887 resultados para Representations of algebras


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A dissertação que ora apresentamos visa a obtenção do grau de mestre no MBA - Gestão de Empresas, pelo ISCTE Business School, Departamento de Gestão. Intitulado o ensino e prática da Contabilidade, orientado para o desenvolvimento de competências científicas, tecnológicas e relacionais, este estudo foi desenvolvido para tentarmos perceber até que ponto o ensino da contabilidade, no instituto eleito para o efeito, corresponde às expectativas da profissão, atendendo às competências que o mercado, inserido num mundo global em constantes mutações, determina como fundamentais para o sucesso da carreira contabilística. Com novas necessidades em competências, na prática contabilística, resultantes da utilização das TICs, presentes em qualquer ramo da esfera humana, tentámos perceber se o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade, do instituto, está projectado para conferir, aos diplomados, competências do saber-saber, saber-fazer, e saber-ser, em conformidade com tais necessidades ou, pelo contrário, baseia-se numa perspectiva tradicional assente numa pedagogia por objectivos, encontrando-se desactualizado. Tratou-se de um estudo de caso, numa investigação qualitativa holística, que permitiu desenvolver compreensões a partir das evidências reunidas, das representações dos sujeitos sobre quem recaem os resultados da investigação, que estabelecem uma relação indirecta com os mesmos resultados. Dos resultados obtidos, percebemos que o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade não se adequa a um currículo baseado em competências, sendo inadequado à realidade contabilística actual, local e global. As conclusões chegadas permitem-nos defender uma revisão curricular do curso para adequá-lo às competências necessárias à garantia duma profissão de contabilista de sucesso. Como contributo, propomos um plano de estudos alternativo. The present dissertation aims at obtaining the master degree in MBA - Management, ISCTE Business School, Department of Management. Titled the teaching and practice of accounting, aimed at developing scientific, technology and relations competencies, this study was designed trying to realize the extent to which accounting education, at the institute elected for that, has met the expectations of the profession given the skills that the market, housed in a global world in constant change, establishes as fundamental to successful accounting career. With new skills needs in accounting practice, resulting from the use of ICT, present in any branch of the human sphere, we tried to see if the accounting course curriculum, of the institute, is designed to give graduates the skills of knowing how to know, knowing how to do and how to be or, conversely, is based on a traditional perspective based on a pedagogy by objectives, and is outdated. It was a case study, a holistic qualitative research, which allowed us to develop insights from the evidence gathered, the representations of the subjects on whom fall the results of research, establishing an indirect link with the same results. From our results, we find that the accounting course curriculum is not appropriate for a curriculum based on skills, and unsuited to current accounting practice, locally and globally. The conclusions reached allow us to defend a curriculum review of the course to suit the skills necessary to ensure a successful accountancy profession. As a contribution, we propose an alternative curriculum.


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Accurate perception of the order of occurrence of sensory information is critical for the building up of coherent representations of the external world from ongoing flows of sensory inputs. While some psychophysical evidence reports that performance on temporal perception can improve, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unresolved. Using electrical neuroimaging analyses of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), we identified the brain dynamics and mechanism supporting improvements in auditory temporal order judgment (TOJ) during the course of the first vs. latter half of the experiment. Training-induced changes in brain activity were first evident 43-76 ms post stimulus onset and followed from topographic, rather than pure strength, AEP modulations. Improvements in auditory TOJ accuracy thus followed from changes in the configuration of the underlying brain networks during the initial stages of sensory processing. Source estimations revealed an increase in the lateralization of initially bilateral posterior sylvian region (PSR) responses at the beginning of the experiment to left-hemisphere dominance at its end. Further supporting the critical role of left and right PSR in auditory TOJ proficiency, as the experiment progressed, responses in the left and right PSR went from being correlated to un-correlated. These collective findings provide insights on the neurophysiologic mechanism and plasticity of temporal processing of sounds and are consistent with models based on spike timing dependent plasticity.


