761 resultados para PRUEBA DE ELISA


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People with coeliac disease have to maintain a gluten-free diet, which means excluding wheat, barley and rye prolamin proteins from their diet. Immunochemical methods are used to analyse the harmful proteins and to control the purity of gluten-free foods. In this thesis, the behaviour of prolamins in immunological gluten assays and with different prolamin-specific antibodies was examined. The immunoassays were also used to detect residual rye prolamins in sourdough systems after enzymatic hydrolysis and wheat prolamins after deamidation. The aim was to characterize the ability of the gluten analysis assays to quantify different prolamins in varying matrices in order to improve the accuracy of the assays. Prolamin groups of cereals consist of a complex mixture of proteins that vary in their size and amino acid sequences. Two common characteristics distinguish prolamins from other cereal proteins. Firstly, they are soluble in aqueous alcohols, and secondly, most of the prolamins are mainly formed from repetitive amino acid sequences containing high amounts of proline and glutamine. The diversity among prolamin proteins sets high requirements for their quantification. In the present study, prolamin contents were evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays based on ω- and R5 antibodies. In addition, assays based on A1 and G12 antibodies were used to examine the effect of deamidation on prolamin proteins. The prolamin compositions and the cross-reactivity of antibodies with prolamin groups were evaluated with electrophoretic separation and Western blotting. The results of this thesis research demonstrate that the currently used gluten analysis methods are not able to accurately quantify barley prolamins, especially when hydrolysed or mixed in oats. However, more precise results can be obtained when the standard more closely matches the sample proteins, as demonstrated with barley prolamin standards. The study also revealed that all of the harmful prolamins, i.e. wheat, barley and rye prolamins, are most efficiently extracted with 40% 1-propanol containing 1% dithiothreitol at 50 °C. The extractability of barley and rye prolamins was considerably higher with 40% 1-propanol than with 60% ethanol, which is typically used for prolamin extraction. The prolamin levels of rye were lowered by 99.5% from the original levels when an enzyme-active rye-malt sourdough system was used for prolamin degradation. Such extensive degradation of rye prolamins suggest the use of sourdough as a part of gluten-free baking. Deamidation increases the diversity of prolamins and improves their solubility and ability to form structures such as emulsions and foams. Deamidation changes the protein structure, which has consequences for antibody recognition in gluten analysis. According to the resuts of the present work, the analysis methods were not able to quantify wheat gluten after deamidation except at very high concentrations. Consequently, deamidated gluten peptides can exist in food products and remain undetected, and thus cause a risk for people with gluten intolerance. The results of this thesis demonstrate that current gluten analysis methods cannot accurately quantify prolamins in all food matrices. New information on the prolamins of rye and barley in addition to wheat prolamins is also provided in this thesis, which is essential for improving gluten analysis methods so that they can more accurately quantify prolamins from harmful cereals.


