981 resultados para Rodents infected with hantavirus
Background: Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite variants have been identified in several geographical areas. The real implication of the genetic variation in this region of the P. vivax genome has been questioned for a long time. Although previous studies have observed significant association between VK210 and the Duffy blood group, we present here that evidences of this variation are limited to the CSP central portion.Methods: The phylogenetic analyses were accomplished starting from the amplification of conserved domains of 18 SSU RNAr and Cyt B. The antibodies responses against the CSP peptides, MSP-1, AMA-1 and DBP were detected by ELISA, in plasma samples of individuals infected with two P. vivax CS genotypes: VK210 and P. vivax-like.Results: These analyses of the two markers demonstrate high similarity among the P. vivax CS genotypes and surprisingly showed diversity equal to zero between VK210 and P. vivax-like, positioning these CS genotypes in the same clade. A high frequency IgG antibody against the N- and C-terminal regions of the P. vivax CSP was found as compared to the immune response to the R- and V-repetitive regions (p = 0.0005, Fisher's Exact test). This difference was more pronounced when the P. vivax-like variant was present in the infection (p = 0.003, Fisher's Exact test). A high frequency of antibody response against MSP-1 and AMA-1 peptides was observed for all P. vivax CS genotypes in comparison to the same frequency for DBP.Conclusions: This results target that the differences among the P. vivax CS variants are restrict to the central repeated region of the protein, mostly nucleotide variation with important serological consequences.
BackgroundParacoccidioidomycosis is not the most common fungal disease in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), except for endemic regions in Latin America countriesCaseA 33-year-old man with HIV presented with mulberry-like lesions on the palate The diagnosis was made by exfoliative cytology and Papanicolaou staining Microscopic analysis revealed fungal structures with birefringent walls and exosporulation conferring an airplane radial motor appearance, or even bowel-like or goblet-like forms compatible with Paracoccidioides brasiliensisConclusionThis process spares the immunosuppressed patient from under going invasive biopsy procedures (Acta Cytol 2010,54 1127-1129)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dezoito bovinos foram inoculados com Toxoplasma gondii e distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de seis bovinos cada: GI (2,5x10(5) oocistos da cepa P), GII (5,0x10(6) taquizoítos da cepa RH) e GIII (controle). Exames clínicos, sorológicos e parasitêmicos foram realizados. Pesquisas do parasito, por meio da bioprova e pela técnica de Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR), foram realizadas no sêmen e em fragmentos de musculatura esquelética, linfonodos, cérebro, retina, baço, fígado, pulmão, testículo, epidídimo e vesícula seminal. Amostras de sangue e sêmen foram colhidas nos dias -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 e, semanalmente, até o 84º dia pós-infecção (DPI). Os bovinos inoculados (GI e GII) apresentaram hipertermia do 3º ao 16º DPI. Anticorpos contra T. gondii foram detectados (IFI) no 5º DPI (1:16), em ambos grupos inoculados (oocistos e taquizoítos), atingindo picos de 1:4096 no 7º DPI. Surtos parasitêmicos ocorreram em todos os bovinos infectados, principalmente do 7º ao 28º DPI, independente da cepa e inóculo utilizados. O bioensaio revelou a presença do parasito em amostras seminais dos bovinos infectados com oocistos (GI) e taquizoítos (GII), em diversas datas experimentais, entre o 7º e 84º DPI. Parasitismo tissular por T. gondii foi diagnosticado por meio da bioprova e pela técnica da PCR, em vários fragmentos de tecidos e/ou órgãos. Os achados sugerem a possibilidade da ocorrência da transmissão sexual do T. gondii na espécie bovina.
