771 resultados para PLATELETS


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BACKGROUND Acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is caused by aggregation of platelets on ultralarge von Willebrand factor multimers. This microvascular thrombosis causes multiorgan ischemia with potentially life-threatening complications. Daily plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapies induce remission, but mortality and morbidity due to microthrombosis remain high. METHODS Caplacizumab, an anti-von Willebrand factor humanized single-variable-domain immunoglobulin (Nanobody), inhibits the interaction between ultralarge von Willebrand factor multimers and platelets. In this phase 2, controlled study, we randomly assigned patients with acquired TTP to subcutaneous caplacizumab (10 mg daily) or placebo during plasma exchange and for 30 days afterward. The primary end point was the time to a response, defined as confirmed normalization of the platelet count. Major secondary end points included exacerbations and relapses. RESULTS Seventy-five patients underwent randomization (36 were assigned to receive caplacizumab, and 39 to receive placebo). The time to a response was significantly reduced with caplacizumab as compared with placebo (39% reduction in median time, P=0.005). Three patients in the caplacizumab group had an exacerbation, as compared with 11 patients in the placebo group. Eight patients in the caplacizumab group had a relapse in the first month after stopping the study drug, of whom 7 had ADAMTS13 activity that remained below 10%, suggesting unresolved autoimmune activity. Bleeding-related adverse events, most of which were mild to moderate in severity, were more common with caplacizumab than with placebo (54% of patients vs. 38%). The frequencies of other adverse events were similar in the two groups. Two patients in the placebo group died, as compared with none in the caplacizumab group. CONCLUSIONS Caplacizumab induced a faster resolution of the acute TTP episode than did placebo. The platelet-protective effect of caplacizumab was maintained during the treatment period. Caplacizumab was associated with an increased tendency toward bleeding, as compared with placebo. (Funded by Ablynx; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01151423.).


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Upon activation, platelets release plasma-membrane derived microparticles (PMPs) exposing phosphatidylserine (PS) on their surface. The function and clearance mechanism of these MPs are incompletely understood. As they are pro-coagulant and potentially pro-inflammatory, rapid clearance from the circulation is essential for prevention of thrombotic diseases. The tyrosine kinase receptors Tyro3, Axl and Mer (TAMs) and their ligands protein S and Gas6 are involved in the uptake of PS-exposing apoptotic cells in macrophages and dendritic cells. Both TAMs and their ligands are expressed in the vasculature, the functional significance of which is poorly understood. In this study we investigated how vascular TAMs and their ligands may mediate endothelial uptake of PMPs. PMPs, generated from purified human platelets, were isolated by ultracentrifugation and labeled with biotin or PKH67. The uptake of labeled MPs in the presence of protein S and Gas6 in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was monitored by flow cytometry, western blotting and confocal/electron microscopy. We found that both endothelial cell types can phagocytose PMPs, and using TAM-blocking antibodies or siRNA knock-down of individual TAMs we show that the uptake is mediated by endothelial Axl and Gas6. As circulating PMPs-levels were not altered in Gas6-/- mice compared to Gas6+/+ mice, we hypothesize that the Gas6-mediated uptake is not a means to clear the bulk of circulating PMPs but may serve to phagocytose PMPs locally generated at sites of platelet activation and as a way to affect endothelial responses.


