982 resultados para Regulatory elements Transgenic rice


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La ingeniería genética y la reprogramación de organismos vivos representan las nuevas fronteras biotecnológicas que permitirán generar animales con modificaciones precisas en sus genomas para un sinnúmero de aplicaciones biomédicas y agropecuarias. Las técnicas para inducir modificaciones génicas intencionales en animales, especialmente en especies mayores de interés agropecuario, se encuentran rezagadas si se compara con los avances significativos que se han producido en el área de la transgénesis de roedores de laboratorio, especialmente el ratón. Es así que, el presente proyecto persigue desarrollar y optimizar protocolos para generar embriones bovinos transgénicos para aplicaciones biotecnológicas. La estrategia propuesta, se basa en conseguir la presencia simultánea en el interior celular de una enzima de restricción (I-SceI) más un transgén (formado por casetes de expresión de una proteína fluorescente -ZsGreen1- y neomicina fosfotransferasa). Específicamente, proyectamos estudiar una vía alternativa para generar embriones bovinos transgénicos mediante la incorporación del transgén (casetes ZsGreen1 y neo) flanqueado por sitios I-SceI más la enzima I-SceI al interior del ovocito junto con el espermatozoide durante la técnica conocida como inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI). Los embriones así generados se cultivarán in vitro, inspeccionándolos diariamente para detectar la emisión de fluorescencia, indicativa de la expresión de la proteína ZsGreen1. Los embriones que alcancen el estado de blastocisto y expresen el transgén se transferirán quirúrgicamente al útero de ovejas sincronizadas y se mantendrán durante 7 días. Al cabo de este período, los embriones se recolectarán quirúrgicamente del útero ovino y se transportarán al laboratorio para determinar el número de sitios de integración y número de copias del transgén mediante el análisis de su ADN por Southern blot. Se prevé que los resultados de esta investigación permitirán sentar las bases para el desarrollo de métodos eficientes para obtener modificaciones precisas en el genoma de los animales domésticos para futuras aplicaciones biotecnológicas. Genetic engineering and reprogrammed organisms represent the new biotechnological frontiers which will make possible to generate animals with precise genetic modifications for agricultural and biomedical applications. Current methods used to generate genetically modified large animals, lay behind those used in laboratory animals, specially the mouse. Therefore, we seek to develop and optimize protocols to produce transgenic bovine embryos through the use of a non-viral vector. The strategy involves the simultaneous presence inside the cell of a restriction enzyme (I-SceI) and a transgene (carrying cassettes for a fluorescent protein -ZsGreen1- and neomycin phosphotransferase) flanked by restriction sites for the endonuclease. We plan to develop an alternative approach to generate transgenic bovine embryos by coinjecting the transgene flanked by I-SceI restriction sites plus the enzyme I-SceI along with the spermatozoon during the technique known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Embryos will be cultured in vitro and inspected daily with a fluorescence microscope to characterize transgene expression. Embryos that reach the blastocyst stage and express the transgene will be surgically transfer to the uterus of a synchronized ewe. After 7 days, the embryos will be flushed out the ovine uterus and transported to the laboratory to determine the number of integration sites and transgene copies by Southern blot. We anticipate that results from this research will set the stage for the development of efficient strategies to achieve precise genetic modifications in large domestic animals for future biotechnological applications.


