946 resultados para Rapid Colour Change


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This paper reports a follow-up study to an article on the sensitivity of three tests of speed of information processing to impairment after concussion (Hinton-Bayre, Geffen, BL McFarland, 1997). Group analyses showed that practice effects can obscure the effects of concussion on information processing, thereby making the assessment of functional impairment and recovery after injury unreliable. A Reliable Change Index (RCI) was used to assess individual variations following concussion. It was found that 16 of the 20 concussed professional rugby league players were impaired 1-3 days following injury. It was also demonstrated that 7 players still displayed cognitive deficits at 1-2 weeks, before returning to preseason levels at 3-5 weeks. The RCI permits comparisons between different tests, players, and repeated assessments, thereby providing a quantitative basis for decisions regarding return to play.


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Leaves of the subtropical understorey shrub Schefflera arboricola Hayata growing in full sunlight had higher specific leaf weight, higher chlorophyll a/b ratios, lower total chlorophyll content and a threefold higher xanthophyll cycle pigment content than leaves growing in a naturally shaded, but sunfleck-punctuated, environment. A number of measurements, all made in situ and during natural day/night cycles, were taken as follows: current photochemical capacity (F-v/F-m after 10 min dark-adaptation), size and epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle, CO2 gas exchange and determination of the D1 synthesis rate. In sun leaves the lowest daily F-v/F-m was found to be approximately 0.6, the change from maximum correlating with an increase in zeaxanthin. Daily changes in zeaxanthin were partly due to de novo synthesis and turnover. We suggest that sun leaves can dissipate most of the excess light energy absorbed safely via the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. D1 synthesis rates did not correlate with photosynthetic photon flux density or F-v/F-m. The shade leaves had high F-v/F-m values and constant photosynthetic rates throughout the day except during sunflecks, when photosynthetic rates increased and D1 synthesis accelerated, all without a substantial decrease in F-v/F-m. It seems that leaves of S. arboricola adapted to natural shade conditions can use sunflecks to contribute significantly to their productivity. The third leaf type investigated was from greenhouse-grown plants of S. arboricola after exposure to full sunlight. These leaves showed a rapid and large reduction in F-v/F-m (to 0.3), which neither correlated with zeaxanthin formation nor recovered within the same day. From long-term effects following full sunlight exposure of greenhouse-grown plants we suggest that this F-v/F-m reduction actually reflects photodestruction.


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We describe a strategy for the selection and amplification of foreign gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells employing a metallothionein gene-containing expression vector. This report describes an amplification procedure that results in an enrichment of clones exhibiting high levels of recombinant protein production and reduces the labour required for screening recombinant cell lines.


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The equal sex ratios found in many species with heterogametic sex determination may be a consequence of selection for equality or the result of the Mendelian segregation of the two sex chromosomes. A lack of genetic variation in sex ratio in species with heterogamety has been the major obstacle in distinguishing between these two hypotheses. We overcome this obstacle by generating hybrids between two species of Drosophila. The resulting hybrid lines had biased sex ratios, allowing us to observe the evolution of sex ratio in replicate populations. Sex ratio converged towards 1:1 after 16 generations of natural selection. These changes in sex ratio were not due to differences in viability between the sexes and the loci underlying the variation in sex ratio were not sex-linked. Equal sex ratios may therefore be the result of natural selection as Fisher predicted.


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Gauging data are available from numerous streams throughout Australia, and these data provide a basis for historical analysis of geomorphic change in stream channels in response to both natural phenomena and human activities. We present a simple method for analysis of these data, and a briefcase study of an application to channel change in the Tully River, in the humid tropics of north Queensland. The analysis suggests that this channel has narrowed and deepened, rather than aggraded: channel aggradation was expected, given the intensification of land use in the catchment, upstream of the gauging station. Limitations of the method relate to the time periods over which stream gauging occurred; the spatial patterns of stream gauging sites; the quality and consistency of data collection; and the availability of concurrent land-use histories on which to base the interpretation of the channel changes.