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A tese que ora findamos visa a obtenção do grau de doutora em Educação, na Especialidade de Desenvolvimento Curricular, pelo Departamento do Currículo e Tecnologia Educativa, do Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, da Universidade do Minho. Intitulado o dualismo cultural: os luso-caboverdianos entre a escola, a família e a comunidade, o presente estudo centra-se numa abordagem crítica da escolaridade básica obrigatória, no qual procurámos compreender e explicar as condições de realização deste nível de ensino pelos jovens de ascendência caboverdiana, nascidos em Portugal, na qualidade de sujeitos biculturais em consequência da simbiose das culturas caboverdeana e portuguesa. Isto para concluirmos se na oferta do serviço educativo e de formação estão acautelados os seus direitos de cidadania e de participação na sociedade em que se encontram inseridos e a que pertencem de facto. Nesta investigação foi fundamental analisar a oferta de educação básica, entender as representações de alunos lusocaboverdeanos acerca da sua identidade cultural e das suas percepções sobre a formação académica que recebem; reconhecer representações e percepções de professores acerca da realidade educativa portuguesa, o enquadramento da multiculturalidade e a docência em turmas com alunos luso-caboverdianos, e compreender as percepções de pais e encarregados da educação caboverdeanos acerca da realidade educativa portuguesa e do enquadramento dos seus filhos na escola, para perceber se o insucesso educativo dos luso-caboverdeanos está relacionado com a condição de aluno “culturalmente diferente” ou se tem a sua origem na escola e no currículo da escolaridade obrigatória e, assim, contribuir com subsídios teóricos e práticos para o aprofundamento da problemática da multiculturalidade em Portugal, com vista à sua potenciação e normalização no sistema educativo. Estando perante uma sociedade de formação multicultural reafirmada com a colonização, justifica-se, em Portugal, a preocupação com a temática da diversidade cultural nas políticas educativas, resultante da consciencialização da manifestação da diversidade cultural no contexto escolar, podendo a sua omissão constituir num factor de insucesso educativo. Por isso, integramos nesta investigação matérias como: uma conceptualização do multiculturalismo com vista a questionar e clarificar os conceitos e as perspectivas inerentes a este fenómeno. Uma tentativa de desocultar para perceber o conteúdo simbólico e os porquês das políticas de integração das minorias etnicoculturais que, ao que parece, nos tempos que correm, por quase toda a parte, se converteram numa prioridade absoluta e inadiável. Estabelecemos uma ponte entre a génese do campo curricular e a construção de um currículo multi e/ou intercultural, merecendo devida atenção as tendências que dominam as discussões e a produção científica actuais nestes domínios. Problematizámos o currículo e identidade na escolaridade obrigatória nas dimensões inserção sociocultural, promoção da igualdade de sucesso educativo e inclusão dos sujeitos e o currículo e a educação para o exercício da cidadania numa escola que se quer plural. Neste último debatemos o conteúdo político da educação para a cidadania, as políticas educativas e curriculares e a escolaridade básica obrigatória como uma proposta que continua em aberto, por isso, passível de adequação às necessidades de uma educação da e para a diversidade. Procurámos fazer uma análise das políticas de integração socioeducativa da diversidade cultural, com destaque para o quadro legal que regula a integração das minorias étnicas na escola básica portuguesa, com particular incidência sobre as crianças pertencentes à comunidade caboverdeana nascidas em território português, procurando concluir acerca da existência, ou não, de posições e opções de políticas educativas concretas face à necessidade de dar prosseguimento à educação multicultural neste contexto. Tratou-se de uma investigação qualitativa holística, que permitiu desenvolver compreensões profundas dos fenómenos a partir das evidências reunidas, do estudo das representações dos sujeitos sobre quem recaem os resultados da investigação, mas também de sujeitos que, assim como o meio envolvente, estabelecem uma relação indirecta com os mesmos resultados. Circunscrito a um estudo de caso, a reflexão e a partilha de conhecimento e informações possibilitou desenvolver uma compreensão sobre a problemática estudada. Dos resultados obtidos, destacámos aqui que, em Portugal, apesar da absorvência da diversidade cultural nas política educativa, não se concretizou, ainda, uma proposta que, na prática, crie a reciprocidade entre as questões etnicoculturais e o sucesso e/ou insucesso educativos das minorias em educação com ganhos decisivos no combate ao insucesso e ao abandono escolar. Continua-se a desenvolver uma educação igualitarista monocultural pela via da homogeneização curricular, assente na noção de que povos e grupos podem estar em condições de igualdade se reunidos numa cultura comum. Aparentemente sob pilares democráticos, esta educação multicultural segue a concepção liberal associando essencialismo, universalismo e igualitarismo, resultando num propósito civilizacional excludente das minorias etnicoculturais. As conclusões chegadas permitem-nos defender a dessacralização do currículo nacional comum e uniforme e a defesa de uma proposta curricular baseada numa cultura científica global e necessária, de acordo com as faixas etárias e níveis de ensino, com campos de integração obrigatória de conteúdos territorializados alicerçados no interculturalismo como estratégia promotora da interacção crítica e solidária entre diferentes sujeitos e grupos culturais, permissiva da construção de identidades próprias e da confissão da diferença cultural, associada ao intraculturalismo como uma via permeabilizadora da educação democrática como garante da cidadania plena a todos os indivíduos, como condição fundamental para o estabelecimento das condições de igualdade e de garantia de sucesso em educação.


