987 resultados para Portas da Muralha Fernandina de Évora


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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The demand for health services can be understood as an application needs the user has. The inability to use the outpatient services and limited supply of these make it possible for users to browse sites that focus attention on a greater possibility of entry doors, in which first-aid centers and hospital emergency match this profile, distorting the flow of patients in the network through an inverse demand of the movement hierarchy. Added to this, the burden of care in these services results in overcrowding and poor quality of care. Evaluate the demand of the visits occurred in the Emergency Room of the Hospital of the Medical School of Botucatu / UNESP (PS - HC - FMB / UNESP) during June-July 2010. A transversal, descriptive and retrospective. For data collection sheet was used in the proposed Service unit and the data it was filled out the form with the necessary items for the search. Made an exploratory analysis and frequency distributions for categorical variables of the form. Females predominated (56%) and aged 61 years or older with 30%. 96.5% were owned by DRS VI, and 62.5% of Botucatu. The attendance by the physician on duty and corresponded to 57.7% among the 23 medical specialties, Gastric (7.0%), Cardiology (4.5%), Medical (4.4%), urology (4.2%) and Pulmonology (4.1%) were the ones that stood out. The medical procedures performed that stood out were X-ray (46.4%) and electrocardiogram (ECG) (42.3%) and in most specialty care occurred, only the daily consultation with the patient. It was possible to characterize, so the demand for PS - HC - FMB / UNESP for the period June- July 2010, The predominance of the elderly shows that come along with aging diseases and addictions, causing a greater need for health services. Moreover, this study showed that the high number of visits is related to both the daily demands that the tertiary hospital has the same transformation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The present work has shown the development of the comic book market in the United States and Brazil, according to Schumpeter's theory of technological innovation. Firstly was made an analysis of the Brazilian market during the years of rising inflation, after the end of dictatorship, in our country, following the trajectory of two publishers, D-arte e Circo that closed their doors due to the economic crisis. The analysis has followed until the current days, showing that the market has changed like the strategies used by publishers to keep launching comic books


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This work is the production of two types of particle boards reconstructed MDP (Medium Density Particleboard), the first with the addition, in the inner layer of particles of impregnated paper, the ratios of 0%, 1%, 5% and 20 %. In the second type of panel MDP was inserted with blades of bamboo species Dendrocalumus giganteus as coatings and structural reinforcement. The MDP panel, used as a basis for both cases has the composition of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending, tension parallel and perpendicular, and testing of particle sizes of the particles did not exists in standard references. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests showed similar results indicating normative specifications in a positive way, the possibility of production of MDP with the use of waste paper impregnated. As for the panel with bamboo blades, the tests showed a mechanical performance far superior to MDP market, explaining the study and possible implementation of the bamboo for use where the MDP will suffer greater mechanical stress, such as doors, tops and benches tables


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A exposição experimental a vapores de solventes pela via respiratória pode ser realizada em câmaras de dois tipos: a que expõe todo o animal por imersão na atmosfera experimental e aquela em que a exposição se dá apenas pelo nariz. O sistema para exposição apenas pelo nariz, denominado de NOES- Nose Only Exposure System, tem as vantagens de utilizar menos material, ter uma atmosfera continuamente renovada, produzir exposição mais uniforme entre os animais, ser mais facilmente controlado e evitar a penetração dos solventes por outras vias. A desvantagem está no fato na restrição do tempo do experimento por provocar estresse ao animal. O projeto experimental consistiu na validação de uma câmara de exposição para ratos, do tipo NOES, dotada de 44 portas, através da avaliação da homogeneidade e da estabilidade das concentrações de voláteis na atmosfera a ser inalada, utilizando etanol combustível como agente químico para os testes. Os resultados indicaram que a variabilidade das concentrações entre os planos da câmara (portas da camada superior e inferior), entre portas de exposição e, também, entre as médias apuradas para cada tempo não diferem expressivamente entre si. Assim, pode-se considerar que o equipamento mostrou-se adequado para manter a homogeneidade e a estabilidade das concentrações durante as 6 horas de experimentação, para o etanol combustível


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O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação analisou projetos de urbanização de favelas em paralelo com algumas urbanizações feitas nos tecido das cidades medievais que também possuem um traçado inicial de origem espontânea. A partir dessa análise, a pesquisa teve como objetivo a busca de experiências técnicas e de gestão, a partir de bases bibliográficas e visitas em campo, nesses locais de diferentes contextos e, a partir disso, discutir soluções urbanísticas que foram bem‐resolvidas ou dificuldades encontradas nas intervenções. A metodologia empregada para a análise baseou‐se na revisão bibliográfica através das bibliotecas da Universidade Estadual Paulista, da Universidade de São Paulo e do Centro de Documentação da Câmara Municipal de Évora, além do acesso a bibliotecas digitais, como a Base Dedalus da Universidade de São Paulo, a Biblioteca Digital da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a BAE da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, a Minerva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, a BU da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, BIB da Universidade de Évora e a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. Os resultados que foram obtidos buscaram responder perguntas como: quais as questões interessantes a se considerar a partir da análise do projeto – técnicas e de gestão? No caso das favelas, quando houve a remoção, isso foi feito por motivos técnicos pertinentes? E a questão da acessibilidade diante de casos de uma ocupação em encostas com acessos perpendiculares às curvas de nível? Como tornar o local acessível a todos? Isso já foi alguma vez pensado e solucionado? Quais as situações que devem ser observadas para se determinar se deverá ter ou não uma realocação das famílias? A partir dessa avaliação buscou‐se criar, ainda que minimamente, subsídios teóricos para novos projetos de urbanização e entender a efetiva importância sociológica na construção do “habitat humano”


