718 resultados para Prism
A bathymetric transect of cores in the South China Sea extending from 4200-m to less than 1000-m water depth has been examined for glacial-interglacial changes in carbonate and organic carbon sedimentation. Typical 'Pacific carbonate cycles' (high carbonate content during glacials and low carbonate content during interglacials) characterize cores from water depths deeper than 3500 m. In contrast, 'Atlantic carbonate cycles' (low carbonate during glacials and high carbonate during interglacials) are observed in cores from depths shallower than 3000 m as a result of increased dilution of carbonate by terrigenous material during glacial low stands of sea level. Glacial-interglacial changes in the carbonate chemistry of South China Sea intermediate and deep waters resulted in significant changes in the positions of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). During the last glacial the CCD and ACD were at least 400 and 1200 m deeper, respectively, than at present. Organic carbon accumulation rates in the South China Sea were approximately 2 times higher during the last glacial than the Holocene. Carbon isotopic analyses and C/N ratios of the organic matter indicate that only a small fraction of the increase in glacial organic carbon accumulation can be attributed to input of terrestrial carbon. On the basis of this we conclude that surface water productivity in the South China Sea was approximately 2 times higher during the last glacial maximum. This is consistent with previous studies which have demonstrated that glacial productivity was higher in low- to mid-latitude regions of the Atlantic and eastern Pacific. The deglacial decrease in organic carbon accumulation is accompanied by a decrease in delta13Corg. Using the relationship between delta13Corg and [CO2](aq) developed by Popp et al. [1989], we estimate that surface water pCO2 values in the South China Sea during the last 25,000 years were very similar to atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Here we report the amount of archaeal cardiolipins analogues in a cold seep off Pakistan (Makran accretionary prism). The published data (Yoshinaga et al., 2012) describes a series of tentatively identified cardiolipin analogues (dimeric phospholipids or bisphosphatidylglycerol), which represented 0.5% to 5% of total archaeal intact polar lipids.
Three sites were cored on the landward slope of the Nankai margin of southwest Japan during Leg 190 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sites 1175 and 1176 are located in a trench-slope basin that was constructed during the early Pleistocene (~1 Ma) by frontal offscraping of coarse-grained trench-wedge deposits. Rapid uplift elevated the substrate above the calcite compensation depth and rerouted a transverse canyon-channel system that had delivered most of the trench sediment during the late Pliocene (1.06-1.95 Ma). The basin's depth is now ~3000 to 3020 m below sea level. Clay-sized detritus (<2 µm) did not change significantly in composition during the transition from trench-floor to slope-basin environment. Relative mineral abundances for the two slope-basin sites average 36-37 wt% illite, 25 wt% smectite, 22-24 wt% chlorite, and 15-16 wt% quartz. Site 1178 is located higher up the landward slope at a water depth of 1741 m, ~70 km from the present-day deformation front. There is a pronounced discontinuity ~200 m below seafloor between muddy slope-apron deposits (Quaternary-late Miocene) and sandier trench-wedge deposits (late Miocene; 6.8-9.63 Ma). Clay minerals change downsection from an illite-chlorite assemblage (similar to Sites 1175 and 1176) to one that contains substantial amounts of smectite (average = 45 wt% of the clay-sized fraction; maximum = 76 wt%). Mixing in the water column homogenizes fine-grained suspended sediment eroded from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc, the Izu-Honshu collision zone, and the Outer Zone of Kyushu and Shikoku, but the spatial balance among those contributors has shifted through time. Closure of the Central America Seaway at ~3 Ma was particularly important because it triggered intensification of the Kuroshio Current. With stronger and deeper flow of surface water toward the northeast, the flux of smectite from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc was dampened and more detrital illite and chlorite were transported into the Shikoku-Nankai system from the Outer Zone of Japan.