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A investigação “Do Jardim-de-infância ao Centro de Actividades de Tempos Livres: Representações das Crianças sobre o Brincar” reconhece as crianças como actores sociais, sujeitos de direitos, entre eles, o direito à participação em assuntos que lhes digam directamente respeito, a assuntos de seu interesse, nomeadamente o direito ao brincar. O brincar é uma actividade lúdica, assim como o jogar, importante no processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança e, nos tempos que correm, a sociedade, de uma forma geral, e particularmente as famílias, preocupam-se muito com o trabalho e colocam as necessidades básicas das crianças em segundo plano ao valorizarem acima de tudo o sucesso e o desempenho das mesmas. Assim, se participar significa “tomar parte em”, reconhece-se a necessidade de ouvir as crianças e o que elas têm a dizer sobre essa actividade lúdica, sobre a forma como organizam o seu dia e o tempo que despendem para brincar e sobre a forma como gostariam de ver os seus dias ocupados. É neste pressuposto, de que é através da acção e da voz das crianças, que é possível a construção de um conhecimento teórico e válido que contribua para uma melhor intervenção educativa com as crianças. Esta investigação, que decorreu numa instituição com várias vertentes, entre elas a vertente da Animação Infantil, enquadra-se no paradigma qualitativo de natureza participativa, e procura interpretar os significados atribuídos pelas crianças, que frequentam o Jardim-deinfância da rede pública e a mesma instituição, na condição de Componente de Apoio à Família, ao brincar, às suas vivências no que concerne à gestão do seu quotidiano, quer no que refere ao tempo que passam no Jardim-de-infância, quer no que passam no Prolongamento de Horário/Actividades de Tempos Livres. Neste trabalho de investigação que decorreu numa instituição situada numa freguesia pertencente ao Distrito de Viana do Castelo e que disponibiliza os serviços de ATL, participaram como protagonistas as crianças da faixa etária entre os três e os seis anos de idade e que frequentam dois contextos: educacional e lúdico. Este trabalho é sustentado por um referencial teórico que engloba o brincar na sociedade actual e a sua importância, a educação pré-escolar e as suas funções, a natureza da componente de apoio à família, a animação sócio-educativa e os contextos de vida das crianças, que permitiram questionar a participação infantil em assuntos de seu interesse. Ainda que este estudo não permita generalizações, reflecte-se sobre a realidade existente, dá voz às crianças e indica aspectos que, de uma forma geral, precisam de mais atenção. Afinal o brincar na infância é um assunto sério…