O presente trabalho descreve a detecção de células infectadas em aspirados de medula óssea de cães experimentalmente infectados com uma amostra brasileira de Ehrlichia canis. Os cães foram monitorados duas vezes por dia através de avaliação clínica e exames de esfregaços de sangue periférico. A cada três dias, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para contagem celular. Semanalmente foram feitas punções de medula óssea para exame microscópico direto do material aspirado e coleta de sangue para exames sorológicos através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Os sinais clínicos observados foram febre, membranas pálidas, linfadenopatias, secreções nasais serosas e acentuada perda de peso. As alterações hematológicas incluíram anemia normocítica normocrômica, redução de neutrófilos e linfócitos e trombocitopenia. Poucas células infectadas com E. canis foram observadas em esfregaços sanguíneos, entretanto várias formas de desenvolvimento de E. canis foram visualizadas em aspirados de medula óssea 15 dias após a infecção.
Clinical, parasitological and biochemical parameters were evaluated in Corriedale and Crioula Lanada sheep after a single experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. Ten 4-month-old worm-free lambs, of each breed, were infected with 200 L-3 H. contortus per kg live weight,and four uninfected animals of each breed were used as controls. Every week, the animals were weighed and blood and faecal samples were collected for measurement of packed cell volume (PCV), total serum protein (TSP) and albumin (ALB), and the number of eggs per gram of faeces (EPG), respectively. Twelve weeks after infection, the animals were slaughtered. The worm burden was determined and samples of the abomasal mucosa were processed for determination of the number of eosinophils, mast cells and globule leukocytes. No significant differences in PCV, TSP, ALB, parasite burden or the cell populations of the abomasal mucosa were observed between breeds, but Crioula lambs had a lower EPG count. The comparison of the infected groups with their respective controls revealed significant alterations in PCV, TSP and ALB in the Corriedale lambs and in PCV, TSP, ALB and the density of eosinophils and mast cells in the Crioula lambs.
The serological response to Salmonella pullorum and S. gallinarum infection in chickens was studied with an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In broiler chickens, a more virulent strain of S. pullorum produced a significantly lower serum IgG titer than did a less virulent strain. In laying hens, the serum and egg-yolk IgG titers were very similar. In chickens infected with S. gallinarum, high IgG titers persisted for 30 weeks. In chickens reinfected with this strain, each reinfection was followed by transitory increases in IgG lasting no longer than 2 weeks. Serum samples from Brazil taken from a laying flock with evidence of fowl typhoid showed much higher antibody levels than did those from three uninfected flocks. Using lipopolysaccharide as the detecting antigen, infections caused by these salmonellae could be differentiated from those caused by other groups. Incorporation of the appropriate flagella antigen in the ELISA allowed differentiation between infections caused by S. pullorum and S. enteritidis.
Sporothrix schenckii is the etiologic agent of sporotrichosis, a mycosis of world-wide distribution more commonly occurring in tropical regions. The immunological mechanisms involved in the prevention and control of sporotrichosis are not fully understood but apparently include both the humoral and cellular responses. In the present investigation, cellular immunity was evaluated by in vivo and in vitro tests in mice infected with yeast-like forms of S. schenckii. The disease developed systemically and cellular immunity was evaluated for a period of 10 weeks. The soluble antigen utilized in the tests was prepared from yeast form of the fungus through the sonication (20 min: 10 sonications at 50 W at 2-min intervals). Delayed hypersensitivity and lymphocyte transformation tests showed that the cellular immune response was depressed between the 4th and 6th week of infection when the animals were challenged with the soluble fungal antigen. This depression frequently indicates worsening of the disease, with greater involvement of the host. This is a promising field of research for a better understanding of the pathogeny of this mycosis.