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Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkielmassani työyhteisön viestintätapojen muutosta ja sosiaalisen mediai roolia muutoksessa. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on jäsentää ja ymmärtää sosiaalisen median roolia työyhteisön viestinnässä ja tarkastella miten sosiaalinen media taipuu tietoperustaisen asiantuntiorganisaation tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa selvitän sitä, miten työn tekemisessä tapahtuneet muutokset ovat muuttaneet työyhteisön tapaa ja tarvetta viestiä. Työn tekemisen uusia muotoja ja verkostoitumista jäsennän tutkimuskirjallisuuden Alvesson (2000), Gruber & Palonen (2007), Kasvio & Tjäder (2007), Sennett (2007) kautta. Työn uusia muotoja voidaan kuvata käsitteillä asiantuntijakeskeisyys, tietointensiivisyys ja tietoperustainen työ. Kuva tutkimuksessani myös sosiaalisen median käsitettä sekä sen tunnusomaisuuksia. Tarkastelen tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation odotuksia ja käyttötarpeita sosiaaliselle medialle Elisa Juholinin (2008) määrittelemän työyhteisöviestinnän uuden agendan (agendamalli) viitekehykses Tutkimukseni empiirisessä osuudessa tarkastelen aihetta yhden tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation jäsenten kautta. Tavoitteeni on selvittää 1) millaisia odotuksia asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa työskentelevillä on sosiaalisen median käytöstä osana työyhteisön viestintää sekä 2) millaisia käyttötarpeita asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa työskentelevillä on sosiaalis* median käytöstä osana työyhteisön viestintää. Tutkimusotteeni on laadullinen, ja aineiston keruur menetelmänä käytän fokusryhmäkeskustelua sekä teemahaastattelua. Analysoin aineiston teemoittelemalla. Aineiston koodauksessa käytin Atlas.ti -ohjelmaa. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan todeta, että tärkeimpänä sosiaalisen median odotuksiin ja käyttötarpeisiin liittyi ajatus käyttäjälähtöisyydestä ja vuorovaikutuksesta. Käyttäjälähtöisyys ja vuorovaikutus näkyivät erityisesti odotuksena viestinnän rutiinien, tiedon ja osaamisen jakamisena entistä avoimempaan ; vuorovaikutteisempaan suuntaan. Tutkimus antaa viitteitä siitä, että sosiaalisen median sovelluksilla on mahdollista tukea vuorovaikutusta juuri niissä työyhteisöviestinnän tehtävissä, joissa vuorovaikutus jää helposti vähäiseksi. Sosiaalisen median sovelluksia tarvitaan myös tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation osaamisen ja ns. hiljaisen tiedonjakamiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella sosiaalinen media osana työyhteisön viestintää taipuu tiedontarpeen tyydyttäjänä, tarjoaa vaihtoehdon viestintäkanaville ja viestinnän toimintamalleille, mahdollistaa osallistumaan ja vaikuttamaan työyhteisön asioihin sekä tarjoaa tavan koota työyhteisössä olevaa osaamista ja hiljaista tietoa.


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Entamoeba histolytica-specific serum IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE antibodies were assayed in cases of amoebiasis in an endemic area. Patient groups consisted of amoebic liver abscess (n=18), pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis (n=22) and amoebic colitis (n=30). Control subjects comprised 26 asymptomatic cyst passers, 13 giardiasis cases, 20 typhoid patients and 24 non-amoebic individuals. Serum IgG was assayed by ELISA, using a monoclonal anti IgG β- galactosidase (IgG β-gal) conjugate, a polyclonal avidin biotin horse radish peroxidase (AB-HRP), and a polyclonal anti IgG horse radish peroxidase (IgG HRP) conjugate. IgA and IgM were assayed by the β-gal ELISA and IgE by AB-HRP. Diagnostically significant IgG and IgA while lower IgM and IgE antibody levels were seen in extraintestinal cases. About 40% of suspected pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis cases were confirmed by antibody estimation. All isotype levels in most dysentery cases were in the range of the controls.


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With biotin labelled and unlabelled immunoglobulin fraction of anticysticercal antibodies raised in rabbits, tandem-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (T-ELISA), capture-dot immunobinding assay (C-DIA) and reverse passive haemagglutination (RPHA) tests were developed for the detection of cysticercal antigens. The sensitivity levels were respectively, 9 ng ml−1, 2 ng ml−1 and 45 ng ml−1. All three methods were of equal specificity as none of the antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis virus and Echinococcus granulosus reacted with anticysticercal IgG. Cysticercal antigens were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of confirmed neurocysticercosis at sensitivity levels of 91·6% by T-ELISA, 83·33% by C-DIA and 75% by RPHA and specificity levels of >93%. Western analysis of these antigens in CSF showed mainly antigens of 64–68 kDa and 24–28 kDA. By crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) with an intermediate gel technique, five circulating antigens were found to be released from scolex and fluid.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään oksidatiivisen stressin yhteyttä akuuttiin sepelvaltimotautioireyhtymään. Tämä tehdään vertaamalla veren hapettuneen LDL-kolesterolin pitoisuuksia kolmessa potilasryhmässä. Siinä pohditaan myös LDL-kolesterolin käyttöä biologisena merkkisuureena diagnostiikassa. Tällä hetkellä ei ole biomarkkeria, joka osoittaisi akuutin sydrooman vaarassa olevat potilaat. Hapettuneen LDL-kolesterolin pitoisuus määritettiin potilaiden plasmasta ELISA-menetelmää käyttäen. Tulokset tukevat työhypoteesia ja tutkimus antaa arvokasta tietoa suomalaisten statiinilääkitystä käyttävien sepelvaltimotautipotilaiden oksidatiivisestä stressistä.


