831 resultados para Preschool teachers -- Training of
It gives me great pleasure to accept the invitation to address this conference on “Meeting the Challenges of Cultural Diversity in the Irish Healthcare Sector” which is being organised by the Irish Health Services Management Institute in partnership with the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism. The conference provides an important opportunity to develop our knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding cultural diversity in the health sector from the twin perspectives of patients and staff. Cultural diversity has over recent years become an increasingly visible aspect of Irish society bringing with it both opportunities and challenges. It holds out great possibilities for the enrichment of all who live in Ireland but it also challenges us to adapt creatively to the changes required to realise this potential and to ensure that the experience is a positive one for all concerned but particularly for those in the minority ethnic groups. In the last number of years in particular, the focus has tended to be on people coming to this country either as refugees, asylum seekers or economic migrants. Government figures estimate that as many as 340,000 immigrants are expected in the next six years. However ethnic and cultural diversity are not new phenomena in Ireland. Travellers have a long history as an indigenous minority group in Ireland with a strong culture and identity of their own. The changing experience and dynamics of their relationship with the wider society and its institutions over time can, I think, provide some valuable lessons for us as we seek to address the more numerous and complex issues of cultural diversity which have arisen for us in the last decade. Turning more specifically to the health sector which is the focus of this conference, culture and identity have particular relevance to health service policy and provision in that The first requirement is that we in the health service acknowledge cultural diversity and the differences in behaviours and in the less obvious areas of values and beliefs that this often implies. Only by acknowledging these differences in a respectful way and informing ourselves of them can we address them. Our equality legislation – The Employment Equality Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act, 2000 – prohibits discrimination on nine grounds including race and membership of the Traveller community. The Equal Status Act prohibits discrimination on an individual basis in relation to the nine grounds while for groups it provides for the promotion of equality of opportunity. The Act applies to the provision of services including health services. I will speak first about cultural diversity in relation to the patient. In this respect it is worth mentioning that the recognition of cultural diversity and appropriate responses to it were issues which were strongly emphasised in the public consultation process which we held earlier this year in the context of developing National Anti-Poverty targets for the health sector and also our new national health strategy. Awareness and sensitivity training for staff is a key requirement for adapting to a culturally diverse patient population. The focus of this training should be the development of the knowledge and skills to provide services sensitive to cultural diversity. Such training can often be most effectively delivered in partnership with members of the minority groups themselves. I am aware that the Traveller community, for example, is involved in in-service training for health care workers. I am also aware that the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism has been involved in training with the Eastern Regional Health Authority. We need to have more such initiatives. A step beyond the sensitivity training for existing staff is the training of members of the minority communities themselves as workers in our health services. Again the Traveller community has set an example in this area with its Primary Health Care Project for Travellers. The Primary Health Care for Travellers Project was established in 1994 as a joint partnership initiative with the Eastern Health Board and Pavee Point, with ongoing technical assistance being provided from the Department of Community Health and General Practice, Trinity College, Dublin. This project was the first of its kind in the country and has facilitated The project included a training course which concentrated on skills development, capacity building and the empowerment of Travellers. This confidence and skill allowed the Community Health Workers to go out and conduct a baseline survey to identify and articulate Travellers’ health needs. This was the first time that Travellers were involved in this process; in the past their needs were assumed. The results of the survey were fed back to the community and they prioritised their needs and suggested changes to the health services which would facilitate their access and utilisation. Ongoing monitoring and data collection demonstrates a big improvement in levels of satisfaction and uptake and ulitisation of health services by Travellers in the pilot area. This Primary Health Care for Travellers initiative is being replicated in three other areas around the country and funding has been approved for a further 9 new projects. This pilot project was the recipient of a WHO 50th anniversary commemorative award in 1998. The project is developing as a model of good practice which could inspire further initiatives of this type for other minority groups. Access to information has been identified in numerous consultative processes as a key factor in enabling people to take a proactive approach to managing their own health and that of their families and in facilitating their access to health services. Honouring our commitment to equity in these areas requires that information is provided in culturally appropriate formats. The National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005, for example, recognises that there exists within