967 resultados para Palmas (TO) Edifícios, estruturas, etc


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Developing countries face serious problems on building and using digital libraries (DL) due to low computer and Internet penetration rates, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, since mobile phones are much more used than computers in these countries, they might be a good alternative for accessing DL. Moreover, in the developed world there has been an exponential growth on the usage of mobile phones for data traffic, establishing a good ground for accessing DL on mobile devices. This paper presents a design proposal for making DSpace-based digital libraries accessible on mobile phones. Since DSpace is a popular free and open source DL system used around the world, making it accessible through mobile devices might contribute for improving the global accessibility of scientific and academic publications.


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La formation continue fait à l'évidence partie intégrante de la vie du médecin, elle est non seulement un devoir éthique envers les patients mais également l'expression du besoin de se maintenir «à la page» dans sa pratique quotidienne, conséquence des progrès rapides en médecine, particulièrement en oncologie médicale. Elle peut être également source de plaisir quand il s'agit d'accroître ses connaissances. Ses règles minimales ont été définies depuis plusieurs années par la FMH qui délègue aux sociétés de disciplines son application pratique. En 2008, une révision nécessaire pour différentes raisons a facilité le calcul des crédits. Même si le total des heures de formation est resté le même (50 crédits), il a été partagé par deux : 25 pour la formation spécifique et 25 qui peuvent être acquis dans une autre discipline (révision de mars 2009 du Règlement pour la formation continue, art. 5a). Cette révision n'a pas réjoui toutes les sociétés de spécialistes qui gardent la faculté de revoir à la hausse le minimum jugé nécessaire à leur discipline. La quantité des offres de formation continue pour les médecins pose le problème d'être proprement pléthorique (congrès nationaux et internationaux, e-learning, symposiums locaux, etc.), il n'en va pas de même de leur qualité. Dans le domaine de l'oncologie médicale, les offres sont abondantes dans un contexte de marketing évident : les maisons pharmaceutiques parrainent des réunions avec un orateur mercenaire, prestigieux si possible, invité à vanter un produit spécifique dans un cycle de présentations en différents lieux de Romandie (avec à chaque fois, la possibilité d'inscrire des crédits à l'actif des participants)... Elles soutiennent également, par leur logistique, de miniconférences organisées par les différentes institutions locales et auxquelles les médecins ne participent que de façon sporadique vu leur intérêt souvent très secondaire - il n'est pas rare que l'auditoire médical se résume à cinq ou dix participants. Au final, ces offres dispersées et de qualité discutable monopolisent les ressources qui se raréfient rapidement dans le contexte économique actuel et qui doivent impérativement être utilisées de manière plus judicieuse, notamment en évitant les manifestations répétitives. Devant toutes ces offres, il est souvent difficile pour la société de discipline de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie et en conséquence d'attribuer de manière objective les crédits de formation. Partant de ce constat, un petit groupe romand de médecins oncologues praticiens installés et des centres universitaires ont réfléchi à l'idée de regrouper au sein d'une seule structure romande l'organisation d'une formation continue qui réponde à la fois aux besoins et à l'exigence de qualité. Ses tâches sont multiples : mettre sur pied annuellement plusieurs demi-journées de formation, préaviser avec un comité scientifique de la qualité de la formation continue distillée sur son territoire de compétence (sans empiéter sur les prérogatives de la commission pour la formation postgraduée de la Société suisse d'oncologie médicale - SSOM) en rapprochant les centres universitaires, les hôpitaux cantonaux et régionaux, et les praticiens. Ainsi est née l'association FoROMe (Formation romande en oncologie médicale). Sa légitimité a été établie par la SSOM et par le Comité pour la formation postgraduée et continue (nouvellement SIWF) de la FMH. Elle est maintenant en mesure de mettre en application les tâches pour lesquelles elle a été constituée. Il est évident que cela n'ira pas sans résistance et que certains diront qu'ils ne voient pas la nécessité d'une structure supplémentaire, que les sociétés de disciplines font très bien leur travail, qu'il s'agit encore là d'une atteinte à la liberté. Cependant les nécessités économiques vont tôt ou tard venir au secours de la logique pour confirmer les changements que cette démarche a permis d'anticiper. A l'avenir, il s'agira d'assurer le bien-fondé de cette initiative et de rester vigilant au bon fonctionnement de cette structure à la satisfaction de nos membres.


