795 resultados para Reliability allocation
Partial moments are extensively used in literature for modeling and analysis of lifetime data. In this paper, we study properties of partial moments using quantile functions. The quantile based measure determines the underlying distribution uniquely. We then characterize certain lifetime quantile function models. The proposed measure provides alternate definitions for ageing criteria. Finally, we explore the utility of the measure to compare the characteristics of two lifetime distributions
Refiners today operate their equipment for prolonged periods without shutdown. This is primarily due to the increased pressures of the market resulting in extended shutdown-to-shutdown intervals. This places extreme demands on the reliability of the plant equipment. The traditional methods of reliability assurance, like Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance and Condition Based Maintenance become inadequate in the face of such demands. The alternate approaches to reliability improvement, being adopted the world over are implementation of RCFA programs and Reliability Centered Maintenance. However refiners and process plants find it difficult to adopt this standardized methodology of RCM mainly due to the complexity and the large amount of analysis that needs to be done, resulting in a long drawn out implementation, requiring the services of a number of skilled people. These results in either an implementation restricted to only few equipment or alternately, one that is non-standard. The paper presents the current models in use, the core requirements of a standard RCM model, the alternatives to classical RCM, limitations in the existing model, classical RCM and available alternatives to RCM and will then go on to present an ‗Accelerated‘ approach to RCM implementation, that, while ensuring close conformance to the standard, does not place a large burden on the implementers
Bank switching in embedded processors having partitioned memory architecture results in code size as well as run time overhead. An algorithm and its application to assist the compiler in eliminating the redundant bank switching codes introduced and deciding the optimum data allocation to banked memory is presented in this work. A relation matrix formed for the memory bank state transition corresponding to each bank selection instruction is used for the detection of redundant codes. Data allocation to memory is done by considering all possible permutation of memory banks and combination of data. The compiler output corresponding to each data mapping scheme is subjected to a static machine code analysis which identifies the one with minimum number of bank switching codes. Even though the method is compiler independent, the algorithm utilizes certain architectural features of the target processor. A prototype based on PIC 16F87X microcontrollers is described. This method scales well into larger number of memory blocks and other architectures so that high performance compilers can integrate this technique for efficient code generation. The technique is illustrated with an example
Software systems are progressively being deployed in many facets of human life. The implication of the failure of such systems, has an assorted impact on its customers. The fundamental aspect that supports a software system, is focus on quality. Reliability describes the ability of the system to function under specified environment for a specified period of time and is used to objectively measure the quality. Evaluation of reliability of a computing system involves computation of hardware and software reliability. Most of the earlier works were given focus on software reliability with no consideration for hardware parts or vice versa. However, a complete estimation of reliability of a computing system requires these two elements to be considered together, and thus demands a combined approach. The present work focuses on this and presents a model for evaluating the reliability of a computing system. The method involves identifying the failure data for hardware components, software components and building a model based on it, to predict the reliability. To develop such a model, focus is given to the systems based on Open Source Software, since there is an increasing trend towards its use and only a few studies were reported on the modeling and measurement of the reliability of such products. The present work includes a thorough study on the role of Free and Open Source Software, evaluation of reliability growth models, and is trying to present an integrated model for the prediction of reliability of a computational system. The developed model has been compared with existing models and its usefulness of is being discussed.