our society many groups with different requirements which need to be identified and accommodated when planning and implementing health promotion interventions. These groups include Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers, people with intellectual, physical or sensory disability and the gay and lesbian community. The Strategy acknowledges the challenge involved in being sensitive to the potential differences in patterns of poor health among these different groups. The Strategic aim is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of individuals from these groups. The objective of the Strategy on these issues are: While our long term aim may be to mainstream responses so that our health services is truly multicultural, we must recognise the need at this point in time for very specific focused responses particularly for groups with poor health status such as Travellers and also for refugees and asylum seekers. In the case of refugees and asylum seekers examples of targeted services are screening for communicable diseases – offered on a voluntary basis – and psychological support services for those who have suffered trauma before coming here. The two approaches of targeting and mainstreaming are not mutually exclusive. A combination of both is required at this point in time but the balance between them must be kept under constant review in the light of changing needs. A major requirement if we are to meet the challenge of cultural diversity is an appropriate data and research base. I think it is important that we build up our information and research data base in partnership with the minority groups themselves. We must establish what the health needs of diverse groups are; we must monitor uptake of services and how well we are responding to needs and we must monitor outcomes and health status. We must also examine the impact of the policies in other sectors on the health of minority groups. The National Health Information Strategy, currently being developed, and the recently published National Strategy for Health Research – Making Knowledge Work for Health provide important frameworks within which we can improve our data and research base. A culturally diverse health sector workforce – challenges and opportunities The Irish health service can benefit greatly from successful international recruitment. There has been a strong non-national representation amongst the medical profession for more than 30 years. More recently there have been significant increases in other categories of health service workers from overseas. The Department recognises the enormous value that overseas recruitment brings over a wide range of services and supports the development of effective and appropriate recruitment strategies in partnership with health service employers. These changes have made cultural diversity an important issue for all health service organisations. Diversity in the workplace is primarily about creating a culture that seeks, respects, values and harnesses difference. This includes all the differences that when added together make each person unique. So instead of the focus being on particular groups, diversity is about all of us. Change is not about helping “them” to join “us” but about critically looking at “us” and rooting out all aspects of our culture that inappropriately exclude people and prevent us from being inclusive in the way we relate to employees, potential employees and clients of the health service. International recruitment benefits consumers, Irish employees and the overseas personnel alike. Regardless of whether they are employed by the health service, members of minority groups will be clients of our service and consequently we need to be flexible in order to accommodate different cultural needs. For staff, we recognise that coming from other cultures can be a difficult transition. Consequently health service employers have made strong efforts to assist them during this period. Many organisations provide induction courses, religious facilities (such as prayer rooms) and help in finding suitable accommodation. The Health Service Employers Agency (HSEA) is developing an equal opportunities/diversity strategy and action plans as well as training programmes to support their implementation, to ensure that all health service employment policies and practices promote the equality/diversity agenda to continue the development of a culturally diverse health service. The management of this new environment is extremely important for the health service as it offers an opportunity to go beyond set legal requirements and to strive for an acceptance and nurturing of cultural differences. Workforce cultural diversity affords us the opportunity to learn from the working practices and perspectives of others by allowing personnel to present their ideas and experience through teamwork, partnership structures and other appropriate fora, leading to further improvement in the services we provide. It is important to ensure that both personnel units and line managers communicate directly with their staff and demonstrate by their actions that they intend to create an inclusive work place which doesn´t demand that minority staff fit. Contented, valued employees who feel that there is a place for them in the organisation will deliver a high quality health service. Your conference here today has two laudable aims – to heighten awareness and assist health care staff to work effectively with their colleagues from different cultural backgrounds and to gain a greater understanding of the diverse needs of patients from minority ethnic backgrounds. There is a synergy in these aims and in the tasks to which they give rise in the management of our health service. The creative adaptations required for one have the potential to feed into the other. I would like to commend both organisations which are hosting this conference for their initiative in making this event happen, particularly at this time – Racism in the Workplace Week. I look forward very much to hearing the outcome of your deliberations. Thank you.
