869 resultados para Protection of Privacy


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Dans l’Union européenne, certaines catégories d’immigrants font l’objet d’une protection renforcée contre l’expulsion. Cette protection contre l’expulsion s’acquiert notamment après avoir résidé de manière continue et pour une longue durée dans un État membre de l’Union européenne, de sorte que son intégration y soit forte. Qu’est ce que la notion de protection renforcée contre l’expulsion signifie exactement? Nous examinerons le droit de l’UE, en comparant le droit à la libre circulation des ressortissants européens et des travailleurs turcs, et l’étendue de leur protection respective contre l’expulsion. Est-elle la même ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous verrons le droit applicable à chacune de ces catégories de citoyens, notamment la Directive 2004/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil, du 29 avril 2004, relative au droit des citoyens de l’Union et des membres de leurs familles de circuler et de séjourner librement sur le territoire des États membres, le droit d’association UE/Turquie ainsi que la Directive 2003/109/CE du Conseil du 25 novembre 2003 relative au statut des ressortissants de pays tiers résidents de longue durée. Cette protection diffère selon la citoyenneté des individus. Ainsi, la protection des ressortissants turcs est moindre que celle des ressortissants européens. Toutefois, la CJUE a joué un rôle proactif dans l’interprétation des droits à la libre circulation des travailleurs turcs, en interprétant le droit d’association Turquie/UE par analogie avec celui applicable aux citoyens européens. Dans les litiges relatifs à la protection contre l’expulsion, les travailleurs turcs se sont également vu reconnaître une protection semblable à celle des ressortissants européens par la CJUE. La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme est un autre instrument qui vient protéger les résidants de l’Europe contre une violation de leurs droits fondamentaux que pourrait entraîner une expulsion du territoire. Face à cet activisme judiciaire, on est en mesure de se demander dans quelle mesure les ressortissants travailleurs turcs et européens jouissent d’une protection différente contre l’expulsion.


