984 resultados para Ross, Fiona
OBJECTIVES: The Contegra bioprosthesis (valved heterologous bovine jugular vein) is used for reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in congenital heart malformations and pulmonary valve replacement in different settings. Compared to pulmonary homografts, the Contegra conduit is readily available 'on the shelf'. So far, its use was mainly described in children. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of Contegra graft implantation in the adult. METHODS: Between November 1999 and December 2007, a total of 32 Contegra grafts were implanted in 31 patients (24 men and 7 women), with a mean age of 35.7+/-10.5 years (range 18-54 years). All operations have been completed through median sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass. Indications included: Ross procedure for aortic valve disease (n=22); re-operation of corrected Fallot-tetralogy (n=5); isolated pulmonary valve disease (n=2); re-operation of double outlet right ventricle (DORV) (n=1); pulmonary stenosis in congenital dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (n=1). Conduit sizes included 22 mm (n=31), 20 mm (n=1). RESULTS: There was no hospital mortality and no valved conduit related early morbidity. In the median follow-up of 38 months (range 1-99 months) of 28 patients there was one late death, not conduit related (total mortality 3.6%). Re-operation for symptomatic graft stenosis was realised in two patients, 7 and 16 months after primo-implantation, corresponding to graft related late morbidity of 7.1%. CONCLUSIONS: In this small review of 32 operations using the Contegra graft for RVOT reconstruction in adult cardiac surgery for different indications, we observed good postoperative mid-term results concerning conduit function. Mean transpulmonary pressure gradients remain low (13.3+/-6.6 mmHg postoperative, 14.5+/-7.9 mmHg at follow-up). The use of the Contegra graft seems to be a good alternative to the homograft with low operative mortality and morbidity. Long-term outcome data are not available and further investigations must be performed to evaluate results.
Intrauterine devices (IUDs), long-acting and reversible contraceptives, induce a number of immunological and biochemical changes in the uterine environment that could affect endometrial cancer (EC) risk. We addressed this relationship through a pooled analysis of data collected in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium. We combined individual-level data from 4 cohort and 14 case-control studies, in total 8,801 EC cases and 15,357 controls. Using multivariable logistic regression, we estimated pooled odds ratios (pooled-ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for EC risk associated with ever use, type of device, ages at first and last use, duration of use and time since last use, stratified by study and adjusted for confounders. Ever use of IUDs was inversely related to EC risk (pooled-OR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.74-0.90). Compared with never use, reduced risk of EC was observed for inert IUDs (pooled-OR = 0.69, 95% CI = 0.58-0.82), older age at first use (≥35 years pooled-OR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.43-0.67), older age at last use (≥45 years pooled-OR = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.50-0.72), longer duration of use (≥10 years pooled-OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.52-0.71) and recent use (within 1 year of study entry pooled-OR = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.30-0.49). Future studies are needed to assess the respective roles of detection biases and biologic effects related to foreign body responses in the endometrium, heavier bleeding (and increased clearance of carcinogenic cells) and localized hormonal changes.
Early pregnancy and multiparity are known to reduce the risk of women to develop breast cancer at menopause. Based on the knowledge that the differentiation of the breast induced by the hormones of pregnancy plays a major role in this protection, this work was performed with the purpose of identifying what differentiation-associated molecular changes persist in the breast until menopause. Core needle biopsies (CNB) obtained from the breast of 42 nulliparous (NP) and 71 parous (P) postmenopausal women were analyzed in morphology, immunocytochemistry and gene expression. Whereas in the NP breast, nuclei of epithelial cells were large and euchromatic, in the P breast they were small and hyperchromatic, showing strong methylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 and 27. Transcriptomic analysis performed using Affymetrix HG_U133 oligonucleotide arrays revealed that in CNB of the P breast, there were 267 upregulated probesets that comprised genes controlling chromatin organization, transcription regulation, splicing machinery, mRNA processing and noncoding elements including XIST. We concluded that the differentiation process induced by pregnancy is centered in chromatin remodeling and in the mRNA processing reactome, both of which emerge as important regulatory pathways. These are indicative of a safeguard step that maintains the fidelity of the transcription process, becoming the ultimate mechanism mediating the protection of the breast conferred by full-term pregnancy.