721 resultados para Riduttore ordinario aeronautico elica
The objective of this study was to determine the seasonal and interannual variability and calculate the trends of wind speed in NEB and then validate the mesoscale numerical model for after engage with the microscale numerical model in order to get the wind resource at some locations in the NEB. For this we use two data sets of wind speed (weather stations and anemometric towers) and two dynamic models; one of mesoscale and another of microscale. We use statistical tools to evaluate and validate the data obtained. The simulations of the dynamic mesoscale model were made using data assimilation methods (Newtonian Relaxation and Kalman filter). The main results show: (i) Five homogeneous groups of wind speed in the NEB with higher values in winter and spring and with lower in summer and fall; (ii) The interannual variability of the wind speed in some groups stood out with higher values; (iii) The large-scale circulation modified by the El Niño and La Niña intensified wind speed for the groups with higher values; (iv) The trend analysis showed more significant negative values for G3, G4 and G5 in all seasons and in the annual average; (v) The performance of dynamic mesoscale model showed smaller errors in the locations Paracuru and São João and major errors were observed in Triunfo; (vi) Application of the Kalman filter significantly reduce the systematic errors shown in the simulations of the dynamic mesoscale model; (vii) The wind resource indicate that Paracuru and Triunfo are favorable areas for the generation of energy, and the coupling technique after validation showed better results for Paracuru. We conclude that the objective was achieved, making it possible to identify trends in homogeneous groups of wind behavior, and to evaluate the quality of both simulations with the dynamic model of mesoscale and microscale to answer questions as necessary before planning research projects in Wind-Energy area in the NEB
The use of energy from renewable sources is increasingly demanded by society, especially aeolian - whose raw material is wind. Investments in wind power have become significant in Brazil with emphasis on the Northeast and in particular the Rio Grande do Norte state. According to the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Energy Research Company) (2012 ) , investments in the state grew significantly since 2002 with a total accumulated power, by 2013, of approximately 3,400 MW . Even with the early experiences of exploitation of wind energy in 2002, it is still considered new and requires further study referring to the likely changes in the environment and society. In this case, it is of growing and urgent importance to deeply study the wind still in the survey phase of the project, ie , at the beginning of decision making on the most feasible to implement these parks site. Given the above, the question is: from a technical and environmental analysis, how to identify viable areas to install Aeolian parks, taking into account the factors of the environmental dynamics that are relevant to minimize the negative results to the environment and the society? Thus, this study conducted a study on technical and environmental feasibility, proposing a methodology of exploration of feasible wind farms in coastal areas. The study area was a fragment of the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte and its natural landscape units were identified through the environmental characterization of the area, as well as it was elaborated the map of the land cover, restriction homes and urban areas and Permanent Preservation Areas - PPAs. The environmental fragility was subdivided in the fragility of the natural dynamic, mapped through relief, soils and geology of natural units, and the fragility of the ecosystem, originated by the land cover map. In addition to these maps, it was generated the wind resource for an area from a height of 50 and 100 meters. The intersection between the fragility maps, PPAs and Restriction of homes superimposed on maps of wind potential, provided the map of feasibility of Aeolian parks, resulting in the most favorable areas for its facilities in a technical and environmental point of view. From this study, the entrepreneur can evaluate whether or not to proceed with the studies in this area and especially decrease potential conflicts with society.
The setting up of wind power enterprises at Permanent Preservation Areas reflects the obvious conflict and necessary convergence between free market and energy security on the one hand, and the promotion of environmental quality on the other. From the perspective of energy sustainability, and in order to achieve development (in its complex meaning, which converges economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects), the harmonization between free market and an ecologically sustainable environment is required. This work aims to identify the link between the protection system of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the current constitutional order, by analyzing the implementation of wind power enterprises in these protected zones focusing on the proportionality aspects. A legal and purposeful research was developed, from a theoretical method, followed by collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary data. From these data, the law, the legal literature and judicial decisions were cross-examined, under the light of the Constitution and guided by the theory of proportionality and related development imperatives. In this context, the present study identified the link between the principles of the economic order, environment and energy law, finding their basis under the Federal Constitution and development. By reproducing this interrelationship and by means of post-crisis institutional reforms, the guiding objectives of the Brazilian electric sector began to corroborate the precepts of development, although issues regarding its sustainability still persist. The appraisal of proportionality indicates that the Permanent Preservation Areas protection system is insufficient to materialize the right to a healthy quality of life upon the implementation of wind projects at Permanent Preservation Areas, albeit seeking the harmonization between free market and environmental protection.
