951 resultados para Part I


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RESUME : Bien que les propriétés physiques de la structure de l'ADN aient été intensivement étudiées pendant plus de 50 ans il y a encore beaucoup de questions importantes qui attendent des réponses. Par exemple, qu'arrive-t-il à la structure de la double hélice d'ADN nue (sans protéines liées) lorsqu'elle est fortement courbée, de la même manière que dans les nucléosomes? Cet ADN nu est-il facilement plié (il reste dans le régime élastique) ou réduit-il la contrainte de flexion en formant des sites hyperflexibles «kinks» (il sort du régime élastique en cassant l'empilement des paires de bases à certains endroits) ? La microscopie électronique peut fournir une réponse à cette question par visualisation directe des minicercles d'ADN de la longueur d'un tour de nucléosome (environ 90 paires de bases). Pour que la réponse soit scientifiquement valide, on doit observer les molécules d'ADN lorsqu'elles sont en suspension dans la solution d'intérêt et sans que des colorations, produits chimiques ou fixatifs n'aient été ajoutés, étant donné que ceux-ci peuvent changer les propriétés de l'ADN. La technique de la cryo-microscopie électronique (cryo-EM) développée par le groupe de Jacques Dubochet au début des années 80, permet la visualisation directe des molécules d'ADN suspendues dans des couche minces vitrifiées de solutions aqueuses. Toutefois, le faible contraste qui caractérise la cryo-EM combinée avec la très petite taille des minicercles d'ADN rendent nécessaire l'optimisation de plusieurs étapes, aussi bien dans la préparation des échantillons que dans le processus d'acquisition d'images afin d'obtenir deux clichés stéréo qui permettent la reconstruction 3-D des minicercles d'ADN. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je décris l'optimisation de certains paramètres pour la cryoEM et des processus d'acquisition d'image utilisant comme objets de test des plasmides et d'autres molécules d'ADN. Dans la deuxième partie, je .décris comment j'ai construit les minicercles d'ADN de 94 bp et comment j'ai introduit des modifications structurelles comme des coupures ou des lacunes. Dans la troisième partie, je décris l'analyse des reconstructions des rninicercles d'ADN. Cette analyse, appuyée par des tests biochimiques, indique fortement que des molécules d'ADN sont capables de former de petites molécules circulaires de 94 bp sans dépasser les limites d'élasticité, indiquant que les minicercles adoptent une forme circulaire régulière où la flexion est redistribuée le long la molécule. ABSTRACT : Although physical properties of DNA structure have been intensively studied for over 50 years there are still many important questions that need to be answered. For example, what happens to protein-free double-stranded DNA when it is strongly bent, as in DNA forming nucleosomes? Is such protein-free DNA smoothly bent (i.e. it remains within elastic limits of DNA rigidity) or does it release its bending stress by forming sharp kinks (i.e. it exits the elastic regime and breaks the stacking between neighbouring base-pairs in localized regions)? Electron microscopy can provide an answer to this question by directly visualizing DNA minicircles that have the size of nucleosome gyres (ca 90 bp). For the answer to be scientifically valid, one needs to observe DNA molecules while they are still suspended in the solution of interest and no staining chemicals or fixatives have been added since these can change the properties of the DNA. CryoEM techniques developed by Jacques Dubochet's group beginning in the 1980's permit direct visualization of DNA molecules suspended in cryo-vitrified layers of aqueous solutions. However, a relatively weak contrast of cryo-EM preparations combined with the very small size of the DNA minicircles made it necessary to optimize many of the steps and parameters of the cryo-EM specimen preparation and image acquisition processes in order to obtain stereo-pairs of images that permit the 3-D reconstruction of the observed DNA minicircles. In the first part of my thesis I describe the optimization of the cryo-EM preparation and the image acquisition processes using plasmid size DNA molecules as a test object. In the second part, I describe how I formed the 94 by DNA minicircles and how I introduced structural modifications like nicks or gaps. In the third part, I describe the cryo-EM analysis of the constructed DNA minicircles. That analysis, supported by biochemical tests, strongly indicates that DNA minicircles as small as 94 by remain within the elastic limits of DNA structure, i.e. the minicircles adopt a regular circular shape where bending is redistributed along the molecules.