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors associated with Contegra graft (Medtronic Minneapolis, MN, USA) infection after reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract. METHODS: One hundred and six Contegra grafts were implanted between April 1999 and April 2010 for the Ross procedure (n = 46), isolated pulmonary valve replacement (n = 32), tetralogy of Fallot (n = 24), double-outlet right ventricle (n = 7), troncus arteriosus (n = 4), switch operation (n = 1) and redo of pulmonary valve replacement (n = 2). The median age of the patients was 13 years (range 0-54 years). A follow-up was completed in all cases with a median duration of 7.6 years (range 1.7-12.7 years). RESULTS: There were 3 cases of in-hospital mortality. The survival rate during 7 years was 95.7%. Despite the lifelong endocarditis prophylaxis, Contegra graft infection was diagnosed in 12 (11.3%) patients at a median time of 4.4 years (ranging from 0.4 to 8.7 years). Univariate analysis of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative variables was performed and the following risk factors for time to infection were identified: female gender with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.19 (P = 0.042), systemic-to-pulmonary shunt (HR 6.46, P < 0.01), hypothermia (HR 0.79, P = 0.014), postoperative renal insufficiency (HR 11.97, P = 0.015) and implantation of permanent pacemaker during hospitalization (HR 5.29, P = 0.075). In 2 cases, conservative therapy was successful and, in 10 patients, replacement of the infected valve was performed. The Contegra graft was replaced by a homograft in 2 cases and by a new Contegra graft in 8 cases. Cox's proportional hazard model indicated that time to graft infection was significantly associated with tetralogy of Fallot (HR 0.06, P = 0.01), systemic-to-pulmonary shunt (HR 64.71, P < 0.01) and hypothermia (HR 0.77, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Contegra graft infection affected 11.3% of cases in our cohort, and thus may be considered as a frequent entity that can be predicted by both intraoperative and early postoperative factors. After the diagnosis of infection associated with the Contegra graft was confirmed, surgical treatment was the therapy of choice.
Multi-national societies present a complex setting for the politics of immigration, as migration’s linguistic, economic and cultural effects may coincide with existing contestation over nationhood between sub-units and the central state. Empirically, though, political actors only sometimes, and in some places, explicitly connect the politics of immigration to the stakes of multi-level politics. With reference to Canada, Belgium and the United Kingdom, this paper examines the conditions under which political leaders link immigration to ongoing debate about governance in multi-national societies. The paper argues that the distribution of policy competencies in the multi-level system is less important for shaping immigration and integration politics than is the perceived impact (positive or negative) on the sub-unit’s societal culture or its power relationship with the center. Immigration and integration are more often politicized where center and sub-unit hold divergent views on migration and its place in national identity.
Le nombre d'examens fluoroscopiques pratiqués en fluoroscopie est en augmentation constante en cardiologie pédiatrique. Ces examens ont un bénéfice évident pour le diagnostic et la thérapie de pathologies cardiaques complexes mais ils sont également la cause d'exposition à des hautes doses de radiation. Notre étude propose donc d'analyser cette pratique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) ainsi que d'établir des niveaux de référence diagnostiques et de rechercher les moyens possibles de diminution de doses. La base de données que nous avons analysé provient du service de cardiologie pédiatrique du CHUV (Lausanne). Elle contient 873 examens fluoroscopiques pratiqués entre le 1er janvier 2003 et le 31 décembre 2011 et se compose des données démographiques, du temps de scopie en minutes et du dose area product (DAP) en Gycm 2 pour chaque examen. Les examens sont séparés en deux modalités, diagnostique et interventionnel et ont été pratiqués sur l'installation GE jusqu'en juillet 2010 et par la suite sur l'installation Philips. L'analyse s'est faite sur Excel et sur JMP Statistics afin d'établir la distribution démographique de l'échantillon, les moyennes et percentiles 75. Les examens diagnostiques ont été étudié par classes d'âge et les examens interventionnels selon une classification d'intervention (Ranking) établie en collaboration avec le médecin responsable de ces procédures au CHUV. Seuls les groupes d'examens ayant un nombre égal ou supérieur à 20 ont été analysés. Nous avons donc analysé 873 examens, dont 512 diagnostiques et 361 interventionnels. Le temps de scopie moyen pour l'ensemble des examens diagnostiques est de 11.91 minutes et le DAP moyen de 12.04 Gycm2. Concernant les examens interventionnels, les moyennes de temps de scopie et de DAP sont de 17.74 minutes et 9.77 Gycm2 respectivement. En plus des analyses par classes d'âges et par ranking, nous avons étudié les examens selon leurs données démographiques ainsi que par pathologie et par installation. L'ensemble des examens diagnostiques connaissent une diminution significative (p<0.0001) de 30% pour le temps de scopie moyen et de 60% pour le DAP moyen en passant de l'installation la plus ancienne, GE, à la plus récente, Philips. Concernant les examens interventionnels, La différence entre les deux installations est encore plus marquée avec un temps de scopie moyen 55 % inférieur ( Gycm2) et un DAP moyen 73 % (p=0.0002) plus faible sur Philips par rapport à GE. Ces différences sont principalement expliquées par l'apport de nouveaux outils sur l'installation Philips, tels que la digitalisation et le traitement de l'image, de la possibilité de changer le nombre d'images par seconde durant un examen ainsi que de l'amélioration de la pratique des examinateurs. Nous avons pu définir des percentiles 75 pour les examens diagnostiques par classes d'âge et par pathologie et pour les examens interventionnels selon le ranking établi par le Dr Di Bernardo.
