970 resultados para Primary failure of tooth eruption


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Primary lymphomas of the female genital tract are extremely rare, and a definitive diagnosis requires correlation of the clinical, radiological, and pathological findings. Unlike nonlymphomatous malignant tumors, the treatment of lymphoma is typically nonsurgical, thus raising the possibility of lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of a pelvic mass, a radiologist can significantly change the approach to the disease. Although some imaging findings may appear nonspecific, others may suggest the possibility of lymphoma, such as the presence of one or more solid, well-defined, homogeneous masses without necrosis despite a large size or the presence of diffuse infiltration leading to organomegaly with architectural preservation. Additionally, pelvic lymphadenopathy may be evident. In this pictorial essay, we discuss the radiological appearances of gynecological primary lymphomas, grouped by organ, in ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.


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Additive manufacturing, including fused deposition modeling (FDM), is transforming the built world and engineering education. Deep understanding of parts created through FDM technology has lagged behind its adoption in home, work, and academic environments. Properties of parts created from bulk materials through traditional manufacturing are understood well enough to accurately predict their behavior through analytical models. Unfortunately, Additive Manufacturing (AM) process parameters create anisotropy on a scale that fundamentally affects the part properties. Understanding AM process parameters (implemented by program algorithms called slicers) is necessary to predict part behavior. Investigating algorithms controlling print parameters (slicers) revealed stark differences between the generation of part layers. In this work, tensile testing experiments, including a full factorial design, determined that three key factors, width, thickness, infill density, and their interactions, significantly affect the tensile properties of 3D printed test samples.


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Cracks or checks in biscuits weaken the material and cause the product to break at low load levels that are perceived as injurious to product quality. In this work, the structural response of circular digestive biscuits, with diameter 72 mm and thickness 7.2 mm, simply supported around the circumference and loaded by a central concentrated force was investigated by experiment and theory. Tests were conducted to quantify the distribution in breakage strength for structurally sound biscuits, biscuits with natural checks and biscuits with a single known part-through crack. For sound biscuits the breakage force is Normally distributed with a mean of 12.5 N and standard deviation of 1.2 N. For biscuits with checks, the corresponding statistics are 9.6 N ± 2.62 N respectively. The presence of a crack weakens the biscuit and strength, as measured by breakage force falls almost linearly with crack length and crack depth. The orientation of the crack, whether radial or tangential, and its location (i.e. position of the crack mid-point on the biscuit surface) are also important. Deep, radial, cracks located close to the biscuit centre can reduce the strength by up to 50%. Two separate failure criteria were examined for sound and cracked biscuits respectively. The results from these tests were in good accord with theory. For a biscuit without defects, breakage occurred when maximum biscuit stress reached or exceeded the failure stress of 420 kPa. For a biscuit with cracks, breakage occurred as above or alternatively when its critical stress intensity factor of 18 kPam0.5 was reached.


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The premature failure of an aluminium injection die with a duplex surface treatment (plasma nitriding and physical vapor deposition coating) was investigated, in an effort to identify the causes of such premature failure of the component. The manufacturing and the operating conditions were documented. Analytical tools were used, including scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray capability, X-ray diffraction, and instrumented microhardness testing. Preliminary observations showed a microstructure of coarse tempered martensite, and a considerably rough surface with porosity and cracks. A detailed analysis of crack initiation sites identified sulfur inclusions in the subsurface, underneath the coating. A further revision of the processing conditions revealed that a sulfur-impregnated grinding stone had been used to polish the die. The chemical composition of such grinding stone matched that of the inclusions found in the subsurface of the failed component. Thus, searched causes of premature failure could be discussed on the lights of the present findings.


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Nous avons utilisé la télédétection pour examiner comment l’abondance du caribou migrateur pouvait influencer la quantité de ressources alimentaires, et comment ces changements pouvaient affecter la dynamique de population et les patrons d’utilisation de l’espace des caribous. Nous avons évalué les relations entre le caribou et ses ressources alimentaires pour l’aire de mise bas et l’aire d’estivage du troupeau Rivière-George (TRG) du nord du Québec et du Labrador (Canada) entre 1991 et 2011. Nous avons modélisé les relations entre la productivité primaire et des variables climatiques, nous permettant d’isoler les effets d’autres facteurs, comme la pression de broutement des caribous. Nous avons trouvé une relation négative entre la densité de caribous et la productivité primaire à grande échelle, suggérant que la pression de broutement par les caribous pouvait réduire l’abondance des ressources alimentaires et contribuer à la dégradation de l’habitat. Une forte tendance au réchauffement durant la période d’étude, couplée avec un déclin de la taille de population du TRG, a cependant entrainé une productivité primaire plus élevée. Cette hausse de la productivité primaire pourrait représenter un rétablissement de la végétation suite à la réduction de la pression de broutement et/ou un effet du réchauffement climatique.