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Background. The objective of this retrospective cohort study is to examine the presentation and outcomes for a contemporary series of cancer patients with anorectal infection. In addition, we seek to identify factors which are associated with surgical intervention. ^ Methods. The study cohort was identified from ICD-9 codes for diagnosis of infection of the anal and rectal region and patients who underwent a surgical oncology consultation between 1/2000 and 12/2006. Clinical presentation, treatment rendered, and outcomes were retrospectively recorded. ^ Results. Of the 100 patients evaluated by the surgical oncology service for anorectal infection, 42 were treated non-operatively and 58 underwent surgical intervention. Factors associated with surgical intervention based on logistic multivariable analysis included the diagnosis of an abscess (odds ratio [OR] 10.5; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.9-38.5) and the documentation of erythema on physical examination (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-8.4). Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 50,000) was associated with non-operative management (OR 0.3; 95% CI 0.1-0.7). Incision and drainage was the most common surgical procedure (79%) while a wide debridement for a necrotizing soft tissue infection was required in 2 patients. Infection-specific 90-day mortality was only 1% (N=1). However, the median overall survival for the entire cohort was only 14.4 months (95% CI 7.9-19.5). ^ Conclusions. Non-operative management is a reasonable treatment option for anorectal infection in patients with cancer. Identification of an abscess, erythema on physical exam, and thrombocytopenia were associated with management strategy. Although rare, necrotizing soft tissue infections are associated with significant mortality. ^


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Objetivo: Determinar etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, morbimortalidad y recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados en pacientes internados con pancitopenia. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional de 14 meses. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes internados con pancitopenia definida por hemoglobina (Hb) <12 g/dL; plaquetas <150.000/ mL y leucocitos <3.800/mL. Los datos fueron analizados con Epi Info 6.04. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron 54 casos de pancitopenia. Prevalencia: 22/1.000 egresos. Edad media: 48,72 años (DS±20,64); 29,63% fueron > 65 años y 53,70% hombres. Permanencia media: 17,13 días (DS±13,22) vs 7,25 días (DS±5,4) del Servicio (p<0.0001). Charlson medio: 7,16 (DS±2,96) y APACHEII medio: 12 (DS±5,04). El 83,33% (45/54, IC95%70,71-92,08) de las pancitopenias fueron secundarias a compromiso medular, 22 casos (40,74%; IC95%27,57-54,97) postquimioterapia (15 en neoplasias oncohematológicas y 7 en sólidas), 11 (20,37%; IC95%10,63-33,53) por mieloptisis y 4 casos (7,41%; IC95%2,06-17,89) por megaloblastosis. El 16,66% (9/54; IC95%7,92- 29,29) fue secundaria a hiperesplenismo y el 16,66% asociadas a infecciones (3 casos por SIDA). Se realizó estudio de médula ósea en 19 casos (35,18%). El 96,29% (IC95%87,25-99,55) presentó comórbidas. El síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (85,19%), síndrome anémico (77,8%) y púrpura (50%) fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes. Presentó sepsis el 81,48% (IC95%68,57-90,75) y el 29,63% (IC95%17,98-46,31) hemorragias. El 81,48% tuvo infecciones; el 50% de origen nosocomial y el 65,91% clínicamente documentadas. El 34,09% (IC95%20,49-49,92) tuvo aislamiento microbiológico, con hemocultivos positivos en 29,55%. El 51,85% (IC95%37,84-65,66) desarrolló neutropenia febril (75% postquimioterapia). El 64,81% recibió hemoderivados y factores estimulantes de colonias (G-CSF) el 46,34% (IC95%32,62-60,39). La mortalidad fue mayor a la media global del Servicio (16,66 vs 8,65%)(p=0.07).- Conclusiones: Las pancitopenias en pacientes hospitalizados se caracterizaron por ser secundarias a compromiso medular, hiperesplenismo e infecciones, asociarse a permanencia prolongada, altos índices de comorbilidad, complicaciones infecciosas, y mayor mortalidad que la media global del Servicio.


