985 resultados para Practical activities notebook
Review of targeted small business procurement activities for the year ended June 30, 2014
Yhteenveto: Käytännöllinen oikeanpuoleinen viiltogastropeksia mahalaukun laajentumisen ja kiertymisen hoitona tai ennaltaehkäisynä
Harinera La Montserrat, S.A, a company involved in the manufacturing and trading of cereals and flour, was founded in Girona in 1898 by José Ensesa y Cía., Sociedad en Comandita. With the objective to determine how the product activity of this business was structured, we have studied in detail the operations that were carried out over the agricultural year 1903-1904. We have focused on three main aspects. Firstly, the purchasing of wheat (origin, transportation, prices); secondly, the production of flour (using internal and external wheat, profits); and thirdly, its distribution (customers, destination). Finally, we have analyzed the profit and loos account for this period in order to find out if this business was profitable
The objective of this work was to evaluate root and nodule soybean lipoxygenases in Doko cultivar and in a near isogenic line lacking seed lipoxygenases, inoculated and uninoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii. The lipoxygenase activities from roots collected at 3, 5, 9, 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation and from nodules collected at 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation were measured. The pH-activity profiles from root and nodules suggested that the lipoxygenases pool expressed in these organs from Doko cultivar and triple-null near isogenic lines are similar. The root lipoxygenase activity of Doko and triple-null lines, inoculated and uninoculated, reduced over time. The highest lipoxygenase activity observed at the beginning of root formation suggests the involvement of this enzyme in growth and development of this organ. However, for nodules an expressive increase of lipoxygenase activity was noticed 28 days post-inoculation. Root and nodule showed, at least, two mobility groups for lipoxygenases in immunoblottings, with approximately 94 and 97 kDa.
This report, entitled Iowa Highway Research and Development Activities FY2014 is submitted in compliance with Iowa Code sections 310.36 and 312.3A, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund, respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in process on June 20, 2014. It is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available from the office of Research and Analytics, Performance and Technology Division, Iowa Department of Transportation. All approved reports are also online for viewing at: http://www.iowadot.gov/research/pdf/IHRBAnnualReport.pdf.
Audit report of the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the State of Iowa as of and for the year ended June 30, 2014
An examination of faculty work activities at the University of Iowa, UofI, Iowa State University, ISU, and University of Northern Iowa, UNI.
Anti-TNF alpha are immunomodulatory treatments prescribed for some rheumatologic inflammatory diseases (ex: spondylarthropathy, rheumatoid polyarthritis). The randomised studies suggested that anti-TNF alpha therapy is associated with an overall risk of infectious diseases. The results of the observational studies are more reassuring. In this article, we will describe some results of theses studies and propose some practical recommendations in use of the anti-TNF alpha therapy.
Aquest treball consta d’una investigació amb una pràctica d’activitats basades en el moviment corporal amb un infant diagnosticat amb Trastorn de Dèficit D’Atenció (TDA), amb la intenció de tractar i treballar els problemes que pateix de concentració i atenció. Aquesta pràctica va tenir lloc a l’Escola Sant Jordi de Navàs. Es va analitzar a l’alumne/a en concret, però es van treballar totes les activitats amb tot el grup classe. Les activitats van ser dissenyades a partir dels aprenentatges a la universitat durant la carrera i també de diferents autors citats al marc teòric. Els instruments de recollida de dades que es van utilitzar són les tècniques d’observació i el diari de camp i la càmera de fotos i de vídeo per enregistrar moments en concret. Aquests instruments van donar lloc a l’anàlisi i a la valoració final de les sessions de la pràctica realitzada, en la que es va poder observar una millora en l’atenció, la concentració, l’ interès, la relació amb els companys, etc, aconseguint els objectius proposats al principi. Si el moviment corporal ajuda a millorar als infants que pateixen aquest trastorn i a tots els altres és aconsellable que a l’escola es busquin estratègies i formes de treballar-ho, en qualsevol àrea, per a motivar i fer créixer els aprenentatges de tots els alumnes.
Mass spectrometry (MS) is currently the most sensitive and selective analytical technique for routine peptide and protein structure analysis. Top-down proteomics is based on tandem mass spectrometry (MS/ MS) of intact proteins, where multiply charged precursor ions are fragmented in the gas phase, typically by electron transfer or electron capture dissociation, to yield sequence-specific fragment ions. This approach is primarily used for the study of protein isoforms, including localization of post-translational modifications and identification of splice variants. Bottom-up proteomics is utilized for routine high-throughput protein identification and quantitation from complex biological samples. The proteins are first enzymatically digested into small (usually less than ca. 3 kDa) peptides, these are identified by MS or MS/MS, usually employing collisional activation techniques. To overcome the limitations of these approaches while combining their benefits, middle-down proteomics has recently emerged. Here, the proteins are digested into long (3-15 kDa) peptides via restricted proteolysis followed by the MS/MS analysis of the obtained digest. With advancements of high-resolution MS and allied techniques, routine implementation of the middle-down approach has been made possible. Herein, we present the liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS-based experimental design of our middle-down proteomic workflow coupled with post-LC supercharging.
There are numerous genodermatoses and different types of transmission. Recent technological progress of molecular genetics allows to confirm or specify increasingly the clinical diagnosis and to better define the risk of recurrency. A close collaboration of dermatologists and geneticists has been established at CHUV since several years. By means of clinical examples we illustrate the organisation and procedures of this pluridisciplinary consultation which aims to optimize the clinical management of rare genetic diseases.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major cause of premature death in young adults and children in developed countries. Standard forensic autopsy procedures are often unsuccessful in determining the cause of SCD. Post-mortem genetic testing, also called molecular autopsy, has revealed that a non-negligible number of these deaths are a result of inherited cardiac diseases, including arrhythmic disorders such as congenital long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome. Due to the heritability of these diseases, the potential implications for living relatives must be taken into consideration. Advanced diagnostic analyses, genetic counselling, and interdisciplinary collaboration should be integral parts of clinical and forensic practice. In this article we present a multidisciplinary collaboration established in Lausanne, with the goal of properly informing families of these pathologies and their implications for surviving family members. In Switzerland, as in many other countries, legal guidelines for genetic testing do not address the use of molecular tools for post-mortem genetic analyses in forensic practice. In this article we present the standard practice guidelines established by our multidisciplinary team.
