693 resultados para Romantic idealism
The purpose of this thesis is to provide a historical and musical analysis that illustrates characteristic features of musical compositions from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth century styles. The structural analysis of the pieces reveal the evolution in the musical expression regarding line, texture, form, and the technical skills employed by the composers through polyphonic, homophonic, and twelve-tone procedures. The works of this recital represent four different styles: The prelude and fugue among the important forms of the Baroque style; the sonata embodying the principles of balance and unity of the Classical style; the etude and waltz as representative of the Romantic style; and the nocturne as an illustration of the transformation of the melody, harmony, and rhythm in the music of the 20thcentury.
Sam Hunter explores the theme of the romantic sublime in the late 19th and early 20th century. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.
The purpose of my thesis is to analyze notions of the sublime in James Joyce’s Ulysses and how the sublime is evoked and presented in Joyce’s work. The present work will examine concepts of the sublime from the Classical and Medieval period, through the Enlightenment, and into the Romantic era to develop my own definition. Placing the sublime in a historical perspective allows me to discover how the sublime is at work through Joyce’s creative use of complex narrative approaches. The beauty of aesthetic perfection was achieved by employing all of Joyce’s artistic faculties. My thesis investigates how Ulysses’ experimental writing technique, unique structuring, and difficult prose created a work of genius which evokes the sublime. By analyzing Joyce’s use of language, unconventional narrative, and ambiguity in Ulysses I will explore how the sublime is aroused.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
A violência nas relações íntimas juvenis (VRIJ) constitui uma problemática socialmente relevante, transversal a diferentes culturas e com potencial desestruturante no bem-estar dos jovens. Além disso, é igualmente sabido que a forma como as vítimas respondem a este tipo de abuso íntimo pode determinar a expressão e as dificuldades de ajustamento. Tendo por base esta realidade, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo geral caraterizar as vivências amorosas abusivas dos jovens adultos, o (des)ajustamento psicossocial daqueles que admitiram ter sofrido algum tipo de violência e as estratégias de coping que utilizam para fazer face ao impacto da VRIJ, com recurso ao Questionário de Vivências Amorosas Abusivas (QVAA) e ao Brief COPE. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma amostra intencional de 287 indivíduos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos (M=22.08; DP=1.69). No total dos participantes envolvidos em relações amorosas, 13.9% dos jovens admitiram perpetrar atos abusivos contra o/a namorado/a, e 23.7% admitiram ter sido vítimas destes comportamentos, sendo a agressão psicológica a mais reportada tanto em termos de perpetração como de vitimação. Foi também possível verificar que as repercussões da VRIJ, nos jovens que admitiram a vitimação, se manifestam maioritariamente ao nível dos sentimentos e comportamentos, e que grande parte destes utilizam estratégias de coping do tipo ativo para lidarem com a situação. A partir dos dados obtidos pretende-se aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o fenómeno da VRIJ, procurando tecer algumas considerações sobre as estratégias interventivas a adotar na intervenção com as suas vítimas.
Traditional popular poetry follows a certain culture and has a literary canon that is very different from written poetry by educated authors. Among the elements that distinguish this poetry and that emphasize the continual presence of symbolism, which is manifested in the connotative reading of the texts, is a symbolism that refers to eroticism and to the romantic relationships of men. In these folk songs nature acquires a distinct meaning of love, for example by means of the presence of the olive as a frequent motif in Andalusian, Hispanic and European songs.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’emploi de l’érotisme et de l’amour comme outils littéraires dans deux romans de l’Antiquité. Le texte principal est un écrit dérivé de la Torah intitulé Joseph et Aséneth. Le second est le roman grec d’Héliodore d’Émèse, Les Éthiopiques. Puisque tout auteur, peu importe sa foi, avait une éducation hellénique semblable, on retrouve des motifs similaires dont les détails se distinguent et les buts sont aux antipodes dans ces textes. Dans le cas de cette recherche, il s’agit de deux oeuvres du genre romanesque écrites en grec qui emploient chacune une histoire romantique à des fins édifiantes. Les buts de cette analyse sont triples. Ce travail cherche à montrer que Joseph et Aseneth a droit au titre de « roman grec, » de qualifier les expériences religieuses présentées dans ces oeuvres et de participer au débat sur la datation de Joseph et Aseneth par une étude comparée. Cette recherche se divise en trois sections. D’abord, le topos bien connu des romans a été analysé : la maladie d’amour. Dans les deux cas, le coup de foudre et la maladie émotionnelle qui s’en suit ont été dévoilés comme moteur important de la trame narrative, ainsi qu’une manière d’introduire des thèmes religieux ou philosophiques. En second lieu, les paroles des personnages au sujet de l’amour et le mariage ont été considérées. Puisque les protagonistes refusent le mariage initialement, les raisons données pour ce refus ont été révélatrices encore une fois de soucis sociaux, soit religieux, soit politiques. En dernier lieu, la relation entre le couple romantique et les dieux présents dans ces récits a été analysée. Les deux romans témoignent de la croyance contemporaine du grand rôle des dieux dans la vie des humains. Cette implication divine dans la vie mortelle s’est manifestée de manières différentes, car elle relève des buts divergents des deux romans. Le parallèle qui se présente est un lien individuel avec les dieux qui est évident dans les romans d’amour.