The setting up of wind power enterprises at Permanent Preservation Areas reflects the obvious conflict and necessary convergence between free market and energy security on the one hand, and the promotion of environmental quality on the other. From the perspective of energy sustainability, and in order to achieve development (in its complex meaning, which converges economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects), the harmonization between free market and an ecologically sustainable environment is required. This work aims to identify the link between the protection system of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the current constitutional order, by analyzing the implementation of wind power enterprises in these protected zones focusing on the proportionality aspects. A legal and purposeful research was developed, from a theoretical method, followed by collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary data. From these data, the law, the legal literature and judicial decisions were cross-examined, under the light of the Constitution and guided by the theory of proportionality and related development imperatives. In this context, the present study identified the link between the principles of the economic order, environment and energy law, finding their basis under the Federal Constitution and development. By reproducing this interrelationship and by means of post-crisis institutional reforms, the guiding objectives of the Brazilian electric sector began to corroborate the precepts of development, although issues regarding its sustainability still persist. The appraisal of proportionality indicates that the Permanent Preservation Areas protection system is insufficient to materialize the right to a healthy quality of life upon the implementation of wind projects at Permanent Preservation Areas, albeit seeking the harmonization between free market and environmental protection.
With the heavy use of bearings in various segments of the industry, there are a large number of necessary interruptions in industrial processes to perform maintenance on these devices, with the case study wind turbines. The growth of the wind energy sector, encouraged to conduct research that helps to solve this problem. To contribute to predictive maintenance has been carried out a signal analysis using techniques which allow detection and location of the problem in order to prevent accidents caused and losses due to unexpected equipment failures, whereas low system rotation complicates the detection of the failure. To work around this problem, there was the indication of standard signals for defects in the bearings, making diagnosis of possible failures. With this diagnosis can be performed predictive maintenance, identifying the failure of the system that were tested, such as the introduction of grains of sand in the bearing, wear on the outer race of the bearing and bearing rust. By processing signals it is possible to construct graphs developing a mapping of defects by different peaks in the frequency band.
Variable reluctance motors have been increasingly used as an alternative for variable speed and high speed drives in many industrial applications, due to many advantages like the simplicity of construction, robustness, and low cost. The most common applications in recent years are related to aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles and wind power generation. This paper explores the theory, operation, design procedures and analysis of a variable reluctance machine. An iterative design methodology is introduced and used to design a 1.25 kW prototype. For the analysis of the machine two methods are used, an analytical method and the finite element simulation. The results obtained by both methods are compared. The results of finite element simulation are used to determine the inductance profiles and torque of the prototype. The magnetic saturation is examined visually and numerically in four critical points of the machine. The data collected in the simulation allow the verification of design and operating limits for the prototype. Moreover, the behavior of the output quantities is analyzed (inductance, torque and magnetic saturation) by variation of physical dimensions of the motor. Finally, a multiobjective optimization using Differential Evolution algorithms and Genetic Algorithms for switched reluctance machine design is proposed. The optimized variables are rotor and stator polar arcs, and the goals are to maximize the average torque, the average torque per copper losses and the average torque per core volume. Finally, the initial design and optimized design are compared.
El artículo evalúa las posibilidades de conocimiento generadas por la utilización de enfoques biográficos, desde una doble premisa: la necesidad de recabar datos que ponen en juego la temporalidad, y la obligación de tener presentes tanto las falsas expectativas como las dificultades que dicho uso engendra. Se examinan sucesivamente las posiciones respectivas de los investigadores y de sus informantes, la influencia de los hábitos de pensamiento del conocimiento ordinario, así como lo que cabe esperar de herramientas heurísticas como el análisis contextual (social, intra-textual e intertextual) y la práctica comparativa.
Temos assistido nos últimos anos à proliferação da produção distribuída de electricidade, sobretudo, com recurso a fontes de energia renováveis, implicando a natural reestruturação das redes eléctricas existentes, desde a produção até ao consumidor final. As constantes preocupações na garantia da qualidade de serviço e até mesmo em termos ambientais, levam a que a operacionalidade das redes seja cada vez mais eficiente, visando a integração de tecnologias emergentes como é o caso dos sistemas de armazenamento de energia. A aposta nas energias de origem renovável nomeadamente a solar e a eólica, representa uma forma cada vez mais presente de geração de electricidade, tendo como grande inconveniente o regime de intermitência a que estão sujeitas, não se conseguindo tirar proveitos absolutos de todas as potencialidades que estas fontes proporcionam. Existem actualmente sistemas de armazenamento de energia que permitem optimizar o comportamento das redes. Nesta dissertação é feita uma abordagem a alguns desses sistemas, tendo como objectivo principal a demonstração das potencialidades de optimização dos sistemas de produção e distribuição de energia eléctrica com recurso a sistemas de armazenamento de energia, em redes isoladas e interligadas. É também feito um estudo do comportamento dinâmico de uma rede com vários cenários de ocorrência de defeitos, com e sem armazenamento de energia. Para isso a base deste trabalho consistiu na familiarização com uma ferramenta de grande potencial na simulação dinâmica de redes eléctricas, utilizado por prestigiados grupos de energia a nível mundial, na qual foi implementada a rede de teste e efectuadas as simulações do estudo.
