773 resultados para Proposition spéculative
Sushilandia take away es un restaurante que ofrece variedad de ingredientes para la selección por parte del cliente, bajo el concepto de “comida para llevar”. El sistema de funcionamiento se basa en la puesta de un menú estándar que le permite al cliente seguir una cadena dentro del sistema de producción de su comida. Inicialmente están dispuestos tres cortes diferentes de sushi, una vez el cliente escoge el que quiere pasa a la zona de proteínas, seguido de vegetales y adiciones. Seguidamente, el personal se encarga de armar el rollo, cortarlo y empacarlo. Se propone una alternativa ágil y saludable dirigida a la población que habita, trabaja y visita al sector de Quinta Paredes en Teusaquillo, aprovechando la fuerte y creciente presencia de hoteles, entidades públicas y privadas, así como lugares de convenciones – ferias y hogares. El objetivo del modelo de negocio que se ha previsto es eliminar el tiempo perdido dentro de la experiencia en los restaurantes, motivo por el cual se ha creado un proceso de producción que permite entregarle al cliente su comida en cuatro minutos. Sushilandia posee un plan de negocios que cuenta con los equipos y personal necesarios para cumplir su propuesta de valor y satisfacer los requerimientos, necesidades y anhelos del segmento escogido.
This doctoral thesis offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the changes in the urban shape and landscape of the Girona Counties between 1979 and 2006. The theoretical part of the research lies within the framework of the dispersed city phenomenon, and is based on the hypothesis of convergence towards a global urban model. The empirical part demonstrates this proposition with a study of 522 zone development plans in the Girona Counties. The results point to the consolidation of the dispersed city phenomenon, as shown by the sudden increase in built-up space, the spread of urban development throughout the territory, and the emergence of a new, increasingly generic landscape comprising three major morphological types: urban extensions, low density residential estates and industrial zones. This reveals shortcomings of planning for urban growth, weakening of the city as a public project, and a certain degradation of the Mediterranean city model.
El objeto de esta tesis es el análisis de la autorregulación regulada, es decir, el análisis de las normas y de los controles privados que poseen relevancia para el Derecho público. A pesar de su aparente desvinculación con el Derecho Administrativo, la autorregulación es una tendencia que se percibe cada vez con mayor nitidez; es, claramente, un fenómeno que se asocia principalmente al uso de nuevas tecnologías, pero que desborda con mucho este ámbito. La autorregulación es una noción directamente relacionada con la transformación de las formas de gobernanza impulsada desde la Unión Europea; es una nueva técnica o instrumento que las normas jurídico-públicas, a través de numerosas remisiones a la autorregulación, ponen en manos de la administración para gestionar los fines que ésta tiene encomendados. Existe, sin embargo una clara disociación entre las esperanzas puestas en la autorregulación y la falta de respuestas que ofrece el derecho positivo. Un análisis exhaustivo de la jurisprudencia y de la legislación que utilizan la voz "autorregulación" me ha llegado a concluir que este vocablo es en nuestro ordenamiento, un "término sin concepto". En esta fuentes se asimila la "autorregulación" con la capacidad de autonormación de un sujeto. Es el derecho comunitario el que la autorregulación como una alternativa o un complemento a la desreglamentación estatal y como una manifestación de un traslado de funciones y responsabilidades públicas a la sociedad. Por influencia del Derecho comunitario, el legislador pretende, a través de la autorregulación, alcanzar dos finalidades aparentemente contradictorias: (a) facilitar la función de garante que tiene atribuida el Estado, mediante una intervención más extensa i más intensa en las actividades privadas; (b) hacer efectivo los objetos propuestos con la desregulación, mediante una contención del ejercicio de la potestad reglamentaria y una disminución de los controles, preventivos o represivos, realizados directamente por la Administración. Para salvar esta contradicción, es necesario que el legislador establezca una regulación adecuada de la autorregulación. Dicha regulación es, hoy por hoy, manifiestamente insuficiente. Deberían fijarse con carácter general -y no sólo puntualmente y por sectores- las medidas adecuadas para el fomento de la autorregulación; los efectos públicos que ésta posee en cada caso y, significativamente, las garantías y controles necesarios para contrarrestar tales efectos. Esto es, los principios que rigen la actividad administrativa deberían ser aplicados también a la autorregulación en aquellos casos en los que sus diversas manifestaciones poseen efectos similares a los que son propios de los reglamentos, las inspecciones o las sanciones administrativas. Esta propuesta deja abierta la cuestión acerca de la incidencia recíproca de ambas técnicas; esto es , la incidencia de la regulación pública en la autorregulación de origen privado y, a la inversa, el impacto del desarrollo de la autorregulación regulada en el ejercicio de las potestades reglamentaria, autorizatoria, y sancionadora de la Administración. Esta cuestión sólo puede ser contestada hoy caso por caso, de modo que la respuesta es distinta si se analiza una norma técnica, un código ético, un manual de buenas prácticas, una certificación privada del cumplimiento de normas técnicas, el ejercicio de la potestad disciplinaria privada o el arbritaje. De lo que no cabe duda alguna es que ni la autorregulación es sólo una actividad de interés privado, ni la regulación pública conserva hoy sus rasgos tradicionales.
The ISO norm line 9241 states some criteria for ergonomics of human system interaction. In markets with a huge variety of offers and little possibility of differentiation, providers can gain a decisive competitive advantage by user oriented interfaces. A precondition for this is that relevant information can be obtained for entrepreneurial decisions in this regard. To test how users of universal search result pages use those pages and pay attention to different elements, an eye tracking experiment with a mixed design has been developed. Twenty subjects were confronted with search engine result pages (SERPs) and were instructed to make a decision while conditions “national vs. international city” and “with vs. without miniaturized Google map” were used. Different parameters like fixation count, duration and time to first fixation were computed from the eye tracking raw data and supplemented by click rate data as well as data from questionnaires. Results of this pilot study revealed some remarkable facts like a vampire effect on miniaturized Google maps. Furthermore, Google maps did not shorten the process of decision making, Google ads were not fixated, visual attention on SERPs was influenced by position of the elements on the SERP and by the users’ familiarity with the search target. These results support the theory of Amount of Invested Mental Effort (AIME) and give providers empirical evidence to take users’ expectations into account. Furthermore, the results indicated that the task oriented goal mode of participants was a moderator for the attention spent on ads. Most important, SERPs with images attracted the viewers’ attention much longer than those without images. This unique selling proposition may lead to a distortion of competition on markets.
N’ayant pas tout à fait saisi la portée et le sens du thème proposé pour la conférence “Une formation pour un musée universel”, dois-je comprendre qu’il devrait y avoir un seul modèle de formation pour l’ensemble des musées dans le monde ou bien que ceux-ci devraient refléter en premier lieu des préoccupations dites universelles? Partisan initiateur, militant et formateur de la nouvelle muséologie dans ses composantes sociales et de développement régional, s’appuyant sur les pratiques les plus évoluées de l’écomuséologie et de la démocratie culturelle, héritières de décennies d’action-recherche populaire autonome dans plusieurs régions du monde, je ne crois pas, si telle était la proposition, qu’il puisse y avoir un modèle universel de musée, ni une formation universelle desservant celui-ci.
Günter Strauss is Ph.D. in geology from the University of Munich in 1965. He is a German living by long time in Spain. Naw he is a SAPEC High Advisser His doctoral thesis, submitted in 1965, with the title "About the Geology of the Province of pyrite Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and its oil fields, especially in the pyrite mine Louzal - Portugal" Systematized the term" Iberian Pyrite Belt ", called for the deposits of iron ore cuprífera, rich in sulfur and other metallic minerals, which occurs between the rivers Sado and Guadalquivir, where they settled several mining complexes, of Louzal, Rio Tinto, through Castro Verde, Santo Domingo and Tharsis. Local mining tradition with an ancient where today seeks to preserve the legacy and memory of mining through measures to enhance equity. The result of work carried out Louzal then formed the basis of geological and documentary collection that has survived and has been proposed for cultural units under the activities of the mining museum Louzal. The richness and importance of this collection, consisting of several hundred documents, geological samples classified, minerals and cartography, comes from its presence Situ"In its state of preservation, that despite the various threats it is still within reach of their preservation, and the relative rarity of such collections, with the units of mining production. This communication aims to reveal the contribution of Mr Strauss for the formation of this collection and submit his proposal for cultural units, with the hope that those responsible for safeguarding them understand the need for its preservation and dissemination. So discuss the scientific and professional way Günter Strauss, a geologic formation of the estate of Mines Louzal, and the draft musealization proposition.
Le musée comme forum de citoyenneté est une proposition qu'il convient de mettre en perspective. Cette posture intellectuelle et cet enjeu social sont couramment manipulés aujourd'hui par les musées y compris les musées de beaux-arts mais plus largement encore par d’autres domaines de la culture. La démocratisation culturelle tant attendue et rarement atteinte resurgirait sous cette forme spontanée et dynamique du forum où chaque citoyen trouverait un lieu d’expression. La participation citoyenne dont on aimerait pouvoir donner une définition et cerner les contours, devient un préalable à tout projet culturel. Le forum comme lieu public de débat n’est pas en reste. D’ailleurs les grands musées de société récemment inaugurés ont enfoui le terme de musée pour ériger la notion de cité (Cité de l’architecture, Cité de l’immigration) qui dans sa définition première n’est pas si loin que ça du forum. Il semblerait qu’en réunissant des activités différentes avec un souci de pluridisciplinarité dans un même lieu, on tende vers cet objectif de forum ou de cité, caractérisés par un souci d’ouverture au plus grand nombre.
Neste trabalho, discute-se o desenvolvimento de uma proposta educacional para a formação de professores e para a pesquisa em ensino de Física com base em pressupostos da concepção educacional dialógico-problematizadora de Paulo Freire, situando as proposições deste educador no âmbito da Educação Superior. Destacam-se os aspectos de humanização e libertação, colaboração em construção conjunta, diálogo e problematização, mudança em interpretações sobre a realidade e suas estruturas de sustentação em âmbitos individual e coletivo. Esse processo de problematização da prática educacional foi desenvolvido em 2007 e 2008 em Curso de Licenciatura em Física brasileiro. A concepção de pesquisa envolvida foi a investigação-ação educacional, com momentos de planejamento, ação, observação e reflexão. As análises apresentadas resultaram de duas reuniões entre professores da área de ensino de Física e uma reunião entre três desses docentes e estudantes de graduação. As construções conjuntas oriundas desse processo são aqui apresentadas e caracterizadas. Os resultados discutidos envolvem possibilidades e desafios para a formação de professores de Física em perspectiva freiriana e propostas de ações prospectivas associadas a essa formação.
El autor comenta la vocación de historiador de Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco, resaltando sus fortalezas: la narratividad de los textos y la presentación humana de los personajes. Menciona, asimismo, que su límite radica en haber renunciado expresamente a los instrumentos metodológicos de análisis, lo que conduce a una interpretación maniquea sobre un tema central de la historia reciente del país, la polémica liberal-conservadora. Por otro lado, el autor resalta la vocación democrática de Pareja Diezcanseco. Su defensa de la soberanía nacional y la democracia lo ubican entre los forjadores de la nación ecuatoriana, por su preocupación en reflexionar sobre la identidad, sobre el mestizaje y su función en la construcción del país, su insistencia en la defensa y consolidación de la democracia se radicalizaron con el tiempo, como lo muestran su crítica de las dictaduras, su defensa de las garantías políticas, y sus postulados de cierta reforma social.
The storage and processing capacity realised by computing has lead to an explosion of data retention. We now reach the point of information overload and must begin to use computers to process more complex information. In particular, the proposition of the Semantic Web has given structure to this problem, but has yet realised practically. The largest of its problems is that of ontology construction; without a suitable automatic method most will have to be encoded by hand. In this paper we discus the current methods for semi and fully automatic construction and their current shortcomings. In particular we pay attention the application of ontologies to products and the particle application of the ontologies.
The technique of linear responsibility analysis is used for a retrospective case study of a private industrial development consisting of an engineering factory and offices. A multi-disciplinary professional practice was used to manage and design the project. The organizational structure adopted on the project is analysed using concepts from systems theory which are included in Walker's theoretical model of the structure of building project organizations (Walker, 1981). This model proposes that the process of buildings provision can be viewed as systems and sub-systems which are differentiated form each other at decision points. Further to this, the sub-systematic analysis of the relationship between the contributors gives a quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the organizational structure used. There was a high level of satisfaction with the completed project and this is reflected by the way in which the organization structure corresponded to the model's proposition. However, the project was subject to string environmental forces which the project organization was not capable of entirely overcoming.
Ten mothers were observed prospectively, interacting with their infants aged 0 ; 10 in two contexts (picture description and noun description). Maternal communicative behaviours were coded for volubility, gestural production and labelling style. Verbal labelling events were categorized into three exclusive categories: label only; label plus deictic gesture; label plus iconic gesture. We evaluated the predictive relations between maternal communicative style and children's subsequent acquisition of ten target nouns. Strong relations were observed between maternal communicative style and children's acquisition of the target nouns. Further, even controlling for maternal volubility and maternal labelling, maternal use of iconic gestures predicted the timing of acquisition of nouns in comprehension. These results support the proposition that maternal gestural input facilitates linguistic development, and suggest that such facilitation may be a function of gesture type.
This study is motivated by the proposition that the objectives of the AWB Ltd have changed since semi-privatisation of the Australian Wheat Board under the Wheat Marketing Act, 1989. Conceptualising this change of objectives as a shift from revenue maximization to profit maximization, this study examines the impact of such a change on the pricing policies of a multi-market price-setting firm. More specifically, this paper investigates, using two hypothetical objective functions, a risk averse AWB�s price-setting behaviour in an �overseas� and a �domestic� market in response to recent wheat industry developments. In the analysis these developments manifest themselves as differing price elasticities, differing transport costs and uncertain demand functions, and their implications particularly for the prices paid by domestic consumers are explored.
A model for comparing the inventory costs of purchasing under the economic order quantity (EOQ) system and the just-in-time (JIT) order purchasing system in existing literature concluded that JIT purchasing was virtually always the preferable inventory ordering system especially at high level of annual demand. By expanding the classical EOQ model, this paper shows that it is possible for the EOQ system to be more cost effective than the JIT system once the inventory demand approaches the EOQ-JIT cost indifference point. The case study conducted in the ready-mixed concrete industry in Singapore supported this proposition.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in the Western and developing world. This multifactorial disease is influenced by many environmental and genetic factors. At present, public health advice involves prescribed population-based recommendations, which have been largely unsuccessful in reducing CVD risk. This is, in part, due to individual variability in response to dietary manipulations, that arises from nutrient-gene interactions (defined by the term 'nutrigenetics'). The shift towards personalized nutritional advice is a very attractive proposition, where, in principle, an individual can be given dietary advice specifically tailored to their genotype. However, the evidence-base for the impact of interactions between nutrients and fixed genetic variants on biomarkers of CVD risk is still very limited. This paper reviews the evidence for interactions between dietary fat and two common polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma genes. Although an increased understanding of how these and other genes influence response to nutrients should facilitate the progression of personalized nutrition, the ethical issues surrounding its routine use need careful consideration.