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Basal melt of ice shelves may lead to an accumulation of disc-shaped ice platelets underneath nearby sea ice, to form a sub-ice platelet layer. Here we present the seasonal cycle of sea ice attached to the Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica, and the underlying platelet layer in 2012. Ice platelets emerged from the cavity and interacted with the fast-ice cover of Atka Bay as early as June. Episodic accumulations throughout winter and spring led to an average platelet-layer thickness of 4 m by December 2012, with local maxima of up to 10 m. The additional buoyancy partly prevented surface flooding and snow-ice formation, despite a thick snow cover. Subsequent thinning of the platelet layer from December onwards was associated with an inflow of warm surface water. The combination of model studies with observed fast-ice thickness revealed an average ice-volume fraction in the platelet layer of 0.25 +/- 0.1. We found that nearly half of the combined solid sea-ice and ice-platelet volume in this area is generated by heat transfer to the ocean rather than to the atmosphere. The total ice-platelet volume underlying Atka Bay fast ice was equivalent to more than one-fifth of the annual basal melt volume under the Ekström Ice Shelf.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 185, we studied progressive changes of microfabrics of unconsolidated pelagic and hemipelagic sediments in Holes 1149A and 1149B in the northwest Pacific at 5818 m water depth. We paid particular attention to the early consolidation and diagenetic processes without tectonic deformation before the Pacific plate subduction at the Izu-Bonin Trench. Shape, size, and arrangement of pores were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and were compared to anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data. The microfabric in Unit I is nondirectional fabric and is characterized by large peds of ~10-100 µm diameter, which are made up of clay platelets (mainly illite) and siliceous biogenic fragments. They are ovoid in shape and are mechanically packed by benthic animals. Porosity decreases from 0 to 60 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Unit I (from 60% to 50%) in association with macropore size decreases. The microfabric of coarser grain particles other than clay in Unit II is characterized by horizontal preferred orientation because of depositional processes in Subunit IIA and burial compaction in Subunit IIB. On the other hand, small peds, which are probably made of fragments of fecal pellets and are composed of smectite and illite (3-30 µm diameter), are characterized by random orientation of clay platelets. The clay platelets in the small peds in Subunit IIA are in low-angle edge-to-face (EF) or face-to-face (FF) contact. These peds are electrostatically connected by long-chained clay platelets, which are interconnected by high-angle EF contact. Breaking of these long chains by overburden pressure diminishes the macropores, and the clay platelets in the peds become FF in contact, resulting in decreases in the volume of the micropores between clay platelets. Thus, porosity in Subunits IIA and IIB decreases remarkably downward. The AMS indicates random fabric and horizontal preferred orientation fabric in Units I and II, respectively. This result corresponds to that of SEM microfabric observations.In Subunit IIB, pressure solutions around radiolarian tests and clinoptilolite veins with normal displacement sense are seen distinctively below ~170 mbsf, probably in correspondence to the transition zone from opal-A to opal-CT.


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The Filchner-Ronne ice shelf, which drains most of the marine-based portions of the West Antarctic ice sheet, is the largest ice shelf on Earth by volume. The origin and properties of the ice that constitutes this shelf are poorly understood, because a strong reflecting interface within the ice and the diffuse nature of the ice?ocean interface make seismic and radio echo sounding data difficult to interpret. Ice in the upper part of the shelf is of meteoric origin, but it has been proposed that a basal layer of saline ice accumulates from below. Here we present the results of an analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of an ice core drilled almost to the bottom of the Ronne ice shelf. We observe a change in ice properties at about 150 m depth, which we ascribe to a change from meteoric ice to basal marine ice. The basal ice is very different from sea ice formed at the ocean surface and we propose a formation mechanism in which ice platelets in the water column accrete to the bottom of the ice shelf.


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Polymer nanocomposites, specifically nanoclay-reinforced polymers, have attracted great interest as matrix materials for high temperature composite applications. Nanocomposites require relatively low dispersant loads to achieve significant property enhancements. These enhancements are mainly a consequence of the interfacial effects that result from dispersing the silicate nanolayers in the polymer matrix and the high in-plane strength, stiffness and aspect ratio of the lamellar nanoparticles. The montmorillonite (MMT) clay, modified with organic onium ions with long alkyl chains as Cloisites, has been widely used to obtain nanocomposites. The presence of reactive groups in organic onium ions can form chemical bonds with the polymer matrix which favours a very high exfoliation degree of the clay platelets in the nanocomposite (1,2)