The purpose of this study was to determine the serological and molecular prevalence of Bartonella spp. infection in a sick dog population from Brazil. At the São Paulo State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Botucatu, 198 consecutive dogs with clinicopathological abnormalities consistent with tick-borne infections were sampled. Antibodies to Bartonella henselae and Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii were detected in 2.0% ( 4/197) and 1.5% ( 3/197) of the dogs, respectively. Using 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer ( ITS) primers, Bartonella DNA was amplified from only 1/198 blood samples. Bartonella seroreactive and/or PCR positive blood samples ( n = 8) were inoculated into a liquid pre-enrichment growth medium ( BAPGM) and subsequently sub-inoculated onto BAPGM/blood-agar plates. PCR targeting the ITS region, pap31 and rpoB genes amplified B. henselae from the blood and/or isolates of the PCR positive dog ( ITS: DQ346666; pap31 gene: DQ351240; rpoB: EF196806). B. henselae and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii ( pap31: DQ906160; rpoB: EF196805) co-infection was found in one of the B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seroreactive dogs. We conclude that dogs in this study population were infrequently exposed to or infected with a Bartonella species. The B. henselae and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii strains identified in this study are genetically similar to strains isolated from septicemic cats, dogs, coyotes and human beings from other parts of the world. To our knowledge, these isolates provide the first Brazilian DNA sequences from these Bartonella species and the first evidence of Bartonella co-infection in dogs.
1. We describe the isolation of viable merozoites from erythrocytes infected with Babesia bovis or Babesia bigemina organisms by ammonium chloride lysis.2. Parasite morphology was examined by both light and transmission electron microscopy. Erythrocyte-free parasites maintain their viability and infectivity, retain their antigenicity and are suitable for use in the indirect fluorescent antibody assay.
Skin tests were done using larval extract and excretory-secretory (ES) antigens injected intradermally in the neck area of 30, 11- to 200-day-old buffalo calves and nine 27- to 100-day postparturition buffalo cows, the skin of the buffaloes infected with Toxocara vitulorum, mainly calves, demonstrated a hypersensitive response to antigens, especially to the larval extract antigens. Skin hypersensitivity responses were characterized by the presence of dermal nodules with progressive induration and an increase of up to four times the size of the original area at 30 min (immediate type) and at 72 h (delayed type) after injection, Histological preparations of skin reactions at 72 h showed a typical mononuclear cell infiltration, with eosinophils and perivascular cuffing in most of the animals, Fecal examination of 75 animals showed that 65 (86.7%) buffalo calves (9-115 days old) were parasitized with T. vitulorum. The peak of egg output from these animals occurred when they were approximately 45 days old.
One-day-old broiler chicks received cecal microflora (CM) cultured under aerobic, anaerobic conditions, or both (mixed) and were then infected with Salmonella Enteritidis, in order to compare the efficacy of these different types of culture in terms of the number of chicks infected, cecal colonization and faecal excretion of the challenging bacteria. Regardless of culture type, CM always led to a smaller number of S. Enteritidis for any of the parameters studied compared to untreated chicks. Aerobic CM demonstrated better efficacy in reducing the number of infected chicks and cecal colonization by S. Enteritidis, followed by mixed CM. No difference was observed in faecal excretion of S. Enteritidis between the chicks that received different types of CM culture. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to investigate human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and to analyse the possible role of these genes in the progression of chronic hepatitis C. One hundred and forty-five (145) Brazilian patients infected only with HCV genotype 1 were evaluated. HLA class I (A*, B*, C*) and class II (DRB1*, DQA1*, DQB1*) typing were carried out by PCR-SSO, through Luminex technology. Associations were found with protection against development of liver damage by both DRB1*11 (5.0% versus 18.2%, P = 0.0016, OR = 0.23, CI 95% = 0.090.58; Pc=0.0208) and DRB1*11-DQA1*05-DQB1*03 haplotype (4.2% versus 15.3%, P = 0.0032; OR = 0.24, CI 95% = 0.08-0.64). Liver damage was associated with HLA-C*04 in patients with <20 years of infection (38.4% versus 9.1%, P = 0.002, OR = 6.25, CI 95% = 1.9719.7; Pc=0.0238). It is concluded that HLA alleles can influence the development of liver damage in HCV type-1 chronically infected Brazilian patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)