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For doping control, analyses of samples are generally achieved in two steps: a rapid screening and, in the case of a positive result, a confirmatory analysis. A two-step methodology based on ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF-MS) was developed to screen and confirm 103 doping agents from various classes (e.g., beta-blockers, stimulants, diuretics, and narcotics). The screening method was presented in a previous article as part I (i.e., Fast analysis of doping agents in urine by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Part I: screening analysis). For the confirmatory method, basic, neutral and acidic compounds were extracted by a dedicated solid-phase extraction (SPE) in a 96-well plate format and detected by MS in the tandem mode to obtain precursor and characteristic product ions. The mass accuracy and the elemental composition of precursor and product ions were used for compound identification. After validation including matrix effect determination, the method was considered reliable to confirm suspect results without ambiguity according to the positivity criteria established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Moreover, an isocratic method was developed to separate ephedrine from its isomer pseudoephedrine and cathine from phenylpropanolamine in a single run, what allowed their direct quantification in urine.


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General introductionThe Human Immunodeficiency/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic, despite recent encouraging announcements by the World Health Organization (WHO) is still today one of the world's major health care challenges.The present work lies in the field of health care management, in particular, we aim to evaluate the behavioural and non-behavioural interventions against HIV/AIDS in developing countries through a deterministic simulation model, both in human and economic terms. We will focus on assessing the effectiveness of the antiretroviral therapies (ART) in heterosexual populations living in lesser developed countries where the epidemic has generalized (formerly defined by the WHO as type II countries). The model is calibrated using Botswana as a case study, however our model can be adapted to other countries with similar transmission dynamics.The first part of this thesis consists of reviewing the main mathematical concepts describing the transmission of infectious agents in general but with a focus on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. We also review deterministic models assessing HIV interventions with a focus on models aimed at African countries. This review helps us to recognize the need for a generic model and allows us to define a typical structure of such a generic deterministic model.The second part describes the main feed-back loops underlying the dynamics of HIV transmission. These loops represent the foundation of our model. This part also provides a detailed description of the model, including the various infected and non-infected population groups, the type of sexual relationships, the infection matrices, important factors impacting HIV transmission such as condom use, other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and male circumcision. We also included in the model a dynamic life expectancy calculator which, to our knowledge, is a unique feature allowing more realistic cost-efficiency calculations. Various intervention scenarios are evaluated using the model, each of them including ART in combination with other interventions, namely: circumcision, campaigns aimed at behavioral change (Abstain, Be faithful or use Condoms also named ABC campaigns), and treatment of other STD. A cost efficiency analysis (CEA) is performed for each scenario. The CEA consists of measuring the cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted. This part also describes the model calibration and validation, including a sensitivity analysis.The third part reports the results and discusses the model limitations. In particular, we argue that the combination of ART and ABC campaigns and ART and treatment of other STDs are the most cost-efficient interventions through 2020. The main model limitations include modeling the complexity of sexual relationships, omission of international migration and ignoring variability in infectiousness according to the AIDS stage.The fourth part reviews the major contributions of the thesis and discusses model generalizability and flexibility. Finally, we conclude that by selecting the adequate interventions mix, policy makers can significantly reduce the adult prevalence in Botswana in the coming twenty years providing the country and its donors can bear the cost involved.Part I: Context and literature reviewIn this section, after a brief introduction to the general literature we focus in section two on the key mathematical concepts describing the transmission of infectious agents in general with a focus on HIV transmission. Section three provides a description of HIV policy models, with a focus on deterministic models. This leads us in section four to envision the need for a generic deterministic HIV policy model and briefly describe the structure of such a generic model applicable to countries with generalized HIV/AIDS epidemic, also defined as pattern II countries by the WHO.