Evolution of the planktic foraminiferal lineage Globorotalia (Fohsella) occurred during the Miocene between 23.7 and 11.8 Ma and forms the basis for stratigraphic subdivision of the early middle Miocene (Zones N 10 through N 12). Important morphologic changes within the G. (Fohsella) lineage included a marked increase in test size, a transition from a rounded to an acute periphery, and the development of a keel in later forms. We found that the most rapid changes in morphology of G. (Fohsella) occurred between 13 and 12.7 Ma and coincided with an abrupt increase in the delta18O ratios of shell calcite. Comparison of isotopic results of G. (Fohsella) with other planktic foraminifers indicate that delta18O values of the lineage diverge from surface-dwelling species and approach deep-dwelling species after 13.0 Ma, indicating a change in depth habitat from the surface mixed layer to intermediate depth near the thermocline. Isotopic and faunal evidence suggests that this change in depth stratification was associated with an expansion of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific. After adapting to a deeper water habitat at 13.0 Ma, the G. (Fohsella) lineage became extinct abruptly at 11.8 Ma during a period when isotopic and faunal evidence suggest a shoaling of the thermocline. Following the extinction of G. (Fohsella), the ecologic niche of the lineage was filled by the Globorotalia (Menardella) group, which began as a deep-water form and later evolved to an intermediate-water habitat. We suggest that the evolution of G. (Fohsella) and G. (Menardella) were tightly linked to changes in the structure of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific.
Sensors for real-time monitoring of environmental contaminants are essential for protecting ecosystems and human health. Refractive index sensing is a non-selective technique that can be used to measure almost any analyte. Miniaturized refractive index sensors, such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) microring resonators are one possible platform, but require coatings selective to the analytes of interest. A homemade prism refractometer is reported and used to characterize the interactions between polymer films and liquid or vapour-phase analytes. A camera was used to capture both Fresnel reflection and total internal reflection within the prism. For thin-films (d = 10 μm - 100 μm), interference fringes were also observed. Fourier analysis of the interferogram allowed for simultaneous extraction of the average refractive index and film thickness with accuracies of ∆n = 1-7 ×10-4 and ∆d < 3-5%. The refractive indices of 29 common organic solvents as well as aqueous solutions of sodium chloride, sucrose, ethylene glycol, glycerol, and dimethylsulfoxide were measured at λ = 1550 nm. These measurements will be useful for future calibrations of near-infrared refractive index sensors. A mathematical model is presented, where the concentration of analyte adsorbed in a film can be calculated from the refractive index and thickness changes during uptake. This model can be used with Fickian diffusion models to measure the diffusion coefficients through the bulk film and at the film-substrate interface. The diffusion of water and other organic solvents into SU-8 epoxy was explored using refractometry and the diffusion coefficient of water into SU-8 is presented. Exposure of soft baked SU-8 films to acetone, acetonitrile and methanol resulted in rapid delamination. The diffusion of volatile organic compound (VOC) vapours into polydimethylsiloxane and polydimethyl-co-polydiphenylsiloxane polymers was also studied using refractometry. Diffusion and partition coefficients are reported for several analytes. As a model system, polydimethyl-co-diphenylsiloxane films were coated onto SOI microring resonators. After the development of data acquisition software, coated devices were exposed to VOCs and the refractive index response was assessed. More studies with other polymers are required to test the viability of this platform for environmental sensing applications.
Through a fine-grained reading of a London-French blog, this article aims to shed light on the lived experience of the French community in London. The ethnosemiotic conceptual framework brings together ethnographic and semiotic schools of thought, focusing in particular on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus and Gunther Kress’s multimodal social semiotic analytical model. Habitus is broken down into its material manifestations of habitat, habit and habituation, all displayed in the blog and revealing of the blogger’s identity and positioning within the migration setting. As all modes are considered to be of equal semiotic potential, equivalent emphasis is placed on the multiple modes of meaning-making present in the blog, such as layout, colour, typography and language. By examining the dynamic relationships between blogger and audience, subjectivity and objectivity, on-line and on-land habitus, and intermodal dynamics themselves, through the prism of multimodality, hidden facets of the blogger’s cultural identity and sense of community belonging within the diasporic context begin to materialise.
This paper examines the social dynamics of electronic exchanges in the human services, particularly in social work. It focuses on the observable effects that email and texting have on the linguistic, relational and clinical rather than managerial aspects of the profession. It highlights how electronic communication is affecting professionals in their practice and learners as they become acculturated to social work. What are the gains and losses of the broad use of electronic devices in daily lay and professional, verbal and non-verbal communication? Will our current situation be seriously detrimental to the demeanor of future practitioners, their use of language, and their ability to establish close personal relationships? The paper analyzes social work linguistic and behavioral changes in light of the growth of electronic communication and offers a summary of merits and demerits viewed through a prism emerging from Baron’s (2000) analysis of human communication.