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L’évolution récente des commutateurs de sélection de longueurs d’onde (WSS -Wavelength Selective Switch) favorise le développement du multiplexeur optique d’insertionextraction reconfigurable (ROADM - Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers) à plusieurs degrés sans orientation ni coloration, considéré comme un équipement fort prometteur pour les réseaux maillés du futur relativement au multiplexage en longueur d’onde (WDM -Wavelength Division Multiplexing ). Cependant, leur propriété de commutation asymétrique complique la question de l’acheminement et de l’attribution des longueur d’ondes (RWA - Routing andWavelength Assignment). Or la plupart des algorithmes de RWA existants ne tiennent pas compte de cette propriété d’asymétrie. L’interruption des services causée par des défauts d’équipements sur les chemins optiques (résultat provenant de la résolution du problème RWA) a pour conséquence la perte d’une grande quantité de données. Les recherches deviennent ainsi incontournables afin d’assurer la survie fonctionnelle des réseaux optiques, à savoir, le maintien des services, en particulier en cas de pannes d’équipement. La plupart des publications antérieures portaient particulièrement sur l’utilisation d’un système de protection permettant de garantir le reroutage du trafic en cas d’un défaut d’un lien. Cependant, la conception de la protection contre le défaut d’un lien ne s’avère pas toujours suffisante en termes de survie des réseaux WDM à partir de nombreux cas des autres types de pannes devenant courant de nos jours, tels que les bris d’équipements, les pannes de deux ou trois liens, etc. En outre, il y a des défis considérables pour protéger les grands réseaux optiques multidomaines composés de réseaux associés à un domaine simple, interconnectés par des liens interdomaines, où les détails topologiques internes d’un domaine ne sont généralement pas partagés à l’extérieur. La présente thèse a pour objectif de proposer des modèles d’optimisation de grande taille et des solutions aux problèmes mentionnés ci-dessus. Ces modèles-ci permettent de générer des solutions optimales ou quasi-optimales avec des écarts d’optimalité mathématiquement prouvée. Pour ce faire, nous avons recours à la technique de génération de colonnes afin de résoudre les problèmes inhérents à la programmation linéaire de grande envergure. Concernant la question de l’approvisionnement dans les réseaux optiques, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers (ILP - Integer Linear Programming) au problème RWA afin de maximiser le nombre de requêtes acceptées (GoS - Grade of Service). Le modèle résultant constitue celui de l’optimisation d’un ILP de grande taille, ce qui permet d’obtenir la solution exacte des instances RWA assez grandes, en supposant que tous les noeuds soient asymétriques et accompagnés d’une matrice de connectivité de commutation donnée. Ensuite, nous modifions le modèle et proposons une solution au problème RWA afin de trouver la meilleure matrice de commutation pour un nombre donné de ports et de connexions de commutation, tout en satisfaisant/maximisant la qualité d’écoulement du trafic GoS. Relativement à la protection des réseaux d’un domaine simple, nous proposons des solutions favorisant la protection contre les pannes multiples. En effet, nous développons la protection d’un réseau d’un domaine simple contre des pannes multiples, en utilisant les p-cycles de protection avec un chemin indépendant des pannes (FIPP - Failure Independent Path Protecting) et de la protection avec un chemin dépendant des pannes (FDPP - Failure Dependent Path-Protecting). Nous proposons ensuite une nouvelle formulation en termes de modèles de flots pour les p-cycles FDPP soumis à des pannes multiples. Le nouveau modèle soulève un problème de taille, qui a un nombre exponentiel de contraintes en raison de certaines contraintes d’élimination de sous-tour. Par conséquent, afin de résoudre efficacement ce problème, on examine : (i) une décomposition hiérarchique du problème auxiliaire dans le modèle de décomposition, (ii) des heuristiques pour gérer efficacement le grand nombre de contraintes. À propos de la protection dans les réseaux multidomaines, nous proposons des systèmes de protection contre les pannes d’un lien. Tout d’abord, un modèle d’optimisation est proposé pour un système de protection centralisée, en supposant que la gestion du réseau soit au courant de tous les détails des topologies physiques des domaines. Nous proposons ensuite un modèle distribué de l’optimisation de la protection dans les réseaux optiques multidomaines, une formulation beaucoup plus réaliste car elle est basée sur l’hypothèse d’une gestion de réseau distribué. Ensuite, nous ajoutons une bande pasiv sante partagée afin de réduire le coût de la protection. Plus précisément, la bande passante de chaque lien intra-domaine est partagée entre les p-cycles FIPP et les p-cycles dans une première étude, puis entre les chemins pour lien/chemin de protection dans une deuxième étude. Enfin, nous recommandons des stratégies parallèles aux solutions de grands réseaux optiques multidomaines. Les résultats de l’étude permettent d’élaborer une conception efficace d’un système de protection pour un très large réseau multidomaine (45 domaines), le plus large examiné dans la littérature, avec un système à la fois centralisé et distribué.


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Il y a des problemes qui semblent impossible a resoudre sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Comment est-ce que deux millionnaires peuvent savoir qui est le plus riche sans dire a l'autre la valeur de ses biens ? Que peut-on faire pour prevenir les collisions de satellites quand les trajectoires sont secretes ? Comment est-ce que les chercheurs peuvent apprendre les liens entre des medicaments et des maladies sans compromettre les droits prives du patient ? Comment est-ce qu'une organisation peut ecmpecher le gouvernement d'abuser de l'information dont il dispose en sachant que l'organisation doit n'avoir aucun acces a cette information ? Le Calcul multiparti, une branche de la cryptographie, etudie comment creer des protocoles pour realiser de telles taches sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Les protocoles doivent etre prives, corrects, efficaces et robustes. Un protocole est prive si un adversaire n'apprend rien de plus que ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole est correct si un joueur honnete recoit ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole devrait bien sur etre efficace. Etre robuste correspond au fait qu'un protocole marche meme si un petit ensemble des joueurs triche. On demontre que sous l'hypothese d'un canal de diusion simultane on peut echanger la robustesse pour la validite et le fait d'etre prive contre certains ensembles d'adversaires. Le calcul multiparti a quatre outils de base : le transfert inconscient, la mise en gage, le partage de secret et le brouillage de circuit. Les protocoles du calcul multiparti peuvent etre construits avec uniquements ces outils. On peut aussi construire les protocoles a partir d'hypoth eses calculatoires. Les protocoles construits a partir de ces outils sont souples et peuvent resister aux changements technologiques et a des ameliorations algorithmiques. Nous nous demandons si l'efficacite necessite des hypotheses de calcul. Nous demontrons que ce n'est pas le cas en construisant des protocoles efficaces a partir de ces outils de base. Cette these est constitue de quatre articles rediges en collaboration avec d'autres chercheurs. Ceci constitue la partie mature de ma recherche et sont mes contributions principales au cours de cette periode de temps. Dans le premier ouvrage presente dans cette these, nous etudions la capacite de mise en gage des canaux bruites. Nous demontrons tout d'abord une limite inferieure stricte qui implique que contrairement au transfert inconscient, il n'existe aucun protocole de taux constant pour les mises en gage de bit. Nous demontrons ensuite que, en limitant la facon dont les engagements peuvent etre ouverts, nous pouvons faire mieux et meme un taux constant dans certains cas. Ceci est fait en exploitant la notion de cover-free families . Dans le second article, nous demontrons que pour certains problemes, il existe un echange entre robustesse, la validite et le prive. Il s'effectue en utilisant le partage de secret veriable, une preuve a divulgation nulle, le concept de fantomes et une technique que nous appelons les balles et les bacs. Dans notre troisieme contribution, nous demontrons qu'un grand nombre de protocoles dans la litterature basee sur des hypotheses de calcul peuvent etre instancies a partir d'une primitive appelee Transfert Inconscient Veriable, via le concept de Transfert Inconscient Generalise. Le protocole utilise le partage de secret comme outils de base. Dans la derniere publication, nous counstruisons un protocole efficace avec un nombre constant de rondes pour le calcul a deux parties. L'efficacite du protocole derive du fait qu'on remplace le coeur d'un protocole standard par une primitive qui fonctionne plus ou moins bien mais qui est tres peu couteux. On protege le protocole contre les defauts en utilisant le concept de privacy amplication .


