968 resultados para Plants, Sex in


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The research was carried out with intercropped cultivation of garlic and beet, in Caçador, SC, Brazil. Four seeding epochs for beet (0, 15, 30 and 45 days after garlic planting) and three management systems for weeds (with herbicides, without control and with frequent weeding) were tested. It was hoped to determine the effects of this intercropping, in time and space, seeking the benefits in .weed control, efficient land use, productivity, commercial quality, and profitability. The randomized block design was in split-plots. The epochs represented the plots, and the management, the subplots, with four replicates. Napromide at 750 g/ha did not cause symptoms of intoxication in the garlic plants, nor in the beet. All the treatments in epochs at the initiation of intercropping, in three management systems for weeds, presented efficient land use values greater than 1. The profitability of the intercropping of garlic and beet only became evident in the management involving frequent weeding; in all epochs, profits were greater than for the respective epochs of monoculture of beet and monoculture of garlic.


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The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.


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Maytenus ilicifolia and Maytenus aquifolia (Celastraceae) both designated espinheira-santa have proven anti-ulcer activity. Morphologic similarities between leaves of espinheira-santa and mata-olho (Sorocea bonplandii), has motivated fakes in the market of phytotherapy. The present work consisted of the anatomical study, including stem and leaf, of the species M. ilicifolia, M. aquifolia and S. bomplandii. Samples of adult leaves and stem of plants located in the cities of Maringá and Marialva were collected. Both are located in the northwest region of Paraná State. The botanical material was prepared with using usual techniques of anatomy. The leaves of both Maytenus species presented great similarities, characterizing itself for the presence of epidermal cells with straight walls, biseriate palisade tissue, petiole vascular system represented by unique amphicribal bundle and sclereids, which were present in the stems of these two species. S. bomplandii leaves differed of Maytenus species for presenting epidermal cells with undulated walls, uniserite palisade tissue, petiole vascular system represented by many collateral bundles and gelatinous fibres. Non-glandular trichomes, glandular trichomes, and laticifer only occur in S. bomplandii.


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The use of phosphate fertilizers and amendments in sugar cane crops may increase the concentration of some elements in soils, from where they would become available for plants (principally in acid soils) and transferred to me human food chain. This paper reports the transference of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), fluorine and radionuclides ( 238U, 234U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K) from phosphate fertilizers and amendments to agricultural soils at Corumbatal River basin (SP). The products utilized and colleted in sugar cane crops at Corumbatai River basin are: phosphate fertilizers NPK 5:25:25 (two samples), limestones (three samples), phosphogypsum (two samples) and KCl (two samples). The heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), fluorine by potentiometry and radionuclides by alpha and gamma spectrometry. Heavy metals (17.8, 31.2, 75.2, 69.5, 138.8, 114.9 and 342.9 g/ha of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and F, respectively) and radionuclides (0.47, 0.16, 0.17 and 6.33 Bq/kg of soil to 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively) incorporated in phosphate fertilizers and amendments are annually added in the sugar cane crops, but if utilized in accordance with the recommended rates, they do not raise the concentration levels in soils up to hazards values.


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The chemical, biological, pharmacological and toxicological study of plants used in medical treatments by different societies around the world has been intensifying over the years, primarily in the search for new herbal, homeopathic or even allopathic medicines. Motivated by this interest, we are investigating some Brazilian plant species, among them a tree, Brosimum gaudichaudii Trecul (Moraceae), found in Brazil's savannah-like prairies and scrub-forest (cerrado) and mesophytic forest. Several extracts have been made and separated into fractions and some compounds have been isolated - principally coumarins - and their respective structures analyzed by spectrophotometric and other methods. By collaborating with researchers in other fields, we have been able to carry out various bioassays and even basic clinical tests, namely: determination of anti-helminthic, anti-microbial, photosensitizing, anticancer and mutagenic activities, toxicological and pathogenic studies, with the aim of discovering a genuinely Brazilian herbal or homeopathic medicine.


