718 resultados para Population-based survey
We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.
The Gaia space mission is a major project for the European astronomical community. As challenging as it is, the processing and analysis of the huge data-flow incoming from Gaia is the subject of thorough study and preparatory work by the DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium), in charge of all aspects of the Gaia data reduction. This PhD Thesis was carried out in the framework of the DPAC, within the team based in Bologna. The task of the Bologna team is to define the calibration model and to build a grid of spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) suitable for the absolute flux calibration of the Gaia G-band photometry and the BP/RP spectrophotometry. Such a flux calibration can be performed by repeatedly observing each SPSS during the life-time of the Gaia mission and by comparing the observed Gaia spectra to the spectra obtained by our ground-based observations. Due to both the different observing sites involved and the huge amount of frames expected (≃100000), it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment, and a particular care has to be used to test the capabilities of each telescope/instrument combination (through the “instrument familiarization plan”), to devise methods to keep under control, and eventually to correct for, the typical instrumental effects that can affect the high precision required for the Gaia SPSS grid (a few % with respect to Vega). I contributed to the ground-based survey of Gaia SPSS in many respects: with the observations, the instrument familiarization plan, the data reduction and analysis activities (both photometry and spectroscopy), and to the maintenance of the data archives. However, the field I was personally responsible for was photometry and in particular relative photometry for the production of short-term light curves. In this context I defined and tested a semi-automated pipeline which allows for the pre-reduction of imaging SPSS data and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for further analysis. A series of semi-automated quality control criteria are included in the pipeline at various levels, from pre-reduction, to aperture photometry, to light curves production and analysis.
Der Fokus dieser Dissertation ist die populationsgenetische Analyse der neolithischen Bevölkerungswechsel in den 6.-5. Jahrtausende vor Christus, die im westlichen Karpatenbecken stattfanden. Die Zielsetzung der Studie war, mittels der Analyse von mitochondrialer und Y-chromosomaler aDNA, den Genpool der sechs neolithischen und kupferzeitlichen Populationen zu untersuchen und die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse mit anderen prähistorischen und modernen genetischen Daten zu vergleichen.rnInsgesamt wurden 323 Individuen aus 32 ungarischen, kroatischen und slowakischen Fundplätzen beprobt und bearbeitet in den archäogenetischen Laboren der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Die DNA Ergebnisse wurden mit verschiedenen populationsgenetischen Methoden ausgewertet. Vergleichsdaten von prähistorischen und modernen eurasiatischen Populationen wurden dazu gesammelt.rnDie HVS-I Region der mitochondrialen DNA konnten bei 256 Individuen reproduziert und authentifiziert werden (mit einer Erfolgsrate von 85.9%). Die Typisierung der HVS-II Region war in 80 Fällen erfolgreich. Testend alle gut erhaltene Proben, die Y-chromosomale Haplogruppe konnte in 33 männlichen Individuen typisiert werden.rnDie neolithischen, mitochondrialen Haplogruppen deuten auf eine hohe Variabilität des maternalen Genpools hin. Sowohl die mitochondrialen als auch die Y-chromosomalen Daten lassen Rückschlüsse auf eine nah-östliche bzw. südwestasiatische Herkunft der frühen Bauern zu. Die Starčevo- und linearbandkermaischen-Populationen in westlichem Karpatenbecken (letztere abgekürzt als LBKT) und die linearbandkermaischen-Population in Mitteleuropa (LBK) haben so starke genetische Ähnlichkeit, dass die Verbreitung der LBK nach Mitteleuropa mit vorangegangenen Wanderungsereignissen zu erklären ist. Die Transdanubische aDNA Daten zeigen hohe Affinität zu den publizierten prähistorischen aDNA Datensätzen von Mitteleuropa aus den 6.-4. Jahrtausende vor Chr. Die maternal-genetische Variabilität der Starčevo-Population konnte auch innerhalb der nachfolgenden Populationen Transdanubiens festgestellt werden. Nur kleinere Infiltrationen und Immigrationsereignissen konnten während der Vinča-, LBKT-, Sopot- und Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur in Transdanubien identifiziert werden. Zwischen den transdanubischen Regionen konnten mögliche genetische Unterschiede nur in der LBKT und in der Lengyel-Periode beobachtet werden, als sich die nördlichen Gruppen von den südlichen Populationen trennten. rnDie festgestellte Heterogenität der mtDNA in Zusammenhang mit der Y-chromosomalen Homogenität in den Starčevo- und LBK-Populationen, weisen auf patrilokale Residenzregeln und patrilineare Abstammungsregeln in den ersten Bauergemeinschaften hin. rnObwohl die hier präsentierten Daten einen großen Fortschritt in der Forschung von aDNA und Neolithikum des Karpatenbeckens und Mitteleuropas bedeuten, werfen sie auch mehrere Fragen auf, deren Beantwortung durch zukünftige Genomforschungen erbracht werden könnte.
