983 resultados para Prostitution kön makt sexualitet


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As empresas no mercado atual estão em um ambiente de agressiva concorrência, e sua sobrevivência depende de fatores como a produtividade, inovação e atingimento de resultados, contudo, sem haver o comprometimento da qualidade. Os departamentos de Tecnologia da Informação possuem grande influência na operação e nos resultados da empresa, pois a importância da tecnologia, tanto no suporte, quanto na própria atividade fim das companhias, é vital. Diante deste contexto, este trabalho analisou as melhores práticas de mercado na gestão de tecnologia da informação como o framework Cobit (Control Objectives for Information Technology) analisada em conjunto com as ferramentas consagradas de mensuração de percepção de qualidade de serviços, de forma a identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso para qualidades de serviços em TI. Utilizou-se a metodologia SERVQUAL em um caso específico de uma empresa de comunicação e assessoria de imprensa, através de um questionário dividido em duas partes e vinte e duas perguntas cada, permitindo identificar as lacunas entre a expectativa e a percepção dos serviços fornecidos em cada uma das cinco dimensões da qualidade de serviço: tangibilidade, confiabilidade, responsabilidade, segurança e empatia. Foram identificados como fatores críticos as dimensões de confiabilidade e de empatia, e para cada uma delas, relacionou-se um conjunto de objetivos de controle do Cobit que permitem a atuação na melhoria das avaliações destes elementos.


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Esta dissertação apresenta uma avaliação da eficiência de um recapeamento constituído por mistura de asfalto-borracha (processo via-úmida), no retardamento de reflexão de trincas, através da técnica de ensaios acelerados. Para a realização do estudo foi construído um pavimento experimental com camada final de terraplenagem de argila arenosa de comportamento laterítico (50 cm), base de brita graduada (30 cm), camada de concreto asfáltico trincado (4 cm) e camada de recapeamento em asfalto-borracha (5 cm). O simulador de tráfego DAER/UFRGS aplicou aproximadamente 513.000 ciclos de carga de eixo de 100 kN. Ao longo do experimento o desempenho do pavimento foi acompanhado, com ênfase no surgimento de trincas. A evolução da condição estrutural do pavimento foi monitorada através das medidas de deflexões e dados de instrumentação (tensões e deformações). O registro da evolução da condição funcional do pavimento foi feito através do levantamento de afundamento de trilha de roda, e macro e micro textura. Com a finalidade de comparar o desempenho do recapeamento em asfalto-borracha com os de outros recapeamentos convencionais previamente ensaiados, desenvolveu-se um procedimento para correção de temperaturas. Constatou-se que o emprego de asfalto-borracha retardou em cinco vezes o surgimento de trincas. Assim, o nível de severidade do trincamento igual a 100 cm/m2 ocorreu no recapeamento em asfalto-borracha após 340.000 solicitações (100 kN), enquanto no recapeamento em asfalto convencional tal nível de severidade foi registrado com somente 66.000 solicitações da mesma carga de eixo. Globalmente, o recapeamento em asfalto-borracha conferiu ao pavimento melhores condições funcionais e estruturais, se comparado com um recapeamento convencional da mesma espessura, executado sobre um pavimento com níveis de degradação similares.


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Os argumentos apresentados neste artigo partem de apontamentos etnográficos oriundos de pesquisa antropológica realizada entre travestis que se prostituem. A partir da análise dessas notas, apresentam-se as categorias classificatórias acionadas pelas travestis que se prostituem a fim de, por esses termos, demarcarem diferenças pouco consideradas pelos formuladores de políticas de saúde, mas que são significativas para elas, pois se referem a maneiras singularizadas de subjetividades nas quais gênero, geração, classe e raça estão implicadas. Assim, procura-se explorar como esses marcadores sociais da diferença operam contextual e relacionalmente nas respostas que esses sujeitos têm elaborado frente à sistemática associação entre travestis e aids, e como esses eixos se enfeixam compondo experiências específicas do adoecer e do sofrimento, ao mesmo tempo em que permitem que as travestis mobilizem diversas estratégias de resistência e enfrentamento a processos de estigmatização. A discussão a ser empreendida vale-se do escopo teórico pós-estruturalista, bem como das contribuições do feminismo como crítica epistemológica.


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This dissertation establishes some reading, in the field of social sciences, which has pornography and prostitution as subject - having as main reference the diaries of the prostitutes Bruna Sufistinha, Marise and Gabriela. We have accessed some other literary works through Marquee de Sade, Henry Miller, Georges Bataille and Michel Houellebecq, in order to understand some aspects of the pornographic language. We also analyzed other contemporary discourses on the experience of pornography in cinema and on internet. It is a reflection about sexuality and what is considered obscenity. With observations on the literature of Anaïs Nin, Pauline Réage, and Hilda Hilst we tried to understand the feminine poetic point of view so that we can think about pornography and prostitution


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In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality