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Ce mémoire traite de la portée de la protection constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée informationnelle au Canada, au regard de la surveillance électronique gouvernementale à grande échelle des métadonnées des communications électroniques, à des fins de sécurité nationale. Il est soutenu, après une présentation de l’importance démocratique de la vie privée, de même que de la nature et de la portée de certaines activités gouvernementales de surveillance électronique, que le cadre d’analyse du « Biographical core », qui conditionne l’étendue de la protection de la vie privée informationnelle en droit constitutionnel canadien, est susceptible d’inclure les métadonnées des communications électroniques. Cette position est appuyée par un argumentaire juridique fondé sur les règles d’interprétation et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle pertinente. Cet argumentaire se trouve renforcé par potentiel considérablement révélateur des métadonnées, des particularités propres aux activités de surveillance électronique analysées, ainsi que des implications non-juridiques soulevées par ces dernières.


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Present work is aimed at development of an appropriate microbial technology for protection of larvae of macrobrachium rosenbergii from disease and to increase survival rate in hatcheries. Application of immunostimulants to activate the immune system of cultured animals against pathogen is the widely accepted alternative to antibiotics in aquaculture. The most important immunostimulant is glucan. Therefore a research programme entitled as extraction of glucan from Acremonium diospyri and its application in macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing system along with bacterians as microspheres. The main objectives of the study are development of aquaculture grade glucan from acremonium diospyri, microencapsulated drug delivery system for the larvae of M. rosenbergii and microencapsulated glucan with bacterian preparation for the enhanced production of M. rosenbergii in larval rearing system. Based on the results of field trials microencapsulated glucan with bacterin preparation, it is concluded that the microencapsulated preparation at a concentration of 25g per million larvae once in seven days will enhance the production and quality seed of M. rosenbergii.