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Aim - To describe a surgical technique for autologous limbal stem cell transplantation and the outcome of a series of patients with unilateral stem cell deficiency. Methods - A report of six consecutive patients who underwent autologous limbal stem cell transplantation is presented. The primary diagnosis included alkali burn (n = 3), conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) (n = 1), recurrent pterygium (n = 1), and contact lens induced keratopathy (n = 1). The autologous transplanted tissue consisted of peripheral cornea, limbus, and conjunctiva obtained from the contralateral eye. Three of the above patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty in association with autolimbal transplantation. A significant modification to established techniques was the close monitoring of conjunctival epithelial migration in the immediate postoperative period. If conjunctival epithelium threatened to migrate on to the corneal surface, it was mechanically removed at the slit lamp and prevented from crossing the limbus. This was required in three patients. Results - The mean follow up was 18.8 months. The outcome was satisfactory in all cases: a stable corneal surface was restored and there was a substantial improvement in vision and symptoms. One patient had a primary failure of the corneal allograft associated with glaucoma, and 6 months later developed a retinal detachment. No complications were noted in the donor eye with the exception of one patient who developed filamentary keratitis along the edge of the donor site. Conclusion - Autologous limbal transplantation with corneal, limbal, and conjunctival carriers was found to be useful for ocular surface reconstruction, over a mid-term follow up, in patients with unilateral stem cell deficiency. Close monitoring of the migration of conjunctival epithelium in the immediate postoperative period, and preventing it from crossing the limbus, ensured that the corneal surface was re-epithelialised exclusively from epithelial cells derived from the transplanted limbal tissue. This approach should improve the success of this procedure.


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The etiology of gingival smile is multifactorial and the correct diagnosis eill determine a successful treatment planning. Altered passive eruption occurs during the final stages of tooth eruption, when apical migration of the periodontal tissues does not occur, resulting in a distance > 2mm between the alveolar crest and the cement-enamel juncrion. This change leads to the shortening of the clinical crown and even further may lead to excessive gingival exposure. For treatment, there is a necessity for the combined removal of gingiva and bone tissue. This article discusses the literature on the issue and reports a case where periodontal plastic surgery was performed for the correcrion of a gingival smile.


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The purpose of this report was to describe the case of an 18-month-old boy who was referred to the pediatric clinic of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, São Paulo State University, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 days after sustaining severe trauma that led to the complete intrusion of the primary maxillary right lateral incisor, a crown fracture of the primary maxillary right central incisor without pulp involvement, and disruption of the superior labial frenum. Four months later, spontaneous re-eruption was observed in the intruded tooth and no endodontic intervention was necessary in either traumatized teeth. Four years after the trauma, a morphological change in the germ of the permanent successor was noted. Clinical follow-up and periodic radiographies are necessary after traumatic intrusion of primary teeth to monitor possible sequelae in the permanent successors.


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Objective: To determine whether primary care management of chronic heart failure (CHF) differed between rural and urban areas in Australia. Design: A cross-sectional survey stratified by Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Areas (RRMA) classification. The primary source of data was the Cardiac Awareness Survey and Evaluation (CASE) study. Setting: Secondary analysis of data obtained from 341 Australian general practitioners and 23 845 adults aged 60 years or more in 1998. Main outcome measures: CHF determined by criteria recommended by the World Health Organization, diagnostic practices, use of pharmacotherapy, and CHF-related hospital admissions in the 12 months before the study. Results: There was a significantly higher prevalence of CHF among general practice patients in large and small rural towns (16.1%) compared with capital city and metropolitan areas (12.4%) (P < 0.001). Echocardiography was used less often for diagnosis in rural towns compared with metropolitan areas (52.0% v 67.3%, P < 0.001). Rates of specialist referral were also significantly lower in rural towns than in metropolitan areas (59.1% v 69.6%, P < 0.001), as were prescribing rates of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (51.4% v 60.1%, P < 0.001). There was no geographical variation in prescribing rates of β-blockers (12.6% [rural] v 11.8% [metropolitan], P = 0.32). Overall, few survey participants received recommended “evidence-based practice” diagnosis and management for CHF (metropolitan, 4.6%; rural, 3.9%; and remote areas, 3.7%). Conclusions: This study found a higher prevalence of CHF, and significantly lower use of recommended diagnostic methods and pharmacological treatment among patients in rural areas.


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A case of primary squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the thyroid which had been initially diagnosed as an anaplastic carcinoma (ATC) is described: female, 73 years old, with a fast-growing cervical nodule on the left side and hoarseness for 3 months. Ultrasonography showed a 4.5 cm solid nodule. FNA was compatible with poorly differentiated carcinoma with immunoreactivity for AE1/AE3, EMA. Thyroidectomy was performed. Histopathological examination showed a nonencapsulated tumor. Immunohistochemistry disclosed positivity for AE1/AE3, p53,p63, and Ki67. The diagnosis was ATC. A second opinion reported tumor consisting of squamous cells, with intense inflammatory infiltrate both in tumor and in the adjacent thyroid, with final diagnosis of SCC, associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis. No other primary focus of SCC was found. Patient has shown a 48-month survival period. Clinically, primary SCCs of the thyroid and ATCs are similar. The distinction is often difficult particularly when based on the cytological analysis of FNA material.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on immediate bond strength of etch-and-rinse adhesive to sound (SD) and caries-affected (CAD) primary dentin compared with permanent dentin. Flat dentin surfaces from 20 primary molars (Pri) and 20 permanent molars (Perm) were assigned to 8 experimental groups (n=5) according to tooth type (Pri or Perm), dentin condition (SD or CAD - pH-cycling for 14 days) and treatment (control - C or 60 s application of 2% CHX solution after acid etching - CHX). The bonding system (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied according to manufacturer's instructions followed by resin composite application (Filtek Z250). After 24 h water storage, specimens with cross-section area of 0.8 mm² were prepared for being tested under microtensile test (1 mm/min). Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (α=0.05). Failure mode was evaluated using a stereomicroscope at ×400. Treatment with CHX did not result in higher bond strength values than no pre-treatment (C groups), independently of tooth type. Primary teeth and caries-affected dentin showed significantly lower (p<0.05) bond strength means compared with permanent teeth and sound dentin, respectively. Predominance of adhesive/mixed failure was observed for all groups. CHX did not influence the immediate bond strength to sound or caries-affected dentin of primary and permanent teeth.