687 resultados para Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education::Subject didactics
A Educação Física historicamente é constituída como um campo desprovido de um saber autônomo. Tal engendramento de seu campo constituiu uma Educação Física colonizada epistemologicamente por outras áreas do saber. Algumas proposições da Educação Física buscaram legitimar a Educação Física como uma área autônoma. Este é o objetivo do presente trabalho: analisar nestas teses se a Educação Física se constitui com uma autonomia epistemológica. O método adotado foi o de revisão de literatura e uma pesquisa de campo hermenêutica. Foram selecionados autores que se propõem a avaliar a autonomia epistemológica para a Educação Física. Ao se analisar os dados observou-se que os discursos da educação se abrem a uma interpretação de autonomia epistemológica enquanto campo de intervenção, produzindo conhecimentos específicos com interesse em solucionar problemas imediatos da realidade diferentemente das áreas científicas que estudam o mesmo objeto da Educação Física cada uma com seus estatutos teóricos próprios, tentando descrever e explicar, mecanismos e padrões sem o objetivo de intervir, melhorar, aperfeiçoar e qualificar o que é específico da Educação Física.
Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer, discutir e analisar as motivações e aspirações dos alunos inseridos nos cursos pré-vestibulares para negros e carentes da ONG EDUCAFRO, bem como a inserção desses jovens no Ensino Superior e no mercado de trabalho, considerando os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão dos negros no Sistema Educacional Brasileiro. Dentre muitos estudos importantes, que abordam a temática do negro no sistema educacional, gostaríamos de destacar os Movimentos Sociais, de Educação e Cidadania, a dissertação: Um Estudo sobre os Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre de Alexandre do Nascimento UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 1999 e a dissertação de Mestrado de Cristiane Maria Ribeiro sob o título Anti-Racismo e Educação: O Projeto Político-Pedagógico das Lideranças Negras de Uberlândia em 2000. A leitura dessas obras foi essencial para o encaminhamento dos estudos que integram este trabalho, uma vez que argumentam sobre a dívida social que o Brasil tem com os afro-descendentes no sistema educacional. Destacamos também o professor, escritor e ativista dos direitos humanos, o historiador negro nascido nos EUA, John Hope Franklin declara que as políticas compensatórias foram aplicadas desde a década de sessenta. Essas políticas pretendiam oferecer aos afro-americanos a chance de participar das mudanças sociais. De modo que as universidades foram obrigadas a implantar políticas de cotas e também implantar procedimentos que fossem favoráveis à população negra. No Brasil, essa luta está sendo organizada pela ONG EDUCAFRO que vem desenvolvendo há alguns anos mecanismos de inclusão social, justificando-os por meio da necessidade de compensar os negros pela discriminação sofrida no passado, beneficiando de alguma forma essa porcentagem da população brasileira. No decorrer da pesquisa bibliográfica, encontramos, por meio das diversas obras consultadas, uma grande preocupação dos autores com a questão das Ações Afirmativas como meio de compensar a população negra, apesar da resistência por parte daqueles que temem o progresso social dos negros, no entanto, pesquisas s indicam caminhos para reverter esse quadro negativo. Diante dessa realidade, fica o grande desafio: o que motiva e quais são as metas dos professores que ministram voluntariamente aulas nos Cursinhos Comunitários? O que almejam os alunos com o seu acesso no Ensino Superior? A pesquisa confirmou que os alunos do Núcleo estudado buscam na ONG EDUCAFRO uma forma alternativa de inserção no Ensino Superior e, que essa inserção os motiva e os inspira no vislumbre de se colocarem também no mercado de trabalho. Vale ressaltar que o presente estudo não tem a pretensão de esgotar o assunto, mas de abrir espaços
O presente trabalho investigar como os professores das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental entendem o ato de pesquisar a própria prática; e cotejar as visões dos professores sobre pesquisa com o referencial teórico específico. Para dar concretude a esses objetivos utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa. Temos como público alvo desse estudo cinco professores de uma escola pública situada no Município de Salvador Bahia. Inicialmente, descrevemos brevemente o contexto histórico da pesquisa, seus fundamentos, bem como os do professor pesquisador, elencando definições de pesquisa, com falas e posicionamentos de teóricos que discutem o tema. Consta também de explanação sobre as categorias e subcategorias elegidas no decorrer das atividades de pesquisa realizadas em campo. Tais categorias emergem nas observações e entrevistas realizadas com gestores e professores da instituição pesquisada e por serem recorrentes nas falas desses sujeitos. Obtemos, a partir das categorias construídas no processo da pesquisa, como principais resultados: a compreensão dos sujeitos pesquisados sobre a pesquisa da própria prática é limitada e equivocada; o universo considerado é totalmente avesso ao processo de pesquisa da prática, pois os professores estão imersos num emaranhado de sérias problemáticas explicitadas em nossos registros de observação. Concluímos afirmando que, apesar dos professores pesquisados não realizarem a pesquisa da prática, a nosso ver, essa é uma ação possível e que se concretiza também através da formação contínua e em serviço.(AU)
Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.
