregular objects only dominate at stellar masses below 10^9 M_⊙. A majority of the star-forming irregulars present at z ∼ 2 undergo a gradual transformation from disturbed to normal spiral disc morphologies by z ∼ 1 without significant interruption to their star formation. Rejuvenation after a quenching event does not seem to be common except perhaps for the most massive objects, because the fraction of bulge-dominated star-forming galaxies with M^*/M_⊙ > 10^10.7 reaches 40 per cent at z < 1. Quenching implies the presence of a bulge: the abundance of massive red discs is negligible at all redshifts over 2 dex in stellar mass. However, the dominant quenching mechanism evolves. At z > 2, the SMF of quiescent galaxies above M^* is dominated by compact spheroids. Quenching at this early epoch destroys the disc and produces a compact remnant unless the star-forming progenitors at even higher redshifts are significantly more dense. At 1 < z < 2, the majority of newly quenched galaxies are discs with a significant central bulge. This suggests that mass quenching at this epoch starts from the inner parts and preserves the disc. At z < 1, the high-mass end of the passive SMF is globally in place and the evolution mostly happens at stellar masses below 10^10 M_⊙. These low-mass galaxies are compact, bulge-dominated systems, which were environmentally quenched: destruction of the disc through ram-pressure stripping is the likely process.


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SpicA FAR infrared Instrument, SAFARI, is one of the instruments planned for the SPICA mission. The SPICA mission is the next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy and will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 2.5m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, and high spatial resolution. The instrument SAFARI is a cryogenic grating-based point source spectrometer working in the wavelength domain 34 to 230 μm, providing spectral resolving power from 300 to at least 2000. The instrument shall provide low and high resolution spectroscopy in four spectral bands. Low Resolution mode is the native instrument mode, while the high Resolution mode is achieved by means of a Martin-Pupplet interferometer. The optical system is all-reflective and consists of three main modules; an input optics module, followed by the Band and Mode Distributing Optics and the grating Modules. The instrument utilizes Nyquist sampled filled linear arrays of very sensitive TES detectors. The work presented in this paper describes the optical design architecture and design concept compatible with the current instrument performance and volume design drivers.


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Over the past decades star formation has been a very attractive field because knowledge of star formation leads to a better understanding of the formation of planets and thus of our solar system but also of the evolution of galaxies. Conditions leading to the formation of high-mass stars are still under investigation but an evolutionary scenario has been proposed: As a cold pre-stellar core collapses under gravitational force, the medium warms up until it reaches a temperature of 100 K and enters the hot molecular core (HMC) phase. The forming central proto-star accretes materials, increasing its mass and luminosity and eventually it becomes sufficiently evolved to emit UV photons which irradiate the surrounding environment forming a hyper compact (HC) and then a ultracompact (UC) HII region. At this stage, a very dense and very thin internal photon-dominated region (PDR) forms between the HII region and the molecular core. Information on the chemistry allows to trace the physical processes occurring in these different phases of star formation. Formation and destruction routes of molecules are influenced by the environment as reaction rates depend on the temperature and radiation field. Therefore, chemistry also allows the determination of the evolutionary stage of astrophysical objects through the use of chemical models including the time evolution of the temperature and radiation field. Because HMCs host a very rich chemistry with high abundances of complex organic molecules (COMs), several astrochemical models have been developed to study the gas phase chemistry as well as grain chemistry in these regions. In addition to HMCs models, models of PDRs have also been developed to study in particular photo-chemistry. So far, few studies have investigated internal PDRs and only in the presence of outflows cavities. Thus, these unique regions around HC/UCHII regions remain to be examined thoroughly. My PhD thesis focuses on the spatio-temporal chemical evolution in HC/UC HII regions with internal PDRs as well as in HMCs. The purpose of this study is first to understand the impact and effects of the radiation field, usually very strong in these regions, on the chemistry. Secondly, the goal is to study the emission of various tracers of HC/UCHII regions and compare it with HMCs models, where the UV radiation field does not impact the region as it is immediately attenuated by the medium. Ultimately we want to determine the age of a given region using chemistry in combination with radiative transfer.


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Integral field unit spectrographs allow the 2D exploration of the kinematics and stellar populations of galaxies, although they are generally restricted to small fields-of-view. Using the large field-of-view of the DEIMOS multislit spectrograph on Keck and our Stellar Kinematics using Multiple Slits technique, we are able to extract sky-subtracted stellar light spectra to large galactocentric radii. Here, we present a new DEIMOS mask design named SuperSKiMS that explores large spatial scales without sacrificing high spatial sampling. We simulate a set of observations with such a mask design on the nearby galaxy NGC 1023, measuring stellar kinematics and metallicities out to where the galaxy surface brightness is orders of magnitude fainter than the sky. With this technique we also reproduce the results from literature integral field spectroscopy in the innermost galaxy regions. In particular, we use the simulated NGC 1023 kinematics to model its total mass distribution to large radii, obtaining comparable results with those from published integral field unit observation. Finally, from new spectra of NGC 1023, we obtain stellar 2D kinematics and metallicity distributions that show good agreement with integral field spectroscopy results in the overlapping regions. In particular, we do not find a significant offset between our Stellar Kinematics using Multiple Slits and the ATLAS3D stellar velocity dispersion at the same spatial locations.