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According to Declan Kiberd, “postcolonial writing does not begin only when the occupier withdraws: rather it is initiated at that very moment when a native writer formulates a text committed to cultural resistance.” The Irish in Latin America – a continent emerging from indigenous cultures, colonisation, and migrations – may be regarded as colonised in Ireland and as colonisers in their new home. They are a counterexample to the standard pattern of identities in the major English-speaking destinations of the Irish Diaspora. Using literary sources, the press, correspondence, music, sports, and other cultural representations, in this thesis I search the attitudes and shared values signifying identities among the immigrants and their families. Their fragmentary and wide-ranging cultures provide a rich context to study the protean process of adaptation to, or rejection of, the new countries. Evolving from oppressed to oppressors, the Irish in Latin America swiftly became ingleses. Subsequently, in order to join the local middle classes they became vaqueros, llaneros, huasos, and gauchos so they could show signs of their effective integration to the native culture, as seen by the Latin American elites. Eventually, some Irish groups separated from the English mainstream culture and shaped their own community negotiating among Irishness, Englishness, and local identities in Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Cuba, and other places in the region. These identities were not only unmoored in the emigrants’ minds but also manoeuvred by the political needs of community and religious leaders. After reviewing the major steps and patterns of Irish migration to Latin America, the thesis analyses texts from selected works, offers a version of how the settlers became Latin Americans or not, and elucidates the processes by which a new Irish-Latin American hybrid was created.


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Los mapas de riesgo de inundaciones deberían mostrar las inundaciones en relación con los impactos potenciales que éstas pueden llegar a producir en personas, bienes y actividades. Por ello, es preciso añadir el concepto de vulnerabilidad al mero estudio del fenómeno físico. Así pues, los mapas de riesgo de daños por inundación son los verdaderos mapas de riesgo, ya que se elaboran, por una parte, a partir de cartografía que localiza y caracteriza el fenómeno físico de las inundaciones, y, por la otra, a partir de cartografía que localiza y caracteriza los elementos expuestos. El uso de las llamadas «nuevas tecnologías», como los SIG, la percepción remota, los sensores hidrológicos o Internet, representa un potencial de gran valor para el desarrollo de los mapas de riesgo de inundaciones, que es, hoy por hoy, un campo abierto a la investigación


