994 resultados para Revitalizaçao da lINGUA


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La pertinence de ce travail réside dans le fait qu'il y a aussi une étude sur la position du sujet dans la période especifié, entre les années 1914 à 1924. Il faut se rappeler que ces études visent à trouver des explications pour les changements qui se produisent réellement dans la langue. A cet effet, l'analyse de la variation est essentiel, car un changement survient dans une situation de changement. Les recherches dans le Variação e Mudança Linguística exigent que le chercheur soit conscient des changements brusques qui peuvent survenir tout au long de votre projet. Cela signifie que de traiter directement avec un phénomène variable, tout incident qui se produit les causes ne changera pas le résultat final de la recherche. Après l'analyse des résultats a permis de conclure que la position de l'objet varie avec le verbe utilisé dans la phrase. Par ailleurs, il est intéressant de noter que peu de données ont été analysés, ce qui signifie pour confirmer un changement de la langue aurait besoin d'un plus grand nombre de données et de comparer nos résultats avec les études de phases antérieures de la langue


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Em decorrência da grande busca pelo aprendizado de novas línguas e sendo este ensino um assunto muito presente nas pesquisas atuais, este trabalho propõe a discussão de uma proposta de ensino de línguas. Seu principal objetivo é a proposta de elaboração de uma unidade didática através da metodologia de ensino denominada Enfoque por Tarefas, para isso propõe-se uma reflexão sobre a metodologia apresentada, uma análise a respeito da constituição de uma unidade didática e enfim apresenta-se a organização de uma unidade didática baseada em tarefas. O trabalho é organizado em quatro capítulos, sendo os três primeiros constituídos da parte descritiva tais como a reflexão sobre a metodologia, constituição da unidade didática, reflexão sobre uma unidade constituída de tarefas, enquanto o último capítulo visa à aplicação dessas discussões através da apresentação de uma proposta de unidade didática montada a partir de tarefas. Além da parte descritiva, são apontados benefícios que a proposta pode trazer ao ensino de línguas, tais como o tipo de material utilizado e a função do professor e do aluno na aplicação da metodologia


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The main goal of this work is to evaluate the realization of the linguistic phenomenon of preposition and also to investigate how current normative pressures influence the production and the perception of processes of variation and change in Brazilian Portuguese. We analyze the use of prepositions a and para in verbal complementation contexts in contemporary journalistic texts from São Paulo’s press – the web newspapers. The contexts considered are constructions with complements of direction, movement with transference, material transference, and verbal/perceptual predicators (Berlinck, 1996; Corrêa, Cançado, 2006). Because written texts tend to be more conservative (i.e. more normative) this research provides an important linguistic investigation that contributes to the sociolinguistic knowledge of the language. However, the newspapers also tend to reflect the use, so they constitute a privileged place for us to understand the conflicting relationship between ‘norm’ and ‘use’. Besides this, the research is relevant for General Linguistics for considering linguistic and extralinguistic factors which determine the use and frequency of the prepositions, like syntactic-semantic relations between the preposition, the verb, the complement, and the text genre. We collected data from web newspapers from Araraquara, with small and medium circulation. Based on previous results, we have ascertained the predominance of the use of the preposition a in the newspapers from São Paulo in the 20th century. However, we have also ascertained representative records of variation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The present study aims at the occurrence of a particular type of construction in Italian language, namely the paratactic verbal constructions (henceforth, PVCs), previously named by Rodrigues (2006) as “foi fez constructions” (FFCs). The present study is part of the research project “Gramaticalização de construções em línguas românicas: um estudo comparativo” (2011a), supervised by Professor Dr Angélica Terezinha Carmo Rodrigues, developed in this University. The constructions analized here, accordingly to Rodrigues (2006), are described as a sequence of two or more inflected verbs, connected or not by the conjunction and, such as: “eu fui (e) comprei um carro”, “ele pegou (e) falou”, in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), and “se ne va e piange”, “prendo e me ne vado”, in Italian. The hypothesis sustained here, based on Rodrigues’ project (2011a), is that these constructions are grammaticalized out of coordinated constructions. Herein, the objectives of this research are: (a) present a description and an analysis of the PVCs in Italian (b) compare the constructions in Portuguese and in Italian; and (c) present empirical arguments on the hypothesys that the PVCs derive from coordinate constructions. Besides being part of the research project previously mentioned, we choose to work with the PVCs because of their recurrence in the Romanic languages. Furthermore, the studies related to this type of construction in the Italian language are scarce and these constructions consist as an aspect of the Italian grammar hardly studied. This research is based upon a functional approach of the grammar, seeking for a dialogue with the studies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The present paper aims to analyze and problematize the manner that Brazilian gastronomy is treated in didactic books of Portuguese as Foreign Language. To reach such objective, it will be considered, specially, the approaches and the methodologies of four of those books, from distinct periods of publication: Fala Brasil (1989); Aprendendo Português do Brasil (1993); Passagens (2002); Bem-Vindo! (2009). From this analysis, it’s possible to think of new possibilities to insert the Brazilian gastronomy in a Portuguese class for foreigners, considering that the aspects of Brazil’s culture are also held inside its language; this language shows a universe beyond linguistics structure and maintains the habits and history of its people inside itself