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La infección de mamíferos con el T. cruzi resulta en diferentes alteraciones inmunológicas que permiten la persistencia crónica del parásito y destrucción inflamatoria progresiva del tejido cardiaco, nervioso y hepático. Los mecanismos responsables de la patología de la enfermedad de Chagas han sido materia de intensa investigación habiéndose propuesto que el daño producido en esta enfermedad puede ser consecuencia de la respuesta inflamatoria del individuo infectado y/o de una acción directa del parásito sobre los tejidos del hospedador. El propósito del presente proyecto es estudiar comparativamente, en dos cepas de ratones con diferente susceptibilidad a la infección y desarrollo de patología, la participación y los mecanismos efectores de las células supresoras mieloides (CSM) y las celulas T regulatorias inducidas por la infección experimental con Trypanosoma cruzi en el control de la infección con este protozoario y en el desarrollo de la patología hepática siendo los objetivos especificos desarrolar: - Investigar la generación y/o reclutamiento de células de CSM en bazo e hígado de ratones infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi y su contribución a la desigual susceptibilidad a la infección y respuesta inmune desarrollada en las cepas de ratones BALB/c y C57BL/6; - Investigar la capacidad de las CSM inducidas por la infección con T. cruzi en bazo e hígado de ratones de ambas cepas para suprimir la respuesta de células T in vitro e indagar sobre los mecanismos de supresión utilizados; - Investigar la generación y/o reclutamiento de células Treg durante la infección experimental con Trypanosoma cruzi, su participación en la desigual susceptibilidad a la infección y respuesta inmune desarrollada en ambas cepas de ratones y los mecanismos de supresión utilizados. - Analizar en tejido hepático o leucocitos infiltrantes la presencia de COX2, PGE2, MMP2 y 9, IL1b, IL6, IDO, IL10 y GM-CSF capaces de inducir la expansión de las CSM; - Dilucidar si la administración del ligando para TLR2 (Pam3CyS) previo a la infección de ratones C57BL/6 (en los cuales se detecta un menor número de CSM) es capaz de modular la respuesta inflamatoria y el daño hepático a través de la inducción de CSM y/o T reg en hígado y bazo. La comprension de los eventos celulares y moleculares que regulan la producción de citoquinas pro- y anti-inflamatorias y otros mediadores, así como el papel de los receptores de la inmunidad innata durante la infección con T. cruzi contribuirá a responder interrogantes que son claves para el diseño de nuevas estrategias de intervención inmune tendientes a preservar los mecanismos de defensa del huésped. Two nonexclusive mechanisms have been proposed to explain the Chagasâs disease pathology: 1) The pathology of the disease seems to be consequence of the inflammatory response triggered for the parasite; or 2) The damage is produced by the parasite direct effect. Recently, we reported that TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9 (innate immune response receptors) are differentially modulated in injured livers from BALB/c (lesser liver pathology) and C57BL/6 (elevated liver pathology) mice during Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The aim of our proposal is the study of role of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) and regulatory T cells in the control of T. cruzi infection and the infection-associated pathology. Our specific aims are: -To study the induction or recruitment of MDSC in splenn and liver of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and their relationship with the differential susceptibility and immune response observed in these both mice strains; - To determine the ability and the mechanisms used by the T. cruzi-induced MDSC to suppress the T cell proliferative response; -To study the induction or recruitment of Treg in liver of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and their relationship with the differential susceptibility and immune response observed in these both mice strains; -To analize in liver tissue or tissue infiltrating lymphocytes the activation of COX2, PGE2, MMP2 y 9, IL1b, IL6, IDO, IL10 y GM-CSF known to promote the development of MDSC; -To determine whether the treatment with Pam3CyS (TLR2 ligand) is able to modulate the liver inflammatory respose and damage througth the induction of MDSC or Treg.


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The objective of this thesis is to compare and contrast environmental licensing systems, for the wood panel industry, in a number of countries in order to determine which system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. The thesis also examines the impact which government can have on industry and the type of licensing system in operation in a country. Initially, the thesis investigates the origins of the various environmental licensing systems which are in operation in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, USA and Canada. It then examines the Environmental Agencies which control and supervise industry in these countries. The impact which the type of government (i.e. unitary or federal) in charge in any particular country has on industry and the Regulatory Agency in that country is then described. Most of the mills in the thesis make a product called OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and the manufacturing process is briefly described in order to understand where the various emissions are generated. The main body of the thesis examines a number of environmental parameters which have emission limit values in the licenses examined, although not all of these parameters have emission limit values in all of the licenses. All of these parameters are used as indicators of the potential impact which the mill can have on the environment. They have been set at specific levels by the Environmental Agencies in the individual countries to control the impact of the mill. Following on from this, the two main types of air pollution control equipment (WESPs and RTOs) are described in regard to their function and capabilities. The mill licenses are then presented in the form of results tables which compare air results and water results separately. This is due to the fact that the most significant emission from this type of industry is to air. A matrix system is used to compare the licenses so that the comparison can be as objective as possible. The discussion examines all of the elements previously described and from this it was concluded that the IPC licensing system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. It is a much more expensive system to operate than the other systems examined, but it is much more comprehensive and looks at the mill as a whole rather than fragmenting it. It was also seen that the type of environmental licensing system which is in place in a country can play a role in the locating of an industry as certain systems were seen to have more stringent standards attached to them. The type of standard in place in a country is in turn influenced by the type of government which is in place in that country.


