965 resultados para Pseudo-pelger-huet Anomaly
Quando adicionadas ao betão, a possibilidade de corrosão das fibras de aço , devido à penetração de cloretos e ação da carbonatação, é um parâmetro de durabilidade no betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço (BACRFA) que requer especial atenção. No BACRFA fendilhado, a corrosão tende a ocorrer nas fibras de aço que atravessam as fissuras, o que pode afetar o seu comportamento à flexão. Deste modo, o estudo do comportamento interfacial fibra/matriz é importante para a compreensão dos efeitos da corrosão das fibras de aço no comportamento mecânico e na durabilidade das estruturas de BACRFA. Com o intuito de avaliar estes efeitos, no presente trabalho desenvolveu-se um ensaio experimental de arrancamento de fibras de aço em BAC fendilhado, sujeitas previamente à ação da corrosão por exposição a um ambiente agressivo de cloretos, sendo a corrosão avaliada por intermédio de técnicas eletroquímicas. Os ensaios eletroquímicos realizados revelaram que a probabilidade de corrosão das fibras de aço num ambiente com cloretos é superior a 90%. No mesmo ambiente, a susceptibilidade para a corros ão das fibras de aço que atravessam uma pseudo-fissura, aumenta com a abertura de fissura provocando um aumento da resistência ao arranque da fibra em BAC fissurado
We investigate the spontaneous emission rate of a two-level quantum emitter near a graphene-coated substrate under the influence of an external magnetic field or strain induced pseudo-magnetic field. We demonstrate that the application of the magnetic field can substantially increase or decrease the decay rate. We show that a suppression as large as 99$\%$ in the Purcell factor is achieved even for moderate magnetic fields. The emitter's lifetime is a discontinuous function of $|{\bf B}|$, which is a direct consequence of the occurrence of discrete Landau levels in graphene. We demonstrate that, in the near-field regime, the magnetic field enables an unprecedented control of the decay pathways into which the photon/polariton can be emitted. Our findings strongly suggest that a magnetic field could act as an efficient agent for on-demand, active control of light-matter interactions in graphene at the quantum level.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Materials Engineering
OBJECTIVE: Aortopulmonary window (APW) is an uncommon congenital malformation. Its clinical presentation is dependent on the size of the defect and on the associated lesions. We evaluated our experience with this anomaly and compared it with 296 cases reported in the literature. METHODS: Retrospective study of 18 patients diagnosed as having APW (age range from 13 days to 31 years, 13 (72.2%) females), divided into two groups: Group A (GA): 10 patients with isolated APW, and Group B (GB): 8 patients with associated lesions. RESULTS: Heart failure occurred in 14 patients, and cyanosis in 3: 2 from GB (tetralogy of Fallot - TF, and double outlet right ventricle - DORV), and one from GA with pulmonary hypertension. In 5 patients from GA the diagnosis of mitral regurgitation was made based on a systolic murmur and LV hypertrophy on the EKG. In GB, clinical findings were determined by the associated defect. Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 11 (61.2%) of the patients. In 3 patients, a wrong diagnosis of mitral regurgitation was made, in 1 a patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed and in 3 others, the diagnosis of APW was masked by other important associated defects (2 cases of DORV and 1 case of TF). The diagnosis was made by catheterization in 3 (16.6%) patients, by surgery in 3 (16.6%) and by necropsy in 1 (5.5%). Corrective surgery was performed in 14 (77.7%) patients, with one immediate death and good long-term follow-up in the remaining patients. CONCLUSION: APW can be confused with other defects. Clinical findings, associated with an adequate echocardiogram can provide the information for the correct diagnosis.
Beginning with a patient presenting with an atrial septal defect (ASD) of the secundum type, the genealogy was identified in four affected individuals who belonged to three successive generations of the same family. The defects were visually confirmed in all individuals and were found to be anatomically similar. No other congenital malformations were present in these individuals. The genealogy was identified in 1972, when ASD recurred in two generations, and it was concluded that the mechanism of transmission was autosomal recessive. The fifth individual, identified 21 years later, and having an anomaly identical to that of the others, was the child of a couple who had no consaguinity and whose mother was a member of the previously studied genealogy. Considering the absence of phenotype in the parents and the rarity of the ASD gene in the general population, the occurrence of the uniparental disomy for this family nucleus, and the same autosomal recessive mechanism of transmission by this affected individual is possible. This study reports the familial occurrence of ASD by genetic mechanisms of transmission, emphasizing the necessity for genetic-clinical studies in members of the familial nucleus in order to detect new carriers, who usually are asymptomatic, thereby allowing for early and adequate treatment of individuals who may be affected.