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This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon


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This dissertation aims to study the adaptation of proper names of (truly or supposedly) foreign origin, investigating the force of the phonological system of the destination language in the process of incorporating foreign words, objecting to bring contributions to the determination of Brazilian Portuguese phonological identity, from the investigation of the limits between what is and what is not considered Portuguese, from the point of view of the pronunciation , to its own native speakers. The objective is to evaluate in which way loans introduce or not a new microsystem in the destination language (CARVALHO, 2009, p. 85) in the phonological level


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Le présent travail intitulé « Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux natifs », a eu pour objectif d’enquêter sur les consensus et les désacords dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux differents interlocuteurs. Des lectures préalables sur des textes de difusion scientifique qui ont pour but de divulguer des expériences sur l’enseignement du portugais aux étangers ont révélé l’importance atribuée à la connaisance de la culture quand il s’agit d’enseigner une langue donnée à de tels interlocuteurs. La connaissance de la culture est très importante dans ce cas de figure car il s’agit d’une conception plus ample : celle de l’interculturalisme. C’est pourquoi, nous faisons des lectures préalables dont la méthodologie proposée pour l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers s’organise d’une telle façon que l’interlocuteur se trouve immergé dans la culture locale. Néanmoins, quand il s’agit de réfléchir à l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dédié aux natifs et basé sur les propositions curriculaires de la langue portugaise au collège et au lycée, datés de 1993 e 1998, qui constituent des textes de vulgarisation scientifique, on peut constater la préoccupation à réfléchir sur les conceptions de langage, langue, discours, texte et grammaire, des connaissances considérées comme importantes à la proposition de methodologies de l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dans le contexte très formel de l’enseignement scolaire. Le principal objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser l’importance de la culture dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et natifs, le rapport entre culture, language, langue, discours, texte et grammaire dans l’enseignement du portugais aux étrangers et du portugais aux natifs, ainsi qu’à identifier le poids ...


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal a análise da interculturalidade em uma coleção de livros didáticos de ensino da língua espanhola selecionados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), este voltado à distribuição dos livros em escolas de ensino público. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, um breve histórico da inserção do ensino de língua estrangeira no Brasil, que progride na tentativa de que os alunos compreendam a magnitude de aprender uma língua de caráter estrangeiro, uma nova língua. Além disso, elucidou-se sobre o ensino do espanhol na sala de aula, a fim de salientar a importância do ensino da língua estrangeira, apresentando em seguida a história e implicações do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. Logo, foi aclarada a questão da interculturalidade no ensino, ou seja, os aspectos culturais de diversos países aplicados na educação do estudante com o intuito de demonstrar a magnificência de discernimento e aprendizagem das perspectivas culturais ao redor do mundo, e desse modo, possibilitando a compreensão da análise proposta neste trabalho. Foi utilizado como objeto de estudo e análise o livro didático El arte de leer español, de Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço e Terumi Koto Bonnet Villalba, que possui três volumes voltados ao ensino médio. A análise foi realizada a partir da presença da interculturalidade em textos e exercícios do referido livro didático


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This work discusses the importance of the language varieties in the Spanish language to the process of teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), focusing on the approach, ie, how to deal with the phenomenon voseo in Brazilian textbooks. It presents a brief historical overview on the arising of this language and its implementation in Latin America. From an educational approach that values a good development of communicative competence, it’s driven to a presentation of the Spanish schoolbooks selected by PNLD for the year 2012, as well as an observation of activities that demonstrate the phenomenon called voseo, in other words, the use of the variety of the pronoun vos instead of tú for the treatment of the second person. Given the vast range of Spanish courses as a foreign language for high school students, and the growing interest of young people in learning a second language, this study addresses the importance of developing the communicative competence of a foreign language