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Quelles représentations de la schizophrénie les psychiatres vont-ils construire à travers l'étude des écrits asilaires des patients et des scientifiques dans la première moitié du XXème siècle? Le psychiatre helvétique Hans Steck (1891-1980), qui a travaillé à l'Asile psychiatrique de Cery de 1920 à 1960 et qui s'est fait connaître du public grâce à l'oeuvre d'Aloïse Corbaz, reconnue comme auteure d'art brut par Jean Dubuffet en 1945, constitue le fil rouge de la thèse. Dans le contexte des mouvements tels que Γ "art psychopathologique" et Γ "art brut", Steck étudie les théories de "la mentalité primitive et les peintures magiques des schizophrènes". En 1927, il se tourne vers les théories évolutionnistes de la régression et les premières études de Lévy-Bruhl pour avancer l'idée qu'il existe un "parallélisme schizo-primitif'. Puis il développe des explications de la pensée délirante, à partir des théories exposées lors du Premier Congrès International de Psychiatrie en 1950. Enfin, adoptant la perspective phénoménologique, il explique que "la fonction de l'art et la fonction du délire visent à reconstituer un monde viable pour le malade". En ce sens, l'expression artistique, bien que n'entrant pas dans le champ de la psychothérapie, fournit des indicateurs de l'état psychique du malade en même temps qu'elle contribue à son bien-être. Sont abordés les problèmes concernant la reconnaissance de Γ "auteur" interné, dont les oeuvres appartiennent soit aux archives médicales, soit au musée. La pérennité des critères qui définissent les oeuvres d'"art psychopathologique" ou d'"art brut" est également mise en question. Enfin, le rôle essentiel de l'écriture à l'hôpital, tant pour les patients que pour les soignants, fait l'objet de nombreux développements. - What representations of schizophrenia have psychiatrists been constructing when studying writings by patients and scientists in mental asylums in the first half of the 20th century? The Swiss psychiatrist Hans Steck (1891-1980) is the protagonist of this dissertation. From 1920 to 1960, he has been working at the "Asile psychiatrique de Cery" near Lausanne. Steck is known thanks to the paintings of Aloïse Corbaz, an artist recognized by Jean Dubuffet as belonging to the "art brut" movement in 1945. In the context of movements like "art psychopathologique" and "art brut," Steck studies theories of "primitive character and magic paintings of schizophrenics." In 1927, Steck engages with theories of regression and Lévy-Bruhl's early studies in order to push the idea of a "parallelism schizo-primitif." On the occasion of the First International Congress of psychiatry held in Paris in 1950, Steck develops explanations for the "pensée délirante." Finally, turning to a phenomenological point of view, he explains, "the function of art and the function of the delusion help the patient to reconstruct a viable environment for the sick person." In this way, artistic expression is not thought of as a psychotherapeutical means, but provides insight into the state of mind of a mentally sick person at the same time as contributing to his well-being. The dissertation discusses whether the "author's" work belongs in medical archives or museums. The continuity of "psychopathological art" and "art brut" criteria will be discussed. Finally, the essential role that writing played in the hospital for the patients as well as for the medical staff is presented.


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Recent years have seen an emerging knowledge base and increasing public interest and awareness of sexual-economic relationships between local men and Western women, in different touristic regions around the world. However, to date, Western perspectives on the phenomenon make up the bulk of the existent literature. Questioning the dominant discourse of 'romance tourism' and representations of male participants as 'victims-opportunists', this dissertation explores male beach workers' experiences with, and perspectives on sexual-economic relationships between Kenyan men and visiting Western women in Kenya's South Coast region. The men were not considered in isolation; their experiences and perspectives are situated in relation to their family ties, social networks and the political economy of beach tourism. The study shows that locally these relationships are clearly understood as livelihood strategies for the visited. Men seek to establish long-term intimate relationships with female tourists as a means to accessing life's basic necessities for themselves and for their families and overall to improve their standards of living. It is argued that these relationships are a response to the poverty and inequalities generated by socio-economic changes over time. They are also a response to local gender role prescriptions that hinge male social value on men's capacity to marry, procreate and provide intergenerational social and economic support. The men's parallel quest for non-sexual economically motivated friendships with visiting foreign tourists termed "family friends" is a salient finding, that serves to reinforce the finding that the sexual- economic relationships are above all livelihood strategies. Résumé Ces dernières années ont vu l'émergence d'une base de connaissance, ainsi que d'un intérêt et d'une prise de conscience accrue du public, à l'égard des relations économico-sexuelles entre hommes locaux et femmes occidentales, dans différentes régions touristiques du monde. Cependant, à ce jour, des perspectives occidentales sur ce phénomène constituent l'essentiel de la littérature existante. En remettant en question le discours dominant du «romance tourism» (tourisme sentimental) et les représentations qui conçoivent les hommes participants comme étant 'victimes-opportunistes', cette thèse explore les expériences, et les visions qu'ont les travailleurs de plage sur les relations économico-sexuelles entre hommes Kenyans et femmes Occidentales dans la région de la côte sud du Kenya. Les hommes n'ont pas été considérés de manière isolée; leurs expériences et leurs perspectives sont situées par rapport à leur liens familiaux, leur réseaux sociaux et aussi par rapport à l'économie politique du tourisme balnéaire. L'étude montre que sur place ces relations sont clairement conçues comme des stratégies de survie pour les participants hôtes. Les hommes cherchent à établir des relations de long durée avec des femmes touristes comme moyen d'accéder à des biens et des services qui constituent des nécessités de bases, pour eux et pour leur familles et globalement pour relever leur niveau de vie! L'étude fait valoir que ces relations sont une réponse à la pauvreté et aux inégalités sociales crées par des dynamiques socio-économiques au fil du temps. Elles sont aussi une réponse au prescriptions sociales locales par lesquelles la valeur sociale masculine est définie à travers la capacité des hommes à se marier, à procréer et d'assurer un soutien intergénérationnel social et économique. La quête, en parallèle, de relations d'amitiés non-sexuelles à motivation économique, dénommé « family friends », par des hommes, est un résultat saillant de cette étude qui vient renforcer l'observation que les relations économico-sexuelles relèvent avant tout des stratégies de survie.