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Bottom trawling is one among the most destructive human induced physical disturbances inflicted to seabed and its living communities. The bottom trawls are designed to tow along the sea floor, which on its operation indiscriminately smashes everything on their way crushing, killing, burying and exposing to predators the benthic fauna. Bottom trawling causes physical and biological damages that are irreversible, extensive and long lasting. The commercial trawling fleet of India consists of 29,241 small and medium-fishing boats. The northwest coast of India has the largest fishing fleet consisting of 23,618 mechanized vessels, especially the bottom trawlers. However, attempts were not made to study the impact of bottom trawling along Northwest coast of India. The estimated optimum fleet size of Gujarat is 1,473 mechanised trawlers while 7402 commercial trawlers are operated from the coast of Gujarat. Veraval port was designed initially for 1,200 fishing trawlers but 2793 trawlers are being operated from this port making it the largest trawler port of Gujarat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bottom trawling on the substratum and the associated benthic communities of commercial trawling grounds of Veraval coast. The study compared the differences between the samples collected before and after experimental trawling to detect the impacts of bottom trawling. Attempts were made to assess the possible impact of bottom trawling on:(i) the sediment characteristics (ii)the sediment heavy metals (iii) epifauna (iv) macrobenthos and (v) meiobenthos. This study is expected to generate information on trawling impacts of the studied area that will help in better management of the biological diversity and integrity of the benthic fauna off Veraval coast. An exhaustive review on the studies conducted around the world and in India on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna is also detailed.In the present study, the bottom trawling induced variations on sediment organic matter, epifauna, macrobenthos and meiobenthos were evident. It was also observed that the seasonal/ natural variations were more prominent masking the trawling effect on sediment texture and heavy metals. Enforcement of control of excess bottom trawlers and popularization of semi pelagic trawls designed to operate a little distance above the sea bottom for off bottom resources will minimize disturbance on the sea bottom. Training and creating awareness in responsible fishing should be made mandatory requirements, to the coastal communities. They should be made wardens to protect the valuable resources for the benefit of sustainability. To protect the biodiversity and ecosystem health, the imminent need is to survey and make catalogue, identification of sensitive areas or hot spots and to adopt management strategies for the conservation and biodiversity protection of benthic fauna. The present study is a pioneering work carried out along Veraval coast. This thesis will provide a major fillip to the studies on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna along the coast of India.


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In the present scenario, there is an increasing demand for natural products in food industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and agricultural sectors. In this context phytochemical study to identify newer chemicals has got great relevance. Phytochemical studies have become more reliable and encouraging with the development of modern analytical techniques.In the present work the leaves of Piper colubrinum (Piperaceae), aerial parts of Mussaenda fiondosa (Rubiaceae) and Humboldtia vahliana (Leguminosae) and the pericarp of fruits of Artocarpus heterophyllus (Moraceae) were investigated for their secondary metabolites. The major compounds isolated belong to the groups of flavonoids and triterpenoids.Naturally occurring flavonoids have been used widely in chemotaxonomic studies of plants. Flavones and flavonols constitute a group of biosynthetically related natural products. No universal function has been established for flavones and flavonols in plants. However, many functions in individual plants have been demonstrated. These include protection of plants from ultraviolet light, insects and pests; pollinator attractants; antioxidants; plant hormone controllers; enzyme inhibitors and allelopathic agents. Flavonoids are attracting the attention of medical scientists in recent years because of their anticarcinogenic, antiallergic and antiinflammatory properties. The recent discovery that flavonoids are involved in the process of nitrogen fixation in plants also opens the way for agricultural application of these constituents.Triterpenoids are another class of compounds that are ubiquitous in plants. Some triterpenoids present in the latex and resins of plants are believed to be involved in chemical defence against pathogens and herbivores. Triterpenoids possess various biological properties including anti-inflammatory, antifeedant, pesticidal, fungitoxic and antimicrobial activities. Triterpenoids with cytotoxic activity and inhibitory effect on seed germination are also known.


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n the recent years protection of information in digital form is becoming more important. Image and video encryption has applications in various fields including Internet communications, multimedia systems, medical imaging, Tele-medicine and military communications. During storage as well as in transmission, the multimedia information is being exposed to unauthorized entities unless otherwise adequate security measures are built around the information system. There are many kinds of security threats during the transmission of vital classified information through insecure communication channels. Various encryption schemes are available today to deal with information security issues. Data encryption is widely used to protect sensitive data against the security threat in the form of “attack on confidentiality”. Secure transmission of information through insecure communication channels also requires encryption at the sending side and decryption at the receiving side. Encryption of large text message and image takes time before they can be transmitted, causing considerable delay in successive transmission of information in real-time. In order to minimize the latency, efficient encryption algorithms are needed. An encryption procedure with adequate security and high throughput is sought in multimedia encryption applications. Traditional symmetric key block ciphers like Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) are not efficient when the data size is large. With the availability of fast computing tools and communication networks at relatively lower costs today, these encryption standards appear to be not as fast as one would like. High throughput encryption and decryption are becoming increasingly important in the area of high-speed networking. Fast encryption algorithms are needed in these days for high-speed secure communication of multimedia data. It has been shown that public key algorithms are not a substitute for symmetric-key algorithms. Public key algorithms are slow, whereas symmetric key algorithms generally run much faster. Also, public key systems are vulnerable to chosen plaintext attack. In this research work, a fast symmetric key encryption scheme, entitled “Matrix Array Symmetric Key (MASK) encryption” based on matrix and array manipulations has been conceived and developed. Fast conversion has been achieved with the use of matrix table look-up substitution, array based transposition and circular shift operations that are performed in the algorithm. MASK encryption is a new concept in symmetric key cryptography. It employs matrix and array manipulation technique using secret information and data values. It is a block cipher operated on plain text message (or image) blocks of 128 bits using a secret key of size 128 bits producing cipher text message (or cipher image) blocks of the same size. This cipher has two advantages over traditional ciphers. First, the encryption and decryption procedures are much simpler, and consequently, much faster. Second, the key avalanche effect produced in the ciphertext output is better than that of AES.