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) improves health status and exercise tolerance, but not respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of the study was to identify predictors of improvement in the 6-min walked distance (6'WD) in elderly COPD patients after PR. Methods: this was a prospective observational study performed in an ambulatory rehabilitation setting. The authors enrolled 74 patients aged 65-83 years (mean: 74.2, SD: 4.4) with stable COPD in GOLD stage 3-4. About half (45.6%) of them had a basal O2 saturation of 90% or less. After a baseline multi-dimensional assessment, patients underwent a 20-session rehabilitation cycle including training of the upper and lower extremities, and respiratory exercises, along with education sessions.
Background We assessed the impact of a smoking ban in hospitality venues in the Seychelles 9 months after legislation was implemented. Methods Survey officers observed compliance with the smoking ban in 38 most popular hospitality venues and administered a structured questionnaire to two customers, two workers and one manager in each venue. Results Virtually no customers or workers were seen smoking in the indoor premises. Patrons, workers and managers largely supported the ban. The personnel of the hospitality venues reported that most smokers had no difficulty refraining from smoking. However, a third of workers did not systematically request customers to stop smoking and half of them did not report adequate training. Workers reported improved health. No substantial change in the number of customers was noted. Conclusion A ban on public smoking was generally well implemented in hospitality venues but some less than optimal findings suggest the need for adequate training of workers and strengthened enforcement measures. The simple and inexpensive methodology used in this rapid survey may be a useful approach to evaluate the implementation and impact of clean air policy in low and middle-income countries.
This Committee was established on 20 September 1966 to advise the Minister for Education generally on technical education in Ireland and, in particular, to provide the Department of Education Building Consortium with a brief for the technical colleges. This report from the Committee addresses the following aspects: the need/demand for technicians and skilled personnel; the role of the regional technical colleges; analysis of courses and student population; recruitment and training of teachers; organisation structure; accommodation needs (in the colleges, and residential requirements); growth and flexibility; and cost and time. Recommendations are made in relation to: the building program; the establishment of a Building Project Unit to be accountable for all school and college building work for the Department of Education; the establishment of Regional Education Councils with accountability for all education in each of the regions; and the establishment of a National Council for Educational Awards.
We describe an innovative use of multimedia materials to support training and advocacy within a schistosomiasis control programme. The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) at Imperial College London works with selected sub-Saharan African countries to develop schistosomiasis control programmes. Two elements of the SCI programme were supported by multimedia materials developed at the Wellcome Trust in collaboration with the SCI: (1) training of programme managers, district health officers, and those delivering practical elements of the programme; and (2) advocacy targeted at decision-makers and donors. Evaluation of the materials revealed high reported ratings for both user satisfaction and impact from use of the product. From this experience we draw out several general messages about development of multimedia materials and how these will play a growing future role in promoting training within international health.
The development of new medical devices, such as aortic valves, requires numerous preliminary studies on animals and training of personnel on cadavers before the devices can be used in patients. Postmortem circulation, a technique used for postmortem angiography, allows the vascular system to be reperfused in a way similar to that in living persons. This technique is used for postmortem investigations to visualize the human vascular system and to make vascular diagnoses. Specific material for reperfusing a human body was developed recently. Our aim was to investigate whether postmortem circulation that imitates in vivo conditions allows for the testing of medical materials on cadavers. We did this by delivering an aortic valve using minimally invasive methods. Postmortem circulation was established in eight corpses to recreate an environment as close as possible to in vivo conditions. Mobile fluoroscopy and a percutaneous catheterization technique were used to deliver the material to the correct place. Once the valve was implanted, the heart and primary vessels were extracted to confirm its position. Postmortem circulation proved to be essential in several of the cadavers because it helped the clinicians to deliver the material and improve their implantation techniques. Due to the intravascular circulation, sites with substantial arteriosclerotic stenosis could be bypassed, which would have been impossible without perfusion. Although originally developed for postmortem investigations, this reperfusion technique could be useful for testing new medical devices intended for living patients.
