914 resultados para Organophosphorus compounds


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In this contribution, we present a systematic investigation on a series of spiroquaterphenyl compounds optimised for solid state lasing in the near ultraviolet (UV). Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) thresholds in the order of 1 μJ/cm2 are obtained in neat (undiluted) films and blends, with emission peaks at 390 1 nm for unsubstituted and meta-substituted quaterphenyls and 400 4 nm for para-ether substituted quaterphenyls. Mixing with a transparent matrix retains a low threshold, shifts the emission to lower wavelengths and allows a better access to modes having their intensity maximum deeper in the film. Chemical design and blending allow an independent tuning of optical and processing properties such as the glass transition.


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This study analyzes the linear relationship between climate variables and milk components in Iran by applying bootstrapping to include and assess the uncertainty. The climate parameters, Temperature Humidity Index (THI) and Equivalent Temperature Index (ETI) are computed from the NASA-Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (NASA-MERRA) reanalysis (2002–2010). Milk data for fat, protein (measured on fresh matter bases), and milk yield are taken from 936,227 milk records for the same period, using cows fed by natural pasture from April to September. Confidence intervals for the regression model are calculated using the bootstrap technique. This method is applied to the original times series, generating statistically equivalent surrogate samples. As a result, despite the short time data and the related uncertainties, an interesting behavior of the relationships between milk compound and the climate parameters is visible. During spring only, a weak dependency of milk yield and climate variations is obvious, while fat and protein concentrations show reasonable correlations. In summer, milk yield shows a similar level of relationship with ETI, but not with temperature and THI. We suggest this methodology for studies in the field of the impacts of climate change and agriculture, also environment and food with short-term data.


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Los organofosforados y carbamatos son ampliamente usados a nivel mundial como insecticidas en el hogar, jardinería y agricultura. La exposición tóxica a estos compuestos es un serio problema de salud pública, con más de 3 millones de intoxicaciones y 200.000 muertes reportadas por año; donde las intoxicaciones accidentales son más frecuentes en niños, agricultores y trabajadores de manufactura (floricultura, ganaderos, fumigadores).La idea de esta revisión es proveer información actualizada sobre la intoxicación por inhibidores de la colinesterasa a intensivistas y pediatras, con el fin de proporcionar una guía de manejo breve


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Todas las sustancias están hechas de elementos y compuestos, ó de una mezcla de los dos y su estudio forma parte de la química. Este texto nos permite conocer cómo ésta se desarrolla no sólo en los laboratorios y entre científicos, sino también en fábricas y plantas químicas, y con múltiples aplicaciones: en la fabricación de fibras sintéticas para los tejidos, de explosivos para los fuegos artificiales, de disolventes para las pinturas, de fertilizantes para los cultivos y de medicamentos para tratar enfermedades.


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Explica los conceptos de materia, átomo y molécula, así cómo las propiedades de cada uno de ellos, y los estados en que se puede encontrar la materia en la Tierra: sólido, líquido y gaseoso. También, se explican las diferencias entre los elementos: calcio, potasio, sodio, etc., los compuestos: oxígeno, bicarbonato sódico, y la mezcla de ambos: suspensión y solucion; y se muestra la tabla periódica de los elementos. Está adaptado a alumnos de once a catorce años, que cursan la etapa 3 (Key Stage 3 del curriculo nacional inglés.


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L'activació d'oxigen que té lloc en els éssers vius constitueix una font d'inspiració pel desenvolupament d'alternatives als oxidants tradicionals, considerats altament tòxics i nocius. En aquesta treball s'utilitzen compostos sintètics com a models del centre actiu de proteïnes dinuclears de coure i mononuclears de ferro de tipus no-hemo que participen en l'activació d'oxigen en els éssers vius. Els sistemes dinuclears de coure mostren un centre de tipus coure(III) bis(oxo) que és capaç de dur a terme l'ortho-hidroxilació de fenols de manera similar a la reacció que catalitza la proteïna tirosinasa. Per altra banda, els sistemes de ferro desenvolupats en aquest treball actuen com a models de les dioxigenases de Rieske i poden dur a terme l'hidroxilació estereoespecífica d'alcans i l'epoxidació i cis-dihidroxilació d'olefines utilitzant peròxid d'hidrogen com a agent oxidant. Tot plegat demostra que el desenvolupament de sistemes model constitueix una bona estratègia per l'estudi dels sistemes naturals.