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Industries constitute the main spring of development. Without industrial development no country could reach a stage in which a decent living for its citizens would be achieved. Increasing production to meet the basic needs of society augmented scientific invention and machine oriented industrial order.Environmental pollution ls a burning global issue. It is more serious and dangerous than terrorism. Started with the discovery of fire and development of civilization. Pollution went unnoticed throughout the centuries of human growth until its adverse effects on human environment become explicit.National concern tor environment started in our country only atter the cause of protection of environment received global attention. At present legal control ot industrial pollution is in a scattered framework of piece meal processes with overlapping provisions and authorities.Environmental protection- should be an item not only in the concurrent list of schedule 7 to the Constitution but also in the list of matters entrusted to the panchayati institutions in the Schedule 11. It is heartening to note that so far as municipalities are concerned the Constitution of India lives up to the expectation. In the wake of New Industrial Policy based on liberalisation a long list of small scale industries fall outside the purview of environmental clearance. The Indian concept of environmental im»act assessment introduced under the Environment Act by notification excludes the entire gamut of small scale industries and r.elates only to scheduled industries covered by the notifica~ion. Most of them are subjected to ETA only it the investment goes above ~.50 crores. This provision dilutes the impact assessment considerably A mandatory impact assessment with public partiCipation and with provision for a review by specialized environmental courts will eliminate the possible evils of this judicial passiveness.


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In this thesis we have developed a few inventory models in which items are served to the customers after a processing time. This leads to a queue of demand even when items are available. In chapter two we have discussed a problem involving search of orbital customers for providing inventory. Retrial of orbital customers was also considered in that chapter; in chapter 5 also we discussed retrial inventory model which is sans orbital search of customers. In the remaining chapters (3, 4 and 6) we did not consider retrial of customers, rather we assumed the waiting room capacity of the system to be arbitrarily large. Though the models in chapters 3 and 4 differ only in that in the former we consider positive lead time for replenishment of inventory and in the latter the same is assumed to be negligible, we arrived at sharper results in chapter 4. In chapter 6 we considered a production inventory model with production time distribution for a single item and that of service time of a customer following distinct Erlang distributions. We also introduced protection of production and service stages and investigated the optimal values of the number of stages to be protected.


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Aquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades to become an important activity worldwide.The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN acknowledge that global fishery output must be increased by at least 50% to offset projected shortfalls in dietary protein by 2030.LAquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades and has become an importat industry as today’s demand for fish exceeds the natural supply.lmmunostimulants are chemical compounds that activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. lmmunostimulants have been obtained from diverse natural sources where, microbial cell wall acts as the main source.The salient findings of the study are summariseSeven marine yeasts were screened for growth promoting and immunostimulant property in F. indicus. Candida sake S165 was found to be best in terms of its support for growth and protection against white spot virus infection.The study revealed that marine yeast Candida sake can be effectively used as potential source of immunostimulants for application in penaeid prawns culture systems. The study emphasise the fact that the dose and frequency of application of immunostimulants are to be standardised and validated before commercialisation to achieve optimum stimulation of the immune system and to avoid immune fatigue die to verdose.Marine yeast (whole cell) was found to support better immunostimulation compared to its cell wall component B-1,3-glucan. This study shows that administration of marine yeast (whole cell) or B-1,3-glucan as immunostimulants in aquaculture would definitely help in protection of the stock to a few more days even though total protection is not being imparted. This partial protection itself would be highly helpful to the farming industry so that they can get sufficient time to plan for a safe harvest and save the crop from cent percent mortality.