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2nd ed


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1. Analyses of soluble sulphates in 2 N ammonium chloride extracts of 24 samples of soils of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, S. A., showed a sulphur content varying from 0,0013 g per 100 g (found in the b layer of a genuine "terra roxa") to 0,007 g per 100 g of soil (b layer of a soil of depression without definite characteristics). (The results are expressed as elemental sulphur). Determinations of total sulphur in 56 samples of soils of the same state using the method of fusion with sodium carbonate and sodium nitrate revealed 0.007 g of elemental S per 100 g of soil as the lowest value (found in several soil types) and 0.096 g as the highest one (found in the b layer of an ar-quean soil). Apparently soluble sulphates accumulate in the upper layers and total sulphur does the opposite. It was found a strong correlation between total S and carbon content. 2. Under laboratory conditions, in a compost of fresh soil, powdered sulphur and apatite, it was verified after a three months period of incubation that the pH value lowered from 6.30 to 3.23; the citric acid solubility of apatite increased to 271.1 per cent of the original one. Lupinus sp. grown in soil manured with sulphur and apatite has showed fresh and dry weights higher than the plants in control pots; the results are significant at 5% level of probability; phosphorus content is also higher in the manured plants. It was observed a net influence of the apatite plus sulphur treatment on the weight of root nodosities that was four times greater than in the control plants. 3. Nearly five hundred determinations of S, N and P were carried out in 35 species of plants cultivated in the state of São Paulo. A great variation in the amounts of these elements was observed. As a general rule, the leaves contain more sulphur than the stems and roots show the lowest percentages. The conjunct roots and stem of guar (Cyamopsis psoraloides) revealed only 0.019 per cent sulphur; the leaves of kale showed the highest sulphur content, i. e., 2.114%. Apparently there is no correlation between the amounts of S, N and P. The ratio S/N increases from 0.006 (guar) to 0.485 (kale). The ratio S/P, always higher than the corresponding S/N, increases from 0.082 (guar) to 6.381 (older leaves of tomato plants). It is interesting to mention that several among the most important crops in the state of São Paulo namely, cotton, rice, coffee and sugar cane contain more sulphur than phosphorus. 4. Tomato plants cultivated in nutrient solution lacking sulphur showed the following visual symptons of deficiency : chlorosis first in the younger leaves and afterwards in all the leaves; anthocyanin pigments in the petioles and stems; absence of fruits; primary roots stunted and secondary ones longer than in the control plants; stems slender, hard, woody. The histological study of petioles suffering from sulphur deficiency revealed anthocyanin in the parenchyme layer instead of clo-rophyll pigments observed in normal petioles; in the chlorotic leaves the large chloroplasts present only the stroma but the small ones have a little amount of green pigments. Chemical analysis revealed in the abnormal plants : less sulphur and an increased proportion of phosphorus; older leaves contain more sulphur and less phosphorus than the younger ones probably due to physiological difficulties in translocation of sulphur bearing material; increased amount of total N attributed to accumulation of nitrates; marked decrease in ash, sugars and starch; increased proportion of crude fiber and dry material. In the plants suffering from sulphur deficiency photosyntetic rate decreased 34 per cent. 5. Tomato plants were succesfully cultivated in nutrient solution in absence of mineral sulphur but in presence of cysteine. The plants absorbed sulphur, under that form and were able to grow up quite well; the fruiting was normal. In this way rested cleary demonstrated the possibility of absorption of organic sulphur without previous mineralization and its utilization in the building up of protein molecules.