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The major heat-stable shrimp allergen (designated as Sa-II), capable of provoking IgE-mediated immediate type hypersensitivity reactions after the ingestion of cooked shrimp, has been shown to be a 34-kDa heat- stable protein containing 300 amino acid residues. Here, we report that a comparison of amino acid sequences of different peptides generated by proteolysis of Sa-II revealed an 86% homology with tropomyosin from Drosophila melanogaster, suggesting that Sa-II could be the shrimp muscle protein tropomyosin. To establish that Sa-II is indeed tropomyosin, the latter was isolated from uncooked shrimp (Penaeus indicus) and its physicochemical and immunochemical properties were compared with those of Sa-II. Both tropomyosin and Sa-II had the same molecular mass and focused in the isoelectric pH range of 4.8 to 5.4. In the presence of 6 M urea, the mobility of both Sa-II and shrimp tropomyosin shifted to give an apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa, which is a characteristic property of tropomyosins. Shrimp tropomyosin bound to specific IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients as assessed by competitive ELISA inhibition and Western blot analysis. Tryptic maps of both Sa-II and tropomyosin as obtained by reverse phase HPLC were superimposable. Dot-blot and competitive ELISA inhibition using sera of shrimp-sensitive patients revealed that antigenic as well as allergenic activities were associated with two peptide fractions. These IgE-binding tryptic peptides were purified and sequenced. Mouse anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against Sa-II specific human idiotypic antibodies recognized not only tropomyosin but also the two allergenic peptides, thus suggesting that these peptides represent the major IgE binding epitopes of tropomyosin. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of shrimp tropomyosin in the region of IgE binding epitopes (residues 50-66 and 153-161) with the corresponding regions of tropomyosins from different vertebrates confirmed lack of allergenic cross-reactivity between tropomyosins from phylogenetically distinct species.


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Antibodies were raised against guanosine-BSA, GMP-BSA and tRNA-mBSA conjugates separately in rabbits. Binding characteristics of these antibodies to various RNAs were studied using a sensitive avidin-biotin micro ELISA. These antibodies inhibited in vitro aminoacylation of tRNA in a dose dependent manner. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of the respective homologous haptens thereby showing the specificity of these antibodies. In vitro translation of endogenous mRNAs in rabbit reticulocyte lysate was also inhibited by these antibodies in a dose dependent manner.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA plant virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. The movement protein (MP) encoded by SeMV ORF1 showed no significant sequence similarity with MPs of other genera, but showed 32% identity with the MP of Southern bean mosaic virus within the Sobemovirus genus. With a view to understanding the mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses, the SeMV MP gene was cloned, over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Interaction of the recombinant MP with the native virus (NV) was investigated by ELISA and pull-down assays. It was observed that SeMV MP interacted with NV in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. Analysis of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of the MP showed that SeMV MP interacts with the NV through the N- terminal 49 amino acid segment. Yeast two-hybrid assays confirmed the in vitro observations, and suggested that SeMV might belong to the class of viruses that require MP and NV/coat protein for cell-to-cell movement.


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Candida albicans is a commensal opportunistic pathogen, which can cause superficial infections as well as systemic infections in immuocompromised hosts. Among nosocomial fungal infections, infections by C. albicans are associated with highest mortality rates even though incidence of infections by other related species is on the rise world over. Since C. albicans and other Candida species differ in their susceptibility to antifungal drug treatment, it is crucial to accurately identify the species for effective drug treatment. Most diagnostic tests that differentiate between C. albicans and other Candida species are time consuming, as they necessarily involve laboratory culturing. Others, which employ highly sensitive PCR based technologies often, yield false positives which is equally dangerous since that leads to unnecessary antifungal treatment. This is the first report of phage display technology based identification of short peptide sequences that can distinguish C. albicans from other closely related species. The peptides also show high degree of specificity towards its different morphological forms. Using fluorescence microscopy, we show that the peptides bind on the surface of these cells and obtained clones that could even specifically bind to only specific regions of cells indicating restricted distribution of the epitopes. What was peculiar and interesting was that the epitopes were carbohydrate in nature. This gives insight into the complexity of the carbohydrate composition of fungal cell walls. In an ELISA format these peptides allow specific detection of relatively small numbers of C. albicans cells. Hence, if used in combination, such a test could help accurate diagnosis and allow physicians to initiate appropriate drug therapy on time.


