749 resultados para Reed
Although the comparative ecology of primates has been relatively well studied and there have been a number of outstanding studies of individual primate communities, the factors determining primate species diversity on either a local or regional level are largely unexplored. Understanding the determinants of species abundance is an important aspect of biodiversity and is critical for interpreting the comparative ecology of these different communities and for designing effective strategies of conservation. Comparative analysis of species diversity in more than 70 primate communities from South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia shows that on major continental areas and large tropical islands, there is a high positive correlation between the number of primate species and the area of tropical forest. Within major continental areas, the species diversity at individual sites is highly correlated with mean annual rainfall for South America, Africa, and Madagascar, but not Asia.
Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is an intrinsic part of organismal development and aging. Here we report that many nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause apoptosis when applied to v-src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Cell death was characterized by morphological changes, the induction of tissue transglutaminase, and autodigestion of DNA. Dexamethasone, a repressor of cyclooxygenase (COX) 2, neither induced apoptosis nor altered the NSAID effect. Prostaglandin E2, the primary eicosanoid made by CEFs, also failed to inhibit apoptosis. Expression of the protooncogene bcl-2 is very low in CEFs and is not altered by NSAID treatment. In contrast, p20, a protein that may protect against apoptosis when fibroblasts enter G0 phase, was strongly repressed. The NSAID concentrations used here transiently inhibit COXs. Nevertheless, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNAs and COX-2 protein were induced. In some cell types, then, chronic NSAID treatment may lead to increased, rather than decreased, COX activity and, thus, exacerbate prostaglandin-mediated inflammatory effects. The COX-2 transcript is a partially spliced and nonfunctional form previously described. Thus, these findings suggest that COXs and their products play key roles in preventing apoptosis in CEFs and perhaps other cell types.
A chronic debilitating parasitic infection, viscerotropic leishmaniasis (VTL), has been described in Operation Desert Storm veterans. Diagnosis of this disease, caused by Leishmania tropica, has been difficult due to low or absent specific immune responses in traditional assays. We report the cloning and characterization of two genomic fragments encoding portions of a single 210-kDa L. tropica protein useful for the diagnosis of VTL in U.S. military personnel. The recombinant proteins encoded by these fragments, recombinant (r) Lt-1 and rLt-2, contain a 33-amino acid repeat that reacts with sera from Desert Storm VTL patients and with sera from L. tropica-infected patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antibody reactivities to rLt-1 indicated a bias toward IgG2 in VTL patient sera. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from VTL patients produced interferon gamma, but not interleukin 4 or 10, in response to rLt-1. No cytokine production was observed in response to parasite lysate. The results indicate that specific leishmanial antigens may be used to detect immune responses in VTL patients with chronic infections.
Anchorage-dependent cells that are prevented from attaching to an extracellular matrix substrate stop proliferating and may undergo apoptosis. Cell adhesion to a substrate is mediated by the integrin family of cell surface receptors, which are known to elicit intracellular signals upon cell adhesion. We show here that Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, which is a fibronectin receptor, do not undergo apoptosis upon serum withdrawal when the cells are plated on fibronectin. However, the alpha v beta 1 integrin, which is also a fibronectin receptor and binds fibronectin on the same RGD motif as alpha 5 beta 1, did not prevent apoptosis on fibronectin of the same cells. The cytoplasmic domain of the integrin alpha 5 subunit was required for the alpha 5 beta 1-mediated cell survival on fibronectin. The fibronectin-mediated survival effect appeared to be independent of the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase, which is induced by integrin-mediated cell attachment. The expression of the Bcl-2 protein, which counteracts apoptosis, was elevated in cells attaching to fibronectin through alpha 5 beta 1; cells attaching through alpha v beta 1 survived only if exogenous Bcl-2 was provided. Thus, alpha 5 beta 1, but not the closely related alpha v beta 1 integrin, appears to suppress apoptotic cell death through the Bcl-2 pathway.
The mechanisms responsible for cytokine-mediated antiviral effects are not fully understood. We approached this problem by studying the outcome of intraocular herpes simplex (HSV) infection in transgenic mice that express interferon gamma in the photoreceptor cells of the retina. These transgenic mice showed selective survival from lethal HSV-2 infection manifested in both eyes, the optic nerve, and the brain. Although transgenic mice developed greater inflammatory responses to the virus in the eyes, inflammation and viral titers in their brains were equivalent to nontransgenic mice. However, survival of transgenic mice correlated with markedly lower numbers of central neurons undergoing apoptosis. The protooncogene Bcl2 was found to be induced in the HSV-2-infected brains of transgenic mice, allowing us to speculate on its role in fostering neuronal survival in this model. These observations imply a complex interaction between cytokine, virus, and host cellular factors. Our results suggest a cytokine-regulated salvage pathway that allows for survival of infected neurons.