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Introduction: The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) contains Brodmann areas (BA) 1, 2, 3a, and 3b. Research in non-human primates showed that BAs 3b, 1, and 2 each contain one full representation of the hand with separate representations for each finger. This research also showed that the finger representation in BA3b has larger and clearer finger somatotopy than BA1 and 2. Although several efforts to map finger somatotopy in SI by fMRI have been made at 1.5 and 3T these studies have yielded variable results and were not able to detect single subject finger somatotopy, probably due to the limited spatial extent of the cortical areas representing a digit (close to the resolution in most fMRI experiments), complications due to acquisition of consistent maps for individual subjects (Schweizer et al 2008), or inter-individual variability in sulcal anatomy impeding group studies. Here, we used 7T fMRI to investigate finger somatotopy in SI, some of its functional characteristics, and its reproducibility. Methods: Eight right-handed male subjects were scanned on a 7T scanner (Siemens Medical, Germany) with an 8-channel Tx/Rx rf-coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany). 1.3x1.3x1.3mm3 resolution fMRI data were acquired using a sinusoidal readout EPI sequence (Speck et al, 2008) and FOV=210mm, TE/TR=27ms/2.5s, GRAPPA=2. Each volume contained 28 transverse slices covering SI. A single EPI volume with 64 slices was acquired to aid coregistration. 1x1x1mm3 anatomical data were acquire using the MP2RAGE sequence (Marques et al, 2009; TE/TR/TI1,2/TRmprage=2.63ms/7.2ms/0.9,3.2s/5s). Subjects were positioned supine in the scanner with their right arm comfortably against the magnet bore. An experimenter was positioned at the entrance of the bore where he could easily reach and stroke successively the two distal phalanxes of each digit. The order of stroked digit was D1 (thumb)-D3-D5-D2-D4, with 20s ON, 10s OFF alternated. This sequence was repeated four times per run and two functional runs were acquired per subject. Realignment, smoothing (FWHM 2 mm), coregistration of the anatomical to the fMRI data and calculation of t-statistics were done using SPM8. An SI mask was obtained via an F-contrast (p<0.001) over all digits. Within the mask, voxels were labeled with the number of the digit demonstrating the highest t-value for that particular voxel. Results: For all subjects, areas corresponding to the five digits were identified in contralateral SI. BA3b showed the most consistent somatotopic finger representation (see an example in Fig.1). The five digits were localized in a consecutive order in the cortex, with D1 most anterior, inferior and distal and D5, most posterior, superior and medial (mean distance between centres of mass of digit representations ±stderr: 4.2±0.7mm; see Fig. 2). The analysis of average beta values within each finger representation region revealed the specificity of the somatotopic region to the tactile input for each tested finger (except digit 4 and 5). Five of these subjects also presented an orderly and consecutive representation of the five digits in BA1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data reveal that the increased BOLD sensitivity at 7T and the high spatial resolution used in this study allow consistent somatotopic mapping using human touch as a stimulus and that human SI contains at least three separate regions that contain five separate representations of all single contralateral fingers. Moreover, adjacent fingers were represented at adjacent cortical regions across the three SI regions. The spatial organization of SI as reflected in individual subject topography corresponds well with previous electrophysiological data in non-human primates. The small distance between digit representations highlights the need for the high spatial resolution available at 7T.