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The evolution of a positive genetic correlation between male and female components of mate recognition systems will result as a consequence of assortative mating and, in particular, is central to a number of theories of sexual selection. Although the existence of such genetic correlations has been investigated in a number of taxa, it has yet to be shown that such correlations evolve and whether they may evolve as rapidly as suggested by sexual selection models. In this study, I used a hybridization experiment to disrupt natural mate recognition systems and then observed the subsequent evolutionary dynamics of the genetic correlation between male and female components for 56 generations in hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii. The genetic correlation between male and female components evolved from 0.388 at generation 5 to 1.017 at generation 37 and then declined to -0.040 after a further 19 generations. These results indicated that the genetic basis of the mate recognition system in the hybrid populations evolved rapidly. The initial rapid increase in the genetic correlation was consistent with the classic assumption that male and female components will coevolve under sexual selection. The subsequent decline in genetic correlation may be attributable to the fixation of major genes or, alternatively, may be a result of a cyclic evolutionary change in mate recognition.


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Sea temperatures in many tropical regions have increased by almost 1 degrees C over the past 100 years, and are currently increasing at similar to 1-2 degrees C per century. Coral bleaching occurs when the thermal tolerance of corals and their photosynthetic symbionts (zooxanthellae) is exceeded. Mass coral bleaching has occurred in association with episodes of elevated sea temperatures over the past 20 years and involves the loss of the zooxanthellae following chronic photoinhibition. Mass bleaching has resulted in significant losses of live coral in many parts of the world. This paper considers the biochemical, physiological and ecological perspectives of coral bleaching. It also uses the outputs of four runs from three models of global climate change which simulate changes in sea temperature and hence how the frequency and intensity of bleaching events will change over the next 100 years. The results suggest that the thermal tolerances of reef-building corals are likely to be exceeded every year within the next few decades. Events as severe as the 1998 event, the worst on record, are likely to become commonplace within 20 years. Most information suggests that the capacity for acclimation by corals has already been exceeded, and that adaptation will be too slow to avert a decline in the quality of the world's reefs. The rapidity of the changes that are predicted indicates a major problem for tropical marine ecosystems and suggests that unrestrained warming cannot occur without the loss and degradation of coral reefs on a global scale.


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The aim of this paper is to examine distributions of schizophrenia and general population births over time in order to determine whether (a) the pattern has changed over time, (b) any pattern was similar for both males and females, and (c) whether there is any indication that there is any relationship between the changes in pattern between schizophrenia and general population births. Birth month and year for 7807 individuals with ICD8/9 schizophrenia were gained from the Queensland Mental Health Statistical System for 1914-1975. Monthly births for the general population in Queensland for the same period were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. For each decade we obtained two comparisons, (1) between two 'seasons' (summer-autumn/winter-spring), and (2) between the third (coldest) quarter and the remaining quarters. Based on expected contrasts from general population proportions, odds ratios and their confidence intervals were used to analyse these comparisons for all subjects, and for males and females separately. The seasonality found in our previous studies was again evident (OR 1.09; 95% CI= 1.01-1.17). However there was no significant change in its pattern over time either for the total group or for males and females separately. When the general population births alone were examined using the same contrasts, seasonality was also observed, but here there were fluctuations over time. These results suggest that exposures linked to changes in general population births over time should be examined in disorders such as schizophrenia which demonstrate seasonality in births. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.


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Pulse-amplitude-modulation chlorophyll fluorometry was used to examine changes in dark-adapted F-v/F-m of endosymbiotic dinoflagellate microalgae within the tissues of the temperate coral Plesiastrea versipora exposed to elevated seawater temperature. The F-v/F-m was markedly reduced following exposure of corals to 28 degrees C for 48 h. When corals were returned to ambient (24 degrees C) conditions, F-v/F-m increased in an initial rapid and then secondary slower phase. Tissue discolouration (coral bleaching), caused by a significant decrease in the density of algae, was observed during the first 2-3 days of the recovery period. After 14 days, F-v/F-m was still significantly lower than in control corals. The recovery of F-v/F-m is discussed in terms of repair processes within the symbiotic algae, division of healthy algae and also the selective removal of photo-damaged dinoflagellates. Under field conditions, bleached corals sampled at Heron Island Reef during a bleaching event had significantly lower F-v/F-m than non-bleached colonies; four months after the bleaching event, there were no differences in F-v/F-m or algal density in corals marked as having bleached or having shown no signs of colour loss. The results of this laboratory and field study are consistent with the hypothesis that an impairment of photosynthesis occurs during heat-stress, and is the underlying cause of coral bleaching.