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'Profusion Cherry' is a dwarf zinnia with prospect for pot use in Brazil. The success of flowering potted plants depends on its performance during transport and on the period of time that it performs well indoors. Benzyladenine application may retard leaf and flower senescence, increasing postproduction longevity and quality. Senescent flowers removal by consumers, to give a fresh appearance to home flowering potted plant, could influence source-sink relationship and postproduction. This study evaluated the effect of benzyladenine and senescent flowers removal on postproduction performance of 'Profusion Cherry', and observed the senescence symptoms. When plants, produced in greenhouse at São Paulo State, Brazil, had 4 to 5 open flowers, they were sprayed to runoff a single time (20ml/pot) with benzyladenine (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 or 1.0 mmol) and placed into plastic trays, without sleeve. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with 6 treatments (control, four benzyladenine concentrations and senescent flowers removal), 4 replications (2 pots per experimental unit), totalising 12 potted plants in each plastic tray (block). To simulate highway transport, plants remained for 4 days in a dark chamber, at 20.0 °C without irrigation. To include vibration, each plastic tray, was placed in an incubator shaker for 3hr a day, at 60 rpm, 25°C and darkness. After simulated transport, plants remained indoors (10h.day-1 with 18 μmol.m-2.s-1 PPF, 21.5 to 27.0°C and, 14 h.day-1 at darkness, 18.5 to 24.0°C) during 21 days. Plants performed well during simulated transport, and also indoors for two weeks. For most of evaluated parameters there was not significant effect of benzyladenine concentrations by Tukey's test. Senescent flowers removal did not delayed senescence or improved plants quality. The symptoms associated with the loss of decorative life were ray florets color fading and wilting, without abscission of flowers or petals.


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Ornithochorous fruits make up an important part of the diet of birds and many studies have related the different morphological types of fruits with the choice by birds. We analyzed the intrinsic characteristics of plants and how human impact can affect this choice. Through analyses of covariance we related the degree of human pressure in each study site (high or low) and the morphological characteristics of 57 ornithochorous species with visiting rates and consumption of fruits by birds. We did not find any intrinsic plant characteristic (life form, size and type of diaspore) that explains the rates of consumption and visit by birds. On the other hand, the degree of human impact affected directly the mutualism between plants and birds. Plant species located in areas that suffer high human pressure had number of visits and consumption rates 3,3 and 3,5 lower than plants located in pristine areas, respectively. The negative consequences of the reduction of consumption of fruits in areas with high human pressures may directly affects the interactions between birds and plants and the regeneration of the ornithochorous species.


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The effects of CO2 application through irrigation water, and of grafting in transport of 15N and in the tomato production, were studied. These treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (with and without CO2 in irrigation water and grafted and non-grafted tomato), in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The injection of CO2 into the water began at 34 days after transplant of seedlings (DAT) and continued for all irrigations. The application of the sulfate of ammonium with abundance in atoms of 15N of 3.13% in plants destined to analysis was done at 45 DAT when the plants were in the middle of fructification. After 14 days of fertilizer (15N) application the plants were harvested, washed, dried and sent for analysis of 15N in plant tissue. The results demonstrated that CO2 and the grafting did not alter the transport of 15N in the plant. The production of commercial fruits was larger when CO2 was applied in water.


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The presente study was carried out to evaluate the performance of 40 lambs 7/8 Ile de France 1/8 Ideal (20 not castrated males and 20 females) raised with access to creep feeding, until get 17 kg of corporeal weight. The animals were divided in treatments, receiving isoproteic and isoenergetic diets, with diferent levels of probiotics (D1=0%, D2=0,8% e D3=12%). They were analysed in regart to born weight, weight at 30 days and weight gain at maternal independent (from 1th to 4th weeks) and maternal independent (from 5th to 8th week), the age of wean and daily weight gain. The average intake of dry matter by the lambs at D1, D2 and D3 was 0,27, 0,26 and 0,27 kg/day, respectively. On maternal dependent phase, there was no interaction and differences between diet and sex in the born weight (3.30 kg), weight at 30 days of age (11.79 kg) and in the average daily weight gain (0.28 kg). On maternal independent phase, there were no differences in the age of weam (53 days) and daily weight gain (0,26 kg) between diet and sex. It was concluded that probiotics inclusion in the diet of the suckling lambs (males not castrated and females) didn't improve their performance.


