970 resultados para Pasión de Jesús sermones
Copia digital: Biblioteca Valenciana, 2011
Resumen: Descripción: vista de torres y castillos de la fortaleza de Orán. En primer término, el Cardenal D. Fray Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros a caballo con varios moros a sus pies
This work shows the objective results of the acoustic quality of the Compañia de Jesús Church in Cordoba, Argentina. The acoustics of this Temple, built by the Orden Jesuita (Jesuit Order) two centuries ago and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, is currently considered optimal by musicians as well as general public. In the second half of XVI century, with the Catholic reform, the need for improved speech intelligibility was given priority, being the Jesuit one of the orders that gave most importance to the construction of their temples. This church has constructive and spatial characteristics consistent with those needs. With the purpose of carrying out the acoustic assessment of the precincts, a work methodology that allowed comparing the results obtained from objective measures was developed by means of implementation of field measurements and space modeling, with subjective appreciation results, by developing surveys, with the aim of characterizing acoustically the sound space. This paper shows the comparison between the subjective results and objective criteria, which allowed important conclusions on the acoustic behavior of the temple to be obtained. In this way interesting data were obtained in relation to the subjective response of the acoustics of the church.
Existe emisión con el mismo pie de imp. pero sin mención de librero/editor
Sign.: [parágrafo]4, A-H4
Sign.: A10
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Diversas Cartas que se han recogido de el venerable hermano Fray Francisco de el Niño Jesús... (XVIII/4275).
Port. orlada
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Bandos divertidísimos contra los borrachos y borrachas, y gente aficionada al vino (NP849.91/3087)
"Publicación hecha por iniciativa y á expensas de S.M. la Reina Doña María Cristina de Austria..."--Port.
Sign. : *4, 2*2, A-Z4, Aa-Hh4, Ii2
Impreso en el ángulo inferior izquierdo: "R. de E. Nº 30005" y en el derecho: "Producto español"