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Bright coloration and complex visual displays are frequent and well described in many lizard families. Reflectance spectrometry which extends into the ultraviolet (UV) allows measurement of such coloration independent of our visual system. We examined the role of colour in signalling and mate choice in the agamid lizard Ctenophorus ornatus. We found that throat reflectance strongly contrasted against the granite background of the lizards' habitat. The throat may act as a signal via the head-bobbing and push-up displays of C. ornatus. Dorsal coloration provided camouflage against the granite background, particularly in females. C. ornatus was sexually dichromatic for all traits examined including throat UV reflectance which is beyond human visual perception. Female throats were highly variable in spectral reflectance and males preferred females with higher throat chroma between 370 and 400 nm. However, female throat UV chroma is strongly correlated to both throat brightness and chest UV chroma and males may choose females on a combination of these colour variables. There was no evidence that female throat or chest coloration was an indicator of female quality. However, female brightness significantly predicted a female's laying date and, thus, may signal receptivity. One function of visual display in this species appears to be intersexual signalling, resulting in male choice of females.


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The solution treatment stage of the T6 heat-treatment of Al-7%Si-Mg foundry alloys influences microstructural features such as Mg2Si dissolution, and eutectic silicon spheroidisation and coarsening. Microstructural and microanalytical studies have been conducted across a range of Sr-modified Al-7%Si alloys, with an Fe content of 0.12% and Mg contents ranging from 0.3-0.7wt%. Qualitative and quantitative metallography have shown that, in addition to the above changes, solution treatment also results in changes to the relative proportions of iron-containing intermetallic particles and that these changes are composition-dependent. While solution treatment causes a substantial transformation of pi phase to beta phase in low Mg alloys (0.3-0.4%), this change is not readily apparent at higher Mg levels (0.6-0.7%). The pi to beta transformation is accompanied by a release of Mg into the aluminum matrix over and above that which arises from the rapid dissolution of Mg2Si. Since the level of matrix Mg retained after quenching controls an alloy's subsequent precipitation hardening response, a proper understanding of this phase transformation is crucial if tensile properties are to be maximised.


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A novel MRI method-diffusion tensor imaging-was used to compare the integrity of several white matter fibre tracts in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. Relative to normal controls, patients with probable Alzheimer's disease showed a highly significant reduction in the integrity of the association white matter fibre tracts, such as the splenium of the corpus callosum, superior longitudinal fasciculus, and cingulum. By contrast, pyramidal tract integrity seemed unchanged. This novel finding is consistent with the clinical presentation of probable Alzheimer's disease, in which global cognitive decline is a more prominent feature than motor disturbance.


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The cytoplasmic juxtamembrane region of the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) has been found to be necessary and sufficient to initiate neural cell death. The region was named Chopper to distinguish it from CD95-like death domains. A 29-amino acid peptide corresponding to the Chopper region induced caspase- and calpain-mediated death in a variety of neural and nonneural cell types and was not inhibited by signaling through Trk (unlike killing by full-length p75(NTR)). Chopper triggered cell death only when bound to the plasma membrane by a lipid anchor, whereas non-anchored Chopper acted in a dominant-negative manner, blocking p75(NTR)-mediated death both in vitro and in vivo. Removal of the ectodomain of p75(NTR) increased the potency of Chopper activity, suggesting that it regulates the association of Chopper with downstream signaling proteins.


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Members of the billfish family are highly visual predatory teleosts inhabiting the open ocean. Little is known about their visual abilities in detail, but past studies have indicated that these fishes were:ere likely to be monochromats. This study however, presents evidence of two anatomically distinct cone types in billfish. The cells are arranged in a regular mosaic pattern of single and twin cones as in many fishes, and this arrangement suggests that the different cone types also show different spectral sensitivity, which is the basis for colour vision. First measurements using microspectrophotometry (MSP) revealed a peak absorption of the rod pigment at 484 nm, indicating that MSP, despite technical difficulties, will be a decisive tool in proving colour vision in these offshore fishes. When hunting, billfish such as the sailfish flash bright blue bars on their sides. This colour reflects largely in ultraviolet (UV) light at 350 nm as revealed by spectrophotometric measurements. Billfish lenses block light of wavelengths below 400 nm, presumably rendering the animal blind to the UV component of its own body colour. Interestingly at least two prey species of billfish have lenses transmitting light in the UV waveband and are therefore likely to perceive a large fraction of the UV peak found in the blue bar of the sailfish. The possible biological significance of this finding is discussed.