946 resultados para Phonological segmentation


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Dissertation submitted in the fufillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Biomedical Engineering


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Research Project submited as partial fulfilment for the Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação


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I construct a model in which money and bond holdings are consistent with individual decisions and aggregate variables such as production and interest rates. The agents are infinitely-lived, have constant-elasticity preferences, and receive a fraction of their income in money. Each agent solves a Baumol-Tobin money management problem. Markets are segmented because financial frictions make agents trade bonds for money at different times. Trading frequency, consumption, government decisions and prices are mutually consistent. An increase in inflation, for example, implies higher trading frequency, more bonds sold to account for seigniorage, and lower real balances.


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Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Cash-in-advance models usually require agents to reallocate money and bonds in fixed periods, every month or quarter, for example. I show that fixed periods underestimate the welfare cost of inflation. I use a model in which agents choose how often they exchange bonds for money. In the benchmark specification, the welfare cost of ten percent instead of zero inflation increases from 0.1 percent of income with fixed periods to one percent with optimal periods. The results are robust to different preferences, to different compositions of income in bonds or money, and to the introduction of capital and labor.


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This project studies the Portuguese female fashion market. We intend to determine patterns of consumer brand loyalty across brands and ages. By interviewing 8 young adults and surveying 125 teens and 87 adults, we found that brands’ segmentation by usage per age segment is related with differentiation in brand loyalty and peer pressure. We also found that teens have higher attitudinal brand loyalty while adults have higher behavioral loyalty. Moreover, brand loyalty in teens is more susceptible to peer pressure. The results imply that customer relationship management strategies should be differentiated according to age segment. We also derive marketing implications with a focus on each brand’s loyalty profile.


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Human-Computer Interaction have been one of the main focus of the technological community, specially the Natural User Interfaces (NUI) field of research as, since the launch of the Kinect Sensor, the goal to achieve fully natural interfaces just got a lot closer to reality. Taking advantage of this conditions the following research work proposes to compute the hand skeleton in order to recognize Sign Language Shapes. The proposed solution uses the Kinect Sensor to achieve a good segmentation and image analysis algorithms to extend the skeleton from the extraction of high-level features. In order to recognize complex hand shapes the current research work proposes the redefinition of the hand contour making it immutable to translation, rotation and scaling operations, and a set of tools to achieve a good recognition. The validation of the proposed solution extended the Kinects Software Development Kit to allow the developer to access the new set of inferred points and created a template-matching based platform that uses the contour to define the hand shape, this prototype was tested in a set of predefined conditions and showed to have a good success ration and has proven to be eligible for real-time scenarios.


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Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.


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Currently, China has the biggest automobile industry in the world. China’s economic situation helped the automobile market, as the internal demand of passenger cars increased substantially in the last years. Chinese automobile industry’s astonishing expansion over the past years has attracted many foreign automobile groups. SEAT decided to enter the Chinese market, following its expansion strategy to enter new markets. The purpose of this study is to analyse and understand the strategic entry of SEAT in the Chinese market, hence the choice of an explanatory case study (Yin, 2003). This study extends this analysis by examining the chines automobile market, more specifically the demand, the market segmentation and the intensity of competition, reviewing the SEAT company history, their competitive positioning and resources. I conclude that, although the Chinese market has growing potential, SEAT has failed to achieve its initial objective. The company has not been able to create a brand awareness in the Chinese market, unlike other foreign brands that have managed to accomplish that. This occurred, mostly, because of the high prices in comparison to its competitors due to additional import cost, such as import duties, transportation and distribution.