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Durante la última década, se han llevado acabo numeroso estudios sobre la síntesis de materiales fotoluminiscentes sub-micrónicos, en gran medida, al amplio número de aplicaciones que demandan este tipo de materiales. En concreto dentro de los materiales fosforescentes o también denominados materiales con una prolongada persistencia de la luminiscencia, los estudios se han enfocado en la matriz de SrAl2O4 dopada con Europio (Eu2+) y Disprosio (Dy3+) dado que tiene mayor estabilidad y persistencia de la fosforescencia con respecto a otras matrices. Estos materiales se emplean mayoritariamente en pinturas luminiscentes, tintas, señalización de seguridad pública, cerámicas, relojes, textiles y juguetes fosforescentes. Dado al amplio campo de aplicación de los SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy, se han investigado múltiples rutas de síntesis como la ruta sol-gel, la síntesis hidrotermal, la síntesis por combustión, la síntesis láser y la síntesis en estado sólido con el fin de desarrollar un método eficiente y que sea fácilmente escalable. Sin embargo, en la actualidad el método que se emplea para el procesamiento a nivel industrial de los materiales basados en aluminato de estroncio es la síntesis por estado sólido, que requiere de temperaturas de entre 1300 a 1900oC y largos tiempos de procesamiento. Además el material obtenido tiene un tamaño de partícula de 20 a 100 μm; siendo este tamaño restrictivo para el empleo de este tipo de material en determinadas aplicaciones. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias que solventen las actuales limitaciones. Dentro de este marco se plantean una serie de objetivos específicos: Estudio de los parámetros que gobiernan los procesos de reducción del tamaño de partícula mediante molienda y su relación en la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Estudio de la síntesis por combustión de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy, evaluando el efecto de la temperatura y la cantidad de combustible (urea) en el proceso para la obtención de partículas cristalinas minimizando la presencia de fases secundarias. Desarrollo de nuevas rutas de síntesis de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy empleando el método de sales fundidas. Determinación de los mecanismos de reacción en presencia de la sal fundida en función de los parámetros de proceso que comprende la relación de sales y reactivos, la naturaleza de la alúmina y su tamaño, la temperatura y atmósfera de tratamiento. Mejora de la eficiencia de los procesos de síntesis para obtener productos con propiedades finales óptimas en procesos factibles industrialmente para su transferencia tecnológica. Es este trabajo han sido evaluados los efectos de diferentes procesos de molienda para la reducción del tamaño de partícula del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy comercial. En el proceso de molienda en medio húmedo por atrición se observa la alteración de la estructura cristalina del material debido a la reacción de hidrólisis generada incluso empleando como medio líquido etanol absoluto. Con el fin de solventar las desventajas de la molienda en medio húmedo se llevo a cabo un estudio de la molturación en seco del material. La molturación en seco de alta energía reduce significativamente el tamaño medio de partícula. Sin embargo, procesos de molienda superiores a una duración de 10 minutos ocasionan un aumento del estado de aglomeración de las partículas y disminuyen drásticamente la respuesta fotoluminiscente del material. Por tanto, se lleva a cabo un proceso de molienda en seco de baja energía. Mediante este método se consigue reducir el tamaño medio de partícula, d50=2.8 μm, y se mejora la homogeneidad de la distribución del tamaño de partícula evitando la amorfización del material. A partir de los resultados obtenidos mediante difracción de rayos X y microscopia electrónica de barrido se infiere que la disminución de la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia después de la molienda en seco de alta energía con respecto al material inicial se debe principalmente a la reducción del tamaño de cristalito. Se observan menores variaciones en la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia cuando se emplea un método de molienda de baja de energía ya que en estos procesos se preserva el dominio cristalino y se reduce la amorfización significativamente. Estos resultados corroboran que la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia y la persistencia de la luminiscencia de los materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ dependen extrínsecamente de la morfología de las partículas, del tamaño de partícula, el tamaño de grano, los defectos superficiales e intrínsecamente del tamaño de cristalito. Siendo las características intrínsecas las que dominan con respecto a las extrínsecas y por tanto tienen mayor relevancia en la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Mediante síntesis por combustión se obtuvieron láminas nanoestructuradas de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy de ≤1 μm de espesor. La cantidad de combustible, urea, en la reacción influye significativamente en la formación de determinadas fases cristalinas. Para la síntesis del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy es necesario incluir un contenido de urea mayor que el estequiométrico (siendo m=1 la relación estequiométrica). La incorporación de un exceso de urea (m>1) requiere de la presencia de un