OBJECTIVE - To assess neonates with aortic stenosis with early decompensation operated upon. (LCO) (CHF). METHODS - A and retrospective study analyzing 6 neonates with LCO, group I (GI), and 12 neonates with CHF, group II (GII). Clinical radiographic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings also provided comparative bases for the study, as did surgical and evolutional findings. RESULTS - The mean ages at hospitalization and surgery (p = 0.0031) were 14.3 and 14.8 days in GI and 35.4 and 42.8 days in GII, respectively. Cardiac murmurs were more intense in GII (p = 0.0220). The aortic ring was smaller in GI (8.0 ± 2.5mm) as compared to GII (11.4±1.4mm) (p = 0.2882). Ventricular function was reduced to 18±5.5% and 33.3±7.6% in GI and GII, respectively (p = 0.0162). Aortic atresia, however, was present only in 2 neonates in GI. Five of 6 patients in GI died but all patients in GII survived (p=0.0007). In the latter group, 84.6% of the patients were in functional class I (FC-I) in the long-term follow-up, with moderate residual lesions in 6 neonates, discrete residual lesions in 4, and reoperation in 2. CONCLUSION - Aortic stenosis is a severe anomaly of the neonate, whose immediate evolution depends on the pre-operative anatomic and functional findings, and the late evolution essentially depends on the anatomic features of the valve.
"Series: Solid mechanics and its applications, vol. 226"
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of systolic or diastolic dysfunction, or both on congestive heart failure functional class. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of congestive heart failure with sinus rhythm, who were seen between September and November of 1998 answered an adapted questionnaire about tolerance to physical activity for the determination of NYHA functional class. The patients were studied with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Two groups were compared: group 1 (19 patients in functional classes I and II) and group 2 (17 patients in functional classes III and IV). RESULTS: The average ejection fraction was significantly higher in group 1 (44.84%±8.04% vs. 32.59%±11.48% with p=0.0007). The mean ratio of the initial/final maximum diastolic filling velocity (E/A) of the left ventricle was significantly smaller in group 1 (1.07±0.72 vs. 1.98±1.49 with p=0.03). The average maximum systolic pulmonary venous velocity (S) was significantly higher in group 1 (53.53cm/s ± 12.02cm/s vs. 43.41cm/s ± 13.55cm/s with p=0.02). The mean ratio of maximum systolic/diastolic pulmonary venous velocity was significantly higher in group 1 (1.52±0.48 vs. 1.08±0.48 with p=0.01). A predominance of pseudo-normal and restrictive diastolic patterns existed in group 2 (58.83% in group 2 vs. 21.06% in group 1 with p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Both the systolic dysfunction index and the patterns of diastolic dysfunction evaluated by Doppler echocardiography worsened with the evolution of congestive heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency and prevalence of congenital heart defects in a tertiary care center for children with heart diseases. METHODS: We carried out an epidemiological assessment of the first medical visit of 4,538 children in a pediatric hospital from January 1995 to December 1997. All patients with congenital heart defects had their diagnoses confirmed at least on echocardiography. The frequency and prevalence of the anomalies were computed according to the classification of sequential analysis. Age, weight, and sex were compared between the groups of healthy individuals and those with congenital heart defects after distribution according to the age group. RESULTS: Of all the children assessed, 2,017 (44.4%) were diagnosed with congenital heart disease, 201 (4.4%) with acquired heart disease, 52 (1.2%) with arrhythmias, and 2,268 (50%) were healthy children. Congenital heart diseases predominated in neonates and infants, corresponding to 71.5% of the cases. Weight and age were significantly lower in children with congenital heart defects. Ventricular septal defect was the most frequent acyanotic anomaly, and tetralogy of Fallot was the most frequent cyanotic anomaly. CONCLUSION: Children with congenital heart defects are mainly referred during the neonatal period and infancy with impairment in gaining weight. Ventricular septal defect is the most frequent heart defect.
FUNDAMENTO: Trombólise e angioplastia transluminal coronariana (ATC) primária são técnicas bem estabelecidas, mas grande parte dos pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAM com SST) não as recebem quando do atendimento hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Descrever tratamentos inicial e final e desfechos de uma coorte com IAM com SST. MÉTODOS: Analisados, da internação até a alta, 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, de uma população total de 351 pacientes internados com (SCA) nos hospitais de Campos dos Goytacazes, entre 2004 e 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, 67,7% chegaram ao hospital nos primeiros 180 minutos, 81,3% em 360 minutos e 8,4% após doze horas. Realizados 148 estudos cinecoronariográficos (93,7%). Observadas lesões de mais de 70% em 266 territórios arteriais. Tratamento inicial foi ATC em 41(26%), trombolíticos em 50 (32%), com 80% de sucesso. Tratamento clínico em 67 (42%). Cerca de 35% dos pacientes deveriam ser trombolizados mas não o foram. No tratamento final foram 93 ATCs, 89 delas com sucesso angiográfico (95,7), sangramento 2 (2,2), oclusão subaguda 2 (2,2%), dissecção tronco 1 (1,1), pseudo aneurisma 1 (1,1). Nenhum óbito durante angioplastia; na evolução, houve dois óbitos (2,1%). Doze pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM). Tratamento clínico 53 (33%), com 11 óbitos (20,7%). Letalidade global 9,5%, consideradas as três formas de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes atendidos em tempo adequado para reperfusão, porém 1/3 deles não recebeu o procedimento. Tratamento predominante foi ATC, com baixa morbidade. Dois óbitos na evolução. Baixa letalidade global.