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My final project presents the directing process of my experimental production based on King Lear by William Shakespeare. I describe the process from the first visions of the beginning to the completed performance and finally the feedback from the audience. I concentrate on the special qualities of the production, such as interaction, small and moveable audience, cinematic qualities, polyphonic dramaturgy, and use of the video. The Project is divided into six parts. The first part introduces the project as a whole. The second part concentrates on the process before the beginning of the rehearsals. The third part focuses on the rehearsals and co-operation with the actors, whereas the fourth part deals with the performance and its special qualities. Following this, in the fifth part I study the interaction of the performance with the help of the audience feedback. In the final part conclusions are drawn. The focus of this work is the use of intuition even as a starting point of the theatre directing process. My conclusions drawn from the description of the process suggest that the starting point of the theatre production may be an intuitive vision as well as some conscious subject or message.


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El nostre treball consta principalment de dues parts: En la primera ens hem apropat al tema presentant el context econòmic actual i el món de la roba de segona mà. A continuació ens hem centrat en la relació que existeix entre les dues parts. I per últim hem realitzat un estudi de mercat a partir d’enquestes. Amb aquestes, hem conegut tant la relació com la visió que té la gent sobre el tema, i a més hem establert el consumidor tipus que ens servirà pel futur muntatge del nostre negoci. Les enquestes les hem distribuït en tres districtes de diferent renda per veure si aquesta pot influir en les respostes. Amb la primera part ens hem adonat que la crisi ha fet disminuir la despesa, i aquest fet ajuda a que nous consumidors entrin al nostre mercat. Amb la segona part, i un cop vist que ens trobem en un context favorable, hem buscat la viabilitat que tindria la creació de la nostra pròpia botiga de roba de segona mà. Per fer-ho hem seguit els següents passos: hem buscat la localització òptima per la seva ubicació, hem llogat i dissenyat el local; ens hem constituït com a societat, hem realitzat un estudi dels possibles costos i hem desenvolupat el pla de màrqueting. Finalment, ens adonem que els nostres beneficis serien positius i per tant, el nostre projecte és viable.Actualment, Espanya està immersa en un crisi econòmica, juntament amb molts dels països industrialitzats. Això ha provocat que les famílies disminueixin les seves despeses a l’hora de consumir la major part de béns i serveis que feien fins ara. El que ha succeït doncs, es que han canviat els hàbits de consum, béns que es consumien abans o bé directament han deixat de ser consumits o bé han estat substituïts per d’altres amb un menor cost i que compleixen la mateixa funció. Com hem esmentat , molts productes han estat substituïts per d’altres que tenen un cost més baix. Creiem que un clar exemple és el tema de la roba. La moda és un mercat en competència perfecte, en que les diferents empreses que s’hi dediquen s’intenten diferenciar per diferents aspectes però el preu ve fixat per la relació entre oferta i demanda. És un bé que tothom ha de consumir, en major o menor grau, però essencial per tota la població. És aquí, on els comerços de segona mà tenen l’oportunitat d’abastir a la demanda d’aquests productes, d’una forma més econòmica, ja que són productes que ja han estat utilitzats i no se’ls hi pot fixar el mateix preu de mercat. El nostre treball es basa en veure com ha afectat l’actual crisi a l’hora de consumir de la població barcelonina, centrant-nos en el mercat de la moda i a partir d’aquí, com l’objetiu principal a l’hora de realitzar-ho, veure si seria viable la creació d’una botiga de roba de segona mà. Les motivacions principals que ens han portat a escollir aquest treball han estat bàsicament tres: La primera d’elles és l’actualitat del tema. Sentim parlar sobre la crisi a qualsevol lloc, ja sigui als mitjans de comunicació, al carrer o dins casa nostra ja que ens està afectant directa o indirectament a tota la població. En segon lloc, creiem que el negoci de segona mà no està gaire ben vist per la majoria de la gent i considerem que és una bona oportunitat que la gent desconeix. Amb la realització del treball ens hi volem endinsar una mica per aquest món, conèixer les possibilitats que amaga i establir la relació entre la crisi i el mercat de segona mà. Per últim trobem el que pertany a la segona part del treball: El muntatge d’una botiga. Com a joves estudiants d’econòmiques, ens crida molt l’atenció el fet de crear un propi negoci. Ens sembla molt interessant tots els processos que s’han de dur a terme fins a l’obertura de la tenda i volem extreure una visió empresarial sobre el treball. Pel que fa a la metodologia que hem seguit per poder realitzar el nostre treball, cal dir que hem separat aquest en dues parts: La primera part és bàsicament teòrica. En ella hem fet una visió general sobre la crisi en que ens trobem, com va arribar i les conseqüències que ha tingut. A continuació hem cercat diferents notícies a la premsa escrita i digital que parlaven de com havia augmentat el consum als comerços de segona mà i hem explicat com són aquests amb exemples de botigues de roba de segona mà. Per últim hem fet un estudi de mercat mitjançant una enquesta per tal de contrastar les hipòtesis inicials del nostre treball que a continuació exposarem i també per treure idees bàsiques sobre com hauria de ser el nostre comerç.La segona part és el treball pràctic, és a dir, tots els passos que hem hagut de seguir des de la idea de creació de la botiga fins a la posada en marxa pròpiament dita. Hem cercat tota la regulació que havíem de complir, ens hem constituït com a societat limitada, hem trobat un local i hem muntat l’interior, hem tingut contactes amb diferents proveïdors de roba, hem contractat als treballadors i hem fet un anàlisi sobre els costos que hauríem de patir a l’inici del projecte i a partir d’aquí extraurem la conclusió sobre si seria viable o no la creació d’aquest negoci. Per últim, exposem les nostres dues hipòtesis inicials, sobre les que a mida que anem avançant pel treball, ens argumentarem i finalment les confirmarem o negarem.1- La crisi ha fet disminuir el poder adquisitiu de la població, de manera que es redueix la despesa en consum i el mercat de la 2a mà es veu beneficiat ja que tenen uns preus inferiors, més accessibles per la majoria de la gent, per un mateix producte o de característiques similars als que compraven fins ara.2- Aprofitant la conjuntura econòmica és viable crear una botiga de roba de segona mà.