A rough set approach for attribute reduction is an important research subject in data mining and machine learning. However, most attribute reduction methods are performed on a complete decision system table. In this paper, we propose methods for attribute reduction in static incomplete decision systems and dynamic incomplete decision systems with dynamically-increasing and decreasing conditional attributes. Our methods use generalized discernibility matrix and function in tolerance-based rough sets.
Advance directives are one mechanism for preserving the rights of individuals to exercise some control over their health care when serious illness may prevent them from direct participation. Nurses, as the health care providers with the closest and most sustained contact with critically ill and dying patients, are positioned to assist patients to plan for future health care needs. Although a majority of nurses favor the concept of advance directives for their patients and for themselves, they have not played a significant role in facilitating advance health care planning with their patients nor implemented advance health care planning for themselves.^ Research has also shown that differing forms of education and counseling increase the completion rates for advance directives in selected populations, mostly the elderly and seriously ill. Not yet developed are effective educational strategies to assist nurses and nurse students to make optimal contributions in assisting their clients' plans for future health care decision-making. This study sought to determine whether specific learning strategies (a) increased the involvement of nurses and nurse students in facilitating advance care planning with patients and (b) increased the percentage of the nurses' and nurse students' own personal advance care planning activities.^ The study compared two learning interventions and two populations, nurses and nurse students. The participants were randomly assigned to one of the two learning interventions, L1 or L2. Participants in L1 received a lecture, discussion and exploration of the forces impacting on advance directive behavior. Participants in L2 received the same intervention components with the additional component of group practice completing advance directives.^ Analysis of the data by chi-square and logistic regression did not support the hypotheses that the practice component would make a difference in the participants' facilitation of advance care planning with patients or in their own personal advance care planning activities. There were significant differences in post-intervention behavior between the nurse and nurse student groups. The nurses in the study did significantly more facilitation of advance care planning with patients and completed significantly more advance care documents than the nurse students post-intervention. However, the nurse students held more post-intervention family discussions than did the nurses. ^
The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of effective clinical and theory instructors as perceived by LPN/RN versus generic students in an associate degree nursing program.^ Data were collected from 508 students during the 1996-7 academic year from three NLN accredited associate degree nursing programs. The researcher developed instrument consisted of three parts: (a) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Clinical Instructor Rating Scale, (b) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Theory Instructor Rating Scale, and (c) Demographic Data Sheet. The items were listed under five major categories identified in the review of the literature: (a) interpersonal relationships, (b) personality traits, (c) teaching practices, (d) knowledge and experience, and (e) evaluation procedures. The instrument was administered to LPN/RN students in their first semester and to generic students in the third semester of an associate degree nursing program.^ Data was analyzed using a one factor mutivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Further t tests were carried out to explore for possible differences between type of student and by group. Crosstabulations of the demographic data were analyzed.^ There were no significant differences found between the LPN/RN versus generic students on their perceptions of either effective theory or effective clinical instructor characteristics. There were significant differences between groups on several of the individual items. There was no significant interaction between group and ethnicity or group and age on the five major categories for either of the two instruments. There was a significant main effect of ethnicity on several of the individual items.^ The differences between the means and standard deviations on both instruments were small, suggesting that all of the characteristics listed for effective theory and clinical instructors were important to both groups of students. Effective teaching behaviors, as indicated on the survey instruments, should be taught to students in graduate teacher education programs. These behaviors should also be discussed by faculty coordinators supervising adjunct faculty. Nursing educators in associate degree nursing programs should understand theories of adult learning and implement instructional strategies to enhance minority student success. ^