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Des del descobriment del buckminster ful.lerè el 1985, s'ha despertat un interés enorme per entendre la reactivitat química així com les propietats d'aquests compostos. La funcionalització exoèdrica del ful.lerè més abundant, el C60, està força ben establerta. Tanmateix, la investigació en aquest camp encara continua oberta ja que s'han sintetitzat una gran varietat de derivats molt prometedors donades les seves futures aplicacions. La tesi comprèn quinze capítols que contenen set publicacions relacionades. Els primers dos estudis es basen en la reacció Diels-Alder sobre els anomenats metal.loful.lerens endoèdrics TNT X3N@C78, X= Sc, Y. Aquest projecte de investigació està motivat pel desconeixament existent sobre les possibles conseqüències de l'encapsulació del grup X3N. El tercer estudi descriu minuciosament els canvis detectats en la funcionalització exoèdrica un cop s'ha produït l'encapsulació dels diferents gasos nobles. En aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall l'ús de l'aproximació ONIOM per a estudiar reaccions de cicloaddició en compostos ful.lerènics. Els resultats d'aquest projecte són d'alt interès per a la realització dels estudis posteriors sobre la reacció de Diels-Alder i la 1,3-dipolar en ful.lerens i derivats. Finalment, l'última part d'aquesta tesi es basa en les propietats antioxidants de determinats ful.lerens. A l'últim treball inclòs en aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall el mecanismo de reacció per a la eliminació del ió superòxid en presència de ful.lerens.


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Visual exploration of scientific data in life science area is a growing research field due to the large amount of available data. The Kohonen’s Self Organizing Map (SOM) is a widely used tool for visualization of multidimensional data. In this paper we present a fast learning algorithm for SOMs that uses a simulated annealing method to adapt the learning parameters. The algorithm has been adopted in a data analysis framework for the generation of similarity maps. Such maps provide an effective tool for the visual exploration of large and multi-dimensional input spaces. The approach has been applied to data generated during the High Throughput Screening of molecular compounds; the generated maps allow a visual exploration of molecules with similar topological properties. The experimental analysis on real world data from the National Cancer Institute shows the speed up of the proposed SOM training process in comparison to a traditional approach. The resulting visual landscape groups molecules with similar chemical properties in densely connected regions.


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Structured data represented in the form of graphs arises in several fields of the science and the growing amount of available data makes distributed graph mining techniques particularly relevant. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. The problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiver-initiated, load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening dataset, where the approach attains close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations.


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This paper considers the various complex changes that occur to nitrogen (N) containing compounds in forages through the processes of ensiling, rumen degradation and microbial synthesis, post-ruminal digestion and absorption and synthesis into milk protein. Particular emphasis is placed on reviewing recent data on the efficiency of utilisation of N-containing compounds in silages by rumen microbes, since low efficiency here is believed to be a major cause of large N losses to the environment on some silage-based diets. Data are reviewed which show that although rumen degradation of N compounds in silage is rapid and extensive, up to 10% of the soluble N can escape the rumen by being associated with the liquid phase. There is now firm evidence that the composition of the amino acids (AAs) absorbed is heavily dependent on the process of ensiling and that witting or use of certain silage additives conserve the initial amino acid profile of the forage. This provides an opportunity to manipulate the amino acid supply to better match demand thus potentially enhancing utilisation. This review confirms that utilisation of the N fractions in grass and legume silages in particular, is poor and the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) is consistently higher on maize silage-based diets. It is concluded that the way in which grass and legume silages in particular are produced and used in the future needs a radical rethink. New research needs to be aimed at enhancing the utilisation of N in the rumen through a better understanding of N/carbohydrate relationships and the ability of forages to supply degraded carbohydrate. Also more emphasis is needed on understanding of the potentially different role of the different N fractions that exist in silages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum synthesizes polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen as its main carbon storage compounds. To examine the role of these compounds in bacteroid development and in symbiotic efficiency, single and double mutants of R. legumosarum bv. viciae were made which lack polyhydroxybutyrate synthase (phaC), glycogen synthase (glgA), or both. For comparison, a single phaC mutant also was isolated in a bean-nodulating strain of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. In one large glasshouse trial, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae phaC mutant were significantly reduced compared with wild-type-inoculated plants. However, in subsequent glasshouse and growth-room studies, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the mutant were similar to wildtype-inoculated plants. Bean plants were unaffected by the loss of polyhydroxybutyrate biosynthesis in bacteroids. Pea plants nodulated by a glycogen synthase mutants or the glgA/phaC double mutant, grew as well as the wild type in growth-room experiments. Light and electron micrographs revealed that pea nodules infected with the glgA mutant accumulated large amounts of starch in the II/III interzone. This suggests that glycogen may be the dominant carbon storage compound in pea bacteroids. Polyhydroxybutyrate was present in bacteria in the infection thread of pea plants but was broken down during bacteroid formation. In nodules infected with a phaC mutant of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, there was a drop in the amount of starch in the II/III interzone, where bacteroids form. Therefore, we propose a carbon burst hypothesis for bacteroid formation, where polyhydroxybutyrate accumulated by bacteria is degraded to fuel bacteroid differentiation.