In dieser Dissertation werden Methoden zur optimalen Aufgabenverteilung in Multirobotersystemen (engl. Multi-Robot Task Allocation – MRTA) zur Inspektion von Industrieanlagen untersucht. MRTA umfasst die Verteilung und Ablaufplanung von Aufgaben für eine Gruppe von Robotern unter Berücksichtigung von operativen Randbedingungen mit dem Ziel, die Gesamteinsatzkosten zu minimieren. Dank zunehmendem technischen Fortschritt und sinkenden Technologiekosten ist das Interesse an mobilen Robotern für den Industrieeinsatz in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen. Viele Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf Probleme der Mobilität wie Selbstlokalisierung und Kartierung, aber nur wenige Arbeiten untersuchen die optimale Aufgabenverteilung. Da sich mit einer guten Aufgabenverteilung eine effizientere Planung erreichen lässt (z. B. niedrigere Kosten, kürzere Ausführungszeit), ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung von Lösungsmethoden für das aus Inspektionsaufgaben mit Einzel- und Zweiroboteraufgaben folgende Such-/Optimierungsproblem. Ein neuartiger hybrider Genetischer Algorithmus wird vorgestellt, der einen teilbevölkerungbasierten Genetischen Algorithmus zur globalen Optimierung mit lokalen Suchheuristiken kombiniert. Zur Beschleunigung dieses Algorithmus werden auf die fittesten Individuen einer Generation lokale Suchoperatoren angewendet. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus verteilt die Aufgaben nicht nur einfach und legt den Ablauf fest, sondern er bildet auch temporäre Roboterverbünde für Zweiroboteraufgaben, wodurch räumliche und zeitliche Randbedingungen entstehen. Vier alternative Kodierungsstrategien werden für den vorgestellten Algorithmus entworfen: Teilaufgabenbasierte Kodierung: Hierdurch werden alle möglichen Lösungen abgedeckt, allerdings ist der Suchraum sehr groß. Aufgabenbasierte Kodierung: Zwei Möglichkeiten zur Zuweisung von Zweiroboteraufgaben wurden implementiert, um die Effizienz des Algorithmus zu steigern. Gruppierungsbasierte Kodierung: Zeitliche Randbedingungen zur Gruppierung von Aufgaben werden vorgestellt, um gute Lösungen innerhalb einer kleinen Anzahl von Generationen zu erhalten. Zwei Umsetzungsvarianten werden vorgestellt. Dekompositionsbasierte Kodierung: Drei geometrische Zerlegungen wurden entworfen, die Informationen über die räumliche Anordnung ausnutzen, um Probleme zu lösen, die Inspektionsgebiete mit rechteckigen Geometrien aufweisen. In Simulationsstudien wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der verschiedenen hybriden Genetischen Algorithmen untersucht. Dazu wurde die Inspektion von Tanklagern einer Erdölraffinerie mit einer Gruppe homogener Inspektionsroboter als Anwendungsfall gewählt. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass Kodierungsstrategien, die auf der geometrischen Zerlegung basieren, bei einer kleinen Anzahl an Generationen eine bessere Lösung finden können als die anderen untersuchten Strategien. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Einzel- und Zweiroboteraufgaben, die entweder von einem einzelnen mobilen Roboter erledigt werden können oder die Zusammenarbeit von zwei Robotern erfordern. Eine Erweiterung des entwickelten Algorithmus zur Behandlung von Aufgaben, die mehr als zwei Roboter erfordern, ist möglich, würde aber die Komplexität der Optimierungsaufgabe deutlich vergrößern.
Three terminal âdotted-I’ interconnect structures, with vias at both ends and an additional via in the middle, were tested under various test conditions. Mortalities (failures) were found in right segments with jL value as low as 1250 A/cm, and the mortality of a dotted-I segment is dependent on the direction and magnitude of the current in the adjacent segment. Some mortalities were also found in the right segments under a test condition where no failure was expected. Cu extrusion along the delaminated Cu/Si₃N₄ interface near the central via region was believed to cause the unexpected failures. From the time-to-failure (TTF), it is possible to quantify the Cu/Si₃N₄ interfacial strength and bonding energy. Hence, the demonstrated test methodology can be used to investigate the integrity of the Cu dual damascene processes. As conventionally determined critical jL values in two-terminal via-terminated lines cannot be directly applied to interconnects with branched segments, this also serves as a good methodology to identify the critical effective jL values for immortality.