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Purpose:To describe a novel in silico method to gather and analyze data from high-throughput heterogeneous experimental procedures, i.e. gene and protein expression arrays. Methods:Each microarray is assigned to a database which handles common data (names, symbols, antibody codes, probe IDs, etc.). Links between informations are automatically generated from knowledge obtained in freely accessible databases (NCBI, Swissprot, etc). Requests can be made from any point of entry and the displayed result is fully customizable. Results:The initial database has been loaded with two sets of data: a first set of data originating from an Affymetrix-based retinal profiling performed in an RPE65 knock-out mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis. A second set of data generated from a Kinexus microarray experiment done on the retinas from the same mouse model has been added. Queries display wild type versus knock out expressions at several time points for both genes and proteins. Conclusions:This freely accessible database allows for easy consultation of data and facilitates data mining by integrating experimental data and biological pathways.


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Hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia are frequent after severe burns; however, increased urinary excretion does not sufficiently explain the magnitude of the mineral depletion. We measured the mineral content of cutaneous exudates during the first week after injury. Sixteen patients aged 34 +/- 9 y (mean +/- SD) with thermal burns were studied prospectively and divided in 3 groups according to the extent of their burn injury and the presence or absence of mineral supplements: group 1 (n = 5), burns covering 26 +/- 5% of body surface; group 2 (n = 6), burns covering 41 +/- 10%; and group 3 (n = 5), burns covering 42 +/- 6% with prescription of magnesium and phosphate supplements. Cutaneous exudates were extracted from the textiles (surgical drapes, dressings, sheets, etc) surrounding the patients from day 1 to day 7 after injury. Mean magnesium serum concentrations decreased below reference ranges in 12 patients between days 1 and 4 and normalized thereafter. Phosphate, normal on day 0, was low during the first week. Albumin concentrations, normal on day 0, decreased and remained low. Urinary magnesium and phosphate excretion were within reference ranges and not larger in group 3. Mean daily cutaneous losses were 16 mmol Mg/d and 11 mmol P/d (largest in group 2). Exudative magnesium losses were correlated with burn severity (r = 0.709, P = 0.003). Cutaneous magnesium losses were nearly four times larger than urinary losses whereas cutaneous phosphate losses were smaller than urinary phosphate losses. Mean daily losses of both magnesium and phosphate were more than the recommended dietary allowances. Exudative losses combined with urinary losses largely explained the increased mineral requirements after burn injury.


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At the Lausanne University, 5th year medical students were trained in Motivational interviewing (MI). Eight hours of training improved their competence in the use of this approach. This experience supports the implementation of MI training in medical schools. Motivational interviewing allows the health professional to actively involve the patient in this behavior change process (drinking, smoking, diet, exercise, medication adherence, etc.), by encouraging reflection and reinforcing personal motivation and resources.


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Teaching community medicine represents a significant challenge for medical schools, which tend to struggle to promote interest in the issue among students. In 2009, the Lausanne medical school introduced a "community immersion" module specifically designed to address the issue. The new module requires students working in small groups under the supervision of a tutor to investigate a health question of their choice. The investigation involves conducting interviews with stakeholders (health professionals, patients, politicians, etc.), carrying out a survey, and presenting the results of the investigation in a "congress". An external evaluation showed that the objectives of the initiative had been largely achieved, with an increase of interest in community medicine for over 50% of students (based on a total cohort of 150 students) and a high level of satisfaction for over 90% of students and tutors. This paper presents the results of the initiative and its use for promoting community-oriented medicine.


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Mulch helps to recreate the organic layer and soil structure of a wooded environment, which benefits your trees and shrubs... • Helps maintain even soil temperature in the roots by keeping them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. • Promotes plant growth. • Controls weeds. • Conserves soil moisture, meaning you use less water. • Improves soil structure and quality over the root area. • Protects from mechanical damage (mowers, string trimmers, etc.) • Helps beautify the new planting.