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This dissertation focuses on the strategies consumers use when making purchase decisions. It is organized in two main parts, one centering on descriptive and the other on applied decision making research. In the first part, a new process tracing tool called InterActive Process Tracing (IAPT) is pre- sented, which I developed to investigate the nature of consumers' decision strategies. This tool is a combination of several process tracing techniques, namely Active Information Search, Mouselab, and retrospective verbal protocol. To validate IAPT, two experiments on mobile phone purchase de- cisions were conducted where participants first repeatedly chose a mobile phone and then were asked to formalize their decision strategy so that it could be used to make choices for them. The choices made by the identified strategies correctly predicted the observed choices in 73% (Experiment 1) and 67% (Experiment 2) of the cases. Moreover, in Experiment 2, Mouselab and eye tracking were directly compared with respect to their impact on information search and strategy description. Only minor differences were found between these two methods. I conclude that IAPT is a useful research tool to identify choice strategies, and that using eye tracking technology did not increase its validity beyond that gained with Mouselab. In the second part, a prototype of a decision aid is introduced that was developed building in particular on the knowledge about consumers' decision strategies gained in Part I. This decision aid, which is called the InterActive Choice Aid (IACA), systematically assists consumers in their purchase decisions. To evaluate the prototype regarding its perceived utility, an experiment was conducted where IACA was compared to two other prototypes that were based on real-world consumer decision aids. All three prototypes differed in the number and type of tools they provided to facilitate the process of choosing, ranging from low (Amazon) to medium (Sunrise/dpreview) to high functionality (IACA). Overall, participants slightly preferred the prototype of medium functionality and this prototype was also rated best on the dimensions of understandability and ease of use. IACA was rated best regarding the two dimensions of ease of elimination and ease of comparison of alternatives. Moreover, participants choices were more in line with the normatively oriented weighted additive strategy when they used IACA than when they used the medium functionality prototype. The low functionality prototype was the least preferred overall. It is concluded that consumers can and will benefit from highly functional decision aids like IACA, but only when these systems are easy to understand and to use.