Durch die ansteigende Inzidenz und niedrige Mortalität steigt die Anzahl der überlebenden Männer nach Prostatakarzinom. Mit einer 5-Jahresprävalenz von 279.000 Männern stellte das Prostatakarzinom im Jahr 2010 den größten Anteil der Krebspatienten. Die absolute 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate liegt bei 78 %. Studien zur Lebensqualität dieser Langzeitüberlebenden (> 5 Jahre nach Diagnosestellung) beschränken sich meist auf bestimmte Therapien, schließen höhere Tumorstadien aus oder untersuchen nur die Wirkung von klinischen Einflussfaktoren. In Schleswig-Holstein wurde im Rahmen der populationsbezogenen OVIS- und CAESAR-Studie die Lebensqualität bei Männern mit bzw. nach Prostatakrebs zu drei Zeitpunkten erhoben (15 Monate, 3 ½ und 7 Jahre nach initialer Diagnose). Für die allgemeine krebsspezifische Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) erfolgt eine Beschreibung des Verlaufs sowie ein Vergleich mit Referenzdaten aus der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung. Aus der dritten Befragung liegen auch Daten zur prostataspezifischen Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-PR25) vor. Mittels multipler linearer Regressionen werden für elf ausgewählte Lebensqualitätsskalen (mögliche Werte 0 bis 100) potenzielle Einflussfaktoren (klinisch, soziodemographisch, Lifestyle) untersucht. Die Lebensqualität der 911 Männer (medianes Alter bei Drittbefragung: 72 Jahre) nimmt im zeitlichen Verlauf nur gering, aber nicht klinisch relevant ab. Es zeigen sich nur geringe Unterschiede zur Lebensqualität der Referenzbevölkerung. Im absoluten Vergleich aller Skalen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Drittbefragung auf den prostataspezifischen Skalen die größten Einschränkungen berichtet. In den berechneten multiplen Regressionen war sieben Jahre nach Diagnose eine Krankheitsprogression auf allen untersuchten Skalen signifikant mit einer geringeren Lebensqualität assoziiert (niedrigster Regressionskoeffizient βadj -13,8, 95 %-CI -18,8; -8,8). Eine Strahlentherapie zeigte auf zehn, eine Hormontherapie auf fünf Skalen einen negativen Einfluss. Ebenfalls auf fünf Skalen war ein höherer Body-Mass-Index ein Prädiktor für eine geringere Lebensqualität. Auf allen Funktionsskalen war ein höherer Sozialstatus mit einer besseren Lebensqualität assoziiert und zeigte tendenziell einen größeren Einfluss als die initiale Therapie. Alleinstehende Männer berichteten eine geringere sexuelle Aktivität (βadj -7,5, 95 %-CI -13,8; -1,2) als Männer in einer Partnerschaft. Neben klinischen Faktoren beeinflussen auch soziodemographische Variablen die Lebensqualität von langzeitüberlebenden Männern nach bzw. mit Prostatakarzinom signifikant. Daher sollten in nicht-randomisierten Studien zum Adjustieren die entsprechenden Variablen (wie z. B. Body-Mass-Index, Sozialstatus, Partnerschaft) mit erhoben werden. Klinisch relevante Veränderungen der allgemeinen krebsspezifischen Lebensqualität finden – wenn überhaupt – innerhalb der ersten 15 Monate nach Diagnosestellung statt. Referenzdaten für die prostataspezifische Lebensqualität der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegen nicht vor. Eine Erhebung dieser scheint sinnvoll, da hier größere Unterschiede im Vergleich beider Gruppen erwartet werden.