agente oxidante interno, HNO3, para que la reacción tenga lugar. El empleo de un mayor contenido de urea como combustible permite una quelación efectiva de los cationes en el sistema y la creación de las condiciones reductoras para obtener un material de mayor cristalinidad y con mejores propiedades fotoluminiscentes. El material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy sintetizado a una temperatura de ignición de 600oC tiene un tamaño medio 5-25 μm con un espesor de ≤1 μm. Mediante procesos de molturación en seco de baja energía es posible disminuir el tamaño medio de partícula ≈2 μm y homogenizar la distribución del tamaño de partícula pero hay un deterioro asociado de la respuesta luminiscente. Sin embargo, se puede mejorar la respuesta fotoluminiscente empleando un tratamiento térmico posterior a 900oC N2-H2 durante 1 hora que no supone un aumento del tamaño de partícula pero si permite aumentar el tamaño de cristalito y la reducción del Eu3+ a Eu2+. Con respecto a la respuesta fotoluminiscente, se obtiene valores de la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia entre un 35%-21% con respecto a la intensidad de un material comercial de referencia. Además la intensidad inicial del decaimiento de la fosforescencia es un 20% de la intensidad del material de referencia. Por tanto, teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, es necesario explorar otros métodos de síntesis para la obtención de los materiales bajo estudio. Por esta razón, en este trabajo se desarrollo una ruta de síntesis novedosa para sintetizar SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy mediante el método de sales fundidas para la obtención de materiales de gran cristalinidad con tamaños de cristalito del orden nanométrico. Se empleo como sal fundente la mezcla eutéctica de NaCl y KCl, denominada (NaCl-KCl)e. La principal ventaja de la incorporación de la mezcla es el incremento la reactividad del sistema, reduciendo la temperatura de formación del SrAl2O4 y la duración del tratamiento térmico en comparación con la síntesis en estado sólido. La formación del SrAl2O4 es favorecida ya que se aumenta la difusión de los cationes de Sr2+ en el medio líquido. Se emplearon diferentes tipos de Al2O3 para evaluar el papel del tamaño de partícula y su naturaleza en la reacción asistida por sales fundidas y por tanto en la morfología y propiedades del producto final. Se obtuvieron partículas de morfología pseudo-esférica de tamaño ≤0.5 μm al emplear como alúmina precursora partículas sub-micrónicas ( 0.5 μm Al2O3, 0.1 μm Al2 O3 y γ-Al2O3). El mecanismo de reacción que tiene lugar se asocia a procesos de disolución-precipitación que dominan al emplear partículas de alúmina pequeñas y reactivas. Mientras al emplear una alúmina de 6 μm Al2O3 prevalecen los procesos de crecimiento cristalino siguiendo un patrón o plantilla debido a la menor reactividad del sistema. La nucleación y crecimiento de nanocristales de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy se genera sobre la superficie de la alúmina que actúa como soporte. De esta forma se desarrolla una estructura del tipo coraza-núcleo («core-shell» en inglés) donde la superficie externa está formada por los cristales fosforescentes de SrAl2O4 y el núcleo está formado por alúmina. Las partículas obtenidas tienen una respuesta fotoluminiscente diferente en función de la morfología final obtenida. La optimización de la relación Al2O3/SrO del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy sintetizado a partir de la alúmina de 6 μm permite reducir las fases secundarias y la concentración de dopantes manteniendo la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Comparativamente con un material comercial de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy de referencia, se han alcanzado valores de la intensidad de la emisión de hasta el 90% y de la intensidad inicial de las curvas de decaimiento de la luminiscencia de un 60% para el material sintetizado por sales fundidas que tiene un tamaño medio ≤ 10μm. Por otra parte, es necesario tener en cuenta que el SrAl2O4 tiene dos polimorfos, la fase monoclínica que es estable a temperaturas inferiores a 650oC y la fase hexagonal, fase de alta temperatura, estable a temperaturas superiores de 650oC. Se ha determinado que fase monoclínica presenta propiedades luminiscentes, sin embargo existen discordancias a cerca de las propiedades luminiscentes de la fase hexagonal. Mediante la síntesis por sales fundidas es posible estabilizar la fase hexagonal empleando como alúmina precursora γ-Al2O3 y un exceso de Al2O3 (Al2O3/SrO:2). La estabilización de la fase hexagonal a temperatura ambiente se produce cuando el tamaño de los cristales de SrAl2O4 es ≤20 nm. Además se observó que la fase hexagonal presenta respuesta fotoluminiscente. El diseño de materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy nanoestructurados permite modular la morfología del material y por tanto la intensidad de la de la fotoluminiscencia y la persistencia de la luminiscencia. La disminución de los materiales precursores, la temperatura y el tiempo de tratamiento significa la reducción de los costes económicos del material. De ahí la viabilidad de los materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy obtenidos mediante los procesos de síntesis propuestos en esta memoria de tesis para su posterior escalado industrial. ABSTRACT The synthesis of sub-micron photoluminescent particles has been widely studied during the past decade because of the promising industrial applications of these materials. A large number