874 resultados para Peixos -- Migration
Abstract Background Lung cancer often exhibits molecular changes, such as the overexpression of the ErbB1 gene. ErbB1 encodes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, involved mainly in cell proliferation and survival. EGFR overexpression has been associated with more aggressive disease, poor prognosis, low survival rate and low response to therapy. ErbB1 amplification and mutation are associated with tumor development and are implicated in ineffective treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the ErbB1 copy number affects EGFR expression, cell proliferation or cell migration by comparing two different cell lines. Methods The copies of ErbB1 gene was evaluated by FISH. Immunofluorescence and Western blotting were performed to determine location and expression of proteins mentioned in the present study. Proliferation was studied by flow cytometry and cell migration by wound healing assay and time lapse. Results We investigated the activation and function of EGFR in the A549 and HK2 lung cancer cell lines, which contain 3 and 6 copies of ErbB1, respectively. The expression of EGFR was lower in the HK2 cell line. EGFR was activated after stimulation with EGF in both cell lines, but this activation did not promote differences in cellular proliferation when compared to control cells. Inhibiting EGFR with AG1478 did not modify cellular proliferation, confirming previous data. However, we observed morphological alterations, changes in microfilament organization and increased cell migration upon EGF stimulation. However, these effects did not seem to be consequence of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Conclusion EGFR expression did not appear to be associated to the ErbB1 gene copy number, and neither of these aspects appeared to affect cell proliferation. However, EGFR activation by EGF resulted in cell migration stimulation in both cell lines.
Abstract Background ADAMTS-1 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a member of the ADAMTS family of metalloproteases. Here, we investigated mRNA and protein levels of ADAMTS-1 in normal and neoplastic tissues using qPCR, immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analyses, and we addressed the role of ADAMTS-1 in regulating migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast tumor cell lines. Results In a series of primary breast tumors, we observed variable levels of ADAMTS-1 mRNA expression but lower levels of ADAMTS-1 protein expression in human breast cancers as compared to normal tissue, with a striking decrease observed in high-malignancy cases (triple-negative for estrogen, progesterone and Her-2). This result prompted us to analyze the effect of ADAMTS-1 knockdown in breast cancer cells in vitro. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 expression demonstrated increased migration, invasion and invadopodia formation. The regulatory mechanisms underlying the effects of ADAMTS-1 may be related to VEGF, a growth factor involved in migration and invasion. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 showed increased VEGF concentrations in conditioned medium capable of inducing human endothelial cells (HUVEC) tubulogenesis. Furthermore, expression of the VEGF receptor (VEGFR2) was increased in MDA-MB-231 cells as compared to MCF7 cells. To further determine the relationship between ADAMTS-1 and VEGF regulating breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 cells with reduced expression of ADAMTS-1 were pretreated with a function-blocking antibody against VEGF and then tested in migration and invasion assays; both were partially rescued to control levels. Conclusions ADAMTS-1 expression was decreased in human breast tumors, and ADAMTS-1 knockdown stimulated migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast cancer cells in vitro. Therefore, this series of experiments suggests that VEGF is involved in the effects mediated by ADAMTS-1 in breast cancer cells.
When compared to our Solar System, many exoplanet systems exhibit quite unusual planet configurations; some of these are hot Jupiters, which orbit their central stars with periods of a few days, others are resonant systems composed of two or more planets with commensurable orbital periods. It has been suggested that these configurations can be the result of a migration processes originated by tidal interactions of the planets with disks and central stars. The process known as planet migration occurs due to dissipative forces which affect the planetary semi-major axes and cause the planets to move towards to, or away from, the central star. In this talk, we present possible signatures of planet migration in the distribution of the hot Jupiters and resonant exoplanet pairs. For this task, we develop a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of the migrating planetary pair, based on the fundamental concepts of conservative and dissipative dynamics of the three-body problem. Our approach is based on an analysis of the energy and the orbital angular momentum exchange between the two-planet system and an external medium; thus no specific kind of dissipative forces needs to be invoked. We show that, under assumption that dissipation is weak and slow, the evolutionary routes of the migrating planets are traced by the stationary solutions of the conservative problem (Birkhoff, Dynamical systems, 1966). The ultimate convergence and the evolution of the system along one of these modes of motion are determined uniquely by the condition that the dissipation rate is sufficiently smaller than the roper frequencies of the system. We show that it is possible to reassemble the starting configurations and migration history of the systems on the basis of their final states, and consequently to constrain the parameters of the physical processes involved.
The silent demographic revolution characterizing the main industrialized countries is an unavoidable factor which has major economic, social, cultural and psychological implications. This thesis studies the main consequences of population ageing and the connections with the phenomenon of migration, The theoretical analysis is developed using Overlapping Generations Models (OLG). The thesis is divided in the following four chapters: 1) “A Model for Determining Consumption and Social Assistance Demand in Uncertainty Conditions”, focuses on the relation between demographic impact and social insurance and proposes the institution of a non selfsufficiency fund for the elderly. 2) "Population Ageing, Longevity and Health", analyzes the effects of health investment on intertemporal individual behaviour and capital accumulation. 3) "Population Ageing and the Nursing Flow", studies the consequences of migration in the nursing sector. 4) "Quality of Multiculturalism and Minorities' Assimilation", focuses on the problem of assimilation and integration of minorities.