This book provides the reader with a critical insight into the history and theory of copyright within contemporary legal and cultural discourse. It exposes as myth the orthodox history of the development of copyright law in eighteenth-century Britain and explores the way in which that myth became entrenched throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. To this historical analysis are added two theoretical approaches to copyright not otherwise found in mainstream contemporary texts. Rethinking Copyright introduces the reader to copyright through the prism of the public domain before considering how best to locate copyright within the parameters of traditional property discourse. Underpinning these various historical and theoretical strands, the book explores the constitutive power of legal writing and the place of rhetoric in framing and determining contemporary copyright policy and discourse.
The history of literary copyright in nineteenth century Britain is dominated - understandably perhaps - by a preoccupation with the passing and impact of the Copyright Amendment Act 1842, so ably lobbied for by Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd. This article, however, draws attention away from the 1842 Act towards the Copyright Act 1814, the first legislative provision within British copyright law to introduce a lifetime term of protection for the author. Why and on what basis did the legislature do so?
In bringing a renewed attention to this often overlooked legislative measure, we consider the context and logic that underpinned to grant of a copyright term that was tethered to the life of the author. In doing so, we might also find a useful prism through which to look afresh at current copyright debates concerning the appropriate nature and scope of copyright protection in the 21st century.
A half-hour commissioned documentary for BBC Radio 4. 'Charting the Border' is a study of Ireland's border viewed through the prism of my own cartography work. Most recording was done in the field.
The programme received much attention on social media networks and was selected for BBC Radio 4's 'Pick of the Week' broadcast on the following Sunday.
Cette thèse présente l’analyse des propos de trois générations de femmes réfugiées au Québec sur les manières dont ces femmes s’exposent, s’identifient et s’approprient le discours des médias pour ensuite en discuter entre elles. L’analyse permet de cerner certaines de leurs pratiques d’insertion et d’adaptation à un nouveau milieu de vie. L’immigration favorise de plus en plus l’éclosion des « cultures de la mixité », lesquelles représentent un enjeu incontournable en matière d’intégration. Quant aux médias, ils sont une source incontournable d’accès à l’information et à la culture. Le développement des techniques de transmission telles les réseaux câblés, le satellite de diffusion directe, Internet et le numérique permet au consommateur de médias, quel que soit son origine, de s’approprier de façon personnelle les produits culturels qui en retour déterminent la participation à la vie active dans la société hôte. Cette nouvelle intégration culturelle se transmet-elle aisément au sein des générations d’immigrantes? Cette thèse découle aussi d’un projet plus vaste sur les transmissions intergénérationnelles des savoirs, des pratiques et de l’entraide entre trois générations de femmes réfugiées au Québec (Vatz Laroussi, Guilbert & al. CRSH, 2009-2012). Étudier les transmissions de savoirs au sein des familles immigrantes, c’est reconnaitre avec les auteurs contemporains l’importance de la transmission et de la circulation des histoires personnelles s’inscrivant dans une histoire familiale et sociale de l’époque a méthodologie adoptée s’appuie sur les entretiens semi-directifs, le commentaire réflexif ainsi que l’analyse de contenu. La démarche méthodologique a été empruntée au projet principal. Les entretiens réalisés auprès des familles de réfugiés établis dans plusieurs régions du Québec (Sherbrooke, Joliette, Québec et Montréal) ont été réalisés par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, multiculturelle et féminine. L’originalité de cette recherche se trouve entre autres dans la collecte d’information qui s’est faite auprès de trios générationnels (grand-mère, mère et fille). Chaque membre du trio a été rencontré de façon individuelle et par la suite, le trio s’est formé pour une dernière entrevue de groupe. Ainsi, une analyse thématique des discours des répondants a été réalisée. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en perspective divers éléments proéminents relatifs à la relation entre les médias et chaque membre du trio générationnel. Il a été constaté que les médias sont appréhendés différemment par chaque membre du trio, que des médias comme la télévision et l’Internet sont les plus prisés par les jeunes et ils servent à la fois de fenêtre sur le pays d’accueil, d’ouverture sur le monde et d’expression de soi-même face aux frustrations vécues au Québec. En dernier lieu, une analyse de la question de la transmission intergénérationnelle au prisme des médias entre les trois générations de femme réfugiée a été faite. On constate que dans les trios, la transmission n’est pas unidirectionnelle. Elle va dans tous les sens. Sortant des sentiers battus elle devient un espace de création.