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Este é um trabalho descritivo, que tem como objetivo principal comparar expressões idiomáticas do português brasileiro e do espanhol. O corpus utilizado para selecionar as expressões foi a coleção Prisma (A1-A2/B1-B2/C1-C2). Os idiomatismos selecionados foram os formados por nome de animais. Na primeira parte do trabalho, discorremos sobre Fraseologia, Expressões Idiomáticas e discutimos algumas diferenças entre estas e as colocações. Além disso, foram propostas algumas reflexões sobre a dificuldade do aprendizado das expressões por parte dos alunos. Selecionamos, no corpus acima citado, dezenove expressões idiomáticas e procedemos à descrição e análise de suas composições e de seus significados. A partir dessa análise, apresentamos uma comparação dessas expressões com seus equivalentes no português do Brasil. A partir dessa comparação, pudemos observar que alguns idiomatismos analisados, embora possuam equivalentes entre as duas línguas em questão, são formadas com nomes de animais diferentes. Isso se deve, sobretudo, à visão de mundo e à cultura de cada país. Há ainda expressões cujos equivalentes em português e em espanhol não se diferem por uma palavra, mas sim por várias, apesar do significado ser o mesmo. Observamos, ainda, a importância do aprendizado dos idiomatismos e o fato de nos níveis A1 e A2 da coleção analisada, não aparecerem expressões idiomáticas, comprovando que muitos consideram que é preciso ter um nível mais elevado na língua estrangeira para aprendê-las


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir os erros de pronúncia mais comuns cometidos pelos aprendizes de língua inglesa no nível segmental. Pretendemos ilustrar como isso ocorre dentro da sala de aula de uma escola de idiomas, a Wizard de Araraquara. Neste trabalho apresentaremos dados obtidos ao longo de uma observação contínua de quatro anos em salas de aula, e analisaremos os dados, comparando sempre as duas línguas, o inglês americano e o português brasileiro, tentando entender porque tais equívocos ocorrem e como o professor, através da conscientização dos alunos para a fonética, pode evitá-los e até saná-los. A análise dos dados mostra que não só os alunos têm dificuldades em produzir e compreender sons que são específicos do inglês, mas que professores também não o conseguem em muitos casos, e que muitos desses professores não tem a preparação adequada para ensinar a linguagem oral, e consequentemente, a pronúncia


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Spanish is a language that in recent years has been growing in importance both politically and socially and economically, since some of the major international markets such as Chile, Spain, Mexico and Argentina, among many, have this language as the official language. This fact motivated us to conduct research that could, in some way, contribute to the teaching of this language in Brazil. Thus under the aegis of the theories and practices of bilingual lexicography, we seek to describe and analyze the treatment that some Spanish - Portuguese bilingual dictionaries present in our market give to the sentence connectors. From a textual corpus selected the markers and observe how the dictionaries analyzed work with this type of unit. We found that the information contained in these lexicographical works is not sufficient to meet the needs of Brazilian learners. Then, we proposed a macrostructure of a passive bilingual dictionary of sentence connectors in the language pair Spanish - Portuguese. Our research aims to contribute to bilingual lexicography both in regard to theoretical and methodological reflections on the application of these theories. Our contribution aims to fabricate materials for the teaching of Spanish in Brazil


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The hypoglossal nerve (HN) is responsible for the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue. Knowledge of this is extremely important because this nerve is responsible for tongue movement. HN paralysis can be associated to the disease itself in various zones in which the NH travels, mainly the hypoglossal canal (HC). Variations in shape of the hypoglossal canal have been pointed to as the cause of HN paralysis in several studies. Four hundred dried intact human skulls without sex or race identification, belonging to the Discipline of Anatomy of ICTSJC – UNESP were studied. Each canal was classified into types: type I (without division in the HC), type II (HC with low bone spike), type III (HC more than two projections bone), type IV (presence of complete bony bridge without dividing HC into two distinct canals) and type V (presence of bone bridge by dividing into two HC canals). HC was found in 100% of skulls studied in both side. Regarding types, we found 538 (67.25%) hypoglossal canal of type I (34%, right side and 33.25%, left side), 108 (13.5%) of type II (7.38%, right side, and 6.13%, left side), 60 (7.5%) hypoglossal canal of type III (3.5%, right side and 4.0%, left side) 84 (10.5%) of type IV (4.75%, right side and 5.75%, left side) and 5 (0.63%) of the type V (0.13%, right side and 0.5%, left side). We found 5 (0,63%) different HC and classified ourselves in type VI, VII and VIII. The average angle was 51,3º on right side and 50,25º on left side. Detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the CH supports professionals in interventions of bloody skull base and also in giving the correct diagnosis of the probable causes of paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve