966 resultados para Produto dose-comprimento (DLP)


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Introduction: CD103 is a specific integrin present on some CD4+ lymphocytes of the mucosal immune system. It has been hypothesized that most CD4+ lymphocytes in pulmonary sarcoidosis do not originate from mucosal sites but from redistribution from the peripheral blood, and therefore do not bear the CD103 integrin. Several studies have suggested that a low CD103+ percentage among bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) CD4+ lymphocytes discriminates between sarcoidosis and other causes of lymphocytic alveolitis, but contradictory data exist. Methods: We reviewed 1151 consecutive patients with BAL lymphocytosis >10% and flow cytometry performed between 2006 and 2014. 944 cases were excluded due to poor BAL quality (n= 97), unavailable clinical data (n= 760), or unclear diagnosis (n= 87). The remaining 207 patients were grouped into 9 diagnostic categories. To assess the discriminative value of the CD103+CD4+/CD4+ ratio to distinguish sarcoidosis from the other entities, area under ROC curves (AUC) were determined. Results: Sarcoidosis patients (n=53) had a lower CD103+CD4+/CD4+ ratio than the other diagnostic categories. AUC was 62% for sarcoidosis compared to all other patients and 69% for sarcoidosis compared to other interstitial lung diseases. When combining CD103+CD4+/CD4+ and CD4+/CD8+ ratios, AUC increased to 76% and 78% respectively. When applying published cut-offs from 4 previous studies to our population, AUC varied between 54 and 73%. Conclusions: The CD103+CD4+/CD4+ ratio does not accurately discriminate between sarcoidosis and other causes of lymphocytic alveolitis, neither alone nor in combination with CD4+/CD8+ ratio, and is not a relevant marker for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.


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High-dose carbon-ion-implanted Si samples have been analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, Raman scattering, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) correlated with transmission electron microscopy. Samples were implanted at room temperature and 500°C with doses between 1017 and 1018 C+/cm2. Some of the samples were implanted at room temperature with the surface covered by a capping oxide layer. Implanting at room temperature leads to the formation of a surface carbon-rich amorphous layer, in addition to the buried implanted layer. The dependence of this layer on the capping oxide suggests this layer to be determined by carbon migration toward the surface, rather than surface contamination. Implanting at 500°C, no carbon-rich surface layer is observed and the SiC buried layer is formed by crystalline ßSiC precipitates aligned with the Si matrix. The concentration of SiC in this region as measured by XPS is higher than for the room-temperature implantation.


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Although the efficacy of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in opioid dependence disorder has been well established, the influence of methadone pharmacokinetics in dose requirement and clinical outcome remains controversial. The aim of this study is to analyze methadone dosage in responder and nonresponder patients considering pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic factors that may contribute to dosage adequacy. Opioid dependence patients (meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, [4th Edition] criteria) from a MMT community program were recruited. Patients were clinically assessed and blood samples were obtained to determine plasma concentrations of (R,S)-, (R) and (S)- methadone and to study allelic variants of genes encoding CYP3A5, CYP2D6, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and P-glycoprotein. Responders and nonresponders were defined by illicit opioid consumption detected in random urinalysis. The final sample consisted in 105 opioid dependent patients of Caucasian origin. Responder patients received higher doses of methadone and have been included into treatment for a longer period. No differences were found in terms of genotype frequencies between groups. Only CYP2D6 metabolizing phenotype differences were found in outcome status, methadone dose requirements, and plasma concentrations, being higher in the ultrarapid metabolizers. No other differences were found between phenotype and responder status, methadone dose requirements, neither in methadone plasma concentrations. Pharmacokinetic factors could explain some but not all differences in MMT outcome and methadone dose requirements.


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The analytical method developed to evaluate tamoxifen in dog plasma samples was precise, accurate, robust and linear in the range of 5-200 ng/mL. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.981 ng/mL and 2.97 ng/mL, respectively. Besides, the intra-day precision and accuracy variations were 8.78 and 10.16%, respectively. Tamoxifen concentrations were analyzed by combined reversed phase liquid chromatography and UV detection (lambda=280 nm). The study was conducted using an open randomized 2-period crossover balanced design with a 1-week washout period between the doses. This simple, rapid and selective method is suitable for pharmacokinetic, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.