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In this work a series of discussions is made on the relationship between money and prostitution in a way of overcoming its merely economic aspects, in the perception of both being social, cultural and historical phenomena, and taking them as symbols, whose study aids to unveil the reality. In this context it is looked for revealing its forms and contents to make it possible to understand them beyond the rationality, calculability and mathematical elements presents in them; beyond apparentness, taking them in their complexity. The discussions encompass theoretical elements, based especially on Georg Simmel s theoretical analyses, allied to a specific empirical frame that regards the life experience of the women of Praia do Meio, pedaço of the city of Natal-RN-Brazil, where the data were collected from. Fundamentally, prostitution is perceived as an exchange activity, which is not depleted in the economic elements, but, contrarily, starts on them and surpasses them in diverse aspects. It deals about a money-mediated relationship between human beings that possesses in itself a full complexity, which demands an accurate and keen attention to be comprehended. Since money has transformed the world and the men and women in it, the discussions in the text are conducted in a direction to attempt to encircle and understand the relationship between money and prostitution. Prostitution, in turn, aids to understand such a transformation as it is also a symbol of our times and it makes us to face the true essence of our society: the transformation of human beings into merchandise, into negotiable objects. In the money-based society it is possible to picture the phenomenon of double prostitution: negotiation of the human being, through labor, and negotiation of sex, the last being dramatically stigmatized and the former strongly encouraged. This may be demonstrating that the paid sex is, in the money-ruled society, a limit of commercialization, widely accepted provided it is camouflaged and surrounded by an aura of sensuality and legitimacy


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O conhecimento sobre o padrão de deposição de bicos pulverizados é essencial para uma boa seleção e posicionamento dos mesmos em um equipamento pulverizador. O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de se conhecer os padrões de deposição de alguns bicos pulverizadores disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Dois ou três exemplares de cada tipo de bico foram testados em uma mesa de prova, constituída de uma chapa inclinada corrugada, construída segundo as especificações da Organização Mundial da Saúde para testes de bicos pulverizadores. Todos os bicos foram testados à pressão de 276 kN/m2 (40 libras/p ol2), com exceção dos bicos de impacto (Polijet) que foram testado s à pressão de 97 kN/m2 (14 libras/ pol 2). Ressalvando-se o pequeno número de exemplares testados por cada tipo, os resultados indicaram que: a) - existem diferenças entre a vazão estipulada pelos fabricantes e a vazão real, sendo esta diferença, acentuada para alguns casos; b) - foram observadas diferenças apreciáveis nos padrões de deposição entre as repetições nos bicos Polijet azul e Polijet vermelho (ICI) e no bico JD 14 -2 (Jacto) ; c) - os bicos 80 02 e 11003 (Spraying Systems), 80-03 e X3 (Hatsuta), JD 14-1 (Jacto) e Albuz verde (Albuz) apresentaram padrão de deposição uniforme entre as repetições; d) - considerando as variações observadas recomendam-se cuidadosos testes dos bicos, principalmente naqueles empregados nos trabalhos de experimentação, para possibilitar a escolha de um lote uniforme, para melhor controle da distribuição e dosagem dos produtos pulverizados.


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The mean values of hepatosomatic relation (HSR), splenosomatic relation (SSR) and relative condition factor (Kn) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilolicus Trewavas, 1983); pacu (Piaractus mesopolamicus Holmberg, 1887); piauçu (Lepori-nus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988) and tambacu hybrid (P. mesopotamicus male x Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818 female) are described. The experiment was carried out from feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo State, Brazil. Nile tilapia showed the greatest HSR compared to pacu, piauçu and tambacu. Although, in the last three fishes the relation was similar. The SSR between tilapia and piausu was similar, but smaller than observed in pacu and tambacu. Nevertheless, SSR in pacu and tambacu was different. The hepatic weight/body weigth relation and hepatic weight/body length relation presented positive correlation in ali studied fishes. The splenic weight/body weigth relation and splenic weight/body length relation were not significam (P>0.05) in Nile tilapia, pacu and tambacu, but highly significant in piauçu (PO.01).


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Um equipamento denominado Unidade Móvel de Ensaio da Barra de Tração - UMEB, foi desenvolvido na FCA/UNESP de Botucatu para realizar ensaios de tratores em solo agrícola. Construída a partir de um reboque (trailer), a UMEB foi adaptada para servir como carro dinamométrico instrumentado, utilizado na avaliação do desempenho de tratores submetidos a ensaios na barra de tração. Sua massa total é de 10.500 kg sustentados por um conjunto de seis rodados pneumáticos. Ensaios de campo mostraram que a UMEB proporcionou força de tração acima de 35 kN, mantendo-a constante, em diferentes condições de superfície do solo, mesmo quando a velocidade de deslocamento foi modificada.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the performance of a farm tractor fitted with two sets of tires with high lugs and another set of tires with tallow lugs in straw without tillage (corn straw). The travel speeds used were approximately 4, 5, 6 and 7 km h(-1) and a constant pulling force of 25 kN was fixed. Tractor traction, forward speed, slip and consumption of fuel were measured and drawbar power, the ratio between the consumption and power and traction coefficient were calculated. It was observed that the tractor performance was similar to high and low lug tire conditions, in an area covered with corn straw.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho operacional de quatro tratores agrícolas com tração dianteira auxiliar, em função de seis inclinações laterais, em uma pista lateral de ensaios, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Câmpus de Botucatu. As inclinações laterais foram 0; 5; 10; 15; 20 e 25 graus. em todas estas situações, os tratores operaram com carga predeterminada de tração imposta ao trator tracionado de 40 kN na inclinação de 0 grau. Portanto, foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC), sendo seis inclinações e quatro tratores, e com três repetições para cada tratamento. As variáveis analisadas foram patinhagem, força de tração, consumo horário de combustível e velocidade de deslocamento. Concluiu-se que a configuração dos rodados pneumáticos influenciaram no desempenho operacional dos tratores, conforme aumentaram as inclinações laterais do terreno.