We refer to Oswaldo Cruz’s reports dating from 1913 about the necessities of a healthcare system for the Brazilian Amazon Region and about the journey of Carlos Chagas to 27 locations in this region and the measures that would need to be adopted. We discuss the risks of endemicity of Chagas disease in the Amazon Region. We recommend that epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in the Brazilian Amazon Region and Pan-Amazon region should be implemented through continuous monitoring of the human population that lives in the area, their housing, the environment and the presence of triatomines. The monitoring should be performed with periodic seroepidemiological surveys, semi-annual visits to homes by health agents and the training of malaria microscopists and healthcare technicians to identify Trypanosoma cruzi from patients’ samples and T. cruzi infection rates among the triatomines caught. We recommend health promotion and control of Chagas disease through public health policies, especially through sanitary education regarding the risk factors for Chagas disease. Finally, we propose a healthcare system through base hospitals, intermediate-level units in the areas of the Brazilian Amazon Region and air transportation, considering the distances to be covered for medical care.
Right from the beginning of the development of the medical specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) the harmonization of the fields of competence and the specialist training across Europe was always an important issue. The initially informal European collaboration was formalized in 1963 under the umbrella of the European Federation of PRM. The European Academy of PRM and the UEMS section of PRM started to contribute in 1969 and 1974 respectively. In 1991 the European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EBPRM) was founded with the specific task of harmonizing education and training in PRM in Europe. The EBPRM has progressively defined curricula for the teaching of medical students and for the postgraduate education and training of PRM specialists. It also created a harmonized European certification system for medical PRM specialists, PRM trainers and PRM training sites. European teaching initiatives for PRM trainees (European PRM Schools) were promoted and learning material for PRM trainees and PRM specialists (e-learning, books and e-books, etc.) was created. For the future the Board will have to ensure that a minimal specific undergraduate curriculum on PRM based on a detailed European catalogue of learning objectives will be taught in all medical schools in Europe as a basis for the general medical practice. To stimulate the harmonization of national curricula, the existing postgraduate curriculum will be expanded by a syllabus of competencies related to PRM and a catalogue of learning objectives to be reached by all European PRM trainees. The integration of the certifying examination of the PRM Board into the national assessment procedures for PRM specialists will also have to be promoted.
Objective To understand the experiences and expectations of nurses in the treatment of women with chronic venous ulcers. Method Phenomenological research was based on Alfred Schütz, whose statements were obtained in January, 2012, through semi-structured interviews with seven nurses. Results The nurse reveals the difficulties presented by the woman in performing self-care, the perceived limitations in the treatment anchored in motivation, and the values and beliefs of women. It showed professional frustration because venous leg ulcer recurrence, lack of inputs, interdisciplinary work and training of nursing staff. There was an expected adherence to the treatment of women, and it emphasized the need for ongoing care, supported self-care and standard practices in treatment. Conclusion That treatment of chronic venous leg ulcers constitutes a challenge that requires collective investment, involving women, professionals, managers and health institutions.