of matrices has been developed, being SrAl2O4 host doped with europium (Eu2+) and dysprosium (Dy3+) the most extensively studied, because of its better stability and long-lasting luminescence. These functional inorganic materials have a wide field of application in persistent luminous paints, inks and ceramics. Large attention has been paid to the development of an efficient method of preparation of SrAl2O4 powders, including solgel method, hydrothermal synthesis, laser synthesis, combustion synthesis and solid state reaction. Many of these techniques are not compatible with large-scale production and with the principles of sustainability. Moreover, industrial processing of highly crystalline powders usually requires high synthesis temperatures, typically between 1300 a 1900oC, with long processing times, especially for solid state reaction. As a result, the average particle size is typically within the 20-100 μm range. This large particle size is limiting for current applications that demand sub-micron particles. Therefore, the objective of this work is to develop new approaches to overcome these limitations. Within this frame, it is necessary to undertake the following purposes: To study the parameters that govern the particle size reduction by milling and their relation with the photoluminescence properties. To obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy by combustion synthesis, assessing the effect of the temperature and the amount of fuel (urea) to synthesize highly crystalline particles minimizing the presence of secondary phases. To develop new synthesis methods to obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders. The molten salt synthesis has been proposed. As the method is a novel route, the reaction mechanism should be determine as a function of the salt mixture, the ratio of the salt, the kind of Al2O3 and their particle size and the temperature and the atmosphere of the thermal treatment. To improve the efficiency of the synthesis process to obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders with optimal final properties and easily scalable. On the basis of decreasing the particle size by using commercial product SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ as raw material, the effects of different milling methods have been evaluated. Wet milling can significantly alter the structure of the material through hydrolysis reaction even in ethanol media. For overcoming the drawbacks of wet milling, a dry milling-based processes are studied. High energy dry milling process allows a great reduction of the particle size, however milling times above 10 min produce agglomeration and accelerates the decrease of the photoluminescence feature. To solve these issues the low energy dry milling process proposed effectively reduces the particle size to d50=2.8 μm, and improves the homogeneity avoiding the amorphization in comparison with previous methods. The X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope characterization allow to infer that the large variations in PL (Photoluminescence) values by high energy milling process are a consequence mainly of the crystallite size reduction. The lesser variation in PL values by low energy milling proces is related to the coherent crystalline domain preservation and the unnoticeable amorphization. These results corroborate that the photoluminescence intensity and the persistent luminescence of the SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ powders depend extrinsically on the morphology of the particles such as particle size, grain size, surface damage and intrinsically on the crystallinity (crystallite size); being the intrinsically effects the ones that have a significant influence on the photoluminescent response. By combustion method, nanostructured SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ sheets with a thickness ≤1 μm have been obtained. The amount of fuel (urea) in the reaction has an important influence on the phase composition; urea contents larger than the stoichiometric one require the presence of an oxidant agent such as HNO3 to complete the reaction. A higher amount of urea (excess of urea: denoted m>1, being m=1 the stoichiometric composition) including an oxidizing agent produces SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ particles with persistent luminescence due to the effective chelation of the cations and the creation of suitable atmospheric conditions to reduce the Eu3+ to Eu2+. Therefore, optimizing the synthesis parameters in combustion synthesis by using a higher amount of urea and an internal oxidizing agent allows to complete the reaction. The amount of secondary phases can be significantly reduced and the photoluminescence response can be enhanced. This situation is attributed to a higher energy that improves the crystallinity of the powders. The powders obtained have a particle size c.a. 5-25 μm with a thickness ≤1 μm and require relatively low ignition temperatures (600oC). It is possible to reduce the particle size by a low energy dry milling but this process implies the decrease of the photoluminescent response. However, a post-thermal treatment in a reducing atmosphere allows the improvement of the properties due to the increment of crystallinity and the reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+. Compared with the powder resulted from solid state method (commercial reference: average particle size, 20 μm and heterogeneous particle size distribution) the emission intensity of the powder prepared by combustion method achieve the values