Purpose Survivors of childhood cancer are at high risk of chronic conditions, but few studies investigated whether this translates into increased health care utilization. We compared health care service utilization between childhood cancer survivors and the general British population and investigated potential risk factors. Methods We used data from the British Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, a population-based cohort of 17,981 individuals diagnosed with childhood cancer (1940-1991) and surviving ≥ 5 years. Frequency of talks to a doctor, hospital outpatient visits, and day-patient and inpatient hospitalizations were ascertained by questionnaire in 10,483 survivors and were compared with the General Household Survey 2002 data by using logistic regression. Results Among survivors, 16.5% had talked to a doctor in the last 2 weeks, 25.5% had attended the outpatient department of a hospital in the last 3 months, 11.9% had been hospitalized as a day patient in the last 12 months, and 9.8% had been hospitalized as an inpatient in the last 12 months. Survivors had talked slightly more often to a doctor than the general population (odds ratio [OR], 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.3) and experienced increased hospital outpatient visits (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 2.3 to 2.8), day-patient hospitalizations (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.3 to 1.6) and inpatient hospitalizations (OR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.7 to 2.2). Survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma, neuroblastoma, and Wilms tumor had the highest ORs for day-patient care, whereas survivors of CNS tumors and bone sarcomas had the highest OR for outpatient and inpatient care. The OR of health care use did not vary significantly with age of survivor. Conclusion We have quantified how excess morbidity experienced by survivors of childhood cancer translates into increased use of health care facilities.
In Switzerland there is a shortage of population-based information on heart failure (HF) incidence and case fatalities (CF). The aim of this study was to estimate HF event rates and both in- and out-of-hospital CF rates.
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a set of items related to study design and administrative information that should build the minimum set of data in a study register. A more comprehensive data set for registration is currently developed by the Ottawa Group. Since nothing is known about the attitudes of academic researchers towards prospective study registration, we surveyed academic researchers about their opinion regarding the registration of study details proposed by the WHO and the Ottawa Group. METHODS: This was a web-based survey of academic researchers currently running an investigator-initiated clinical study which is registered with clinicaltrials.gov. In July 2006 we contacted 1299 principal investigators of clinical studies by e-mail explaining the purpose of the survey and a link to access a 52-item questionnaire based on the proposed minimum data set by the Ottawa Group. Two reminder e-mails were sent each two weeks apart. Association between willingness to disclose study details and study phase was assessed using the chi-squared test for trend. To explore the potential influence of non-response bias we used logistic regression to assess associations between factors associated with non-response and the willingness to register study details. RESULTS: Overall response was low as only 282/1299 (22%) principal investigators participated in the survey. Disclosing study documents, in particular the study protocol and financial agreements, was found to be most problematic with only 31% of respondents willing to disclose these publicly. Consequently, only 34/282 (12%) agreed to disclose all details proposed by the Ottawa Group. Logistic regression indicated no association between characteristics of non-responders and willingness to disclose details. CONCLUSION: Principal investigators of non-industry sponsored studies are reluctant to disclose all data items proposed by the Ottawa Group. Disclosing the study protocol and financial agreements was found to be most problematic. Future discussions on trial registration should not only focus on industry but also on academic researchers.
OBJECTIVE: In Switzerland there is a shortage of population-based information on stroke incidence and case fatalities (CF). The aim of this study was to estimate stroke event rates and both in- and out-of-hospital CF rates. METHODS: Data on stroke diagnoses, coded according to I60-I64 (ICD 10), were taken from the Federal Hospital Discharge Statistics database (HOST) and the Cause of Death database (CoD) for the year 2004. The number of total stroke events and of age- and gender-specific and agestandardised event rates were estimated; overall CF, in-hospital and out-of-hospital, were determined. RESULTS: Among the overall number of 13 996 hospital discharges from stroke (HOST) the number was lower in women (n = 6736) than in men (n = 7260). A total of 3568 deaths (2137 women and 1431 men) due to stroke were recorded in the CoD database. The number of estimated stroke events was 15 733, and higher in women (n = 7933) than in men (n = 7800). Men presented significantly higher age-specific stroke event rates and a higher age-standardised event rate (178.7/100 000 versus 119.7/100 000). Overall CF rates were significantly higher for women (26.9%) than for men (18.4%). The same was true of out-of-hospital CF but not of in-hospital CF rates. CONCLUSION: The data on estimated stroke events obtained indicate that stroke discharge rate underestimates the stroke event rate. Out-of-hospital deaths from stroke accounted for the largest proportion of total stroke deaths. Sex differences in both number of total stroke events and deaths could be explained by the higher proportion of women than men aged 55+ in the Swiss population.