The subject Responsibility Enterprise Social (RSE) is relatively recent in the half national academic and the world of the management businesses as practical. For the lack of socialization of experiences and clarity of concepts, shunting lines in the agreement of the subject and the conduction of the interventions occur. It was looked to inquire, in this research, the development of the project of Social Responsibility Enterprise ―School of Computer science and Citizenship‖ of a situated company in the State of Pará, objectifying to evaluate it and later to understand it. For this, one searched to describe the characteristics and structure of the School, to identify to the lines and lines of direction adopted for this Project and to identify to the influence and results of the same in the life of pupils, professors and egresses of the School. It is characterized for a study of case with qualitative boarding of descriptive character, carried through interviews structuralized in a sample of 21 divided members of the School between professors, pupils and egresses. It was used of the analysis of categorical content, having as axle for the interpretation of the data the Social Responsibility, the Digital Inclusion and the Education. The gotten results inform that the infrastructure has challenges to face, point disparities between the conception and practical of the categories characterized in the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the EIC and the influence that, exactly under limits, the life of the professors, pupils reaches and egress. One evidenced that Social action for damages of this company when come back toward this project, they had not been evidenced. For this prism, these actions had only remained in the assistencialist speech and not structural, being thus, the company is not fulfilling its paper of transforming element of the reality of its clientele and the population that lives in it s around
Introduction - No validated protocol exists for the measurement of the prism fusion ranges. Many studies report on how fusional vergence ranges can be measured using different techniques (rotary prism, prism bar, loose prisms and synoptophore) and stimuli, leading to different ranges being reported in the literature. Repeatability of the different methods available and the equivalence between them it is also important. In addition, some studies available do not agree in what order fusional vergence should be measured to provide the essential information on which to base clinical judgements on compensation of deviations. When performing fusional vergence testing the most commonly accepted clinical technique is to first measure negative fusional vergence followed by a measurement of positive fusional vergence to avoid affecting the value of vergence recovery because of excessive stimulation of convergence. Von Noorden recommend using vertical fusion amplitudes in between horizontal amplitudes (base-out, base-up, base-in, and base down) to prevent vergence adaptation. Others place the base of the prism in the direction opposite to that used to measure the deviation to increase the vergence demand. Objectives - The purpose of this review is to assess and compare the accuracy of tests for measurement of fusional vergence. Secondary objectives are to investigate sources of heterogeneity of diagnostic accuracy including: age; variation in method of assessment; study design; study size; type of strabismus (convergent, divergent, vertical, cycle); severity of strabismus (constant/intermittent/latent).
Purpose: The aims of this study were to compare angle of deviation, fusional vergence measurements and fusion reserve ratio between esophoria and exophoria. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in children with best-corrected visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR in either eye, compensated heterophoria within 10 prism dioptres (PD), full ocular rotations, presence of fusional vergence and stereopsis (60 seconds of arc or better). Fusional amplitudes were compared between angle of deviation (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 PD) in esophoria and exophoria. The fusion reserve ratio was calculated (to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation) as fusional convergence divided by prism alternating cover test measurements. Results: Two-hundred and eleven children (7.65±1.16 years) were recruited to this study. Exophoria was most common for near (n=181; 85.8%) and distance (n=20; 9.5%). Esophoria was present in 22 children for near (10.4%) and in 1 child for distance (0.5%). No significant differences were found between fusional amplitudes and angle of deviation for near (p>0.05). Children with exophoria of 10PD had a slight, but not, significant (p=0.264) increase in fusional convergence from 2PD (19.95±5.09) to 10PD (26.67±5.77). In esophoric children the variation of fusional convergence was smaller from 2P (25.00±0.00) to 10PD (22.50±3.54) and non significant (p=0.185). The fusion reserve ratio was significantly smaller in children with higher deviations (i.e. 10PD) for both esophoria (p=0.003) and exophoria (p>0.001). The fusion reserve ratio ranged between 12.50 (2PD) and 2.25±0.35 (10PD) for esophoria and between 9.98±2.55 (2PD) and 2.67±0.58 (10PD) for exophoria. Conclusions: Angle of deviation is not an efficient measure to predict fusional amplitudes. The fusion reserve ratio appears to be a better measurement to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation on fusional convergence. More studies are necessary to understand better the relationship between fusion amplitudes and angle of deviation.