This thesis is composed of two parts, encompassed in a third: a poetry collection; a critical dissertation; and an artist’s book. The thesis as a whole is entitled Florilegium. This title, from the Latin flos, or ‘flower’, and legere, ‘to gather’, refers to the medieval system of collecting extracts from various authors to form a larger body of work. It is also applicable to flower-treatises, dedicated to their ornamental nature rather than medicinal or scientific. The critical dissertation comes in the form of a glossary. It intends to show that the flower plays an essential role in linking Modernist poetics with that of its Romantic predecessors and beyond. In isolated and ‘illuminated’ examples from Aristotle to Zukofsky, it examines the lineage of botanical poetry, in the light of its unique linguistic makeup: a vernacularized scientific lexicon established in the Latin of Carl Linnaeus. While the critical component of the thesis is an interrogation of botanical language, the poetry collection is its living representation. To enhance the living nature of the text, I have designed and printed an artist’s book, which also acts as an herbarium for floral specimens collected and pressed over the duration of my degree. The design of the book is in keeping with traditional florilegia, incorporating historic binding techniques, typography, paper, and size.
Facial attractiveness is a particularly salient social cue that influences many important social outcomes. Using a standard key-press task to measure motivational salience of faces and an old/new memory task to measure memory for face photographs, this thesis investigated both within-woman and between-women variations in response to facial attractiveness. The results indicated that within-woman variables, such as fluctuations in hormone levels, influenced the motivational salience of facial attractiveness. However, the between-women variable, romantic relationship status, did not appear to modulate women’s responses to facial attractiveness. In addition to attractiveness, dominance also contributed to both the motivational salience and memorability of faces. This latter result demonstrates that, although attractiveness is an important factor for the motivational salience of faces, other factors might also cause faces to hold motivational salience. In Chapter 2, I investigated the possible effects of women’s salivary hormone levels (estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol-to-progesterone ratio) on the motivational salience of facial attractiveness. Physically attractive faces generally hold greater motivational salience, replicating results from previous studies. Importantly, however, the effect of attractiveness on the motivational salience of faces was greater in test sessions where women had high testosterone levels. Additionally, the motivational salience of attractive female faces was greater in test sessions where women had high estradiol-to-progesterone ratios. While results from Chapter 2 suggested that the motivational salience of faces was generally positively correlated with their physical attractiveness, Chapter 3 explored whether physical characteristics other than attractiveness contributed to the motivational salience of faces. To address this issue, I first had the faces rated on multiple traits. Principal component analysis of third-party ratings of faces for these traits revealed two orthogonal components that were highly correlated with trustworthiness and dominance ratings respectively. Both components were positively and independently related to the motivational salience of faces. While Chapter 2 and 3 did not examine the between-woman differences in response to facial attractiveness, Chapter 4 examined whether women’s responses to facial attractiveness differed as a function of their romantic partnership status. As several researchers have proposed that partnership status influences women’s perception of attractiveness, in Chapter 4 I compared the effects of men’s attractiveness on partnered and unpartnered women’s performance on two response measures: memory for face photographs and the motivational salience of faces. Consistent with previous research, women’s memory was poorer for face photographs of more attractive men and more attractive men’s faces held greater motivational salience. However, in neither study were the effects of attractiveness modulated by women’s partnership status or partnered women’s reported commitment to or happiness with their romantic relationship. A key result from Chapter 4 was that more attractive faces were harder to remember. Building on this result, Chapter 5 investigated the different characteristics that contributed to the memorability of face photographs. While some work emphasizes relationships with typicality, familiarity, and memorability ratings, more recent work suggests that ratings of social traits, such as attractiveness, intelligence, and responsibility, predict the memorability of face photographs independently of typicality, familiarity, and memorability ratings. However, what components underlie these traits remains unknown, as well as whether these components relate to the actual memorability of face photographs. Principal component analysis of all these face ratings produced three orthogonal components that were highly correlated with trustworthiness, dominance, and memorability ratings, respectively. Importantly, each of these components also predicted the actual memorability of face photographs.
El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como un punto importante en la agenda internacional de seguridad de ambos países. Se estudia y analiza el concepto de paradiplomacia; articulado, a su vez, por los conceptos de identidad y rol en política exterior de la perspectiva teórica del Constructivismo de las Relaciones Internacionales, para así analizar la influencia de Tokio en el manejo de la política exterior de Japón en el marco del conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu.
