989 resultados para Oracle bones


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O desempenho produtivo e a possível interferência do flúor sobre a saúde dos animais foram investigados em bovinos Nelore suplementados, por 866 dias, com distintas fontes alternativas de fósforo com diferentes relações fósforo:fluor (P:F). Os tratamentos experimentais foram: Controle negativo (CONTNEG, sem qualquer suplementação com P), fosfato bicálcico (FB 120:1, FB 30:1 e FB 10:1), fosfato monobicálcico (FMBC 60:1), superfosfato triplo (SFT 30:1) e fosfato de rocha de Cajati (FR 10:1). Foram utilizados 49 novilhos, desmamados aos oito meses de idade, castrados e com 230 kg de peso médio, distribuídos em sete piquetes com água e mistura mineral formulada sem P. A dieta padrão foi feita com bagaço de cana (0,03% de P) como volumoso e um concentrado contendo 0,239 % de P oferecido na base de 1% do peso dos animais para permitir um ganho de peso aproximado de 0,50 kg/dia. Até o dia 134, não houve diferença estatística entre os diversos lotes, inclusive para o tratamento CONTNEG, que não recebeu fósforo suplementar na dieta e ganhou 71,6 kg de peso ou 0,633 kg/dia. Após 866 dias de confinamento (2,37 anos), os animais suplementados com o fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) ganharam menos peso que os suplementados com as fontes FMCB 60:1, FB 30:1 e SFT 30:1. Até um ano de suplementação fosfórica com fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) artificialmente fluoretado com NaF ou com o fosfato de rocha não se detectou danos à saúde ou ao ganho de peso dos animais. As análises de fósforo nos ossos mostraram diferença estatística apenas entre o tratamento CONTNEG e os que tinham fosfato bicálcico. As concentrações de flúor nos ossos se mostraram intimamente associadas à quantidade de flúor disponível nas fontes utilizadas. Conforme a proporção P:F na dieta foi diminuindo, características relacionadas à fluorose dentária ficaram mais evidentes, sendo que os animais que receberam fontes com relação 10:1, apresentaram, ao final do experimento, dentes incisivos permanentes mal formados, quebradiços e com manchas esbranquiçadas.


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Traumatic injuries treatment of the fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal region has been one of the most challenging treatments within maxillofacial surgery, particularly of extensive orbital defects, very common in this type of pathologic condition. A 48-year-old man involved in a car collision presented an extensive bilateral fracture of the orbit medial wall, nasal bones, the nasal septum, and the frontal anterior table. The clinical and tomographic findings concluded the diagnosis of a maxilla and fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal fracture. Among the variety of biomaterials, the titanium mesh was elected because of the extension and magnitude of the bone defect, obtaining this way esthetic and functional results with better prognosis.


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Fibrous dysplasia is a benign fibro-osseous disease that affects 1 or more bones. Deformities leading to aesthetic and functional disorders are observed in almost all cases. Plastic surgery is often recommended when the jaws are involved. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the mandible is an unusual manifestation of the disease that is usually benign, occurs in young individuals, and is managed by conservative curettage or debridement, such as surgical sculpting. The authors report a case of a 15-year-old patient with a large monostotic fibrous dysplasia located in the right mandible, which was treated by contouring bone. The lesion did not recur on follow-up for 4 years after the surgical procedure.


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Odontogenic myxomas (OMs) are nonencapsulated rare benign tumors that can occur in gnathic bones. They are locally invasive and have a high recurrence rate. Radiologically, OMs show a multilocular (in the majority of cases) or unilocular radiolucency, with either distinct or poorly defined margins. Histopathologically, OMs are characterized by spindle-, wedge-, or stellate-shaped cells loosely arranged in an abundant mucoid background. Myxomas are mainly asymptomatic. Radical surgery, excision, and enucleation followed by curettage of the surrounding bony tissue have all been advocated as treatment options. This study presents a successful case of conservative treatment of OMs with a 5-year follow-up.


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Osteosarcoma is a common primary malignant tumor in long bones; it generally occurs in young adults. It is considered infrequent in the head and neck regions, where it is usually associated with poor outcomes and rates of survival. From a histopathologic point of view, osteosarcomas are commonly classified as osteoblastic, chondroblastic, or fibroblastic, although several unusual microscopic subtypes have also been reported. The purpose of this article was to present a case report of a maxillary chondroblastic osteosarcoma involving the maxillary sinus and the maxilla of a young woman who was diagnosed during early postorthodontic treatment follow-up. Treatment, prosthetic rehabilitation, and follow-up details are provided. Most importantly, this patient shows the importance of complete and systematic oral examinations during any routine dental treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:845-8)


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Objectives: To survey the current radiographic prescriptions in dental implant assessment amongst dentists in Brazil.Methods: Sixty-nine dentists were interviewed during a dental implant meeting by two calibrated graduate students, using a 19-question questionnaire, considering imaging modality options both for pre-operative implant site assessment and for follow-up, particularly with respect to cost, patient radiation dose, and broad coverage of facial bones and teeth. Epi-Info 6.04 software was used to analyse the database file.Results: Approximately 63.8% of the dentists prescribed only panoramic radiography for dental implant assessment and 28.9% ordered panoramic radiography plus periapical radiography and/or conventional tomography and/or computed tomography (CT). Only 7.2% of the dentists ordered conventional tomography or CT as a single examination, although 10.1% ordered it in combination with other imaging modalities. The main reasons given for prescribing panoramic radiography were broad coverage and cost (86.4%).Conclusions: This study has shown that most of the dentists in this study prescribe panoramic radiographs in dental implant assessment based on broad coverage and cost. They are not following the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology recommendations regarding cross-sectional imaging.