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Thirty years after the Canton of Jura entered sovereignty, it has to be admited that the creation of the newly canton did't fullfill the hopes of economic and demografic growth that many could have expected from political independance. Through a plurality of complementary approaches, the research suggest a closer look at, on one hand, the position of the Canton in its territorial context as well as its structure and dynamics and on the other hand, the representations of the territory and its evolution by the social actors. This in order to formulate a set of social demands (of debate, of openness and of overcoming cleavages) which augurs for a new territoriality regime and testify of a requirement of reflexivity toward the state institutions and actions. The analysis allowed to set in evidence the central role of the couple identity-project in the dynamics of change, and to identifiy three main periods in the recent past of the Canton: a period of territorialization, during which grew a strong collective identity, coupled with a major project of society (the creation of the canton of Jura); then followed a period of deterritorialization, with the fragmentation of the collective identity and the lack of a project of society. Then, the third period, with a paradoxical event, the failure in public vote of the the project Jura open Land (Jura Pays ouvert), which was meant to give a second wind to the Canton. We consider this turning point as the start of a new period (of reterritorialization), with an issue linked with the outlines of a renewed "jurassian" identity and the elaboration of a shared territory project.Trente ans après l'entrée en souveraineté, force est de constater que la création du canton du Jura n'a pas permis de répondre aux espérances de développement économique et démographique que l'indépendance politique devait entraîner dans son sillage. Cette recherche se propose, à travers une pluralité d'approches complémentaires, d'examiner d'une part la position du Canton dans son contexte territorial ainsi que sa structure et sa dynamique; d'autre part, les représentations que se font les acteurs du territoire et de son évolution, pour déboucher sur une série de demandes sociales (de débat, d'ouverture et de dépassement des clivages) qui augurent de la transition vers un nouveau régime de territorialité et témoignent d'une exigence de réflexivité envers les institutions et les actions de l'Etat. L'analyse a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle central du couple identité-projet dans la dynamique de changement et d'identifier trois temps forts dans l'évolution récente du Canton, une phase de territorialisation au cours de laquelle s'est constituée une identité forte doublée d'un projet de société majeur, suivie d'une phase de déterritorialisation avec une fragmentation de l'identité collective et l'absence de projet mobilisateur. Enfin, un moment paradoxal, l'échec du projet Jura Pays ouvert, censé redonner un second souffle au Canton, qui amorce une nouvelle étape (de reterritorialisation) avec un questionnement lié aux contours d'une identité jurassienne renouvelée et à l'élaboration d'un projet de territoire partagé.Les ressorts de la production du territoire et de son développement sont analysés à travers le rôle des représentations sociales dans la constitution identitaire et le projet territorial, à l'exemple du canton du Jura. La mise en évidence du rôle central du couple identité-projet dans la dynamique de changement a permis d'identifier trois temps forts dans l'évolution récente du Canton. Une première phase (la création du canton du Jura), au cours de laquelle s'est constituée une identité forte doublée d'un projet de société majeur, suivie d'une phase au cours de laquelle l'identité collective s'est fragmentée en l'absence de projet mobilisateur (la phase de « gestion » de l'Etat). Puis un moment de rupture (l'échec du projet Jura Pays ouvert) et l'amorce d'une transition vers une nouvelle étape, avec un questionnement lié aux contours d'une identité jurassienne renouvelée, à l'élaboration d'un projet de territoire partagé, et à l'action des pouvoirs publics dans un contexte de repositionnement du Canton.