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An analytical method has been developed and validated for the quantitation of lamivudine, zidovudine and nevirapine in the fixed-dose combination film-coated tablet by high performance liquid chromatography, in accordance with RE No. 899/2003, National Sanitary Surveillance Agency. It was based on an isocratic elution system with a potassium phosphate buffer pH 3.0: acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) mobile phase, C18, 250 x 46 mm column, 10µm particle size, λ 270 nm. The statistically evaluated results have shown that the method is specific, precise, accurate, and robust, ensuring the analytical safety of 3TC, AZT and NVP determination, which emerges as a new therapeutic alternative for antiretroviral treatment.


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Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) is produced by commercial processes to a purity of up to 96%. In recent years, several companies have started to produce ETBE, increasing the demand for standards with higher grades of purity in the area of production control and final product certification. The present work involved the development of a purification protocol for obtaining high purity ETBE from the commercial product used in the formulation of automotive gasolines, using a spinning band distillation column. The ETBE thus produced showed a purity of over 99.5%, its main contaminant being its isomer, ethyl-sec-butyl ether (ESBE).


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In honey 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF) is one of the most typical products of degradation: it is usually absent in fresh honey, but its concentration tends to rise as a result of heating processes or long-term storage. The validation protocol was performed in terms of detection and quantification limits, precision (by repeatability and intermediate precision), linearity and accuracy (by recovery tests). The method has been tested on 15 honey samples of different ages and geographical origin. HMF correlated highly with the age of the samples has been considered a very important parameter to put these honeys on the market or not and/or to estimate their shelf life.


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The production of visible light by chemical reactions constitutes interesting and fascinating phenomena and several reaction mechanisms are discussed to rationalize excited state formation. Most efficient chemiluminescence reactions are thought to involve one or more electron transfer steps and chemiexcitation is believed to occur by radical annihilation. A brief introduction to the general principles of light production and the main known chemiexcitation mechanisms will be given here. Subsequently, recent results on the mechanistic elucidation of efficient chemiluminescence systems, as the peroxyoxalate reaction, the induced decomposition of phenoxy-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes and the catalyzed decomposition of new a-peroxylactones will be discussed.


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The simultaneous determination of two or more active components in pharmaceutical preparations, without previous chemical separation, is a common analytical problem. Published works describe the determination of AZT and 3TC separately, as raw material or in different pharmaceutical preparations. In this work, a method using UV spectroscopy and multivariate calibration is described for the simultaneous measurement of 3TC and AZT in fixed dose combinations. The methodology was validated and applied to determine the AZT+3TC contents in tablets from five different manufacturers, as well as their dissolution profile. The results obtained employing the proposed methodology was similar to methods using first derivative technique and HPLC.


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This work presents a route for processing spent ink-jet cartridges in an experimental course. The disassembly of the cartridges requires several steps and the recognition of their different components is essential to define the best final destination (recycling, co-processing). The plastic strips were chemically processed so as to recover gold and copper. The students recognized the difficulty of processing multicomponent wastes and the importance of the chemical work under the best safety conditions; they also experienced many laboratory techniques and recognized the value of the selective collection and the reverse logistics to reach a viable commercial scale recycling.


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A resistência sistêmica adquirida (SAR = systemic acquired resistance) é um importante mecanismo de resistência a doenças em plantas. Neste estudo, a ação do acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), derivado benzotidiazólico ativador de resistência em plantas foi avaliada sobre a brotação de tubérculos de batata (Solanum tuberosum) e quanto à ação deste na indução de resistência à canela-preta, incitada por Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. atrosepticum atípica (Pcaa), nas cultivares Asterix, Baronesa e Monalisa. Nas doses, 60, 120, 150, 200 e 250 mg i.a. l -1, o produto não inibiu o número de brotos. Contudo, em concentrações mais elevadas influenciou o comprimento destes. Em casa de vegetação, nas concentrações de 60 e 120 mg i.a. l -1 ASM, tanto no tratamento de tubérculos quanto no de aspersão nas plantas, a cultivar Asterix, respondeu ao tratamento do ASM, conferindo-lhe resistência à canela preta. Na cultivar Baronesa, a resposta ao ASM ocorreu somente no tratamento de tubérculos, e, para a cultivar Monalisa, não houve resposta ao ASM. Verifica-se, neste estudo, que houve ação do ASM sobre a indução de resistência e que este foi específico para determinadas cultivares de batata.