Female satirists have long been treated by critics as anomalies within an androcentric genre because of the reticence to acknowledge women's right to express aggression through their writing. In Pride and Prejudice (1813), A House and Its Head (1935), and The Girls of Slender Means (1963), Jane Austen (1775-1817), Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969), and Muriel Spark (1918-2006) all combine elements of realism and satire within the vehicle of the domestic novel to target institutions of their patriarchal societies, including marriage and family dynamics, as well as the evolving conceptions of domesticity and femininity, with a subtle feminism. These female satirists illuminate the problems they have with society more through presentation than judgment in their satire, which places them on the fringes of a society they wish to educate, distinguishing their satire from that written by male satirists who are judging from a privileged height above the society they are attempting to correct. All three women create heroines and secondary female characters who find ways to survive, and occasionally thrive, within the confines of a polite society that has a streak of savagery running just beneath its polished surface.
Os principais objetivos deste trabalho são: 1) estudar o material malacofaunístico de novos jazigos da região de Rio Claro - Piracicaba (SP) e de testemunhos de sondagem de Conchas (SP), referentes à porção basal da Formação Corumbataí, termo superior do Grupo Passa Dois de idade permiana e 2) determinar sua distribuição bioestratigráfica. Incluiu-se um exame parcial da provável correlação entre as faunas das bases das Formações Corumbataí (São Paulo) e Estrada Nova (Paraná) e considerações de ordem paleoecológica da malacofauna. A análise taxonômica dos bivalves da porção basal da Formação Corumbataí no Estado, forneceu apreciável diversidade genérica e específica. Duas secções colunares, uma de superfície e outra de subsuperfície são apresentadas, mostrando a distribuição bioestratigráfica dessa malacofauna. Os bivalves identificados e descritos nos diversos afloramentos foram: Angatubia cf. A. cowperesioides Mendes, Anthraconaia ? mezzalirai sp. n., Barbosaia cf. B. angulata Mendes, Barbosaia roxoi sp n., Casterella cf. C. camargoi Beurlen, Ferrazia simplicicarinata Mezzalira, Ferrazia sp., Holdhausiella elongata Mendes, Holdhausiella sp., Kidodia cf. K. stockleyi Cox, Mendesia piracicabensis gen. et sp. n., Plesiocyprinella sp., Rioclaroa cf. R. lefrevei Mezzalira. Com base na composição observada, sugeriu-se reunir as Zonas Leinzia froezi Mendes e Barbosaia angulata Mendes propostas por MEZZALIRA (1980) em uma única designada Zona Leinzia froezi - Barbosaia angulata. Os quatro níveis fossilíferos reconhecidos em subsuperfície (Poço 1-IG-Conchas) com as espécies: Casterella cf. C. gratiosa, Ferrazia cardinalis Reed e Pinzonella cf. P. illusa, a julgar pela distribuição vertical em relação à base da formação, situar-se-iam na Zona III de MEZZALIRA (1980) considerada quando definida como afossilífera. Dentre as principais conclusões, notou-se a predominância de bivalves com carenas simples e a duplas, provavelmente caráter adaptativo ao ambiente que seria provavelmente circunscrito, mixo-halino, de águas rasas, turvas e mal oxigenadas em certos intervalos.