between 35% to 21% of the reference powder intensity. Moreover, the initial intensity of the decay curve is 20% of the intensity of the reference powder. Taking in account these results, it is necessary to explore other methods to synthesize the powders For that reason, an original synthetic route has been developed in this study: the molten salt assisted process to obtain highly crystalline SrAl2O4 powders with nanometric sized crystallites. The molten salt was composed of a mixture of NaCl and KCl using a 0.5:0.5 molar ratio (eutectic mixture hereafter abbreviated as (NaCl-KCl)e). The main advantages of salt addition is the increase of the reaction rate, the significant reduction of the synthesis temperature and the duration of the thermal treatment in comparison with classic solid state method. The SrAl2O4 formation is promoted due to the high mobility of the Sr2+ cations in the liquid medium. Different kinds of Al2O3 have been employed to evaluate the role of the size and the nature of this precursor on the kinetics of reaction, on the morphology and the final properties of the product. The SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ powders have pseudo-spherical morphology and particle size ≤0.5 μm when a sub-micron Al2O3 ( 0.5 μm Al2O3, 0.1 μm Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3) has been used. This can be attributed to a higher reactivity in the system and the dominance of dissolution-precipitation mechanism. However, the use of larger alumina (6 μm Al2O3) modifies the reaction pathway leading to a different reaction evolution. More specifically, the growth of SrAl2O4 sub-micron particles on the surface of hexagonal platelets of 6μm Al2O3 is promoted. The particles retain the shape of the original Al2O3 and this formation process can be attributed to a «core-shell» mechanism. The particles obtained exhibit different photoluminescent response as a function of the final morphology of the powder. Therefore, through this study, it has been elucidated the reaction mechanisms of SrAl2O4 formation assisted by (NaCl-KCl)e that are governed by the diffusion of SrCO3 and the reactivity of the alumina particles. Optimizing the Al2O3/SrO ratio of the SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders synthesized with 6 μm Al2O3 as a precursor, the secondary phases and the concentration of dopant needed can be reduced keeping the photoluminescent response of the synthesized powder. Compared with the commercial reference powder, up to 90% of the emission intensity of the reference powder has been achieved for the powder prepared by molten salt method using 6μm Al2O3 as alumina precursor. Concerning the initial intensity of the decay curve, 60% of the initial intensity of the reference powder has been obtained. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account that SrAl2O4 has two polymorphs: monoclinic symmetry that is stable at temperatures below 650oC and hexagonal symmetry that is stable above this temperature. Monoclinic phase shows luminescent properties. However, there is no clear agreement on the emission of the hexagonal structure. By molten salt, it is possible to stabilize the hexagonal phase of SrAl2O4 employing an excess of Al2O3 (Al2O3/SrO: 2) and γ-Al2O3 as a precursor. The existence of nanometric crystalline domains with lower size (≤20 nm) allows the stabilization of the hexagonal phase. Moreover, it has been evidenced that the hexagonal polymorph exhibits photoluminescent response. To sum up, the design of nanostructured SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ materials allows to obtain different morphologies and as consequence different photoluminescent responses. The reduction of temperature, duration of the thermal treatment and the precursors materials needed imply the decrease of the economic cost of the material. Therefore, the viability, suitability and scalability of the synthesis strategy developed in this work to process SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ are demonstrated.


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Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase (4-phosphatase) is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of the 4-position phosphate from phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4)P2]. In human platelets the formation of this phosphatidylinositol, by the actions of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), correlates with irreversible platelet aggregation. We have shown previously that a phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase forms a complex with the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. In this study we investigated whether PI 3-kinase also forms a complex with the 4-phosphatase in human platelets. Immunoprecipitates of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase from human platelet cytosol contained 4-phosphatase enzyme activity and a 104-kDa polypeptide recognized by specific 4-phosphatase antibodies. Similarly, immunoprecipitates made using 4-phosphatase-specific antibodies contained PI 3-kinase enzyme activity and an 85-kDa polypeptide recognized by antibodies to the p85 adapter subunit of PI 3-kinase. After thrombin activation, the 4-phosphatase translocated to the actin cytoskeleton along with PI 3-kinase in an integrin- and aggregation-dependent manner. The majority of the PI 3-kinase/4-phosphatase complex (75%) remained in the cytosolic fraction. We propose that the complex formed between the two enzymes serves to localize the 4-phosphatase to sites of PtdIns(3,4)P2 production.