შავი ზღვის სანაპიროზე ანომალიური გეომაგნიტური ველის ძველი და ახალი მნიშვნელობების შედარების მიზნით ჩატარებულია პროფ. მ. ნოდიას 1936-38 წლების მაგნიტურ-საძიებო ექსპედიციების შედეგებისა და 2000-2005 წლებში გეოფიზიკის ინსტიტუტის საველე-საექსპედიციო რაზმის მიერ მიღებული მონაცემების შედარებითი ანალიზი. გამოყოფილია გურიის რეგიონული გეომაგნიტური ანომალიის შემადგენელი ელემენტები ომფარეთისა და წყალწმინდა-ურეკის ლოკალური ანომალიები. შესრულებულია ამ ანომალიებია ფართობითი მაგნიტური აგეგმვა და კონტურირება. თეორიულად შეფასებულია სანაპირო ზოლში განთავსებულ წყალწმინდა-ურეკის ანომალიაში დამაგნიტებული ქვიშის არაერთგვაროვანი წარმონაქმნების, ქედებისა და ცალკეული ბორცვების არსებობით გამოწვეული შესაძლო მაგნიტური ეფექტი. აღნიშნული ლოკალური მაგნიტური ანომალიების განსაკუთრებულად არაერთგვაროვანი, წვრილმასშტაბოვანი სტრუქტურა მიანიშნებს მათ კავშირზე სიღრმულ გეოლოგიურ სტრუქტურებთან.
მსოფლიო ქსელის იონოსფერული სადგურების კრიტიკული სიხშირეების - fmin f0E, f0El, f0F2, დედამიწის ეკვატორთან ახლომდებარე გეომაგნიტური ობსერვატორიების (რომლებიც მოიცავენ ჩრდილოეთისა და სამხრეთის განედებს j≈±300-ს) დედამიწის მაგნიტური ველის X მდგენელისა და დედამიწის ახლომდებარე კოსმოსურ სივრცეში განხორციელებული ექსპერიმენტების კვლევის შედეგები, ერთობრივი კომპლექსური ანალიზი.
მოცემულია წყალწმინდა-ურეკის საკურორტო ზონაში ჩატარებული მაგნიტომეტრიული და ელექტრომეტრიული გაზომვების გეოფიზიკური ინტერპრეტაციის შედეგები, რომელთა საფუძველზეც ჩატარებულია ამ ლოკალური მაგნიტური ანომალიის თვისობრივი ანალიზი.
ახალი გეომაგნიტური და გეოლოგიური ინფორმაციების საფუძველზე დადგენილია, რომ წითელწყაროს მაგნიტური ანომალიის წყაროა ბაიოსის პორფირიტული წყების ქანები. ამასთან ერთად, გამოთქმულია მოსაზრება საკვლევი რეგიონის გეოტექნიკური განვითარების და მაგნიტური ანომალიის წარმოშობის გეოლოგიური ისტორიის შესახებ.
Background:Radiofrequency ablation is the standard non-pharmacological treatment for arrhythmias in pediatric patients. However, arrhythmias and their associated causes have particular features in this population.Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and findings of electrophysiological diagnostic studies and radiofrequency ablations in pediatric patients referred to the Electrophysiology Unit at Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, in order to characterize the particularities of this population.Methods:Cross-sectional study with 330 electrophysiological procedures performed in patients aged less than 20 years between June 1997 and August 2013.Results:In total, 330 procedures (9.6% of the overall procedures) were performed in patients aged less than 20 years (14.33 ± 3.25 years, age range 3 months to 19 years), 201 of which were males (60.9%). A total of 108 (32.7%) electrophysiological diagnostic studies were performed and of these, 48.1% showed abnormal findings. Overall, 219 radiofrequency ablations were performed (66.3%) with a success rate of 84.8%. The presence of an accessory pathway was the most prevalent finding, occurring in 158 cases (72.1%), followed by atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (16.8%), typical atrial flutter (3.1%) and extrasystoles originating from the right ventricular outflow tract (2.7%). Three patients developed complications during ablation (1.4%). Among congenital heart diseases, which occurred in 51 (15.4%) patients, atrial sept defect was the most frequent (27.4%), followed by ventricular sept defect (25.4%) and Ebstein's anomaly (17.6%).Conclusion:Electrophysiological study and radiofrequency ablation are effective tools for diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias in the pediatric population.