OBJECTIVES Femoroacetabular impingement is proposed to cause early osteoarthritis (OA) in the non-dysplastic hip. We previously reported on the prevalence of femoral deformities in a young asymptomatic male population. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of both femoral and acetabular types of impingement in young females. METHODS We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of asymptomatic young females. All participants completed a set of questionnaires and underwent clinical examination of the hip. A random sample was subsequently invited to obtain magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the hip. All MRIs were read for cam-type deformities, increased acetabular depths, labral lesions, and impingement pits. Prevalence estimates of cam-type deformities and increased acetabular depths were estimated, and relationships between deformities and signs of joint damage were examined using logistic regression models. RESULTS The study included 283 subjects, and 80 asymptomatic females with a mean age of 19.3 years attended MRI. Fifteen showed some evidence of cam-type deformities, but none were scored to be definite. The overall prevalence was therefore 0% [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0-5%]. The prevalence of increased acetabular depth was 10% (95% CI 5-19). No association was found between increased acetabular depth and decreased internal rotation of the hip. Increased acetabular depth was not associated with signs of labral damage. CONCLUSIONS Definite cam-type deformities in women are rare compared to men, whereas the prevalence of increased acetabular depth is higher, suggesting that femoroacetabular impingement has different gender-related biomechanical mechanisms.
BACKGROUND Despite the increasing interest in medical education in the German-speaking countries, there is currently no information available on the challenges which medical educators face. To address this problem, we carried out a web-based survey among the members of the Association for Medical Education (Gesellschaft für medizinische Ausbildung, GMA). METHODS A comprehensive survey was carried out on the need for further qualifications, expertise and the general conditions of medical educators in Germany. As part of this study, the educators were asked to list the three main challenges which they faced and which required urgent improvement. The results were analysed by means of qualitative content analysis. RESULTS The questionnaire was completed by 147 of the 373 members on the GMA mailing list (response rate: 39%). The educators named a total of 346 challenges and emphasised the following areas: limited academic recognition for engagement in teaching (53.5% of educators), insufficient institutional (31.5%) and financial support (28.4%), a curriculum in need of reform (22.8%), insufficient time for teaching assignments (18,9%), inadequate teacher competence in teaching methods (18.1%), restricted faculty development programmes (18.1%), limited networking within the institution (11.0%), lack of teaching staff (10.2%), varying preconditions of students (8.7%), insufficient recognition and promotion of medical educational research (5.5%), extensive assessment requirements (4.7%), and the lack of role models within medical education (3.2%). CONCLUSION The medical educators found the biggest challenges which they faced to be limited academic recognition and insufficient institutional and financial support. Consequently, improvements should be implemented to address these issues.
Extremes of electrocardiographic QT interval are associated with increased risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD); thus, identification and characterization of genetic variants that modulate QT interval may elucidate the underlying etiology of SCD. Previous studies have revealed an association between a common genetic variant in NOS1AP and QT interval in populations of European ancestry, but this finding has not been extended to other ethnic populations. We sought to characterize the effects of NOS1AP genetic variants on QT interval in the multi-ethnic population-based Dallas Heart Study (DHS, n = 3,072). The SNP most strongly associated with QT interval in previous samples of European ancestry, rs16847548, was the most strongly associated in White (P = 0.005) and Black (P = 3.6 x 10(-5)) participants, with the same direction of effect in Hispanics (P = 0.17), and further showed a significant SNP x sex-interaction (P = 0.03). A second SNP, rs16856785, uncorrelated with rs16847548, was also associated with QT interval in Blacks (P = 0.01), with qualitatively similar results in Whites and Hispanics. In a previously genotyped cohort of 14,107 White individuals drawn from the combined Atherosclerotic Risk in Communities (ARIC) and Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) cohorts, we validated both the second locus at rs16856785 (P = 7.63 x 10(-8)), as well as the sex-interaction with rs16847548 (P = 8.68 x 10(-6)). These data extend the association of genetic variants in NOS1AP with QT interval to a Black population, with similar trends, though not statistically significant at P<0.05, in Hispanics. In addition, we identify a strong sex-interaction and the presence of a second independent site within NOS1AP associated with the QT interval. These results highlight the consistent and complex role of NOS1AP genetic variants in modulating QT interval.
Objective We investigated factors associated with masked and white-coat hypertension in a Swiss population-based sample. Methods The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension is a family-based cross-sectional study. Office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure were measured using validated devices. Masked hypertension was defined as office blood pressure<140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure≥135/85 mmHg. White-coat hypertension was defined as office blood pressure≥140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure<135/85 mmHg. Mixed-effect logistic regression was used to examine the relationship of masked and white-coat hypertension with associated factors, while taking familial correlations into account. High-normal office blood pressure was defined as systolic/diastolic blood pressure within the 130–139/85–89 mmHg range. Results Among the 652 participants included in this analysis, 51% were female. Mean age (±SD) was 48 (±18) years. The proportion of participants with masked and white coat hypertension was respectively 15.8% and 2.6%. Masked hypertension was associated with age (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), high-normal office blood pressure (OR = 6.68, p<0.001), and obesity (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). White-coat hypertension was significantly associated with age (OR = 1.07, p<0.001) but not with education, family history of hypertension, or physical activity. Conclusions Our findings suggest that physicians should consider ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for older individuals with high-normal office blood pressure and/or who are obese.