II Resumo Cabo Verde é um país que tem acompanhado as grandes mudanças políticas, sociais, económicas e educativas, atribuindo um papel preponderante aos professores na educação/formação dos indivíduos. Neste sentido a formação inicial não pode constituir um acto “acabado” que não tem em linha de conta as mudanças que decorrem no seu seio. A formação contínua aparece com um processo de construção da mudança, apoiado no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. A avaliação de necessidade de formação em professores do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde é o tema do trabalho de investigação, realizado nas escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão, em Cabo Verde, no sentido de identificar questões problemáticas na formação inicial e contínua de professores e as suas implicações na qualidade educativa. Neste sentido, ao longo de 5 capítulos apresentamos os pontos desta investigação, estruturados de forma a se poder acompanhar a sua evolução. No 1º capítulo, apresenta-se a Problemática de Investigação, que constitui a parte inicial da dissertação, pela exposição do quadro conceptual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde através da contextualização e identificação do problema, da formulação dos objectivos e questões de investigação. No 2º capítulo faz-se o percurso histórico/educativo de Cabo Verde, desde a época colonial, passando pela educação após a independência em 1975, à constituição da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo e a Reforma Educativa dos anos 90. No 3º capítulo, intitulado “A Formação Inicial e Continua de Professores em Cabo Verde”, é abordado o enquadramento teórico desta investigação, com referência à contextualização geral da formação e modelos de formação de professores, evoluindo para a realidade Cabo-verdiana, tendo em consideração as instituições de formação de professores e o contexto actual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde. No 4º capítulo faz-se a apresentação da Metodologia de Investigação, adoptada num estudo extensivo, do qual abordamos a natureza da investigação e caracterizamos a amostra e respondentes. Como técnicas de recolha de dados, são utilizados: o inquérito por questionário (n=77), a professores do ensino secundário e o inquérito por entrevista (n=9), aos directores das escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão e a formadores de professores em São Vicente. Como técnica de análise de dados, são utilizados diversos procedimentos estatísticos e a análise de conteúdo. O 5º capítulo corresponde a apresentação e discussão dos resultados da investigação desses três públicos analisados. Para finalizar, apresenta-se uma conclusão que corresponde a síntese dos resultados obtidos, propostas de sugestões de melhoria e limitações do estudo. Cabo Verde is a country willing to follow the great political, social, economic and educational changes. This important role have attributed to teachers to educate and train individuals. In this sense the initial training cannot be considered as a “finished” task without taking into consideration those changes. The in service training appears as a scientific and pedagogic autonomization towards the growing change. The Evaluation of Secondary School teacher training Needs in Cabo Verde constitutes an investigation work, carried out in Santo Antão's island Secondary schools, aiming to identify problems in initial and continuous teachers' training and their implications in the educational quality. In this sense, along five chapters we will present the points of this investigation, structured to facilitate the understanding of its evolution. In the first chapter we present the Problem of Investigation which is an introductory part of the dissertation, the conceptual theory of the Cabo Verde secondary education through the contextualization and identification of the problem, the formulation of the objectives and investigation issues. In the second chapter we present the Cabo Verde historical/educational background, from the colonial time, going through after independence in 1975, to the constitution of the Basic Educational Law of the System and the nineties Educational Reform. In the third chapter entitled “The Initial and in-service Teacher´s Training in Cabo Verde” brings the theoretical framework of this investigation, where we present a general contextualization of teachers' training and models, developed from the reality of Cabo Verde. In this regard we will consider the teachers' training institutions and the current secondary education context in Cabo Verde. In the fourth chapter we present the Research Methodology, adopted in an extensive study, of which we draw the nature of the investigation and we characterized the sample. We carried out questionnaire (n=77) to teachers, interviews (n=9) to headmasters from Santo Antão's island secondary schools and trainers from São Vicente. We used statistical analyses and content analyses as data analyse techniques. The fifth chapter deals with presentation the discussion of results of those three analyzed publics' investigation. Finally, we present a summary of the obtained results, suggestions for improvement and limitations of study.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify, in the perception of nurses, the factors that affect the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in adult inpatient units, and investigate the influence of both work shifts and professional experience length of time in the perception of these factors. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory study conducted at a hospital specialized in cardiology and pneumology with the application of a questionnaire to 49 nurses working in inpatient units. RESULTS The majority of nurses reported that the high number of professionals in the scenario (75.5%), the lack of harmony (77.6%) or stress of any member of staff (67.3%), lack of material and/or equipment failure (57.1%), lack of familiarity with the emergency trolleys (98.0%) and presence of family members at the beginning of the cardiopulmonary arrest assistance (57.1%) are factors that adversely affect the quality of care provided during CPR. Professional experience length of time and the shift of nurses did not influence the perception of these factors. CONCLUSION The identification of factors that affect the quality of CPR in the perception of nurses serves as parameter to implement improvements and training of the staff working in inpatient units.