PURPOSE: 3'-deoxy-3'-[(18)F]fluorothymidine ([(18)F]FLT), a cell proliferation positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, has been shown in numerous tumors to be more specific than 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) but less sensitive. We studied the capacity of a nontoxic concentration of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd), a thymidine synthesis inhibitor, to increase uptake of [(18)F]FLT in tumor xenografts. METHODS: The duration of the FdUrd effect in vivo on tumor cell cycling and thymidine analogue uptake was studied by varying FdUrd pretreatment timing and holding constant the timing of subsequent flow cytometry and 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine biodistribution measurements. In [(18)F]FLT studies, FdUrd pretreatment was generally performed 1 h before radiotracer injection. [(18)F]FLT biodistributions were measured 1 to 3 h after radiotracer injection of mice grafted with five different human tumors and pretreated or not with FdUrd and compared with [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake. Using microPET, the dynamic distribution of [(18)F]FLT was followed for 1.5 h in FdUrd pretreated mice. High-field T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used comparatively in assessing tumor viability and proliferation. RESULTS: FdUrd induced an immediate increase in tumor uptake of 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, that vanished after 6 h, as also confirmed by flow cytometry. Biodistribution measurements showed that FdUrd pretreatment increased [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors by factors of 3.2 to 7.8 compared with controls, while [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake was about fourfold and sixfold lower in breast cancers and lymphoma. Dynamic PET in FdUrd pretreated mice showed that [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors increased steadily up to 1.5 h. MRI showed a well-vascularized homogenous lymphoma with high [(18)F]FLT uptake, while in breast cancer, a central necrosis shown by MRI was inactive in PET, consistent with the histomorphological analysis. CONCLUSION: We showed a reliable and significant uptake increase of [(18)F]FLT in different tumor xenografts after low-dose FdUrd pretreatment. These results show promise for a clinical application of FdUrd aimed at increasing the sensitivity of [(18)F]FLT PET.
OBJECTIVE: A single course of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) is associated with a reduction in respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids Study (MACS), a study involving 1858 women, was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of multiple courses of ACS, given every 14 days until 33+6 weeks or birth, whichever came first. The primary outcome of the study, a composite of neonatal mortality and morbidity, was similar for the multiple ACS and placebo groups (12.9% vs. 12.5%), but infants exposed to multiple courses of ACS weighed less, were shorter, and had smaller head circumferences. Thus for women who remain at increased risk of preterm birth, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) are not recommended. Chronic use of corticosteroids is associated with numerous side effects including weight gain and depression. The aim of this postpartum assessment was to ascertain if multiple courses of ACS were associated with maternal side effects. METHODS: Three months postpartum, women who participated in MACS were asked to complete a structured questionnaire that asked about maternal side effects of corticosteroid use during MACS and included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women were also asked to evaluate their study participation. RESULTS: Of the 1858 women randomized, 1712 (92.1%) completed the postpartum questionnaire. There were no significant differences in the risk of maternal side effects between the two groups. Large numbers of women met the criteria for postpartum depression (14.1% in the ACS vs. 16.0% in the placebo group). Most women (94.1%) responded that they would participate in the trial again. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, corticosteroids are given to women for fetal lung maturation and for the treatment of various maternal diseases. In this international multicentre randomized controlled trial, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) were not associated with maternal side effects, and the majority of women responded that they would participate in such a study again.
Transcriptome analysis is a powerful tool for unveiling the distribution and magnitude of genetic incompatibilities between hybridizing taxa. The nature of such incompatibilities is closely associated with the evolutionary histories of the parental species and may differ across tissues and between the sexes. In eusocial insects, the presence of castes that experience divergent selection regimes may result in additional distinct patterns of caste-specific hybrid incompatibilities. We analysed levels of expression of >14 000 genes in two life stages of each caste in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri and in their hybrids. We found strong contributions of both developmental stage and caste to gene expression patterns. In contrast, variability in expression was only weakly associated with taxonomic identity, with hybrid scores falling between those of the two parental species. Hybrid incompatibilities were surprisingly modest, with only 32 genes being mis-expressed, indicating low levels of disruption in gene regulation in hybrids; males and workers each mis-expressed at least seven times as many genes as queens. Interestingly, homologues of many of the mis-expressed genes have been implicated in behavioural variation in Drosophila melanogaster. General expression profiles of hybrids consistently were more similar to those of S. richteri than S. invicta, presumably because S. richteri trans-regulatory elements tend to be dominant and/or because there is an overall bias in the genetic composition of the hybrids towards S. richteri. Altogether, our results suggest that selection acting on each caste may contribute differently to interspecific divergence and speciation in this group of ants.