This research has been triggered by an emergent trend in customer behavior: customers have rapidly expanded their channel experiences and preferences beyond traditional channels (such as stores) and they expect the company with which they do business to have a presence on all these channels. This evidence has produced an increasing interest in multichannel customer behavior and it has motivated several researchers to study the customers’ channel choices dynamics in multichannel environment. We study how the consumer decision process for channel choice and response to marketing communications evolves for a cohort of new customers. We assume a newly acquired customer’s decisions are described by a “trial” model, but the customer’s choice process evolves to a “post-trial” model as the customer learns his or her preferences and becomes familiar with the firm’s marketing efforts. The trial and post-trial decision processes are each described by different multinomial logit choice models, and the evolution from the trial to post-trial model is determined by a customer-level geometric distribution that captures the time it takes for the customer to make the transition. We utilize data for a major retailer who sells in three channels – retail store, the Internet, and via catalog. The model is estimated using Bayesian methods that allow for cross-customer heterogeneity. This allows us to have distinct parameters estimates for a trial and an after trial stages and to estimate the quickness of this transit at the individual level. The results show for example that the customer decision process indeed does evolve over time. Customers differ in the duration of the trial period and marketing has a different impact on channel choice in the trial and post-trial stages. Furthermore, we show that some people switch channel decision processes while others don’t and we found that several factors have an impact on the probability to switch decision process. Insights from this study can help managers tailor their marketing communication strategy as customers gain channel choice experience. Managers may also have insights on the timing of the direct marketing communications. They can predict the duration of the trial phase at individual level detecting the customers with a quick, long or even absent trial phase. They can even predict if the customer will change or not his decision process over time, and they can influence the switching process using specific marketing tools
NG2 is a transmembrane proteoglycan with two N-terminal LNS domains and a C-terminal PDZ-binding motif. It is expressed in the developing and adult CNS by oligodendroglial precursor cells and subpopulations of perisynaptic glia and elsewhere by many immature cell types. In order to elucidate the functions of the protein and the heterogenous cell population which expresses it, we undertook to identify and characterise interaction partners of the molecule. The presence of the C-terminal PDZ recognition site in NG2 suggested PDZ-domain proteins as intracellular binding partners. In this work, interaction between the PDZ protein Syntenin and NG2 has been characterised. Syntenin is known to be involved in plasma membrane dynamics, metastasis and adhesion. Syntenin may thus link NG2 to the cytoskeleton, mediating migration of developing oligodendrocytes to axonal tracts prior to myelination, as well as process movement of NG2+ perisynaptic glia. NG2 is involved in cell spreading and polyclonal antibodies against NG2 inhibit the migration of immature glia and cell lines expressing the molecule. In this work we have characterised the segments of the extracellular portion of NG2 that are involved in migration. We found that the extracellular region immediately preceding the transmembrane segment is most important for cell motility. As part of this thesis, biochemical approaches to identify a trans-binding ligand interacting with the extracellular part of NG2 was also explored.
Progettazione ed implementazione di una strategia di migrazione da IPv4 a IPv6 in una realtà complessa come quella del consorzio interuniversitario CINECA. Sono stati presi in considerazione sia i livelli di rete e trasporto, sia il livello applicativo, cercando di fornire una visione completa delle problematiche incontrate. La strategia di migrazione scelta comprende le scelte tecniche fino ad ora implementate dal CINECA e i successivi passi che verranno intrapresi in futuro.
The aim of this Thesis is to investigate the effect of heterogeneities within the subducting plate on the dynamics of subduction. In particular, I study the motion of the trench for oceanic and continental subduction, first, separately, and, then, together in the same system to understand how they interact. The understanding of these features is fundamental to reconstruct the evolution of complex subduction zones, such as the Central Mediterranean. For this purpose, I developed 2D and 3D numerical models of oceanic and continental subduction where the rheological, geometrical and compositional properties of the plates are varied. In these models, the trench and the overriding plate move self-consistently as a function of the dynamics of the system. The effect of continental subduction on trench migration is largely investigated. Results from a parametric study showed that despite different rheological properties of the plates, all models with a uniform continental crust share the same kinematic behaviour: the trench starts to advance once the continent arrives at the subduction zone. Hence, the advancing mode in continental collision scenarios is at least partly driven by an intrinsic feature of the system. Moreover, the presence of a weak lower crust within the continental plate can lead to the occurrence of delamination. Indeed, by changing the viscosity of the lower crust, both delamination and slab detachment can occur. Delamination is favoured by a low viscosity value of the lower crust, because this makes the mechanical decoupling easier between crust and lithospheric mantle. These features are observed both in 2D and 3D models, but the numerical results of the 3D models also showed that the rheology of the continental crust has a very strong effect on the dynamics of the whole system, since it influences not only the continental part of plate but also the oceanic sides.
Le nuove teorie di rete come Software Defined Networking Network Function Virtualization, insieme alle teorie Cognitive/Autonomics consentono di abilitare scenari futuri “disruptive” di rete. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di esplorare questi scenari futuri e di capire il ruolo della migrazione di funzioni di rete, sotto forma di Virtual Machine. Si vuole affrontare la migrazione di Virtual Machine dal punto di vista delle performance, ma anche come strumento di gestione delle risorse in uno scenario di rete d'accesso autonomica.