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Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been used extensively for identification of sequence-specific epitopes using either the ELISA or/and IRMA methods, However, attempts to use MAbs for identification of conformation-specific epitopes have been very few as they are considered very labile. We have investigated the stability of conformation-specific epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) using a quantitative solid-phase radioimmnunoassay (SPRIA) technique. Several epitopes are stable to mild modification (chemical and proteolytic) conditions, and epitopes show differential stability for these modifications. Based on these observations, a monoclonal antibody (MAb 16) for an a-subunit-specific epitope of hCG has been used to monitor changes at the epitopic site (identified as epitope 16) on modification of hCG, using SPRIA with immobilized MAb 16. Modifications of amino groups, hydroxyl group of tyrosine as well as carboxyl group of Asp/Glu all bring about sufficient changes in the epitope integrity. Peptide bond hydrolysis at lysine residues damages the epitope, but not at arginine residues, Hydrolysis at tyrosine does not affect the epitope, though modification of the side-chain of tyrosine inactivates the epitope. Destruction of the epitope occurs on reduction of the disulphide bonds. Partial retention of the epitope activity is seen on modification of carboxyl or the epsilon-amino groups of lysine. Based on these results four to six amino acids have been identified to be at the epitopic site, and the data suggest that two peptide segments are brought together by the disulphide bond Cys10-Cys60 to form the epitope.


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Allergens from the pollen of Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew), responsible for high incidence of allergic rhinitis, were found by immunoprint analysis to be localized on the surface of the pollen grains. The allergens were released very rapidly when extracted in vitro. The allergenic activity of the rapid (10 s) and slowly (20 h) released pollen proteins was comparable by in vivo skin test and ELISA inhibition assay. The isoelectric focusing patterns of the rapid and slowly released proteins, were also identical. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis revealed that all the major pollen allergens with molecular weight 14, 28, 31, 37 and 45 kDa were eluted within 10 s of extraction. Periodate-Schiff staining showed that the 28, 31 and 45 kDa components of the pollen extract are glycoproteins. The pollen allergens released after different periods of extraction lost 75% of IgE binding activity when subjected to in situ sodium m-periodate oxidation under controlled conditions, while 80% of the allergenic activity was still retained after extensive proteolysis. Our results support the clinical observation of a rapid onset of symptoms of allergic rhinitis in patients sensitive to Parthenium pollen, mediated predominantly by glycoproteins.