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Effects of increased ammonia and/or arginine absorption across the portal-drained viscera (PDV) on net splanchnic (PDV and liver) metabolism of nitrogenous compounds and urinary N excretion were investigated in six cathetenzed Hereford x Angus steers (501 +/- 1 kg BW) fed a 75% alfalfa:25% (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet (0.523 MJ of ME/[kg BW0.15.d]) every 2 h without (27.0 g of N/kg of dietary DM) and with 20 g of urea/kg of dietary DM (35.7 g of N/kg of dietary DM) in a split-plot design. Net splanchnic flux measurements were obtained immediately before beginning and ending a 72-h mesenteric vein infusion of L-arginine (15 mmol/h). For 3 d before and during arginine infusion, daily urine voided was measured and analyzed for N composition. Feeding urea increased PDV absorption (P < 0.01) and hepatic removal (P < 0.01) of ammonia N, accounting for 80% of increased hepatic urea N output (P < 0.01). Numerical increases in net hepatic removal of AA N could account for the remaining portion of increased hepatic urea N output. Arginine infusion increased hepatic arginine removal (P < 0.01) and hepatic urea N output (P < 0.03) and switched hepatic ornithine flux from net uptake to net output (P < 0.01), but numerical changes in net hepatic removal of ammonia and AA N could not account fully for the increase in hepatic urea N output. Increases in urine N excretion equaled quantities of N fed as urea or infused as arginine. Estimated salivary urea N excretion was not changed by either treatment. Urea cycle regulation occurs via a complex interaction of mechanisms and requires N sources other than ammonia, but the effect of increased ammonia absorption on hepatic catabolism of individual AA in the present study was not significant.


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In this paper we report the antioxidant activity of different compounds which are present in coffee or are produced as a result of the metabolism of this beverage. In vitro methods such as the ABTS(center dot+) [ABTS = 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] decolorization assay and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) were used to assess the capacity of coffee compounds to scavenge free radicals. The importance of caffeine metabolites and colonic metabolites in the overall antioxidant activity associated with coffee consumption is shown. Colonic metabolites such as m-coumaric acid and dihydroferulic acid showed high antioxidant activity. The ability of these compounds to protect human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by copper and 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride was also explored. 1-Methyluric acid was particularly effective at inhibiting LDL oxidative modification. Different experiments showed that this caffeine metabolite is not incorporated into LDL particles. However, at physiologically relevant concentrations, it was able to delay for more than 13 h LDL oxidation by copper.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum synthesizes polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen as its main carbon storage compounds. To examine the role of these compounds in bacteroid development and in symbiotic efficiency, single and double mutants of R. legumosarum bv. viciae were made which lack polyhydroxybutyrate synthase (phaC), glycogen synthase (glgA), or both. For comparison, a single phaC mutant also was isolated in a bean-nodulating strain of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. In one large glasshouse trial, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae phaC mutant were significantly reduced compared with wild-type-inoculated plants. However, in subsequent glasshouse and growth-room studies, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the mutant were similar to wildtype-inoculated plants. Bean plants were unaffected by the loss of polyhydroxybutyrate biosynthesis in bacteroids. Pea plants nodulated by a glycogen synthase mutants or the glgA/phaC double mutant, grew as well as the wild type in growth-room experiments. Light and electron micrographs revealed that pea nodules infected with the glgA mutant accumulated large amounts of starch in the II/III interzone. This suggests that glycogen may be the dominant carbon storage compound in pea bacteroids. Polyhydroxybutyrate was present in bacteria in the infection thread of pea plants but was broken down during bacteroid formation. In nodules infected with a phaC mutant of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, there was a drop in the amount of starch in the II/III interzone, where bacteroids form. Therefore, we propose a carbon burst hypothesis for bacteroid formation, where polyhydroxybutyrate accumulated by bacteria is degraded to fuel bacteroid differentiation.