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The tool proposed, known as WSPControl, enables remote monitoring of computers across the Internet using distributed applications. Through a Web Services architecture is possible the communication between these distributed applications across heterogeneous platforms, also eliminates the need for additional settings in computer networks, such as release of ports or proxy. The tool is divided into three modules, namely: • Client Interface: developed in C Sharp, is responsible for capturing data on performance of the monitored computer also connects to the Web Services to report this data. • Web Services Interface: developed in PHP using the PHP SOAP library, is responsible for facilitating the communication between internet applications and client. • Internet Interface: developed in PHP, is responsible for reading and interpreting the information captured these available on the Internet


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A prática do boxe olímpico cresce a cada ano, porém esse aumento poderia ser mais significativo se o esporte não trouxesse consigo tantos preconceitos, estigmas e dificuldade para inserção na sociedade. As mulheres que optam pela prática do boxe olímpico freqüentemente são associadas ao que a sociedade considera como ‗masculino‘. Esse trabalho possui o objetivo de pesquisar quais são as questões relativas às relações de gênero existentes em praticantes femininos de boxe. Para tanto, procura investigar quais são as dificuldades, os preconceitos, os estigmas e as vantagens da prática do esporte, buscando relacioná-los com o projeto de extensão Boxe Olímpico, ministrado na UNESP – Rio Claro, no qual a orientanda é monitora. Para tal feito, a metodologia utilizada será uma pesquisa bibliográfica, ou seja, desenvolvimento de um levantamento, análise e discussão da bibliografia sobre o tema, bem como a pesquisa participante nas aulas ministradas no projeto de extensão. Ainda é evidente o preconceito em relação a praticantes femininos do boxe. Novos projetos e perspectivas acerca da prática do boxe olímpico são um começo de uma nova visão, dessa vez, contextualizada socialmente, culturalmente e historicamente. Além de proporcionarmos vivências reais e experienciais aos alunos, podemos também contemplar a descoberta de praticantes interessados no esporte de rendimento, mostrando que todas as possibilidades (iniciação e rendimento esportivo) são encontradas no esporte. Concluímos, portanto, que a reflexão, a discussão e o aprendizado sobre o boxe olímpico é uma possibilidade para a superação de preconceitos e dificuldades diante da prática feminina no esporte. Abrir novas portas e dar espaço para projetos que proporcionem, além da vivência, uma elucidação correta sobre o esporte é dar oportunidade para o esporte se desenvolver com maior facilidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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In contemporary industrial, welding processes are widely used, this is the most important process of joining metals used industrially. The welding can be used to build simple structures, like doors and gates for instance, in the same way can be used in situations of high responsibility, such as the nuclear industry and oil industry. Dissimilar welding is a case of welded joints, is characterized by the junction between different materials, for this case, stainless steel and carbon steel that are widely used in steam lines, power plants, nuclear reactors, petrochemical plants. Because their different mechanical and corrosive properties, the join, stainless steel with carbon steel, not only meets environmental requirements and also reduces cost. By using penetrating liquid tests, macrograph, hardness and tensile test was compared the possibility of replacing the current use of 309 rods as filler metal in dissimilar welding between carbon steel and stainless steel by add-on material carbon steel essentially, in this case E7018 coated electrode was used, but without the coating. After analysis of the results and for comparison, was proposed with some certainty that it is possible to replace the addition of materials, thus leading economy in this process widely used in the modern industry


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Comparative studies between brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus populations from Brazil (Jaboticabal, São Paulo) and Argentina (Rafaela, Santa Fé) showed significant biological, morphological and genetic differences between them. This work aimed to study, in a comparative way, the acquisition of resistance in domestic dogs to R. sanguineus from Jaboticabal and Rafaela, after successive and controlled infestations. Ticks were kept in a BOD incubator under controlled conditions (27 °C, 80 % relative humidity, 12-h photoperiod). Ten dogs, Dachshund breed, males and females, 6 months old, short- or long-haired, without prior contact with ticks, were used as hosts. They were distributed into two experimental groups composed of five animals each: G1 infested with ten adult couples of R. sanguineus (Jaboticabal) per animal, and G2 infested with ten adult couples of R. sanguineus (Rafaela) per animal. Ticks' biological parameters and titration of antibodies from the dogs' sera by ELISA test were used for comparison between the strains. Results of the biological parameters showed that the dogs did not acquire immunity to either of the R. sanguineus strains after repeated infestations. The ELISA test showed low antibody titers in sera of dogs from G2, in successive infestations, and higher antibody responses post second and third infestations in G1. It also demonstrated cross-reactivity between sera of dogs infested with R. sanguineus (Jaboticabal) and antigens from R. sanguineus (Rafaela) and vice versa. We conclude that Dachshund dogs did not develop resistance against neither Jaboticabal nor Rafaela strains of R. sanguineus.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)