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Background: Changes in mineral density in the mandibular and femoral bones (BMD) after estrogen deficiency caused by ovariectomy (OVX) and the influence of these changes on induced periodontal disease were evaluated in female rats.Methods: Forty-eight female Holtzman rats (90 days old) were randomly divided into five groups: 0: control (N = 9); 1: SHAM without induced periodontal disease (N = 11); 2: SHAM with induced disease (N = 10); 3: OVX without induced disease (N = 9); and 4: OVX with induced disease (N = 9). In groups 2 and 4, the first lower molars were tied with ligatures for 30 days 120 days after surgery. After 5 months the animals were sacrificed to measure global mineral density (BMD) and that of the sub-regions of the mandible and femur by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The extent of vertical bone loss was evaluated with digital radiography by measuring the distance from the bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction at the mesial of the first lower molar.Results: Results of the femur (Kruskal-Wallis test) showed a significant difference (P < 0.001) between the groups SHAM and OVX in bone density values for all regions. Comparison between the groups in relation to the BMD of the mandible, both in the sub-regions and global revealed no differences (P < 0.05). The vertical bone loss measured for the groups with induced disease was similar (P= 0.713).Conclusions: Differences between the groups were found in the bone mineral density BMD of the femur but not of the mandible. OVX had no influence on induced periodontal disease.


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Two new species of brachycephalid frogs are described from Pico Marumbi, municipality of Morretes, and Pico da Igreja, municipality of Guaratuba, Parana State, southern Brazil. The new species share the following attributes: body bufoniform; skin on top of the head, and central part of the back body smooth with no dermal co-ossification; outer metatarsal tubercle distinct; dermal roofing bones of skull unornamented; all paired cranial bones distinct and not fused; quadratojugals, and maxillary odontoids present. The new species from Pico Marumbi is characterized by male SVL = 11.6-12.5 and female SVL = 13.0-14.5 turn; and general color orange with dorsal reddish-brown irregular markings, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish spots and small dots. The new species from Pico da Igreja is characterized by male SVL = 12.6-13.9 and female SVL = 14.6-15.3 mm; and general color orange, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish coalescent spots and small dots. Comparisons with other brachycephalid species and osteological data are provided.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUÇÃO: Nestes últimos anos, descobriu-se a complexidade dos mecanismos que influenciam a atividade óssea, e grande parte das pesquisas direcionou-se para o estudo de fatores capazes de modular as funções ósseas. Essa expansão da pesquisa deve-se, em parte, ao reconhecimento da osteoporose como importante problema na velhice. A osteoporose constitui uma das osteopatias mais comuns, caracterizando-se pela redução da massa óssea, determinada, por sua vez, pelo desequilíbrio entre reabsorção e neoformação. OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão da literatura sobre os principais aspectos da remodelação e da reparação associados à deficiência estrogênica. Remodelação óssea: O osso apresenta processo contínuo de remodelação, entretanto anormalidades nesse processo ocorrem em algumas doenças, entre elas a osteoporose, sendo que a deficiência estrogênica parece ter o papel principal na sua gênese. Reparação óssea: Tal processo envolve uma cascata complexa de respostas biológicase, assim como a remodelação, é afetado por fatores locais e externos e regulado pela interação de diferentes mecanismos. Portanto, o aumento ou o decréscimo da capacidade de reparação óssea têm sido relacionados a alterações ocorridas na remodelação. Deficiência estrogênica e metabolismo ósseo: A maioria dos autores sugere uma redução na capacidade de remodelação e de reparação do tecido. DISCUSSÃO: Ainda não está determinado qual estágio da reparação é mais alterado, se a fase inicial de formação do calo ósseo, se a de mineralização ou se a fase tardia da reparação, a remodelação óssea. CONCLUSÃO: Como os mecanismos fisiológicos e a patogênese das alterações ósseas causadas pela deficiência estrogênica não estão completamente estabelecidos, novas pesquisas ainda são necessárias.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility to obtain guided bone regeneration with two types of physical barriers (calcium sulfate and PTFE nonporous barrier) in surgical defects created in rat parietal bones. In the right parietal bone the calcium sulfate barrier filled out the whole defect and in the left parietal bone the barrier of PTFE was positioned in the floor and externally to the surgical defect. After 7, 14, 30 and 45 days four animals were sacrificed in each period and the bone containing the defects were submitted to the microscopic analysis. The results of the study revealed that the PTFE barrier was more effective for bone regeneration in shallow transcortical defects compared to the calcium sulfate. However, additional experiments are necessary to determine if calcium sulfate would be successful in other bone defects types or the use of the material under another consistence could complement the results obtained in this work.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)