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O crestamento gomoso do caule (Didymella bryoniae) é uma das mais importantes doenças da melancia (Citrullus lanatus) no mundo. O controle químico, embora amplamente adotado, nem sempre pode impedir o progresso da doença no campo. A resistência do agente causal a alguns ingredientes ativos foi relatada na Europa, Japão e nos Estados Unidos, porém nenhum estudo foi feito no Brasil. Este trabalho descreve os resultados de três ensaios in vitro para resistência a fungicidas, medida pela taxa de crescimento micelial. No primeiro ensaio, sete isolados foram submetidos a nove fungicidas na metade da dose comercial recomendada. Evidência de resistência a Tiofanato metílico (TM), Carbendazim (CARB) (benzimidazóis) bem como a mistura Tiofanato metílico + Clorotalonil (TM + CHLO) foi detectada. Nenhuma resistência foi detectada contra Mancozebe, Difenoconazole, Tebuconazole e as misturas Mancozebe + Difenoconazole ou Trifloxistrobina + Propiconazole. O teste foi repetido com os mesmos sete isolados de D. bryoniae contra TM, CARB, TM + CHLO e Oxicloreto de Cobre a ¼, ½, 1 e 2 vezes a dose recomendada. Apenas Oxicloreto de cobre diminuiu consistentemente a taxa de crescimento micelial com o aumento da dose. TM não teve efeito na taxa de crescimento micelial em nenhuma concentração testada, e CARB e TM + CHLO mostraram mínimo efeito com o aumento da concentração do produto. Finalmente, 31 isolados de sete estados brasileiros foram testados para resistência a Tiofanato metílico na dose recomendada (490 ppm). Oitenta e um porcento dos isolados mostraram-se altamente resistentes. Isolados resistentes e sensíveis foram encontrados em uma mesma região geográfica. Considerando a prevalência de isolados resistentes a ambos TM e CARB, uma evidência de resistência cruzada, o uso de benzimidazoles não deve ser recomendado no controle do crestamento gomoso do caule.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo testar alguns substratos para elevar a taxa de germinação de uredosporos e promover um maior crescimento dos tubos germinativos do agente causal da ferrugem da folha do trigo (Puccinia triticina) e compará-los ao substrato água-ágar considerado padrão. Foram testados os substratos: água-ágar, batata sacarose ágar (BSA), 1/4 BSA, dextrose-ágar, frutose-ágar, manitol-ágar, sacarose-ágar, infusão de folhas de trigo-ágar e extrato de folhas de trigo-ágar. Após a deposição dos uredosporos nas placas de petri contendo os substratos, o material foi incubado em câmara de crescimento, no escuro a 20 ºC, por 6, 12 e 24 horas. Avaliou-se a germinação dos uredosporos e mediu-se o comprimento dos tubos germinativos. As médias de germinação e de comprimento dos tubos germinativos foram comparadas pelo teste de Duncan a 5%. Os valores mais elevados de germinação de uredosporos e do comprimento do tubo germinativo foram observados nos substratos infusão de folhas de trigo-ágar e extrato de folhas de trigo-ágar.


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Foram testados o efeito da termo e quimioterapia na erradicação de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff) e sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) cv. Pérola. Os tempos (30 min, 1 e 2 h) de embebição em água e em soluções de AGRIMAICIN 500 (sulfato de cobre, 500 g + oxitetraciclina, 30 g/kg do produto) nas concentrações de 5 e 10 g/L de água; o calor seco (60 e 70 ºC por 1, 2, 3, 6 e 12 h); e calor a 60 ºC/3 h em sementes previamente embebidas em água por 30 min, 1 e 2 h foram aplicados. Sementes embebidas em água por mais de 1 h tiveram o vigor afetado. Embebição das sementes (30 min, 1 e 2 h) em solução com 10 g de AGRIMAICIN 500/L de água afetou o comprimento das radículas e dos caulículos, enquanto que a germinação só foi afetada com 2 h. O tratamento eliminou a bactéria de sementes naturalmente infectadas, no entanto, em sementes inoculadas (10(8) ufc/mL) o tratamento não foi efetivo. Exposição ao calor seco (60 e 70 ºC) por mais de 3 h reduziu significativamente o vigor das sementes, mas não eliminou a bactéria. Embebição das sementes em água por 30 min e 1 h + 60 ºC/3 h afetou o comprimento dos caulículos e das radículas, mas não eliminou a bactéria. Embebição das sementes por duas horas em água + 60 ºC/3 h reduziu significativamente a germinação e o vigor; reduziu, ainda, significativamente o número de células de Cff em sementes inoculadas e eliminou a bactéria em sementes naturalmente infectadas.