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Résumé : Les transferts d’électrons photo-induits et d’énergie jouent un rôle primordial dans un grand nombre de processus photochimiques et photobiologiques, comme la respiration ou la photosynthèse. Une très grande quantité de systèmes à liaisons covalentes ont été conçus pour copier ces processus de transferts. Cependant, les progrès sont, en grande partie, limités par les difficultés rencontrées dans la synthèse de nouveaux couples de types donneurs-accepteurs. Récemment, des espèces utilisant des liaisons non-covalentes, comme les liaisons hydrogènes, les interactions [pi]-[pi], les liaisons de coordination métal-ligands ou encore les interactions électrostatiques sont le centre d’un nouvel intérêt du fait qu’ils soient plus faciles à synthétiser et à gérer pour obtenir des comportements de transferts d’électrons ou d’énergie plus flexibles et sélectifs. C’est dans cette optique que le travail de cette thèse a été mené, i.e. de concevoir des composés auto-assemblés avec des porphyrines et un cluster de palladium pour l’étude des transferts d’électrons photo-induits et d’énergie. Cette thèse se divise en quatre parties principales. Dans la première section, le chapitre 3, deux colorants porphyriniques, soit le 5-(4-carboxylphényl)-10, 15, 20-tristolyl(porphyrinato)zinc(II) (MCP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) et 5, 15-bis(4-carboxylphényl)-15, 20-bistolyl(porphyrinato)zinc(II) (DCP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) ont été utilisés comme donneurs d’électrons, et le [Pd3(dppm)3(CO)]2+ ([Pd32+], dppm = (Ph2P)2CH2, PF6‾ est le contre-ion) a été choisi comme accepteur d’électrons. La structure de l’assemblage [Pd32+]•••porphyrine a été élucidée par l’optimisation des géométries à l’aide de calculs DFT. La spectroscopie d’absorption transitoire (TAS) montre la vitesse de transferts d’électrons la plus rapide (< 85 fs, temps inférieurs à la limite de détection) jamais enregistrée pour ce type de système (porphyrine-accepteur auto-assemblés). Généralement, ces processus sont de l’ordre de l’échelle de la ps-ns. Cette vitesse est comparable aux plus rapides transferts d’électrons rapportés dans le cas de systèmes covalents de type porphyrine-accepteur rapide (< 85 fs, temps inférieurs à la limite de détection). Ce transfert d’électrons ultra-rapide (ket > 1.2 × 1013 s-1) se produit à l’état énergétique S1 des colorants dans une structure liée directement par des interactions ioniques, ce qui indique qu’il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir de forts liens ou une géométrie courbée entre le donneur et l’accepteur. Dans une deuxième section, au chapitre 4, nous avons étudié en profondeur l’effet de l’utilisation de porphyrines à systèmes π-étendus sur le comportement des transferts d’électrons. Le colorant 9, 18, 27, 36-tétrakis-meso-(4-carboxyphényl)tétrabenzoporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPBP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) a été sélectionné comme candidat, et le 5, 10, 15, 20-tétrakis-meso-(4-carboxyphényl)porphyrineatozinc(II) (TCPP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) a aussi été utilisé à des fins de comparaisons. TCPBP et TCPP ont, tous deux, été utilisés comme donneurs d’électrons pour fabriquer des assemblages supramoléculaires avec le cluster [Pd32+] comme accepteur d’électrons. Les calculs DFT ont été réalisés pour expliquer les structures de ces assemblages. Dans les conditions expérimentales, ces assemblages sont composés principalement d’une porphyrine avec 4 équivalents de clusters. Ces systèmes ont aussi été investigués par des mesures de quenching (perte de luminescence), par électrochimie et par d’autres techniques. Les transferts d’électrons (< 85 fs; temps inférieurs à la limite de détection) étaient aussi observés, de façon similaire aux assemblages MCP•••[Pd32+] et [Pd32+]•••DCP•••[Pd32+]. Les résultats nous indiquent que la modification de la structure de la porphyrine vers la tétrabenzoporphyrine ne semble pas influencer le comportement des cinétiques de transferts d’électrons (aller ou retour). Dans la troisième section, le chapitre 5, nous avons synthétisé la porphyrine hautement [pi]-conjuguée: 9, 18, 27, 36-tétra-(4-carboxyphényléthynyl)tétrabenzoporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPEBP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) par des fonctionnalisations en positions meso- et β, β-, qui présente un déplacement vers le rouge de la bande de Soret et des bandes Q. TCPEBP était utilisé comme donneur d’électrons pour fabriquer des motifs supramoléculaires avec le [Pd32+] comme accepteur d’électrons. Des expériences en parallèle ont été menées en utilisant la 5, 10, 15, 20-tétra-(4-carboxyphényl)éthynylporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPEP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion). Des calculs DFT et TDDFT ont été réalisés pour de nouveau déterminer de façon théorique les structures de ces systèmes. Les constantes d’association pour les assemblages TCPEBP•••[Pd32+]x sont les plus élevées parmi tous les assemblages entre des porphyrines et le cluster de palladium rencontrés dans la littérature. La TAS a montré, encore une fois, des processus de transferts d’électrons dans des échelles de l’ordre de 75-110 fs. Cependant, les transferts de retour d’électrons sont aussi très rapides (< 1 ps), ce qui est un obstacle potentiel pour des applications en cellules solaires à pigment photosensible (DSSCs). Dans la quatrième section, le chapitre 6, les transferts d’énergie triplets (TET) ont été étudiés pour les assemblages MCP•••[Pd32+] et [Pd32+]•••DCP•••[Pd32+]. Les analyses spectrales des états transitoires dans l’échelle de temps de la ns-[mu]s démontrent de façon évidente les TETs; ceux-ci présentent des transferts d’énergie lents et/ou des vitesses moyennes pour des transferts d’énergie T1-T1 (3dye*•••[Pd32+] → dye•••3[Pd32+]*) opérant à travers exclusivement le mécanisme de Förster avec des valeurs de kET autour de ~ 1 × 105 s-1 selon les mesures d’absorption transitoires à 298 K. Des forces motrices non-favorables rendent ces types de processus non-opérants ou très lents dans les états T1. L’état T1 de [Pd32+] (~8190 cm-1) a été qualitativement déterminé par DFT et par la mise en évidence de l’émission S0 ← Tn retardée à 680-700 nm provenant de l’annihilation T1-T1, ce qui fait que ce cluster peut potentiellement agir comme un donneur à partir de ses états Tn, et accepteur à partir de T1 à l’intérieur de ces assemblages. Des pertes d’intensités de types statiques pour la phosphorescence dans le proche-IR sont observées à 785 nm. Ce travail démontre une efficacité modérée des colorants à base de porphyrines pour être impliquée dans des TETs avec des fragments organométalliques, et ce, même attachées grâce à des interactions ioniques. En conclusion, les assemblages ioniques à base de porphyrines et de clusters de palladium présentent des propriétés de transferts d’électrons S1 ultra-rapides, et des transferts d’énergie T1 de vitesses modérées, ce qui est utile pour de possibles applications comme outils optoélectroniques. D’autres études, plus en profondeur, sont présentement en progrès.