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 Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010.Objectius del projecte: Determinar les característiques físiques de cada varietat de cirera, mesurant la fermesa i els graus brix (sucre). Avaluar el comportament dels fruits (cireres) en les seves característiques físiques i sensorials als dies 0 i 7 de l'inici de la collita. Avaluar l'efecte de la inducció de pitting a cada varietat per determinar quina és millor per al mercat d'exportació. Determinar la vida útil de la cirera varietat Sweet Heart i Sweet Late. Passos seguits: collir dels fruits i una posterior tria d'aquests. Aquests fruits van ser sotmesos a un tractament d'inducció de pitting per una part i a un anàlisi sensorial per l'altra. Aquests tractaments es van realitzar a fi de poder determinar quina de les dos varietats escollides era la millor per al mercat internacional. A l'anàlisi sensorial es van poder determinar els paràmetres de textura, maduració, sabor... En les dos varietats, la CSS és més alta amb (M2); Ja que a mesura que augmenta el grau de maduració dels fruits, la CSS també augmenta. La fermesa disminueix a mesura que augmenta la maduració. En les dues varietats, el majors percentatges d'acceptació van ser per (M2). No obstant, Sweet Late va resultar la varietat amb major grau de rebuig. La varietat Sweet Heart, amb M2, va reflexar una menor aparició de pitting. La que va tenir el millor comportament al tractament d'inducció va ser la varietat Sweet Heart, que va obtenir una menor diferència entre els diferents estats de maduració.


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Overall introduction.- Longitudinal studies have been designed to investigate prospectively, from their beginning, the pathway leading from health to frailty and to disability. Knowledge about determinants of healthy ageing and health behaviour (resources) as well as risks of functional decline is required to propose appropriate preventative interventions. The functional status in older people is important considering clinical outcome in general, healthcare need and mortality. Part I.- Results and interventions from lucas (longitudinal urban cohort ageing study). Authors.- J. Anders, U. Dapp, L. Neumann, F. Pröfener, C. Minder, S. Golgert, A. Daubmann, K. Wegscheider,. W. von Renteln-Kruse Methods.- The LUCAS core project is a longitudinal cohort of urban community-dwelling people 60 years and older, recruited in 2000/2001. Further LUCAS projects are cross-sectional comparative and interventional studies (RCT). Results.- The emphasis will be on geriatric medical care in a population-based approach, discussing different forms of access, too. (Dapp et al. BMC Geriatrics 2012, 12:35; http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2318/12/35): - longitudinal data from the LUCAS urban cohort (n = 3.326) will be presented covering 10 years of observation, including the prediction of functional decline, need of nursing care, and mortality by using a self-filling screening tool; - interventions to prevent functional decline do focus on first (pre-clinical) signs of pre-frailty before entering the frailty-cascade ("Active Health Promotion in Old Age", "geriatric mobility centre") or disability ("home visits"). Conclusions.- The LUCAS research consortium was established to study particular aspects of functional competence, its changes with ageing, to detect pre-clinical signs of functional decline, and to address questions on how to maintain functional competence and to prevent adverse outcome in different settings. The multidimensional data base allows the exploration of several further questions. Gait performance was exmined by GAITRite®-System. Supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF Funding No. 01ET1002A). Part II.- Selected results from the lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65 + ) Study (Switzerland). Authors.- Prof Santos-Eggimann Brigitte, Dr Seematter-Bagnoud Laurence, Prof Büla Christophe, Dr Rochat Stéphane. Methods.- The Lc65+ cohort was launched in 2004 with the random selection of 3054 eligible individuals aged 65 to 70 (birth year 1934-1938) in the non-institutionalized population of Lausanne (Switzerland). Results.- Information is collected about life course social and health-related events, socio-economics, medical and psychosocial dimensions, lifestyle habits, limitations in activities of daily living, mobility impairments, and falls. Gait performance are objectively measured using body-fixed sensors. Frailty is assessed using Fried's frailty phenotype. Follow-up consists in annual self-completed questionnaires, as well as physical examination and physical and mental performance tests every three years. - Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65 + ): design and longitudinal outcomes. The baseline data collection was completed among 1422 participants in 2004-2005 through self-completed questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physical examination and tests of mental and physical performances. Information about institutionalization, self-reported health services utilization, and death is also assessed. An additional random sample (n = 1525) of 65-70 years old subjects was recruited in 2009 (birth year 1939-1943). - lecture no 4: alcohol intake and gait parameters: prevalent and longitudinal association in the Lc65+ study. The association between alcohol intake and gait performance was investigated.