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This paper analyses the representations of the body present in contemporary science-fiction literature and film. Using theoretical concepts by Althusser, Foucault and Haraway, the text establishes first a typology of cybernetic organisms in contemporary culture and reviews its presence and ideological implications in films like Robocop (1987), Johny Mnemonic (1995) or Matrix (1999). The paper argues for a self-conscience as political and historical subjects in order to avoid falling into a fallacious cyberandroginy that reinforces phallogocentric power structures.


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The study examined how religious beliefs and practices impact upon medication and illness representations in chronic schizophrenia. One hundred three stabilized patients were included in Geneva's outpatient public psychiatric facility in Switzerland. Interviews were conducted to investigate spiritual and religious beliefs and religious practices and religious coping. Medication adherence was assessed through questions to patients and to their psychiatrists and by a systematic blood drug monitoring. Thirty-two percent of patients were partially or totally nonadherent to oral medication. Fifty-eight percent of patients were Christians, 2% Jewish, 3% Muslim, 4% Buddhist, 14% belonged to various minority or syncretic religious movements, and 19% had no religious affiliation. Two thirds of the total sample considered spirituality as very important or even essential in everyday life. Fifty-seven percent of patients had a representation of their illness directly influenced by their spiritual beliefs (positively in 31% and negatively in 26%). Religious representations of illness were prominent in nonadherent patients. Thirty-one percent of nonadherent patients and 27% of partially adherent patients underlined an incompatibility or contradiction between their religion and taking medication, versus 8% of adherent patients. Religion and spirituality contribute to shaping representations of disease and attitudes toward medical treatment in patients with schizophrenia. This dimension should be on the agenda of psychiatrists working with patients with schizophrenia.


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Generalized KerrSchild space-times for a perfect-fluid source are investigated. New Petrov type D perfect fluid solutions are obtained starting from conformally flat perfect-fluid metrics.


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Our mental representation of the world is far from objective. For example, western Canadians estimate the locations of North American cities to be too far to the west. This bias could be due to a reference point effect, in which people estimate more space between places close to them than far from them, or to representational pseudoneglect, in which neurologically intact individuals favor the left side of space when asked to image a scene.We tested whether either or both of these biases influence the geographic world representations of neurologically intact young adults from Edmonton and Ottawa, which are in western and eastern Canada, respectively. Individuals were asked to locate NorthAmerican cities on a two-dimensional grid. Both groups revealed effects of representational pseudoneglect in this novel paradigm, but they also each exhibited reference point effects. These results inform theories in both cognitive psychology and neuroscience.


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To study the properties of human primary somatosensory (S1) cortex as well as its role in cognitive and social processes, it is necessary to noninvasively localize the cortical representations of the body. Being arguably the most relevant body parts for tactile exploration, cortical representations of fingers are of particular interest. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cortical representation of individual fingers (D1-D5), using human touch as a stimulus. Utilizing the high BOLD sensitivity and spatial resolution at 7T, we found that each finger is represented within three subregions of S1 in the postcentral gyrus. Within each of these three areas, the fingers are sequentially organized (from D1 to D5) in a somatotopic manner. Therefore, these finger representations likely reflect distinct activations of BAs 3b, 1, and 2, similar to those described in electrophysiological work in non-human primates. Quantitative analysis of the local BOLD responses revealed that within BA3b, each finger representation is specific to its own stimulation without any cross-finger responsiveness. This finger response selectivity was less prominent in BA 1 and in BA 2. A test-retest procedure highlighted the reproducibility of the results and the robustness of the method for BA 3b. Finally, the representation of the thumb was enlarged compared to the other fingers within BAs 1 and 2. These findings extend previous human electrophysiological and neuroimaging data but also reveal differences in the functional organization of S1 in human and nonhuman primates. Hum Brain Mapp 35:213-226, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.