No presente trabalho o autor estuda uma coleção de lamelibrânquios triássicos da série Corumbataí por ele próprio organizada no Município de Rio Claro, Estado de São Paulo. Coleções menores da mesma região foram versadas por K. Holdhaus (1918) e C. Reed (1932). O bom estado geral de conservação dos espécimes da atual coleção tornou possível a observação de particularidades morfológicas e a discussão dos valores sistemáticos anteriormente conferidos. São propostos dois novos gêneros, jacquesia e Pinzonellopis, para formas referidas antes por Reed, respectivamente, aos gêneros Myophoriopis Whörmamm e Pachycardia Hauer e descritas quatro novas espécies: Pseudocorbula caquensis, P. triangularis, Anodontophora intricans e Pinzonella trigona. O total das espécies registradas é de 16 (Reed registrou um total de 9), distribuídas por 2 horizontes faunística e litologicamente distintos. Duas das conchas referidas por Reed, Pachycardia neotropical e Myophoriopis cf. carinata, não foram verificadas pelo autor. Com exceção das 4 entidades novas e duma forma não determinada especificamente, as demais constituem espécies já assinaladas nesse ou em outros pontos do triássico do Sul do Brasil. A malacofauna dos dois horizontes fossilíferos estudados, é idêntica às triássicas conhecidas de outras localidades do Sul do Brasil, bem como do Uruguai e Paraguai. Quanto ao valor cronológico da associação, parece que as evidências continuam favorecendo a idade triássica superior, proposta por Reed, apesar das alterações sistemáticas aqui introduzidas. Só estudos futuros, entretanto, poderão fornecer elementos mais seguros para uma avaliação satisfatória.
En este trabajo se presenta el primero de una serie de dos artículos en la que se ofrece una revisión de la aplicación de ciertos conceptos gráficos del equilibrio líquido-vapor y líquido-líquido-vapor al diseño y síntesis de procesos de separación de mezclas ternarias. Se destacan las características más relevantes de los mapas de curvas de residuo y de los mapas de líneas de destilación, que están cobrando un interés creciente debido a su utilidad en el estudio de procesos de destilación azeotrópica.
En este trabajo se completa la serie de dos artículos en la que se ofrece una revisión de la aplicación de los mapas de curvas de residuo y mapas de líneas de destilación para determinar las regiones de posibles productos en la separación de mezclas ternarias no ideales (azeotrópicas). Con este objetivo, se discuten los criterios para establecer los límites de dichas regiones, a reflujo total y a razón de reflujo finita, y se presentan ejemplos que muestran la aplicación de estos conceptos en la síntesis de secuencias de columnas de destilación para separar mezclas azeotrópicas.
The “El Hondo Nature Park” is mainly composed of a series of irrigation channels and water reservoirs, subjected to various regimes of management as well as reed and vegetation control, thus creating a great variety of habitats and situations. To determine the influence of these habitats and management regimes on the local bird community, a set of characteristics of these channels and their surrounding area were analysed with a Correspondence Analysis (CA). The degree of reed development in channels and the presence in the surroundings of orchards and other reed formations were the most decisive factors to explain the probability of occurrence of reed birds and waterbirds, as well as bird species richness and abundance. Other bird species were not directly influenced by channel variables, but only by those of surrounding land uses.
Examining a team’s performance from a physical point of view their momentum might indicate unexpected turning points in defeat or success. Physicists describe this value as to require some effort to be started, but also that it is relatively easy to keep it going once a sufficient level is reached (Reed and Hughes, 2006). Unlike football, rugby, handball and many more sports, a regular volleyball match is not limited by time but by points that need to be gathered. Every minute more than one point is won by either one team or the other. That means a series of successive points enlarges the gap between the teams making it more and more difficult to catch up with the leading one. This concept of gathering momentum, or the reverse in a performance, can give the coaches, athletes and sports scientists further insights into winning and losing performances. Momentum investigations also contain dependencies between performances or questions if future performances are reliant upon past streaks. Squash and volleyball share the characteristic of being played up to a certain amount of points. Squash was examined according to the momentum of players by Hughes et al. (2006). The initial aim was to expand normative profiles of elite squash players using momentum graphs of winners and errors to explore ‘turning points’ in a performance. Dynamic systems theory has enabled the definition of perturbations in sports exhibiting rhythms (Hughes et al., 2000; McGarry et al., 2002; Murray et al., 2008), and how players and teams cause these disruptions of rhythm can inform on the way they play, these techniques also contribute to profiling methods. Together with the analysis of one’s own performance it is essential to have an understanding of your oppositions’ tactical strengths and weaknesses. By modelling the oppositions’ performance it is possible to predict certain outcomes and patterns, and therefore intervene or change tactics before the critical incident occurs. The modelling of competitive sport is an informative analytic technique as it directs the attention of the modeller to the critical aspects of data that delineate successful performance (McGarry & Franks, 1996). Using tactical performance profiles to pull out and visualise these critical aspects of performance, players can build justified and sophisticated tactical plans. The area is discussed and reviewed, critically appraising the research completed in this element of Performance Analysis.