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Mitjançant aquest treball hem analitzat com en aquest temps en què la internacionalització és un fet necessari i les empreses volen globalitzar, aquestes decideixen unir-se per tal d'aconseguir. Aquí analitzem els diferents tipus d'unió possible centrant-nos més específicament en les aliances estratègiques però veient també les adquisicions. Primer analitzem quan és més convenient aliar-se amb una empresa o adquirir-la. Això ho portarem a terme mitjançant el desenvolupament d'una sèrie d'elements a tenir en compte. Un cop vist això, analitzem els principals motius pels quals les empreses decideixen aliar-se, entre els quals destaquen l'obtenció de coneixement i recursos. A més analitzem les diferents variants d'aliança estratègica com són les llicències, franquícies, contractes de recerca i desenvolupament, Joint Ventures, etc. i quan és més convenient desenvolupar una o una altra. En aquest treball, ja que com veurem les aliances tendeixen a fracassar ja que les empreses no les implementen correctament o no dediquen el temps suficient a analitzar l'entorn i les condicions per veure quina estratègia li convé més a l'empresa, analitzarem els elements necessaris per fer-les funcionar i els factors claus d'èxit d'aquestes aliances com ara l'experiència, la reputació, la confiança, els objectius clars, el Know-how, la cultura ... A més en aquest treball analitzem el cas de l'aliança estratègica sorgida entre Disney i Pixar el 1991. Aquest anàlisi el duem a terme tenint en compte els factors que Dyer et. al. esmentà en el seu estudi. Aquest anàlisi el realitzem amb l'objectiu de conèixer si l'aliança realitzada per ambdues empreses va ser una estratègia encertada o si per contra deurien haver dut a terme una altra estratègia, la qual els hauria aportat més beneficis.


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Remote sensing was utilized in the Phase II Cultural Resources Investigation for this project in lieu of extensive excavations. The purpose of the present report is to compare the costs and benefits of the use of remote sensing to the hypothetical use of traditional excavation methods for this project. Estimates for this hypothetical situation are based on the project archaeologist's considerable past experience in conducting similar investigations. Only that part of the Phase II investigation involving field investigations is addressed in this report. Costs for literature review, laboratory analysis, report preparation, etc., are not included. The project manager proposed the use of this technique for the fol lowing logistic, safety and budgetary reasons.


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quantiNemo is an individual-based, genetically explicit stochastic simulation program. It was developed to investigate the effects of selection, mutation, recombination and drift on quantitative traits with varying architectures in structured populations connected by migration and located in a heterogeneous habitat. quantiNemo is highly flexible at various levels: population, selection, trait(s) architecture, genetic map for QTL and/or markers, environment, demography, mating system, etc. quantiNemo is coded in C++ using an object-oriented approach and runs on any computer platform. Availability: Executables for several platforms, user's manual, and source code are freely available under the GNU General Public License at http://www2.unil.ch/popgen/softwares/quantinemo.


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The measurement of fat balance (fat input minus fat output) involves the accurate estimation of both metabolizable fat intake and total fat oxidation. This is possible mostly under laboratory conditions and not yet in free-living conditions. In the latter situation, net fat retention/mobilization can be estimated based on precise and accurate sequential body composition measurements. In case of positive balance, lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary (exogenous) lipids or from nonlipid precursors, mainly from carbohydrates (CHOs) but also from ethanol, through a process known as de novo lipogenesis (DNL). Basic equations are provided in this review to facilitate the interpretation of the different subcomponents of fat balance (endogenous vs exogenous) under different nutritional circumstances. One difficulty is methodological: total DNL is difficult to measure quantitatively in man; for example, indirect calorimetry only tracks net DNL, not total DNL. Although the numerous factors (mostly exogenous) influencing DNL have been studied, in particular the effect of CHO overfeeding, there is little information on the rate of DNL in habitual conditions of life, that is, large day-to-day fluctuations of CHO intakes, different types of CHO ingested with different glycemic indexes, alcohol combined with excess CHO intakes, etc. Three issues, which are still controversial today, will be addressed: (1) Is the increase of fat mass induced by CHO overfeeding explained by DNL only, or by decreased endogenous fat oxidation, or both? (2) Is DNL different in overweight and obese individuals as compared to their lean counterparts? (3) Does DNL occur both in the liver and in adipose tissue? Recent studies have demonstrated that acute CHO overfeeding influences adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression and that CHO may stimulate DNL in skeletal muscles, at least in vitro. The role of DNL and its importance in health and disease remain to be further clarified, in particular the putative effect of DNL on the control of energy intake and energy expenditure, as well as the occurrence of DNL in other tissues (such as in myocytes) in addition to hepatocytes and adipocytes.


