1000 resultados para Revisão literária
Niacin (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid) interferes on homeostasis, DNA regulation, signaling and longevity. Nicotinic acid reduces synthesis of lipoproteins-apo-B and increases HDL. Its antilipemic action in liver produces: 1) inhibition of DGAT2, with decreased triacylglycerol synthesis, 2) downregulation of the b-chain of adenosine triphosphate synthase, leading to reduced HDL-apo-A-I catabolism. Nicotinic acid could increase redox potential in vascular endothelium. HM74A receptor activation in macrophages would be responsible for the release of prostaglandins, causing flushing in epidermis. HM74A agonists could assist in identifying antilipemic agents. Extended release niacin in combination with statin appears to protect cardiovascular system of patients with low HDL.
Formaldehyde has been classified as a probable human carcinogen. Indoor air quality measurements carried out worldwide in schools indicate that levels may be of concern. This paper provides an overview of emission sources, properties and methods for quantification of formaldehyde. Quantitative information from studies performed in school environments was compiled and a comprehensive picture of the causal relationships between pollutant exposures and children's health given. Mitigation actions to reduce formaldehyde levels and its adverse impacts in school buildings are recommended.
The use of natural fibers as reinforcement in polymer composites has been a focus of interest. However, these composites exhibit lower mechanical properties than those of pure polymers because of the low interfacial interactions between the hydrophobic polymer matrix and the hydrophilic fiber. To overcome this problem, different chemical treatments applied to the fibers have been reported. One of the most used treatments is mercerization, which can improve adhesion between the fiber and polymeric matrix. Another chemical treatment involves the use of acids (stearic and oleic acids). The chemically treated fibers used in composite materials showed improved mechanical properties.
A review of most of the reported studies on the use of iron oxides as catalyst in specific processes, namely Haber-Bosch reaction, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Fenton oxidation and photolytic molecular splitting of water to produce gaseous hydrogen, was carried out. An essential overview is thus presented, intending to address the fundamental meaning, as well as the corresponding chemical mechanisms, and perspectives on new technological potentialities of natural and synthetic iron oxides, more specifically hematite (α-Fe2O3), goethite (α-FeOOH), magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), in heterogeneous catalysis.
Metabolic reactive intermediates can react with biomolecules such as DNA and proteins to produce adducts. Recently, research has shown that such adducts can act as precursors of some chronic diseases (cancer, Parkinson's, immunologic system diseases, etc.), and their determination is important because they are biomarkers of undesirable health effects. These compounds are produced at very low concentrations, but the development and dissemination of sensitive new analytical tools, especially those based on chromatography coupled to other analytical instruments, make such determinations possible. This mini review is focused on the formation of reactive intermediates, their reaction with biomolecules, and the importance of their determination.
Use of biomass as an alternative to nonrenewable feedstock for energy, materials, and chemicals is currently a prominent theme for industry and R Countries like Brazil, USA, and Germany are spending resources and efforts to promote a green economy based on biomass supply chains. Chemical analysis is an important tool to ensure quality, reliability, and to suggest the best potential use for the biomass, thereby enhancing its economic potential. Analytical techniques can identify chemical components, characterize their properties, and determine their concentration. This article discusses the commonly employed techniques and their application in chemical analysis of biomass and its products.
Taking into account the relevance of polyethylene for modern society and the role of catalysts for the production of this material, in the present work, we carried out a review of the main catalytic systems used in industry and academia. Most systems consist of coordination compounds, whose structural versatility allows the tuning of the characteristics of polyethylene for different applications. The structural aspects and chemical reactivity of such systems are discussed based on the existing literature and experimental data.
Polymer recycling has been one of the most important trend in the petrochemical area. Among different technologies, biotechnological (enzymatic and/or microbial) degradation of polymers for the recovery of monomers and oligomers is environmentally-friendly and meet some green chemistry principles. In this work, conditions for the biotechnological degradation of some industrially-relevant polymers (e.g. poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polyethylene) were revised, and the main biocatalysts were identified. In most cases, biodegradation mechanisms are still unclear, thus being necessary more studies to unravel these promising bioprocesses. Polymer biodegradation studies also present considerable importance for other fields, including biomedical and agricultural.
Knowing the mercury levels of an environment allows a diverse array of biogeochemical studies into the mercury cycle on a local or global scale. Among matrices commonly evaluated, water remains a challenge for research because its mercury levels can be very low, requiring development of complex analytical protocols. Currently, sample preservation methods, protocols that avoid contamination, and analytical techniques with low detection limits allow analysis of mercury in pristine waters. However, different protocols suggest different methods depending on a range of factors such as the characteristics of water sampled and storage time. In remote areas, such as oceanic and Amazonian regions, sample preservation and transport to a laboratory can be difficult, requiring processing of the water during the sampling expedition and the establishment of a field laboratory. Brazilian research on mercury in water can be limited due to difficulty obtaining reagents, lack of laboratory structure, qualified personnel, and financial support. Considering this complexity for analyzing water, we reviewed methodologies for sampling, preservation, and storage of water samples for analysis of the most commonly evaluated mercury species (dissolved gaseous mercury, reactive mercury, methylmercury and total mercury).