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The city that presents itself to our eyes is not just made of stone. The urban layout hides the tactics of the subjects who subjectivate spaces, giving it meaning through the representations that it produces, whether written or oral. The city's art, is represented, is home to the place where the good and bad places. The aim of this study is to analyze the representations about the spaces occupied by mossoroenses brothels in the 1950 and 1960. With this goal we organize the work into three chapters. At first, we present the formation of red-light district in the city, highlighting the composition of the bohemian spaces in good and bad places. In the second chapter we discuss how the representations developed by the newspaper O Mossoroense created a space damn for identifying the area as a place of crime and misdemeanor. In the last chapter we seek to identify and reconstruct the residents of Mossoró, in contemporary times, their memories about the peak time of the brothels in the city. In oral narratives seek to understand how people describe the places of the brothel, comparing the spatiality of the past with this experienced in the city. Therefore, we discuss how these spaces have been turned into places of pleasure and a curse, as places become common in places marked morally.


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The prostitution is known as the world's oldest "profession", according to some historians, "the contemporary civilization itself." However, to refer it that way, we can systematically emptying it of expressions of violence that permeate. Furthermore, this statement tries to legitimize prostitution as a practical historically related to the natural condition of women. The main objective of the research is to examine how the activity prostitucional potentiates in different forms of violence in everyday development of prostitution in the city of Natal. Accordingly, the spot of the categories of gender relations and patriarchal violence against women, refute the thesis advocated by much of feminist studies on of prostitution as an expression of autonomy of women and overcoming the patriarchal order of gender. Procedures as set methodological quali-quantitative approach, guided by the method historicalmaterialist dialectic that allows us to apprehend the object of study beyond their immediate, unmasking its contradictions. We conducted nine interviews with prostitutes belonging to the classes of People who develop the activities in the streets and prostitutes Natals` cabarets. We hand with the systematic observation activities promoted by the Association of Prostitutes in Rio Grande do Norte ASPRORN, as the visits to cabarets, as well as participation in seminars held by this entity, at which establish contacts with informants-c which have facilitated access to interviewed. We note that the economic dimension is the factor determinant for their inclusion in prostitution, all to recognize as who found an alternative for survival, since most do not has no professional training and education. Another issue important to be emphasized concerns the areas where unhealthy develop programs which by itself is characterized as a denial of rights, expressed in the socioeconomic inequality that are subject. As the expressions of violence in their daily lives, the main forms identified were the physical and social, however, there is a trend in naturalizes them, the secondary-over other issues identified as most pressing, such as not service payment by the customers. The determinants of violence identified by respondents were assigned to the woman, or is its boldness. We also, the omission of the State in the issue of prostitution, mainly embodied in absence of public policies directed to sexual rights and reproductive and generation of employment and income. Regarding the regulation of prostitution, the majority of the interviewees is contrary, arguing that exacerbate the stigma in this practice


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The objective of the study was to analyze and discuss the process of urbanization in the tourist city of Natal focusing on the actions of the resident agent as a producer of space tourism. The production and expertise in the areas of the city for the performance of tourism have led to the intensification of social problems of nature that comes to few expelling the residents of the beaches. The cut space of the study included the four beaches of Natal / RN, the praias do Centro, Via Costeira, Ponta Negra beach in the Redinha. For this, was conducted a case study, using the technique of questioning, with the application of one hundred and sixteen (116) questionnaires to residents, with age from thirty-five years, between the four of the City Administrative Regions. The results show that the process of urbanization has interferido tourism on the practices of the recreation of residents in the areas as tourism has shown a trend seen in the intensifying problems of social order, such as prostitution, insecurity, pollution of beaches, etc. The combination of these problems are reflected negatively on the tourist areas and are gradually removing the residents. Through this framework problematic, given to tourist areas in the city, the resident still has not positioned the way criticizes the defense of these, choosing not express or adopting a form of discrete event, such as the gradual exit of the areas and electing tourist beaches in other municipalities. The results are of great significance for the direction of a trip planning committed with the participation of the resident in the planning process. The study is to corroborate with the importance of the participation of the resident, before the trip planning, as it is a fundamental agent for the sustainability of space tourism