A phytosociological study of the forests from Sierra Maestra is conducted, following the methodology of the Zurich- Montpelier School. They are transformed into a forest typology using the standards of the Institute of Agro-Forestry Research. In general, 35 types and/or subtypes are presented. From this group, the most abundant ones belong to semi-deciduous microphyll forest, followed by those from mangroves and mountain rainforest, respectively. Silvicultural treatments are needed; among them, the protection forests are those found above 800 m asl and mangroves.
The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore
Caso concreto de análisis de una inversión comparativa entre portafolios denominados en pesos y/o en dólares, con diversas alternativas de inversión. Evaluación de un portafolio optimo a un nivel dado de riesgo. Comparativo de la tasa promedio de interés DTF, con una inversión que se quiere realizar a cinco (5) años, teniendo en cuenta aspectos importantes al momento de tomar decisiones de inversión, con las siguientes alternativas de que ofrece el mercado colombiano: - Certificados de Deposito a termino, CDT. - Portafolio de un Fondo de Pensión Voluntaria en títulos de renta fija en pesos. - Portafolio de un Fondo Común Ordinario. - Portafolio de un Fondo de Valores. - Portafolio de un Fondo de Pensión Voluntaria en títulos de renta fija en dólares. Variables que determinan la rentabilidad de la inversión: - Comportamiento de la devaluación en Colombia. - Rentabilidad histórica de los bonos del tesoro americano a 30 años. -Comportamiento de los principales indicadores del mercado americano de renta fija y renta variable (Nasdaq, SyP 500, Dow Jones,etc,.) -Proyecciones de variables macroeconómicas que inciden en la valoración de inversiones.
Le piante e gli animali presentano elementi comuni nel loro sistema di difesa contro gli agenti patogeni, come la sintesi diretta di enzimi idrolitici (chitinasi, glucanasi, proteinasi e ossidasi) e di peptidi antimicrobici (AMPs). Gli AMPs sono peptidi ampiamente espressi negli organismi animali (vertebrati e invertebrati) e nelle piante. Possono essere espressi costitutivamente o rapidamente indotti inseguito ad uno stimolo biotico, a differenti livelli cellulari, per interagire direttamente con l’agente infettante e/o per modulare la risposta immunitaria contro i patogeni. Tali peptidi sono oggi classificati in relazione alle loro caratteristiche biochimiche (carica netta) e/ o alle loro caratteristiche strutturali (composizione amminoacidica, struttura lineare o circolare). In base a queste caratteristiche le molecole possono essere distinte nei seguenti gruppi: 1) peptidi lineari ad alfa elica; 2) peptidi ciclici con β-sheets e due o più ponti disolfuro; 3) peptidi con alfa elica e β-sheets stabilizzati da ponti disolfuro; 4) peptidi con hairpin o loop stabilizzati da ponti disolfuro; 5) peptidi lineari con residui aminoacidici ripetuti, come prolina, glicina, triptofano o istidina; 6) piccoli peptidi con struttura avvolta o con una struttura secondaria non definita. Nonostante la loro diversità strutturale, i peptidi antimicrobici presentano la caratteristica comune di inibire la crescita di un largo spettro di microbi, quali Gram-positivi, Gram-negativi, funghi e in alcuni casi anche virus, tanto da far coniare il termine di “antibiotici naturali”. Negli ultimi anni è notevolmente incrementato l’interesse verso tali peptidi dal momento che dati scientifici hanno mostrato che questi non inducono lo sviluppo di meccanismi di resistenza nei microrganismi patogeni. Gli AMPs quindi potrebbero costituire una valida alternativa non solo in ambito sanitario, per la sostituzione di antibiotici di sintesi chimica e di origine microbiologica, ma potrebbero avere un importante utilizzo in campo industriale e nello sviluppo di nuovi sistemi di conservazione degli alimenti al fine di incrementare la loro “shelf-life”.
Tese submetida à Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Energia e Ambiente (especialidade em Energia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável).
Palestra no âmbito do projeto WIND_ENERMAR
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de energia