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For improving agricultural marketing, which has been discussed in the previous chapter, the Government has intervened in different ways. The direct regulatory role through the regulation of markets and market practices is one of the ways in which governmental intervention can improve agricultural marketing. This study is an enquiry of the direct regulatory role of the government through regulation of markets and market practices. By restructuring the operational methods and redesigning the existing physical markets, this system gives direct benefit to the cultivating class and protects them from the market manipulations of organised and powerful private traders. If traders do not continue their trade for the time being they will not be affected financially, because they are resourceful or financially solvent. On the other hand, Cultivators must sell their produce immediately after harvesting for the lack of additional facilities or to satisfy other needs for which finance is required. Another important reason is that Cultivators/farmers are not organised and because of lack of their organisation, they sell their produces individually. In this situation, a farmer is helpless when astute traders indulge in manipulations at the time of purchase of the produces. So it is the government's obligation to protect the interest of the farmers. Protection of the farmer/cultivator is necessary not only from the point of social justice but also from that of economic growth. If the farmers are assured of a remunerative or incentive price for their produce, they will get the inspiration to produce more and through more production, economy will be developed and the nation as a whole will be benefitted. This study will examine the management system of the markets through the direct regulatory role played by the governments to control markets and market practices in West Bengal and Bangladesh.


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The present study consists of nine chapters including the introductory chapter. Chapter II makes a brief review of environmental literature and examines various measures adopted at the global level to protect the environment. The environmental problems often transgress national sovereignity and geographical boundaries. Therefore, attempts must be made at the national and international levels to protect the environment, the resources of which are the common property of mankind. The protection of the national environment from the ancient till the present forms the content of Chapter III. These chapters together provide a background to understand the issues analysed in the subsequent chapters. Carefully worked out theoretical framework is a pre-requisite for the successful study of a complex subject. Some of the theoretical issues of ‘environomics’ are examined in Chapter IV. The theoretical issues involved in estimating the costs and benefits of environmental protection constitute the theme of Chapter V. The state of environment in Eloor-Edayar Industrial belt andthe impact analysis of pollution of the area are discussed in Chapter VI and VII respectively. Chapter VIII makes the financial estimate of environmental protection of the project And finally, Chapter IX presents the findings of the study


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People in several parts of the world as well in India countenance an immense confront to meet the basic needs of water. The crisis is not due to lack of fresh water but its availability in adequate superiority. Environmental quality objectives should be developed in order to define acceptable loads on the terrain. There has been a number of initiatives in water quality monitoring but the next step towards improving its quality hasn’t taken the required pace. Today, there is a growing need to create awareness among citizens on the different technologies available for improving the water quality. Monitoring facilitate to apprehend how land and water use distress the quality of water and assist in estimating the extent of pollution. Once these issues are recognized, people can work towards local solutions to manage the indispensable resource effectively. Ground waters are extremely precious resources and in many countries together with India they represent the most important drinking water supply. They are generally microbiologically pure and, in most cases, they do not need any treatment. This communiqué is intended to act as a channel on the various paraphernalia and techniques accessible for groundwater quality assessment and suggesting the assured precautionary measures to embark on environment management. This learning is imperative considering that groundwater as the exclusive source of drinking water in the region which not makes situation alarming but also calls for immediate attention. The scope of this work is somewhat vast. Water quality in Ernakulam district is getting deteriorated due to the fast growth of urbanization. The closure of several water bodies due to land development and construction prevents infiltration of rainwater into the ground and hence recharge the aquifers. Most of the aquifers are getting polluted from the industrial effluents and chemicals and fertilizers used in agriculture. Such serious issues require proper monitoring of groundwater and steps are to be taken for remedial measures. This study helps in the total protection of the rich resource of groundwater and its sustainability. Socio-economic aspect covered could be used for conducting further individual case studies and to suggest remedial measures on a scientific basis. The specific study taken up for 15 sites can be further extended to the sources of pollution, especially industrial and agriculture


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Microcosm studies were performed to evaluate the survival of Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in water and sediment collected from the freshwater region of Vembanad Lake (9 35◦N 76 25◦E) along the south west coast of India. All three test microorganisms showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival in sediment compared to overlying water. The survival in different sediment types with different particle size and organic carbon content revealed that sediment with small particle size and high organic carbon content could enhance their extended survival (p < 0.05). The results indicate that sediments of the Lake could act as a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibit a potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, the assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater Lake sediments used for contact and non contact recreation has of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water, and for the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. Besides, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above