Report: #05-02 Kirke C. Quinn, Attorney for Jo Anne Holland, first contacted the Ombudsman by letter dated January 2, 2004. Quinn also addressed his letter to the Governor’s Office, Iowa State Patrol (ISP), and Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS). Quinn characterized his letter as a complaint against ISP regarding “the method and manner of reporting the death of Ross Holland to his surviving spouse.” According to Quinn, Mrs. Holland “went through hours of misery as a result of the patrol’s inattention to a tragic situation.” On January 7, 2004, the Ombudsman asked ISP Major Gary Hoskins, Supervisor of Field Operations, how ISP and DPS intended to respond to Mr. Quinn’s letter. Major Hoskins stated he would refer Quinn’s letter of complaint to DPS’ Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) for investigation and response. After speaking with Major Hoskins, the Ombudsman told Mr. Quinn that DPS would do an internal investigation and if he were not satisfied with the results he could contact the Ombudsman again. On March 29, 2004, Mr. Quinn contacted the Ombudsman and stated he was not satisfied with DPS’ response. Quinn stated he would send a copy of the response to the Ombudsman, along with a letter stating his outstanding issues and concerns. In his letter to the Ombudsman, dated May 5, Quinn simply stated: “Please find enclosed [a] copy of the letter received from the Department of Public Safety. We think this is an absolute outrage. We welcome your input.”
Inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta production is central to the innate immune defects that give rise to certain autoinflammatory diseases and may also be associated with the generation of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T (Th17) cells that mediate autoimmunity. However, the role of the inflammasome in driving adaptive immunity to infection has not been addressed. In this article, we demonstrate that inflammasome-mediated IL-1beta plays a critical role in promoting Ag-specific Th17 cells and in generating protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis infection. Using a murine respiratory challenge model, we demonstrated that the course of B. pertussis infection was significantly exacerbated in IL-1R type I-defective (IL-1RI(-/-)) mice. We found that adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA), a key virulence factor secreted by B. pertussis, induced robust IL-1beta production by dendritic cells through activation of caspase-1 and the NALP3-containing inflammasome complex. Using mutant toxins, we demonstrate that CyaA-mediated activation of caspase-1 was not dependent on adenylate cyclase enzyme activity but was dependent on the pore-forming capacity of CyaA. In addition, CyaA promoted the induction of Ag-specific Th17 cells in wild-type but not IL-1RI(-/-) mice. Furthermore, the bacterial load was enhanced in IL-17-defective mice. Our findings demonstrate that CyaA, a virulence factor from B. pertussis, promotes innate IL-1beta production via activation of the NALP3 inflammasome and, thereby, polarizes T cell responses toward the Th17 subtype. In addition to its known role in subverting host immunity, our findings suggest that CyaA can promote IL-1beta-mediated Th17 cells, which promote clearance of the bacteria from the respiratory tract.
This study investigates the productivity differences and its sourcesacross a set of banks during the last years of the liberal era of theSpanish banking system (1900-1914). These years were characterised bymajor qualitative and quantitative changes in the banking industry includinga sharp increase in the size of the system, in the number of firms, andin its regional distribution. Employing DEA productivity analysis andthe Malmquist index, we discover that these changes were accompanied bya generalised increase in the efficiency of least productive banks. Also,we observe that the crisis of some regional banking groups, like theCatalan, can be linked with its low productivity levels. In consequence,in the light of our productivity evidence, we conclude that the increasein competition was beneficial for the system because helped to the successof the most efficient banks.
This paper examines changes in the organization of the Spanish cotton industry from 1720 to 1860 in its core region of Catalonia. As the Spanish cotton industry adopted the most modern technology and experienced the transition to the factory system, cotton spinning and weaving mills became increasingly vertically integrated. Asset specificity more than other factors explained this tendency towards vertical integration. The probability for a firm of being vertically integrated was higher among firms located in districts with high concentration ratios and rose with size and the use of modern machinery. Simultaneously, subcontracting predominated in other phases of production and distribution where transaction costs appears to be less important.