This thesis is a pedagogical and methodological work related to the Teacher’s use of the students’ common language in 7th grade (beginners-level 1) Capeverdean English classroom. It discusses the importance of a limited and judicious use of the students’ common language (Creole/Portuguese) as a teaching technique to assist in the teaching and learning process. This thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter defines and shows the difference between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, talks about the methods and approaches (classroom procedures) to teach English as a foreign language, the different opinions about the teacher’s use of the students’ first language in the EFL classroom, and presents two studies already conducted on the use of the students’ mother tongue in the English classroom in two different EFL context. The second Chapter describes the methodology of research to conduct a study on the use of the students’ common language (Creole/Portuguese) in the EFL Capeverdean context with 7th grade students. The third chapter is the presentation of the Results and Analyses of the field research. And finally the fourth chapter is the recommendations and conclusions.
The present study is about the relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. Do teachers have the power to influence student achievement? This is the question at hand. Are students under the influence of their teachers in regards to how they perceive themselves as achievers and ultimately how well they perform? What are the other factors that come into play when assessing student’s academic achievement? In light of the literature written on this topic, the two most prevalent theories are (1) Pygmalion in the Class and (2) The Sustaining Effect. These theories show a direct and determinant relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. The main objective of this study was to investigate if in Cape Verde, teachers follow the same trend. Responses to teacher and student surveys carried out at Domingos Ramos High School gave revealing insights into how Capeverdean teachers view their students and the role the teachers themselves play in supporting the studen’s academic performance. Is the teacher’s expectation of their students the last word? In general, teachers do have a powerful influence on their students for good or for bad, but the key questions are: (1) are they aware of this power and (2) how well do they manage it? This paper includes an in-depth discussion on the different factors that influence student achievement and research carried out at an urban secondary school which characterizes how teachers and students view their roles in the student’s academic success. Recommendations are also provided to assist teachers in managing their expectations to maximize their role as a positive contributor to the success of their students.
No contexto das atividades de formação de professores ao nível da Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), constatamos que existem algumas dificuldades associadas ao funcionamento dos estágios pedagógicos, que consideramos poderem ser superadas com recurso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC). Entendemos que o estágio curricular constitui uma das etapas decisivas para os futuros docentes de ensino secundário no país, garantindo-lhes a oportunidade de contato com estratégias de trabalho atuais e inovadoras para esses contextos. Esta comunicação enquadra-se num processo de investigação-ação que pretende dinamizar as metodologias de trabalho com os estagiários e seus orientadores no Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Humanas no campus do Palmarejo da Uni-CV. Para tal, pretende-se recorrer à dinamização de um espaço virtual na Moodle, de forma a superar algumas das dificuldades previamente identificadas. Os dados aqui apresentados resultam de um diagnóstico de necessidades de formação e representam uma breve avaliação das condições existentes para o acompanhamento dos estágios pedagógicos através de um ambiente online, onde se constatou que os estagiários e seus orientadores, além de serem utilizadores e terem bons conhecimentos das TIC, gostariam de poder contar com um espaço virtual que os apoiasse ao longo de todo o estágio.
No momento em que se verifica algumas reformas no sistema educativo cabo-verdiano, torna-se necessário analisar a questão da formação dos professores de forma a prepará-los para a função que têm que desempenhar. Com a realização deste estudo, pretende-se diagnosticar percursos e necessidade de formação dos professores na área das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), bem como descrever o sentido de competência (auto-eficácia) dos professores na utilização das tecnologias, concretamente à mobilização dos mesmos no processo ensino e aprendizagem. Tendo em conta os objetivos do estudo, optou-se por utilizar uma metodologia de natureza quantitativa. O estudo integra a participação de 87 professores. Escolheu-se a técnica de inquérito, realizando um inquérito por questionário com questões fechadas aos professores da Escola Secundária Abílio Duarte situada na Cidade da Praia, ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar que já foram desenvolvidas iniciativas, a nível nacional, para a implementação das TIC nas escolas. Atualmente destaca-se o programa Mundu Novu do governo de Cabo Verde, coordenado pelo Ministério da Educação, que tem como objetivo modernizar o processo de ensino através da utilização das TIC criando um novo paradigma de ensino interativo. Os resultados apontam para a progressiva utilização das TIC nas atividades dos professores que revelam um moderado sentido de auto-eficácia de utilização das TIC. A formação de professores é apontada como o principal obstáculo à integração e utilização educativa das TIC.