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This Ph.D. dissertation seeks to study the work motivation of employees in the delivery of public services. The questioning on work motivation in public services in not new but it becomes central for governments which are now facing unprecedented public debts. The objective of this research is twofold : First, we want to see if the work motivation of employees in public services is a continuum (intrinsic and extrinsic motivations cannot coexist) or a bi-dimensional construct (intrinsic and extrinsic motivations coexist simultaneously). The research in public administration literature has focused on the concept of public service motivation, and considered motivation to be uni-dimensional (Perry and Hondeghem 2008). However, no study has yet tackled both types of motivation, the intrinsic and extrinsic ones, in the same time. This dissertation proposes, in Part I, a theoretical assessment and an empirical test of a global work motivational structure, by using a self-constructed Swiss dataset with employees from three public services, the education sector, the security sector and the public administrative services sector. Our findings suggest that work motivation in public services in not uni-dimensional but bi-dimensional, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations coexist simultaneously and can be positively correlated (Amabile et al. 1994). Our findings show that intrinsic motivation is as important as extrinsic motivation, thus, the assumption that employees in public services are less attracted by extrinsic rewards is not confirmed for this sample. Other important finding concerns the public service motivation concept, which, as theoretically predicted, represents the major motivational dimension of employees in the delivery of public services. Second, the theory of public service motivation makes the assumption that employees in public services engage in activities that go beyond their self-interest, but never uses this construct as a determinant for their pro-social behavior. In the same time, several studies (Gregg et al. 2011 and Georgellis et al. 2011) bring evidence about the pro-social behavior of employees in public services. However, they do not identify which type of motivation is at the origin of this behavior, they only make the assumption of an intrinsically motivated behavior. We analyze the pro-social behavior of employees in public services and use the public service motivation as determinant of their pro-social behavior. We add other determinants highlighted by the theory of pro-social behavior (Bénabou and Tirole 2006), by Le Grand (2003) and by fit theories (Besley and Ghatak 2005). We test these determinants on Part II and identify for each sector of activity the positive or the negative impact on pro-social behavior of Swiss employees. Contrary to expectations, we find, for this sample, that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors have a positive impact on pro-social behavior, no crowding-out effect is identified in this sample. We confirm the hypothesis of Le Grand (2003) about the positive impact of the opportunity cost on pro-social behavior. Our results suggest a mix of action-oriented altruism and out-put oriented altruism of employees in public services. These results are relevant when designing incentives schemes for employees in the delivery of public services.