A presente investigação visa apurar se existem esquemas parentais (EPs) ou mal-adaptativos precoces (EMPs) que predisponham à escolha, por parte de mulheres vítimas de violência na intimidade, de parceiros potencialmente agressores. Adicionalmente pretende identificar como se manifesta a vitimação com os tipos de relacionamento amoroso de reparação narcísica. O estudo, de cariz quantitativo, recorre a três instrumentos (QEP, QE e ITRA) preenchidos por 27 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 23- 67 anos, das quais 10 sofreram algum tipo de violência numa relação de intimidade. Este estudo concluiu que existem EPs e EMPs que parecem predispor à escolha de parceiros amorosos abusivos. Estas escolhas amorosas parecem estar relacionadas com a tendência para enveredar por tipos de relacionamento amoroso mais patológico, nomeadamente, os tipos evitante-desnarcisante e eufórico-idealizante. Posto isto, criou-se um modelo que caracteriza vítimas e não-vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade com uma precisão de 96,3% com base nos resultados dos instrumentos anteriores; When sorrow replaces love Violence in intimate relationships: Randomness or effects of parental heritage? Abstract: This research aims at determining whether there are schemas originated by parenting styles (PSs) or early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that predispose women, who were victims of violence in their intimate relationships, to choose abusive romantic partners. Additionally it intends to identify how victimization reveals itself through romantic relationship types that are due to repair the Self narcissistic vulnerabilities. This quantitative study relies on three instruments (PSQ, SQ, ITRA) filled by 27 women with ages between 23-67, 10 of which were victims of violence in their intimate relationships. This study concludes that there are PSs and EMSs that seem to predispose to the choice of abusive romantic partners. These romantic choices seem to be related with the predisposition to more pathological romantic relationship types, namely, the avoidant-devaluate and euphoricidealizing types. Following this, a model was created to characterize individuals as victims or non-victims of violence in their intimate relationships with a precision of 96.3%, based on the results of the instruments above.
During a long time, the term competence has been used in different fields. Among those fields, and one of the most important, we can mention the educational system, from preschool to university levels. The term has to be understood as one person integral behavior, making him/her able to enter the labor force in the most competitive way. Within the university realm, experts have tried to include the model of competences as a transversal axle into the teaching-learning process. In European universities, such model has been implemented in most of them. In Latin America universities, on the other hand, it has been used in a good number of countries. The importance of early detection of competences among target populations in education has been widely discussed. However, it has been highlighted the necessity of considering romantic or subjective competences, which seem to lack of value in this complex and competitive actual world. The term competence has been classified as genetic competence, or common and specific competence. The latter is related to the knowledge scope. Within the counseling field, specifically, the general and specific competences are deemed highly appropriate for good a work performance. This article focuses on the main antecedents of competences and analyzes this approach from counseling field perspective. In regards to this specific aspect, a survey with professionals in counseling was carried out. Such a survey ends up dealing with some of the competences considered unavoidable for an accurate performance of professionals in counseling. It is important to mention that the competences of the survey mainly point out to genetic competences rather than to specific competences.
Nonostante la ricchezza e la varietà delle voci che costituiscono l’orizzonte proteiforme della poesia degli ultimi centocinquanta anni, pare ancora non del tutto tramontato uno dei miti più duraturi della modernità letteraria: che tutta la poesia sia da considerare poesia lirica e che la lirica sia, sostanzialmente, liricità, un’accezione tonale più che un genere letterario. A fondamento di tale mito convergono numerose ricostruzioni storiche dello scorso secolo. La presente ricerca nasce dalla convinzione che sia altamente fuorviante considerare la lirica in maniera statica e non dinamica, prenderla in esame come un qualcosa di fisso e già dato, quasi si trattasse di un concetto metastorico, che può o non può conservare una sua attualità, una sua inerenza con la forma dell’esperienza della contemporaneità. I nostri modi di leggere, rappresentare e costruire la realtà cambiano in continuazione, mentre la lirica rimarrebbe lì, cristallizzata nei modi e negli statuti che le sono stati associati in età romantica. La lirica ha, nelle letterature occidentali, una lunghissima storia, ma uno statuto generico ondivago e incerto. Tre risultano essere gli snodi decisivi per la sua evoluzione: il momento della sua fondazione (l’antichità greca), il momento della sua riattivazione generica (il Rinascimento), e il momento della sua ridefinizione (il Romanticismo). Nel presente lavoro si cercherà di ripercorrere questa storia attraverso una prospettiva eccentrica, ossia quella del rapporto io-tu. In questo modo emergeranno nuove costanti e nuove varianti in base alle quali considerare il testo lirico e la sua storia. L’obiettivo è quello di delineare una teoria della lirica aperta, inclusiva e anti-essenzialista