The impact of cancer on the population of Salvador-Bahia, Brazil was studied using mortality data available from the Brazilian National Bureau of Vital Statistics. Average annual site, age, and gender specific and adjusted cancer mortality rates were determined for the years 1977-83 and contrasted with United States cancer mortality rates for the year of 1977. The accuracy of the cancer mortality rates generated by this research was determined by comparing the underlying causes of death as coded on death certificates to pathology reports and to hospital diagnosis of a sample of 966 deaths occurring in Salvador during the year of 1983. To further explore the information available on the death certificate, a population based decedent case control study was used to determine the relationship between type of occupation (proxy for exposure) and mortality by cancer sites known to be occupationally related.^ The rates in Salvador for cancer of the stomach, oral cavity, and biliary passages are, on average, two fold higher than the U.S. rates.^ The death certificate was found to be accurate for 65 percent of the 485 cancer deaths studied. Thirty five histologically confirmed cancer deaths were found in a random sample of 481 deaths from other causes. This means that, approximately 700 more deaths may be lost among the remainder 10,073 death certificates stating a cause other than cancer.^ In addition, despite the known limitations of decedent case-control studies, cancers of the oral cavity OR = 2.44, CI = 1.17-5.09, stomach OR = 2.31, CI = 1.18-4.52, liver OR = 4.06, CI = 1.27-12.99, bladder OR = 6.77, CI = 1.5-30.67, and lymphoma OR = 2.55, CI = 1.04-6.25 had elevated point estimates, for different age strata indicating an association between these cancers and occupations that led to exposure to petroleum and its derivates. ^
This research examines prevalence of alcohol and illicit substance use in the United States and Mexico and associated socio-demographic characteristics. The sources of data for this study are public domain data from the U.S. National Household Survey of Drug Abuse, 1988 (n = 8814), and the Mexican National Survey of Addictions, 1988 (n = 12,579). In addition, this study discusses methodologic issues in cross-cultural and cross-national comparison of behavioral and epidemiologic data from population-based samples. The extent to which patterns of substance abuse vary among subgroups of the U.S. and Mexican populations is assessed, as well as the comparability and equivalence of measures of alcohol and drug use in these national samples.^ The prevalence of alcohol use was somewhat similar in the two countries for all three measures of use: lifetime, past year and past year heavy use, (85.0%, 68.1%, 39.6% and 72.6%, 47.7% and 45.8% for the U.S. and Mexico respectively). The use of illegal substances varied widely between countries, with U.S. respondents reporting significantly higher levels of use than their Mexican counterparts. For example, reported use of any illicit substance in lifetime and past year was 34.2%, 11.6 for the U.S., and 3.3% and 0.6% for Mexico. Despite these differences in prevalence, two demographic characteristics, gender and age, were important correlates of use in both countries. Men in both countries were more likely to report use of alcohol and illicit substances than women. Generally speaking, a greater proportion of respondents in both countries 18 years of age or older reported use of alcohol for all three measures than younger respondents; and a greater proportion of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 years reported use of illicit substances during lifetime and past year than any other age group.^ Additional substantive research investigating population-based samples and at-risk subgroups is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms of these associations. Further development of cross-culturally meaningful survey methods is warranted to validate comparisons of substance use across countries and societies. ^
Background Research results from large, national population-based studies investigating gender differences in weight dissatisfaction and disordered eating across the adult life span are still limited. Gender is a significant factor in relation to weight dissatisfaction and disordered eating. However, the reasons for gender differences in these conditions are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine gender differences in weight dissatisfaction and disordered eating in the general Swiss adult population and to identify gender-specific risk factors. Methods The study population consisted of 18156 Swiss adults who completed the population-based Swiss Health Survey 2007. Self-reported weight dissatisfaction, disordered eating and associated risk factors were assessed. In order to examine whether determinants of weight dissatisfaction and disordered eating (dieting to lose weight, binge eating, and irregular eating) differ in men and women, multivariate logistic regressions were applied separately for women and men. Results Although more men than women were overweight, more women than men reported weight dissatisfaction. Weight category, smoking status, education, and physical activity were significantly associated with weight dissatisfaction in men and women. In women, nationality and age were also significant factors. Gender-specific risk factors such as physical activity or weight category were identified for specific disordered eating behaviours. Conclusions The results suggest that gender specific associations between predictors and disordered eating behaviour should be considered in the development of effective prevention programs against disordered eating.