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Summary: Colic surgery in the horse : [part] I : clinical examination and evaluation of need for surgery


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This report is presented in two parts . P a r t I takes a new look at the design of rest area stabilization ponds after nearly 10 years' experience with some of the existing ponds and in the light of new design standards issued by Iowa DEQ. The Iowa DOT is embarking on improvements t o the ponds a t some of the r e s t areas. These improvements may include installation of drainage tile around the ponds to lower the water table below the pond bottom, sealing of the ponds with bentonite clay to reduce the infiltration to limits recently established by Iowa DEQ, and the enlargement of the ponds installation of aeration equipment t o increase the pond capacity. As the Iowa DOT embarks on this improvement program, it behooves them t o make only the improvements that are absolutely necessary to achieve waste water treatment goals. These ponds are subject to an extremely seasonal load and thus the ordinary standards used for pond design are not appropriate. Thus, Part I of the report presents a rationale for design and operation of the ponds which is deemed appropriate for t h e i r unique seasonally loaded character. Part I1 of the report looks a t the feasibility of using wind power for the aeration of the ponds, if and when aeration is deemed necessary.


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En el número (BiD, núm. 5, desembre 2000) vàrem començar un repàs acurat i per temes de les eines bàsiques de treball per al bibliotecari. Aquest segon recull pretén, selectivament, donar a conèixer alguns treballs (associacions, publicacions, guies, recursos temàtics) lligats amb la classificació i, per extensió, a la indexació. Parlem de classificacions numèriques i alfanumèriques, deixant de banda les llistes d'encapçalament i tesaurus que formaran part d'una nova selecció posterior. Insisteixo que es tracta d'un recull selectiu i no pas exhaustiu (al marge de la selecció de recursos per a les classificacions clàssiques, és a dir, CDU, LCC, Bliss o DDC, les classificacionsgenerades per a especialitats concretes han trobat a Internet una magnífica via de distribució, molt especialment relacionades amb les disciplines cientificotècniques, les ciències de la salut, la literatura grisa i la informàtica i les noves tecnologies del coneixement). Es tracta, en la majoria dels casos, i pel que fa a les classificacions generalistes clàssiques, de guies elaborades per les mateixes biblioteques, de manera més o menys detallada, gairebé com a eines de formació d'usuaris. Un altre grup inclou les classificacions completes, pensades per al maneig del bibliotecari o l'usuari interessat en el món de la classificació i la indexació. Un capítol a part i que per raons òbvies s'ha desenvolupat notòriament aquests darrers anys, són les classificacions com a eina de disposició lògica (generalment jeràrquica)dels recursos localitzables a Internet (sovint adaptacions de la Dewey i molt especialment l'LLC), i, en alguns casos, classificacions pròpies i molt simplificades que parteixen dels principis bàsics de tota classificació: àmbits temàtics i de procedència, i, per als recursos electrònics, tipologia i accessibilitat. La selecció inclou, quan s'ha considerat oportú, uns petits comentaris de contingut i, entre cometes, la traducció d'algunes parts de la presentació del recurs o de comentaris realitzats sobre aquell pels mateixos autors. Per una qüestió simplement d'utilitat, no s'han inclòs referències d'algunes de les classificacions anomenades històriques, és a dir: Classification de Brunet (1810), Baconian Classification (1605), etc. (tot i que es troba informació disponible en xarxa). No s'ha inclòs un apartat exclusiu per a la classificació expansiva perquè es considera que el sistema inventat per Charles A. Cutter (1891) va ser la base i encara ho és de la Library of Congress Classification (especialment pel que fa als "Cutter Numbers").


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A newly completed study commissioned by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence shows increased jobs, tax revenue and economic activity as a result of Iowa Power Fund projects. The analysis is divided into two parts. Part I assesses the specific impacts of projects that have been funded directly. Part II offers an analysis of the long term impacts when projects are successfully replicated.


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A newly completed study commissioned by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence shows increased jobs, tax revenue and economic activity as a result of Iowa Power Fund projects. The analysis is divided into two parts. Part I assesses the specific impacts of projects that have been funded directly. Part II offers an analysis of the long term impacts when projects are successfully replicated.