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Version abregée L'ischémie cérébrale est la troisième cause de mort dans les pays développés, et la maladie responsable des plus sérieux handicaps neurologiques. La compréhension des bases moléculaires et anatomiques de la récupération fonctionnelle après l'ischémie cérébrale est donc extrêmement importante et représente un domaine d'intérêt crucial pour la recherche fondamentale et clinique. Durant les deux dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont tenté de combattre les effets nocifs de l'ischémie cérébrale à l'aide de substances exogènes qui, bien que testées avec succès dans le domaine expérimental, ont montré un effet contradictoire dans l'application clinique. Une approche différente mais complémentaire est de stimuler des mécanismes intrinsèques de neuroprotection en utilisant le «modèle de préconditionnement» : une brève insulte protège contre des épisodes d'ischémie plus sévères à travers la stimulation de voies de signalisation endogènes qui augmentent la résistance à l'ischémie. Cette approche peut offrir des éléments importants pour clarifier les mécanismes endogènes de neuroprotection et fournir de nouvelles stratégies pour rendre les neurones et la glie plus résistants à l'attaque ischémique cérébrale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons donc étudié les mécanismes de neuroprotection intrinsèques stimulés par la thrombine, un neuroprotecteur «préconditionnant» dont on a montré, à l'aide de modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo, qu'il réduit la mort neuronale. En appliquant une technique de microchirurgie pour induire une ischémie cérébrale transitoire chez la souris, nous avons montré que la thrombine peut stimuler les voies de signalisation intracellulaire médiées par MAPK et JNK par une approche moléculaire et l'analyse in vivo d'un inhibiteur spécifique de JNK (L JNK) .Nous avons également étudié l'impact de la thrombine sur la récupération fonctionnelle après une attaque et avons pu démontrer que ces mécanismes moléculaires peuvent améliorer la récupération motrice. La deuxième partie de cette étude des mécanismes de récupération après ischémie cérébrale est basée sur l'investigation des bases anatomiques de la plasticité des connections cérébrales, soit dans le modèle animal d'ischémie transitoire, soit chez l'homme. Selon des résultats précédemment publiés par divers groupes ,nous savons que des mécanismes de plasticité aboutissant à des degrés divers de récupération fonctionnelle sont mis enjeu après une lésion ischémique. Le résultat de cette réorganisation est une nouvelle architecture fonctionnelle et structurelle, qui varie individuellement selon l'anatomie de la lésion, l'âge du sujet et la chronicité de la lésion. Le succès de toute intervention thérapeutique dépendra donc de son interaction avec la nouvelle architecture anatomique. Pour cette raison, nous avons appliqué deux techniques de diffusion en résonance magnétique qui permettent de détecter les changements de microstructure cérébrale et de connexions anatomiques suite à une attaque : IRM par tenseur de diffusion (DT-IR1V) et IRM par spectre de diffusion (DSIRM). Grâce à la DT-IRM hautement sophistiquée, nous avons pu effectuer une étude de follow-up à long terme chez des souris ayant subi une ischémie cérébrale transitoire, qui a mis en évidence que les changements microstructurels dans l'infarctus ainsi que la modification des voies anatomiques sont corrélés à la récupération fonctionnelle. De plus, nous avons observé une réorganisation axonale dans des aires où l'on détecte une augmentation d'expression d'une protéine de plasticité exprimée dans le cône de croissance des axones (GAP-43). En appliquant la même technique, nous avons également effectué deux études, rétrospective et prospective, qui ont montré comment des paramètres obtenus avec DT-IRM peuvent monitorer la rapidité de récupération et mettre en évidence un changement structurel dans les voies impliquées dans les manifestations cliniques. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons décrit la manière dont la DS-IRM peut être appliquée dans le domaine expérimental et clinique pour étudier la plasticité cérébrale après ischémie. Abstract Ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death in developed countries and the disease responsible for the most serious long-term neurological disability. Understanding molecular and anatomical basis of stroke recovery is, therefore, extremely important and represents a major field of interest for basic and clinical research. Over the past 2 decades, much attention has focused on counteracting noxious effect of the ischemic insult with exogenous substances (oxygen radical scavengers, AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists, MMP inhibitors etc) which were successfully tested in the experimental field -but which turned out to have controversial effects in clinical trials. A different but complementary approach to address ischemia pathophysiology and treatment options is to stimulate and investigate intrinsic mechanisms of neuroprotection using the "preconditioning effect": applying a brief insult protects against subsequent prolonged and detrimental ischemic episodes, by up-regulating powerful endogenous pathways that increase resistance to injury. We believe that this approach might offer an important insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for endogenous neuroprotection. In addition, results from preconditioning model experiment may provide new strategies for making brain cells "naturally" more resistant to ischemic injury and accelerate their rate of functional recovery. In the first part of this work, we investigated down-stream mechanisms of neuroprotection induced by thrombin, a well known neuroprotectant which has been demonstrated to reduce stroke-induced cell death in vitro and in vivo experimental models. Using microsurgery to induce transient brain ischemia in mice, we showed that thrombin can stimulate both MAPK and JNK intracellular pathways through a molecular biology approach and an in vivo analysis of a specific kinase inhibitor (L JNK1). We also studied thrombin's impact on functional recovery demonstrating that these molecular mechanisms could enhance post-stroke motor outcome. The second part of this study is based on investigating the anatomical basis underlying connectivity remodeling, leading to functional improvement after stroke. To do this, we used both a mouse model of experimental ischemia and human subjects with stroke. It is known from previous data published in literature, that the brain adapts to damage in a way that attempts to preserve motor function. The result of this reorganization is a new functional and structural architecture, which will vary from patient to patient depending on the anatomy of the damage, the biological age of the patient and the chronicity of the lesion. The success of any given therapeutic intervention will depend on how well it interacts with this new architecture. For this reason, we applied diffusion magnetic resonance techniques able to detect micro-structural and connectivity changes following an ischemic lesion: diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) and diffusion spectrum MRI (DS-MRI). Using DT-MRI, we performed along-term follow up study of stroke mice which showed how diffusion changes in the stroke region and fiber tract remodeling is correlating with stroke recovery. In addition, axonal reorganization is shown in areas of increased plasticity related protein expression (GAP 43, growth axonal cone related protein). Applying the same technique, we then performed a retrospective and a prospective study in humans demonstrating how specific DTI parameters could help to monitor the speed of recovery and show longitudinal changes in damaged tracts involved in clinical symptoms. Finally, in the last part of this study we showed how DS-MRI could be applied both to experimental and human stroke and which perspectives it can open to further investigate post stroke plasticity.