The importance of teaching scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry courses is well recognized. This paper provides an overview of didactic activities in which students engage to improve these skills. The study was based on an extensive literature review performed on the Journal of Chemical Education and on the Journal of College Science Teaching, in the years spanning from 1991 to 2010, and on The Chemical Educator, from 1996 to 2010. The findings from the study provided an opportunity to expand the knowledge on the variety of methods and contents used to teach scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry education, as well as to deepen our understanding of the effects of different approaches to teaching on performance in practice.
Oito espécies de Ravenelia descritas anteriormente foram revisadas e acrescentadas ilustrações inéditas das características morfológicas de alguns desses fungos causadores de ferrugem em Leguminosae. As espécies de Ravenelia estudadas foram: Ravenelia bezerrae sobre Enterolobium ellipticum ; R. densifera sobre Senna silvestris; R. dieteliana sobre Calliandra dysantha. var. dysantha; R. geminipora sobre Platymenia reticulata; R. lonchocarpi sobre Lonchocarpus campestris; R. mimosae-sensitivae sobre Mimosa radula var. imbricata; R. pileolarioides sobre Caesalpinia pyramydales e R. santos-costae, sobre Calliandra dysantha.
Este trabalho descreve uma revisão a respeito do emprego da técnica de espectrometria de absorção atômica simultânea em forno de grafite (SIMAAS) em determinações multielementares de elementos-traço em diferentes matrizes. Os principais parâmetros envolvidos e que devem ser considerados em medidas multielementares, tais como, fonte de radiação, geometria do forno, programa de aquecimento e natureza e quantidade de modificador químico, são descritos.
O agente causal da ferrugem da teca (Olivea neotectonae) vem atacando as plantações de diversos países que possuem plantios naturais ou comerciais. Ocasiona desfolha intensa das plantas contribuindo para a redução da área fotossintética e consequentemente, a produção. Especialmente associado a viveiros, apresenta maior severidade em plantas com menos de 10 anos de idade. Como sintomas da infecção são observadas manchas marrons e como sinais, soros pulverulentos de cor amarelo alaranjado. Em maio de 2009, estes sintomas e sinais foram observados em folhas de teca, provenientes do norte do estado do Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Tocantins e da região centro-oeste do estado São Paulo, recebidos pelo laboratório de Patologia Florestal da FCA UNESP-Botucatu. O objetivo do presente trabalho é fazer o registro dessas constatações nos estados brasileiros e uma breve revisão sobre a denominação correta do patógeno.
A relevância da educação em ética médica na formação do profissional de Medicina tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida em todo o mundo. No Brasil, a Resolução 08/1969 do Conselho Federal de Educação tornou obrigatório o ensino da deontologia nas escolas médicas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução do ensino da ética em escolas médicas brasileiras, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática dos levantamentos nacionais sobre o ensino da disciplina de deontologia, ética médica ou bioética, publicados nos últimos 30 anos. Foram localizados três estudos, publicados em três diferentes décadas, que mostraram estagnação no número de disciplinas específicas para a ética médica ao longo do tempo, baixa carga horária reservada ao seu ensino e reduzido número de professores exclusivos, em sua maioria vinculados à especialidade de medicina legal. Os temas de responsabilidade profissional e segredo profissional foram os mais abordados, sendo o conteúdo ministrado principalmente em aulas expositivas e discussão de casos. A importância da educação em ética médica nos cursos de graduação exige o seu ensino, em todos os períodos, por docentes com vivência profissional e conhecimentos na área de ciências humanas, de forma integrada com outras instâncias responsáveis por aspectos éticos nas instituições, com o objetivo de for-mar profissionais eticamente competentes para o melhor exercício da ciência e arte da medicina.
INTRODUÇÃO: O ensino da Patologia tem papel fundamental na formação médica, por ser o principal elo entre as ciências básicas e a prática clínica, assim como referência para a pesquisa científica. A Patologia insere-se no grupo de disciplinas que passam por um processo de mudanças curriculares e incorporação de novas tecnologias, sendo tal processo iniciado há duas décadas nos EUA, Austrália e Europa. OBJETIVO: Discutir as vantagens e desvantagens das mudanças que atingem o ensino da Patologia no País, a partir da experiência internacional. RESULTADOS: Na presente revisão, discutimos preocupações atuais, que incluem a marginalização da Patologia no currículo médico, a falta de contato dos estudantes com a Anatomia Patológica e as possíveis lacunas na formação do futuro médico. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: A ausência de contato com a Anatomia Patológica no curso médico, ou sua participação meramente ilustrativa, cria os problemas adicionais de pouco incentivo à escolha desta especialidade médica e gera a dificuldade dos novos médicos em lidar com solicitações e interpretações de laudos anatomopatológicos.