This study assesses and describes the perception of clinical competency and the relationship to clinical practice of full-time nursing faculty in the associate degree nursing programs in the state of Florida. The study was developed around one major hypothesis and four research questions. The Hygiene-Motivators Theory proposed by Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959) provided the conceptual framework to explain factors that would motivate a person to expand workload and maintain job satisfaction.^ Data were collected from the 244 faculty members teaching full-time at the 15 associate degree schools of nursing accredited by the National League for Nursing in the state of Florida. A total of 186 faculty (76%) responded and 175 (72%) cases were used for data analysis.^ Two instruments were modified and combined for the investigation. The instruments were the Faculty Perception of Practice Questionnaire (Parascenzo, 1983) and a three-part Attributes Deemed Necessary for Faculty to Proclaim Clinical Competency (Smith, 1991) scale. Computer analyses employing descriptive and inferential statistics were performed.^ The findings revealed that faculty were closely divided as to practice activities with more faculty nonpracticing than practicing. Factors identified as impediments to increased clinical practice were identified as teaching load and personal/family responsibilities that lead to a lack of time and lack of opportunity. Those faculty who practice did so as moonlighters in positions that would not require advanced training. Both the practicing and nonpracticing faculty reported a high level of satisfaction with their activities as a means of maintaining clinical practice. While both groups reported a high level of expertise, those practicing faculty perceived themselves to be more clinically competent on the attributes of knowledge, skills, and on the total attribute scale. It was further revealed that perception of competency declined with the length of time spent out of practice. There was no difference in the two groups on the attributes of values/attitude. ^
The purpose of this study was to identify the state and trait anxiety and the perceived causes of anxiety in licensed practical nurses (LPNs) returning to an associate degree nursing program in order to become registered nurses (RNs). The subjects for this study were 98 students enrolled in a transitional LPN/RN associate degree nursing program in two community colleges in the state of Florida. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) developed by Spielberger (1983), was used as the measuring instrument for this study.^ In addition, a Q-sort technique was used to obtain information from the subjects regarding perceived causes of anxiety. Anxiety causes for the Q-sort cards used in the study were developed from the themes identified by a sample of LPN/RN students in a pilot study. The state and trait anxiety levels were obtained using the STAI for college students scoring key and scales. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the state and trait anxiety of the students. Correlational statistics were used to determine if relationships existed between the state and trait anxiety levels and perceived causes of anxiety identified by LPN students returning to an associate degree nursing program.^ The analysis of the Q-sort was performed by computing the means, standard deviations, and frequencies of each cause. The mean trait anxiety level of the students was 57.56, $SD=29.69.$ The mean state anxiety level of the students was 68.21, $SD=25.78.$ Higher percentile scores of trait anxiety were associated with higher ranks of the Q-sort category, "failing out of the program," $\rm r\sb{s}=.27,\ p=.008.$ Implications for future nursing research and application of the findings to nursing education are presented. ^
This study was conducted to examine how occupational therapists (OTs) practicing in the physical disabilities area received their training in the use of physical agent modalities (PAMs); to determine the frequency of PAMs usage by those therapists; and to obtain their opinions regarding the training of OTs and OT students in the administration of PAMs. Three hundred OTs practicing in physical diabilities (n = 194 returned) were surveyed. The most frequently used modalities were hot and cold packs, paraffin, and ultrasound. The least frequently used modalities were transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) and whirlpool. On-the-job training was the most common educational method received by the respondents for PAMs usage. The respondents considered a combination of undergraduate education, fieldwork, continuing education and on-the-job training as the most appropriate educational setting for training in modalities. While few of the respondents received preparation in PAMs during entry-level academic programs, the majority felt that OT students should be trained in PAMs usage as part of their education curriculum. ^
The purpose of this study was to examine the perspectives of three graduates of a problem-based leaning (PBL) physical therapy (PT) program about their clinical practice. The study used the qualitative methods of observations, interviews, and journaling to gather the data. Three sessions of audiotaped interviews and two observation sessions were conducted with three exemplars from Nova Southeastern University PBL PT program. Each participant also maintained a reflective journal. The data were analyzed using content analysis. A systematic filing system was used by employing a mechanical means of maintaining and indexing coded data and sorting data into coded classifications of subtopics or themes. All interview transcripts, field notes from observations, and journal accounts were read, and index sheets were appropriately annotated. From the findings of the study, it was noted that, from the participants' perspectives, they were practicing at typically expected levels as clinicians. The attributes that governed the perspectives of the participants about their physical therapy clinical practice included flexibility, reflection, analysis, decision-making, self-reliance, problem-solving, independent thinking, and critical thinking. Further, the findings indicated that the factors that influenced those attributes included the PBL process, parents' value system, self-reliant personality, innate personality traits, and deliberate choice. Finally, the findings indicated that the participants' perspectives, for the most part, appeared to support the espoused efficacy of the PBL educational approach. In conclusion, there is evidence that the physical therapy clinical practice of the participants were positively impacted by the PBL curriculum. Among the many attributes they noted which governed these perspectives, problem-solving, as postulated by Barrows, was one of the most frequently mentioned benefits gained from their PBL PT training. With more schools adopting the PBL approach, this research will hopefully add to the knowledge base regarding the efficacy of embracing a problem-based learning instructional approach in physical therapy programs. ^