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Aim of study: To identify species of wood samples based on common names and anatomical analyses of their transversal surfaces (without microscopic preparations). Area of study: Spain and South America Material and methods: The test was carried out on a batch of 15 lumber samples deposited in the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, from the expedition by Ruiz and Pavon (1777-1811). The first stage of the methodology is to search and to make a critical analysis of the databases which list common nomenclature along with scientific nomenclature. A geographic filter was then applied to the information resulting from the samples with a more restricted distribution. Finally an anatomical verification was carried out with a pocket microscope with a magnification of x40, equipped with a 50 micrometers resolution scale. Main results: The identification of the wood based exclusively on the common name is not useful due to the high number of alternative possibilities (14 for “naranjo”, 10 for “ébano”, etc.). The common name of one of the samples (“huachapelí mulato”) enabled the geographic origin of the samples to be accurately located to the shipyard area in Guayaquil (Ecuador). Given that Ruiz y Pavon did not travel to Ecuador, the specimens must have been obtained by Tafalla. It was possible to determine correctly 67% of the lumber samples from the batch. In 17% of the cases the methodology did not provide a reliable identification. Research highlights: It was possible to determine correctly 67% of the lumber samples from the batch and their geographic provenance. The identification of the wood based exclusively on the common name is not useful.


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Santiago Ramón y Cajal developed a great body of scientific research during the last decade of 19th century, mainly between 1888 and 1892, when he published more than 30 manuscripts. The neuronal theory, the structure of dendrites and spines, and fine microscopic descriptions of numerous neural circuits are among these studies. In addition, numerous cell types (neuronal and glial) were described by Ramón y Cajal during this time using this 'reazione nera' or Golgi method. Among these neurons were the special cells of the molecular layer of the neocortex. These cells were also termed Cajal cells or Retzius cells by other colleagues. Today these cells are known as Cajal-Retzius cells. From the earliest description, several biological aspects of these fascinating cells have been analyzed (e.g., cell morphology, physiological properties, origin and cellular fate, putative function during cortical development, etc). In this review we will summarize in a temporal basis the emerging knowledge concerning this cell population with specific attention the pioneer studies of Santiago Ramón y Cajal.


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To develop systems in order to detect Alzheimer’s disease we want to use EEG signals. Available database is raw, so the first step must be to clean signals properly. We propose a new way of ICA cleaning on a database recorded from patients with Alzheimer's disease (mildAD, early stage). Two researchers visually inspected all the signals (EEG channels), and each recording's least corrupted (artefact-clean) continuous 20 sec interval were chosen for the analysis. Each trial was then decomposed using ICA. Sources were ordered using a kurtosis measure, and the researchers cleared up to seven sources per trial corresponding to artefacts (eye movements, EMG corruption, EKG, etc), using three criteria: (i) Isolated source on the scalp (only a few electrodes contribute to the source), (ii) Abnormal wave shape (drifts, eye blinks, sharp waves, etc.), (iii) Source of abnormally high amplitude ( �100 �V). We then evaluated the outcome of this cleaning by means of the classification of patients using multilayer perceptron neural networks. Results are very satisfactory and performance is increased from 50.9% to 73.1% correctly classified data using ICA cleaning procedure.