In the administration, planning, design, and maintenance of road systems, transportation professionals often need to choose between alternatives, justify decisions, evaluate tradeoffs, determine how much to spend, set priorities, assess how well the network meets traveler needs, and communicate the basis for their actions to others. A variety of technical guidelines, tools, and methods have been developed to help with these activities. Such work aids include design criteria guidelines, design exception analysis methods, needs studies, revenue allocation schemes, regional planning guides, designation of minimum standards, sufficiency ratings, management systems, point based systems to determine eligibility for paving, functional classification, and bridge ratings. While such tools play valuable roles, they also manifest a number of deficiencies and are poorly integrated. Design guides tell what solutions MAY be used, they aren't oriented towards helping find which one SHOULD be used. Design exception methods help justify deviation from design guide requirements but omit consideration of important factors. Resource distribution is too often based on dividing up what's available rather than helping determine how much should be spent. Point systems serve well as procedural tools but are employed primarily to justify decisions that have already been made. In addition, the tools aren't very scalable: a system level method of analysis seldom works at the project level and vice versa. In conjunction with the issues cited above, the operation and financing of the road and highway system is often the subject of criticisms that raise fundamental questions: What is the best way to determine how much money should be spent on a city or a county's road network? Is the size and quality of the rural road system appropriate? Is too much or too little money spent on road work? What parts of the system should be upgraded and in what sequence? Do truckers receive a hidden subsidy from other motorists? Do transportation professions evaluate road situations from too narrow of a perspective? In considering the issues and questions the author concluded that it would be of value if one could identify and develop a new method that would overcome the shortcomings of existing methods, be scalable, be capable of being understood by the general public, and utilize a broad viewpoint. After trying out a number of concepts, it appeared that a good approach would be to view the road network as a sub-component of a much larger system that also includes vehicles, people, goods-in-transit, and all the ancillary items needed to make the system function. Highway investment decisions could then be made on the basis of how they affect the total cost of operating the total system. A concept, named the "Total Cost of Transportation" method, was then developed and tested. The concept rests on four key principles: 1) that roads are but one sub-system of a much larger 'Road Based Transportation System', 2) that the size and activity level of the overall system are determined by market forces, 3) that the sum of everything expended, consumed, given up, or permanently reserved in building the system and generating the activity that results from the market forces represents the total cost of transportation, and 4) that the economic purpose of making road improvements is to minimize that total cost. To test the practical value of the theory, a special database and spreadsheet model of Iowa's county road network was developed. This involved creating a physical model to represent the size, characteristics, activity levels, and the rates at which the activities take place, developing a companion economic cost model, then using the two in tandem to explore a variety of issues. Ultimately, the theory and model proved capable of being used in full system, partial system, single segment, project, and general design guide levels of analysis. The method appeared to be capable of remedying many of the existing work method defects and to answer society's transportation questions from a new perspective.
There is much policy interest in the possible linkages that might exist between land use and downstream fluvial flood risk. On the one hand, this position is sustained by observations from plot- and field-scale studies that suggest land management does affect runoff. On the other, upscaling these effects to show that land-management activities impact upon flood risk at larger catchment scales has proved to be elusive. This review considers the reasons for why this upscaling is problematic. We argue that, rather than it reflecting methodological challenges associated with the difficulties of modelling hydrological processes over very large areas and during extreme runoff events, it reflects the fact that any linkage between land management and flood risk cannot be generalized and taken out of its specific spatial (catchment) and temporal (flood event) context. We use Sayer's (1992) notion of a `chaotic conception' to describe the belief that there is a simple and general association between land management and downstream flood risk rather than the impacts of land management being spatially and temporally contingent in relation to the particular geographical location, time period and scale being considered. Our argument has important practical consequences because it implies that land-management activities to reduce downstream flood risk will be different to traditional flood-reduction interventions such as levees. The purpose of demonstration projects then needs careful consideration such that conclusions made for one project are not transferred uncritically to other scales of analysis or geographical locations.
Virgin T cells being primed to Th2-inducing or Th1-inducing Ags, respectively, start to synthesize IL-4 or IFN-gamma as they begin to proliferate. Parallel respective induction of B cells to produce gamma1 or gamma2a switch transcripts provides additional evidence of early divergent Th activity. This report concerns the roles of IL-4, IL-13, and B cells in these early events in vivo. Th2 responses were induced in lymph nodes against hapten-protein given s.c. with killed Bordetella pertussis adjuvant. In T cell proliferation in wild-type mice, IL-4 message up-regulation and gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production were underway 48-72 h after immunization. The absence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells did not alter the early T cell proliferative response. The gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production was still induced in the absence of IL-4, IL-13, or both, but at a reduced level, while the dominance of switching to IgG1 in the extrafollicular hapten-specific plasma cell response was retained. The up-regulation of IL-4 message was not reduced or delayed in the absence of B cells and was only marginally reduced by the absence of IL-13. It is concluded that signals delivered by dendritic cells, which are not dependent on the presence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells, can prime virgin T cells and induce the early Th2 activities studied. These early events that direct virgin T cells toward Th2 differentiation contrast with the critical later role of Th2 cytokines in selectively expanding Th2 clones and driving further IL-4 synthesis.