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The patulin, (4hydroxy-4furo[3,2-c]pyran(6H)-1), is a thermal resistent mycotoxin produced by several species of fungi are common in plants, mainly in derivatives and apples. Studies on the toxicity in animals have shown that mycotoxin has character teratogenic, and carcinogenic in mice immunotoxic. Its biosynthesis is well understood involving a series of reactions of condensation and oxiredução, many catalyzed by enzymes. The danger of contamination of food with patulin, warning about the need for a more rigorous control. Recent research aimed their removal and degradation as well as increase the sensitivity of the tests, making them faster and at less cost. The removal of patulin of food is made with composite adsorbents, with inconvenience to diminish the quality of the product by adsorbs other components desirable. The degradation is made with sulfur compounds, which are not allowed in food in many countries, and the growth of yeasts, such as the production of cider. Many yeasts have resistance against patulin and produce compounds capable degrade it. Here, we reviewed research on patulin with emphasis on its influence in food industry, incidence of patulin in apple juice and other foods, maximum permissible concentrations, health effects, biosynthesis, removal, degradation and most widely used methods for its detection and quantification.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This experiment was carried out to evaluate canopy height of guinea grass with 95% of photosynthetic active radiation interception and quantify the nitrogen fertilization influence and plants' density on the morphogenesis and structural characteristics of Tanzania grass. Four doses of N (0, 80, 160 e 320 kg.ha -1), were arranged with three plant densities (9, 25 and 49 plants.m -2), according to 4 × 3 completely randomized design, with three repetitions. Total dry matter (DM) accumulation throughout the experimental period was influenced by nitrogen fertilization and plants' density. In the rainy period, the higher nitrogen fertilization decreased the harvesting intervals, and consequently, increased the number of harvests. The rate of leaf appearance and the phyllochron were influenced only under nitrogen fertilization in the transition period of rainy and dry weather. Tanzania grass canopy height under 95% of light interception was positively influenced because of the plant densities in rainy period and transition period between rainy/drought and drought. Tanzania grass height under 95% of light interception presented variations along the evaluations and the values were higher (near 70 cm) in the rainy period, followed by transition period rain/drought and drought. © 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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This study reports sap beetles from fruits of a coffee crop in Cravinhos, SP, Brazil. Fruits were collected directly from plants and, in laboratory, from the fruits at the cherry state we obtained 20 adults of three species: Carpophilus nepos Murray, 1864, Colopterus niger Murray, 1864 and Nitops sordidus Erichson, 1847. This is the first report of association between these insects and coffee fruits.


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In 1775, Jacob Alm defended the Linnaean dissertation Plantæ Surinamenses under the precidency of Carolus Linnaeus. In this account of Surinamese plants preserved in alcohol, given to Linnaeus by the King Gustavus III of Sweden, 148 species were treated, 117 of them with species names determined. Fifteen other species were indicated as new, but were neither described nor named, and 16 species were identified only to genus level. Here, the taxonomic identity and nomenclatural status of those names are updated and discussed. Five of the 117 names and also 11 of their synonyms, a species name described by Rottbøll and ten described by Linnaeus filius are lectotypified. Two new combinations and a new name are proposed, and two new synonyms are established. © 2012 Magnolia Press.


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The organic production is a system that allows achieving good levels of productivity, while avoiding the risks of chemical contamination of farmers, consumers and the environment. Because jambu plant is widely used as alternative medicine and cosmetics industries, has been increasing interest in its cultivation. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomass, accumulation of nutrient, productivity and determine the pesticide residue in plant jambu when grown under organic and mineral fertilization. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm São Manuel, FCA / UNESP. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental Farm UNESP. The statistical was arranged in the randomized block design, in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, two sources of fertilizers (organic and mineral) and six doses of nitrogen, with four replications. The characteristics evaluated were plant height, fresh and dry weight, nutrients of accumulation in shoots and productivity. Mineral fertilizer gave higher biomass, productivity and accumulation of N and K in relation to organic fertilizer used. It is recommended the dose of 90g m -2 of urea as appropriate to obtain these results. However the organic fertilization favored the accumulation of phosphorus in plants jambu in relation the mineral fertilizer, and the dose of 10 kg m-2 of cattle manure recommended to achieve this result in plants jambu. We did not detect the presence of phosphorous and carbamate on leaves of jambu under organic and mineral fertilization. However, we observed the presence of chlorine in the leaves used for the two fertilizations.