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PRISM (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) was proposed to ESA in May 2013 as a large-class mission for investigating within the framework of the ESA Cosmic Vision program a set of important scientific questions that require high res- olution, high sensitivity, full-sky observations of the sky emission at wavelengths ranging from millimeter-wave to the far-infrared. PRISM’s main objective is to explore the distant universe, probing cosmic history from very early times until now as well as the structures, distribution of matter, and velocity flows throughout our Hubble volume. PRISM will survey the full sky in a large number of frequency bands in both intensity and polarization and will measure the absolute spectrum of sky emission more than three orders of magnitude bet- ter than COBE FIRAS. The data obtained will allow us to precisely measure the absolute sky brightness and polarization of all the components of the sky emission in the observed frequency range, separating the primordial and extragalactic components cleanly from the galactic and zodiacal light emissions. The aim of this Extended White Paper is to provide a more detailed overview of the highlights of the new science that will be made possible by PRISM, which include: (1) the ultimate galaxy cluster survey using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) e↵ect, detecting approximately 106 clusters extending to large redshift, including a char- acterization of the gas temperature of the brightest ones (through the relativistic corrections to the classic SZ template) as well as a peculiar velocity survey using the kinetic SZ e↵ect that comprises our entire Hubble volume; (2) a detailed characterization of the properties and evolution of dusty galaxies, where the most of the star formation in the universe took place, the faintest population of which constitute the di↵use CIB (Cosmic Infrared Background); (3) a characterization of the B modes from primordial gravity waves generated during inflation and from gravitational lensing, as well as the ultimate search for primordial non-Gaussianity using CMB polarization, which is less contaminated by foregrounds on small scales than thetemperature anisotropies; (4) a search for distortions from a perfect blackbody spectrum, which include some nearly certain signals and others that are more speculative but more informative; and (5) a study of the role of the magnetic field in star formation and its inter- action with other components of the interstellar medium of our Galaxy. These are but a few of the highlights presented here along with a description of the proposed instrument.