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This paper focuses on one of the methods for bandwidth allocation in an ATM network: the convolution approach. The convolution approach permits an accurate study of the system load in statistical terms by accumulated calculations, since probabilistic results of the bandwidth allocation can be obtained. Nevertheless, the convolution approach has a high cost in terms of calculation and storage requirements. This aspect makes real-time calculations difficult, so many authors do not consider this approach. With the aim of reducing the cost we propose to use the multinomial distribution function: the enhanced convolution approach (ECA). This permits direct computation of the associated probabilities of the instantaneous bandwidth requirements and makes a simple deconvolution process possible. The ECA is used in connection acceptance control, and some results are presented
Objetivos: evaluar la validez y confiabilidad de la versión hispana del instrumento de Tamizaje Juvenil (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil, ESJ) de la Universidad de Columbia aplicados en 2009 por el Programa de Salud Mental Juvenil de la Universidad del Rosario (UR) en el 8avo grado del Centro Educativo Integral de Colsubsidio (CEIC) en Bogotá, Colombia Metodología: Diseño observacional de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica tipo tamizaje en las dos etapas consecutivas del Programa de Tamizaje Juvenil aplicado en 183 alumnos. Evaluación de la reproducibilidad de las pruebas aplicadas a una sub muestra de 63 alumnos calculado con un muestreo aleatorizado por afijacion proporcional en un intervalo de 20 días. Resultados: el instrumento Encuesta de Salud Juvenil (ESJ) mostró una alta sensibilidad (100 %) y adecuada especificidad (89,09 %), un valor predictivo positivo del 85,88 % lo que le confiere adecuada validez. La confiabilidad y consistencia interna de la prueba son buenas, Alfa de Cronbach: 0,700, así como la concordancia de la ESJ inicial y la entrevista clínica de la segunda etapa del tamizaje (Kappa de 0.867, error estándar de 0.037 (p<0.001)). La reproducibilidad mostró un índice de Kappa de 0,645 en la sub muestra evaluada 20 días después. Conclusiones: la versión hispana del instrumento de Tamizaje Juvenil de la Universidad de Columbia tiene validez y confiabilidad adecuada para la detección de conducta suicida y signos de enfermedad mental en adolescentes.
Validity and reliability pie animation for display in RM&EBP
Introducción: Uno de los aspectos con mayor variación durante la adolescencia es el sueño, el cual se ve afectado por factores biológicos así como por los estados afectivos y emocionales. En esta etapa, los individuos establecen sus primeras relaciones sentimentales románticas, vínculos esenciales para la maduración de las relaciones sociales y psicosexuales. Este trabajo busca determinar la asociación existente entre las relaciones sentimentales románticas y sus características, con la calidad sueño percibida por los jóvenes. Metodología: Estudio realizado en una población de 1794 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud entre los 18 y 25 años de edad en Bogotá, Colombia, entre 2012 y 2013. Se obtuvo una muestra probabilística con asignación proporcional de 443 sujetos, estratificada por programa académico y sexo. Utilizando dos cuestionarios de auto reporte se exploraron las características de las relaciones sentimentales y la calidad de sueño percibida. Resultados: El 64% (IC 95%: 59,4-68,9%) de la población estudiada se encontró en una relación sentimental romántica. Estos sujetos tuvieron latencias de sueño prolongadas con menor frecuencia que quienes no tenían en una relación (p <0,05). La calidad de sueño percibida se asoció al nivel de satisfacción que tuvieron los sujetos en su relación, así como la atracción por su pareja. Rasgos obsesivos, ansiosos, temerosos y evitativos en la relación disminuyeron la calidad de sueño percibida. Conclusión: Las relaciones sentimentales románticas y sus características se asocian con la calidad de sueño percibida por los individuos. Se requieren estudios que determinen causalidad en esta asociación y definan potenciales estrategias de intervención al respecto.
This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of Neupsilin Brief Neuropsychological Assessment Instrument, a brief battery developed in Brazil. Hundred two Brazilian man and women participated, from 18 to 40 years of age. It was evaluated the test-retest reliability of the Neupsilin tasks and the reliability of the correction of the constructional praxis task by different evaluators. The data were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation, intraclass correlation and Cronbach’s alpha. Language, memory, praxis and executive functions presented the highest correlations in the test-retest analyses. The agreement in the correction of the constructional praxis task was moderate to high. The results indicate temporal reliability of Neupsilin tasks and inter-rater agreement in the correction of the constructional praxis task. Suggestions to improve the tasks, the validity and reliability of Neupsilin were presented.
This study evaluated the construct validity and reliability of Femininity and Masculinity Inventory-Imafe (Lara, 1993), and calculated standardized punctuations for Colombian teenagers and young adults. Participants were 1527 male and female, between 15 and 42. The general and scale reliability was evaluated through Alfa and Guttmann coefficients, and the factor analysis was used to estimate the construct validity. Standardized punctuations were obtained for gender, since there were statistically significant differences for sex in the six scales of the instrument. The inventory presented reliability values that oscillated between .76 and .88, and the factorial analysis showed three factors coherent with the factors found in its original validation. Correlacional inter-scales analysis and sex-differences were theoretically consistent.