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This work project (WP) is a study about a clustering strategy for Sport Zone. The general cluster study’s objective is to create groups such that within each group the individuals are similar to each other, but should be different among groups. The clusters creation is a mix of common sense, trial and error and some statistical supporting techniques. Our particular objective is to support category managers to better define the product type to be displayed in the stores’ shelves by doing store clusters. This research was carried out for Sport Zone, and comprises an objective definition, a literature review, the clustering activity itself, some factor analysis and a discriminant analysis to better frame our work. Together with this quantitative part, a survey addressed to category managers to better understand their key drivers, for choosing the type of product of each store, was carried out. Based in a non-random sample of 65 stores with data referring to 2013, the final result was the choice of 6 store clusters (Figure 1) which were individually characterized as the main outcome of this work. In what relates to our selected variables, all were important for the distinction between clusters, which proves the adequacy of their choice. The interpretation of the results gives category managers a tool to understand which products best fit the clustered stores. Furthermore, as a side finding thanks to the clusterization, a STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) was initiated, being this WP the first steps of a continuous process.


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The objective of this dissertation was to explore the German men’s grooming market and to discuss the usage and purchase behavior of young male adults. After a brief market analysis, this dissertation evaluates the results of qualitative and quantitative research. The conducted research explored the consumer’s reasoning for and attitude towards personal grooming, and their attitude towards product attributes and the aging process. The dissertation concludes that men attach high value to personal grooming but only to the extent that their personal need is satisfied. As the male involvement in MG is highly dependent on each consumer’s individual needs, the market requires a careful segmentation.


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Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo consistiu na descrição da aquisição fonética e fonológica de crianças falantes do Português Europeu (PE), da região Centro de Portugal Continental, com idades compreendidas entre os [18-­‐36[ meses. Mais especificamente pretendeu-­‐se traçar uma ordem cronológica de aquisição dos fones e verificar quais os processos fonológicos mais utilizados nas 3 faixas etárias ([18-­‐24[, [24-­‐30[, [30-­‐36[ meses). Foi ainda objetivo averiguar se existiam diferenças em relação ao número de fones produzidos adequadamente e ao número de processos fonológicos utilizados entre as faixas etárias e os sexos. Definir a ordem pela qual os fones vão surgindo no discurso da criança, isto é, a sua ordem de aquisição, também foi um objetivo deste estudo. Método: A amostra foi constituída por 69 crianças (2 da faixa etária [18-­‐24[m, 31 dos [24-­‐30[m e 36 dos [30-­‐36[m, de ambos os sexos, que frequentavam 6 creches do distrito de Aveiro. Para recolher os dados recorreu-­‐se a gravações digitais áudio usando as imagens do Teste Fonético-­‐Fonológico-­‐ALPE. Resultados: Na aquisição fonética verificou-­‐se que que a produção de fones aumentou significativamente à medida que a idade avançou. Também foram encontradas diferenças entre as 3 faixas etárias (p<0,05), mas não entre os sexos (p>0,05). Foi ainda possível traçar a ordem cronológica de aquisição de fones: vogais orais < vogais nasais < oclusivas orais < oclusivas nasais < fricativas < líquidas Laterais < líquidas vibrantes. Relativamente à aquisição fonológica não se verificaram diferenças entre as 3 faixas etárias e entre os sexos (p>0,05). Quanto aos processos fonológicos, os mais utilizados foram os de estruturação silábica, nomeadamente a redução de grupo consonântico, palatalização e omissão de consoante final. Conclusão: As conclusões de maior relevo incidem no facto das diferenças nas faixas etárias serem mais notórias para a aquisição fonética do que para a aquisição fonológica. Também se verificou que não existiam diferenças entre os sexos na aquisição fonética-­‐fonológica. Constatou-­‐se que nesta amostra as crianças mais velhas adquiriram mais fones que as crianças das faixas etárias mais precoces.


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This paper purposes a method for marketing segmentation based on customers‟ lifestyle. A quantitative and qualitative segmentation established by the Whitaker Lifestyle™ Method was created in order to define a concrete and clear identification of the customer, by understanding the behavior, style and preferences of each segment. After conducting 18 in-depth interviews, it was concluded that four main personas characterize the customer base of the company. These four personas will be the support for the creation of „quick-wins‟ that address to the expectations of each lifestyle, projecting a significant impact on the lifetime-value of the company‟s customer base