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Deficiency of blood coagulation factor V or tissue factor causes the death of mouse embryos by 10.5 days of gestation, suggesting that part of the blood coagulation system is necessary for development. This function is proposed to require either generation of the serine protease thrombin and cell signaling through protease-activated receptors or an activity of tissue factor that is distinct from blood clotting. We find that murine deficiency of prothrombin clotting factor 2 (Cf2) was associated with the death of approximately 50% of Cf2−/− embryos by embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5), and surviving embryos had characteristic defects in yolk sac vasculature. Most of the remaining Cf2−/− embryos died by E15.5, but those surviving to E18.5 appeared normal. The rare Cf2−/− neonates died of hemorrhage on the first postnatal day. These studies suggest that a part of the blood coagulation system is adapted to perform a developmental function. Other mouse models show that the absence of platelets or of fibrinogen does not cause fetal wastage. Therefore, the role of thrombin in development may be independent of its effects on blood coagulation and instead may involve signal transduction on cells other than platelets.


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Newly emerged hantaviruses replicate primarily in the pulmonary endothelium, cause acute platelet loss, and result in hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). We now report that specific integrins expressed on platelets and endothelial cells permit the cellular entry of HPS-associated hantaviruses. Infection with HPS-associated hantaviruses, NY-1 and Sin Nombre virus (SNV), is inhibited by antibodies to β3 integrins and by the β3-integrin ligand, vitronectin. In contrast, infection with the nonpathogenic (no associated human disease) Prospect Hill virus was inhibited by fibronectin and β1-specific antibodies but not by β3-specific antibodies or vitronectin. Transfection with recombinant αIIbβ3 or αvβ3 integrins rendered cells permissive to NY-1 and SNV but not Prospect Hill virus infection, indicating that αIIbβ3 and αvβ3 integrins mediate the entry of NY-1 and SNV hantaviruses. Furthermore, entry is divalent cation independent, not blocked by arginine-glycine-aspartic acid peptides and still mediated by, ligand-binding defective, αIIbβ3-integrin mutants. Hence, NY-1 and SNV entry is independent of β3 integrin binding to physiologic ligands. These findings implicate integrins as cellular receptors for hantaviruses and indicate that hantavirus pathogenicity correlates with integrin usage.


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Protease-activated receptors (PARs) represent a unique family of seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors, which are enzymatically cleaved to expose a truncated extracellular N terminus that acts as a tethered activating ligand. PAR-1 is cleaved and activated by the serine protease α-thrombin, is expressed in various tissues (e.g., platelets and vascular cells), and is involved in cellular responses associated with hemostasis, proliferation, and tissue injury. We have discovered a series of potent peptide-mimetic antagonists of PAR-1, exemplified by RWJ-56110. Spatial relationships between important functional groups of the PAR-1 agonist peptide epitope SFLLRN were employed to design and synthesize candidate ligands with appropriate groups attached to a rigid molecular scaffold. Prototype RWJ-53052 was identified and optimized via solid-phase parallel synthesis of chemical libraries. RWJ-56110 emerged as a potent, selective PAR-1 antagonist, devoid of PAR-1 agonist and thrombin inhibitory activity. It binds to PAR-1, interferes with PAR-1 calcium mobilization and cellular function (platelet aggregation; cell proliferation), and has no effect on PAR-2, PAR-3, or PAR-4. By flow cytometry, RWJ-56110 was confirmed as a direct inhibitor of PAR-1 activation and internalization, without affecting N-terminal cleavage. At high concentrations of α-thrombin, RWJ-56110 fully blocked activation responses in human vascular cells, albeit not in human platelets; whereas, at high concentrations of SFLLRN-NH2, RWJ-56110 blocked activation responses in both cell types. Thus, thrombin activates human platelets independently of PAR-1, i.e., through PAR-4, which we confirmed by PCR analysis. Selective PAR-1 antagonists, such as RWJ-56110, should serve as useful tools to study PARs and may have therapeutic potential for treating thrombosis and restenosis.