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Aluminium is an element suspected to contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, but its mechanism of action is not clear. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) plays a significant role in feeding behaviour. Our spectroscopic, ELISA, and western blot studies indicate that aluminium interacts with neuropeptide Y and alters significantly the a-helical content. We found that aluminium reduced levels of NPY in the hypothalamus of aged rabbits. NPY polyclonal antibody interaction was found to depend upon the alpha-helical content of NPY. These results clearly show that aluminium alters NPY structure and this could explain the abnormality in feeding behaviour seen in patients with Alzheimer's disease.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against secreted hemagglutinin (H) protein of rinderpest virus (RPV) expressed by a recombinant baculovirus were generated to characterize the antigenic sites on H protein and regions of functional significance. Three of the mAbs displayed hemagglutination inhibition activity and these mAbs were unable to neutralize virus infectivity. Western immunoblot analysis of overlapping deletion mutants indicated that three mAbs recognize antigenic regions at the extreme carboxy terminus (between amino acids 569 and 609) and the fourth mAb between amino acids 512 and 568. Using synthetic peptides, aa 569-577 and 575-583 were identified as the epitopes for E2G4 and D2F4, respectively. The epitopic domains of A12A9 and E2B6 mAbs were mapped to regions encompassing aa 527-554 and 588-609. Two epitopes spanning the extreme carboxy terminal region of aa 573 to 587 and 588 to 609 were shown to be immunodominant employing a competitive ELISA with polyclonal sera form vaccinated cattle. The D2F4 mAb which recognizes a unique epitope on RPV-H is not present on the closely related peste des petits ruminant virus FIN protein and this mAb could serve as a tool in the seromonitoring program after rinderpest vaccination. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Previous studies have shown predominant association of G10P11 type bovine rotavirus-derived reassortant strains with asymptomatic infections in newborn children in India. To understand the epidemiological and genetic basis for the origin of these strains in humans, the relative frequencies of different serotypes among bovine rotaviruses (BRVs) isolated from southern, western and central regions of the country were determined by subgroup and serotype analysis as well as nucleotide (nt) sequence analysis of the genes encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7. Since the human G10P11 asymptomatic neonatal strain I321 possessed NSP1 from a human rotavirus, to determine its genetic origin in the bovine strains, comparative analysis of partial gene sequences from representative G10P11 strains was also carried out. The following observations were of great epidemiological significance, (i) G10P11 strains predominated in all the three regions with frequencies ranging between 55.6% and 85.2%. In contrast to the high prevalence of G6 strains in other countries, only one G6 strain was detected in this study and G8 strains represented 5.8% of the isolates, (ii) among the G10 strains, in serotyping ELISA, four patterns of reactivity were observed that appeared to correlate with the differences in electropherotypic patterns and amino acid (aa) sequence of the VP7, (iii) surprisingly, strains belonging to serotype G3 were detected more frequently (10.7%) than those of serotypes G6 and G8 combined, while strains representing the new serotype (G15) were observed in a single farm in Bangalore, and (iv) about 3.9% of the isolates were nontypeable as they exhibited high cross-reactivity to the serotyping MAbs used in the study. Comparative analysis of the VP7 gene sequence from the prototype G3 MAb-reactive bovine strain J63 revealed greatest sequence relatedness (87.6% nt and 96.0% aa) with that of serotype G3 rhesus-monkey strain RRV. It also exhibited high sequence homology with the VP7 from several animal and animal rotavirus-related human G3 strains (Simian SA11; equine ERV316 and FI-14. canine CU-1 and K9; porcine 4F; Feline Cat2 and human HCR3, YO and AU1). Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of the NSP1 gene of J63 showed greatest nt sequence homology (95.9%) to the NSP1 gene allele of the Indian G8 strain, isolated from a diarrheic child, which is likely to have been transmitted directly from cattle and 92.6% homology to that of the bovine G8 strain A5-10 suggesting the likely origin of J63 by gene reassortment between a bovine G8 strain and a G3 animal strain. Prevalence of G10P11 strains in cattle and G10P11 or P11 type reassortant strains in asymptomatic neonates as well as detection of G8P[1] strains in diarrheic children support our hypothesis for bidirectional transmission of rotaviruses between humans and cattle and origin of novel strains catalyzed by the age-old traditions and socio-economic conditions in India.


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Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV), causes mosaic disease of sugarcane and is thought to belong to a new undescribed genus in the family Potyviridae. The coat protein (CP) gene from the Andhra Pradesh (AP) isolate of SCSMV (SCSMV AP) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant coat protein was used to raise high quality antiserum. The CP antiserum was used to develop an immunocapture reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) based assay for the detection and discrimination of SCSMV isolates in South India. The sequence of the cloned PCR products encoding 3'untranslated region (UTR) and CP regions of the virus isolates from three different locations in South India viz. Tanuku (Coastal Andhra Pradesh), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Hospet (Karnataka) was compared with that of SCSMV AP The analysis showed that they share 89.4, 89.5 and 90% identity respectively at the nucleotide level. This suggests that the isolates causing mosaic disease of sugarcane in South India are indeed strains of SCSMV In addition, the sensitivity of the IC-RT-PCR was compared with direct antigen coating-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAC-ELISA) and dot-blot immunobinding assays and was found to be more sensitive and hence could be used to detect the presence of virus in sugarcane breeding, germplasm centres and in quarantine programs.